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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Role Thread
Empress Rita
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Post #76: 12th May 2013 10:20:20 PM 
##Ask Arimnestos: "Hello Ari, it's Rita. I didn't get the chance to get to know you very well, unfortunately, but judging upon the group's reaction to your death it seems you were a great man. =(

Balagor wants me to tell you that he's sorry you had to die and he will avenge you by cutting Willis' head off.

Helm says that you are very brave and your death will be avenged. And she will miss you greatly.

My question to you is: can you describe what took place in the Red Room with Balagor?"
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Post #77: 12th May 2013 10:23:17 PM 
Phase 43 Results:

You move over to Arimnestos' bloodied remains. It was grisly, but not the worst thing you had seen over the course of this madness. You kneel by him and place a hand on his chest. You reach out into the lands beyond the void and beckon the noble warrior one final time.

Your questions will be passed to Arimnestos and will be answered at his earliest convenience.
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Post #78: 13th May 2013 12:42:00 AM 
Phase 43 Results:

Suddenly you pause with a strange sensation, as the voice of Arimnestos fills your mind.

Yes I and Balagor had to duel each other and the better man won in the end but it was a great battle I died with honor.(It was a battle like the one that happended between Helios and Randolph in lab 2) Before we dueled however we exchanged information. I told him the other group thinks Tyrese is the evil twin because he knew what happened when Ezra and those guys separated from your former group (Angela, Stonehard Lee and Boone are all pretty certain it is him) and your former group wants to met up with you all. They are currently in the room where Katy died. That is the room to the west of room 1218* in the future that is room 5401*. They think you are south/west of them. Also told Balagor what I saw in room 5401*. Ajax's dead body was there as well as Katy's and also a skeleton, someone must have died in the past in that room. And finally I told Balagor that there were two chalk messages in the room that were very faded and said "41: E
No idea what that is about. That is about it. Hope you guys defeat Willis wish all the good guys the best of luck. Don't like it when good guys finish last. :) Tell Balagor he carries my hopes or some other emotional crap. :)
Empress Rita
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Post #79: 13th May 2013 7:12:37 AM 
##Ask Balagor: "Balagor. I'm sorry to see you go, friend. I was hoping we would go on many more adventures together.

Airlea, and the rest, want me to tell you they will miss you greatly.

However, there is an urgent matter I'm afraid. Angela has been shot. Someone used a silenced pistol on her, and we have no idea where this came from. We don't know where the rope is, so we're thinking someone could've looted the rope and the pistol off of you. It is of the utmost importance that we know: Did you win the pistol from the Red Room?"
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Post #80: 13th May 2013 7:19:10 AM 
Phase 44 Results:

You rush over to the frozen barbarian who was beginning to thaw out. You knelt and wasted no time in passing through to the other side to ensure your inquiry finds him.

Your questions will be passed to Balagor and will be answered at his earliest convenience.
Empress Rita
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Post #81: 13th May 2013 8:09:16 PM 
##Ask Angela: "Angelaaa =(

The shitstorm this has caused is immense. We're trying to narrow down the suspects, and right now we're thinking it could be Peter. If you have any theories that'd be great.

Just know that we will not rest until we kill the motherfucker who did this to you. And as soon as we find a means to revive someone again, I will push to revive you as soon as I can. You have my word on that. I hope this is not goodbye. You deserve to win with us.

As for questions... I can't say there are many. But.

Walton wants me to tell you that he loves you deeply. He wants to know... why you didn't love him?"
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Post #82: 13th May 2013 10:50:59 PM 
Phase 44 Results:

As you stood around listening to the chatter of twenty-some independent minds, you heard a familiar voice echoing inside of your head.

Rita, please copy this message to the board

Dear Rita,
I am already missing every single one of you so much.
The only thing I had on Me was the rope, no gun.
Also note that the gun was probably a one shot thing, so the scum was trying to make chaos when you all met, do not fall for it.
Also note that My role was good aligned and with it came the ability to send message to one person in the same room as Me once per phase.
But I only used three times, and that was to reveal it to the three most trusted people I knew, you guys know who you were

I also want to tell every single one of you, that by sticking together you are the biggest threat to Willis. By treating everyone equal you can only make progress. By sharing information, items and splitting exit actions, you are making the group stronger every day.
I fucking love you all, now go kick Willis's head off!

Strength and Honor

Your other question has been passed to Angela and will be answered at her earliest convenience.
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Post #83: 13th May 2013 11:38:27 PM 
Phase 44 Results:

On the heels of the last one, you notice another voice tugging at your mind. This one you were quite familiar with. You braced yourself and focused your senses, it was a long one.

My dear Empress,

It pains me deeply to not be there to aid you on your journey any further but know that deep within this prison I will always be rooting for your victory. Being in your group was an amazing journey and I'll never regret dying with my friends. I joined this mission knowing this would come some day and I don't find myself bitter at all for having been murdered. I wish for you to find the murderer and strike him with the sudden death they have brought upon me.

It pains me to think that Peter Mallick may have had anything to do with my death, I feel he was the nicest to me out of any of the Cult and I deeply regret not having the opportunity to talk to him this Phase. (not for lack of trying) If it is Peter, make it known that I forgive him but I wish upon him the pain he has caused me. This death was of cowardice and lack of regard for compassion. I have no explanation for it at all other than this hole within my chest. Whoever this person is, Rita, they are a coward. I have one thing to say to this person; You aren't smart. This was awful strategy. You are an awful person and I hope you find vengeance in the dark of the night for you deserve everything that comes to you.

