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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Phase 51 - 2830* (Future)
Warrior Walton
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Post #1: 20th May 2013 4:18:02 AM 
Willis @ 19/5/2013 22:54
The group relationship had been soured somewhat, but everybody said reluctant and feigned goodbyes in the harsh purple glow of the ominous tower. Tyrese shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the exit. He'd felt like a dead man walking for a long time now anyway. He pressed the door release and moved on into his new fate.

The room beyond was bright red. The black metal floor was lit red by the ambient lighting around the room but the red hue was disturbed slightly by the purple hue of the tower. The tower stood North of the room, beneath a large balcony. The room he was stood in was twice the width of a standard room with exits to the East and West. He walked across the black floor, hoping to catch a glimpse of more of the tower structure but the mass of stone was blocking his view to the North completely. Oh well.

As he walked over towards the Eastern exit, he paused momentarily. He was stood on the Eastern side of the room when he saw it. There was a metal door like all the other exits, but it had no door release. He placed his hands gently on it as the others started to walk into the room. He was tailed by Andrael, Boone, Brie, Helm, Marek, Maria, Rita, Lee, Urk and Walton. Just as planned. He stepped back as Boone walked over, placing a monkey paw on the door. It wouldn't budge.

"Interesting. A doooOr with no way inside." He stood and rubbed his chin as he pondered on it for a little longer.

At that moment there was a whirring noise. Tyrese turned to the Western side of the room and looked on as the floor beneath opened out. There was a red staircase leading down and a door at the bottom. The door slid open and bathed him in red light.

Then, like a flash, he was lifted from his feet. He was calling out as the light dragged him down towards the red staircase. The rest of his group gathered around and watched with Lee reaching out to take his hand but it was too late. Tyrese slid down the stairs and fell into the red light at the bottom. The door sealed shut and the floor slid closed, leaving nothing but solid black metal in it's wake.

It is now Phase 51. Phase 51 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (11):
Stonehard Lee


Post Edited by Warrior Walton @ 21st May 2013 2:56:15 AM
Warrior Walton
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Post #2: 20th May 2013 4:47:54 AM 
Willis @ 19/5/2013 23:45
The group were discussing what to do with the imminent situation below when there was a whirring noise. They braced themselves for the worst as the floor opened and the staircase descended down to the sealed door beneath. They stood waiting calmly for Tyrese to appear...

And they waited.

But he didn't.

Helm walked to the edge of the stairs nervously and looked down. The others followed suit.

"This is bad, friends." Said Lee shaking his head.

The stairs had returned, but Tyrese was gone.
Warrior Walton
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Post #3: 20th May 2013 9:17:20 AM 
Helm @ 20/5/2013 0:24
Well the other reason I haven't revealed before was because there is no way to prove my role, but I'm hoping a lie detector will back me up if they see fit.

I have the Prisoner Role, which is a neutral role with no abilities.

Essentially the same as Katy.


Yeah I know nothing to write home about but I figured if I kept it a secret people would think it was possibly the healer and reduce the chance of the healer being killed.

But since Andrael is not the healer I don't want to get anyones hopes up, and Kristoff already knew my role...

likely why I was one of the few shipped over to this end haha.
Warrior Walton
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Post #4: 20th May 2013 9:18:14 AM 
Boone @ 20/5/2013 1:34
i had mark ask airlea to scan 2223. that was the north option from 9880 in the past.
as you can sEE on my map. it is not yet found in the future. and is exactly where this sealed door should lead to.
mark just got back to me with airleas scan

there is a guardian in it!
one room south of us
Warrior Walton
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Post #5: 20th May 2013 9:33:28 AM 
Past Map:

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Warrior Walton
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Offline Marker
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Post #6: 20th May 2013 9:38:08 AM 
Future Map:

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Warrior Walton
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Offline Marker
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Post #7: 20th May 2013 8:28:59 PM 
Boone @ 20/5/2013 15:24
tyrese is alive. in the past
five roOoms south of marks group. that puts him in the unexplored SW corner

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