And to you, my Empress, I'm very appreciative of your offer very much. I wish to live once again with every ounce of my soul. I feel I may be of use to you once again, very much so when your group enters the endgame. It's coming soon, I believe that to be true. It's dark down here and so very lonely. Anywhere is better than this. I believe this to be worse than hell.

To Walton, I appreciated your affection. I honestly did but I never found myself able to reciprocate it and I'm very sorry for that. You were very kind to me and I always saw you as a friend to me. I may not have loved you but I did care about you.

Here is where I'd like to offer explanations for my journey.

I joined the mission after living so many years underground with my mother and my sisters. I had never truly belonged anywhere but I always found myself drawn to the darkness. I admired it but I never wished to dwell in it as Parker and your Uncle did. I wanted to experience something, anything really so I came to the meeting room. This was a new experience to me, I'd gotten into the parties but that only goes so dark. The lifestyle was nice but destroying my life didn't seem that fun if it was slow. So I saw my opportunity in this mission and I've had, as awful as this sounds, so much fun. I've made genuine friends here and I regret nothing of my journey. I know I messed up by talking about my items and it got me killed but I'm not going to blame myself for any mistake I made. Yes, I made them but they happened.

Here we are and I am dead, but you are alive. Surely that's all that matters anymore.

With Love,
Empress Rita
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Post #84: 13th May 2013 11:48:28 PM 

Goddamnit. She didn't deserve to die like that. :(

That's the most heartfelt she's ever been. That just makes it even sadder.
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Post #85: 19th May 2013 4:25:29 AM 
Phase 50 Results:

You stare into the flickering water as it slowly forms an image of a room.

The room beyond appears to be a standard size. There is one solitary exit, moving out to the North. The walls and the floor were made of stone. There was nothing particularly of interest to see. However as the water rippled slightly, the image seemed to shift and change. It was still a standard size room but the floor was black metal and the walls were now metallic too. There was also a shuttle jutting out of a gate on the Eastern wall, the door to it painted with a ring of pink.

Once more the image shifted and changed into the stone room until finally it faded altogether.
Empress Rita
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Post #86: 3rd Jun 2013 1:39:54 PM 
##Ask General: "General, I am so sorry. =(

Your death was caused by nothing more than a few of the Aqua group's distrust of you. It is a travesty that some people want to decide life and death based on gut feelings now.

Just know, General, that I have taken your dying words to heart. I will stay focused. I will defeat Willis. And I will save the world.

General's orders.


As for my question. I'd like to know what your role was?"
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Post #87: 3rd Jun 2013 5:30:43 PM 
Phase 62 Results:

Hunched over the mortal remains of the General, you focus on what needs to be said.

Your questions will be passed to General Chuikov and will be answered at his earliest convenience.
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Post #88: 4th Jun 2013 4:12:21 AM 
Phase 62 Results:

A familiar stern voice began chatting away in your mind. The voice was unmistakably the General, and he had a bit to say.

My role was "The Gaoler", some kind of jailkeeper.

I could stop people from using their role, their items and even move through exit. So essentially if there was any scum that wanted to kill us I could shut them down completely and render him useless, unable to kill anyone.

So if Tyrese showed up he could not have harmed us. I could have kept you safe. But instead I am thrown under some rocks. Why did no one push me aside? I had told you I was very useful. I even asked scum hunter to scan me to prove innocence because I knew people would suspect me because of not claiming.

I never used my role. I could have used it on so many occasions to fuck with you guys if I was bad, but I never did because my goal here is to eliminate Willis. Something I will never get to do now.

I could have blocked Kristoff so he could not have scanned for traps. I could have stopped everyone with good role. But I did not, because I am good. I came here to keep my companions safe from harm. I was waiting for bad people to show up to use role on, so they could not harm anyone.

Whoever roped me knew I had good role. He knew that me dying would benefit him. I do not know who it was (probably Mark fuck him) but they knew they would gain much from my demise. There where people in that group that where more likely to be scum, like Helm or Andrael. I did not shoot Angela and I was not there when she was shot, so I could not have possibly done it. I am quite shocked to think someone deemed me untrustworthy, even after scum hunter cleared me.

You do not need to tell group this but be wary of person who roped me. They might say they did for good of group, but we both know that I was not best sacrifice at that points. Keep that in mind dear Rita.

If it was Mark who roped me: you should not trust him. It has been said he passed lie detector test but like many say, its possible to somehow fake. I do not know how but perhaps there is way. You should have Mark sacrifice himself next, if he is so bold to choose who should live and who should die.

If it was not Mark, whoever roped me should die next. No one gave them power of life and death. I also think its scummy to tie people up when rocks are falling beside them.

Anyone who allowed this roping should be ashamed. I do not know who was in on this madness but they should all bow their heads in shame. I considered many of them my friends and they so blindly throw my life away without thought.

Finally I get to see Katy, Lincoln, Arimnestos, Balagor and other fallen comrades. They where honorable people. They respected life.

I hope you win this game, I always like you. Boone. Lee. Urk. Pretty much anyone that didnt want to rope me, I hope wins.

To conspirators of roping: I hope you all find death in that maze. I will be here in afterlife to greet you with my prison, I will lock you up for your sins. You will not rest in peace.

I hope that is not too dark for you my dear Rita. I am not at my best right now. Only thing I wanted in this life has been robbed from me, by conspiring cowards.

So long Rita. Good luck, you will need it.
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