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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Confessional; Peter's Thoughts
Tribute Peter
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Post #46: 29th May 2013 9:16:37 PM 
Room we split in - 3893

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #47: 29th May 2013 10:24:11 PM 
5648 - 3893

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #48: 4th Jun 2013 7:47:54 PM 

Posted Image


Posted Image

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #49: 9th Jun 2013 8:24:04 PM 
Dennis: "Two pools may heal, but one demands a price in return."

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #50: 9th Jun 2013 9:35:42 PM 
Sophia: "Boats cannot weather every storm but this isn't necessarily a bad thing."

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #51: 9th Jun 2013 9:46:59 PM 
Dennis @ 9/6/2013 14:46
Heard a voice ya'll.

"Two pools may heal, but one demands a price in return."

Sophia the Just @ 9/6/2013 15:27
"Boats cannot weather every storm but this isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Tribute Peter @ 9/6/2013 16:36
"The stone faces remember everything that was and will gladly share their knowledge."

Tribute Peter @ 9/6/2013 16:36
Dennis @ 9/6/2013 14:46
Heard a voice ya'll.

"Two pools may heal, but one demands a price in return."

Sounds like the healing pools + maybe the pool we found the sword in?

Tribute Peter @ 9/6/2013 16:37
Sophia the Just @ 9/6/2013 15:27
"Boats cannot weather every storm but this isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Maybe this means we need to go to the storm room to open the river gates and flood the dried canal.

Tribute Peter @ 9/6/2013 16:37
Tribute Peter @ 9/6/2013 16:36
"The stone faces remember everything that was and will gladly share their knowledge."

...what stone faces?


I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #52: 10th Jun 2013 12:58:49 PM 
Pokemon Master @ 10/6/2013 2:31
"Neptune's trident now rests at the bottom of the lake."

Um...I didn't know we could get Neptune's trident! :O

Please tell me that we have the mermaid scale!!!! :\


I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #53: 13th Jun 2013 2:23:31 AM 
Willis @ 11/6/2013 21:04
Dennis stood beneath the strange faces and spoke out loud.


Upon speaking the numbers, the floor shook. The heads began to slowly light up one by one. Suddenly one extended outwards and shifted, staring down at the group as if it were suddenly alive. It spoke in Ancient Greek and more followed suit.

As the voice spoke, the flowing waterfall shifted slightly. The mist began to form into an image of a room. It was a standard sized room with exits to the North and South. The room was full of training equipment and straw. There were wooden training dummies, although one dummy was fully armed with a sword and shield. It was wearing a very sturdy looking Greek breastplate.

For a while the room was perfectly still, but something emerged from the South as the group looked on. Time was shifting at a fast rate on the display but it was easy to see what was happening. A large skeletal figure, clad all in black was moving up from the South. It was wielding two silver daggers with skulls on the handles. They had the initials "DV" engraved on them. The figure reached the Northern exit and then phased through it in a flash of purple sparks.

The same thing happened again before too long, with another figure similar to the first one. And again shortly after that, marking three that had moved the same way. Then something new happened. Another figure came into the room from the South. This one wasn't a skeleton though. They all recognised Tyrese, standing there clear as day. He walked over to the training dummy and walked away again, heading up for the Northern exit. The dummy was now bare of all its equipment.

Another skeleton followed the same path as the others shortly after. Soon after that, there was a flash in the middle of the room. Purple sparks danced away across the floor, revealing a set of five figures standing suddenly in the middle of the room. They were Airlea, Eleanor, General Chuikov, Kristoff and Mark. The figures sat around and talked noiselessly for a while before all of them departed through the Northern exit.

One more skeleton made a path from South to North and then the image faded. The heads returned to their still stone form and the water flowed as normal.

Willis @ 11/6/2013 21:17
Andrael took his turn standing at the foot of the stone watchers.


Once more the heads came to life, chanting in their mysterious Greek tongue and the waterfall shifted images to something different.

An image of a room appeared, twice the width of a standard room. An exit moved on on the East, and a Northern exit on the Eastern side. There was also a Southern exit on the Western side. The layout of the room was like that of a dank cave. It wasn't pitch black, and it seemed quite airy. An enormous stalactite overhead was teetering unsteadily. Beneath it, a geyser was bubbling away on the ground. It was sealed by rubble.

In a sudden flash, one of the skeletons appeared in the middle of the floor, screeching out silently and shaking. It stopped what it was doing and proceeded to drift towards the East, eventually phasing through the exit. Shortly after another one drifted in from the North, phasing out through the East exit. Two more followed from the North heading out South.

Then another entity appeared. It had the appearance of a woman, but it was shrouded in shadow and had a dark, coldness to it. It drifted across the floor, inhuman, trailing shadow behind it. It had come in through the East and it was moving up towards the Northern exit. Momentarily, it stopped and turned to the waterfall, flashing dark, cold empty eyes at the group of watchers. They felt a shiver run down their collective spines. But it quickly departed the room, leaving it empty once again.

Another skeleton drifted in from the East, moving North. After that one came in from the North and moved South, and a final one came in from the East again but moved South this time. The images slowly faded and the waterfall returned to normal.

Willis @ 11/6/2013 21:34
It was Sophia's time to shine. She stepped beneath the creepy things, and spoke.


The heads did their thing again, springing into life and speaking out in a language none of the collected group understood. Even the two from the era had trouble with it. It seemed very much like an automated process now. An image of a room began to form.

It was a dark room with a large decorated basin on the Northern side. The room was a standard size and had exits to the North, East and West. In front of the basin were a series of stone steps with a stone plaque on the wall beneath. It was hard to see what it read from the viewpoint they had.

As they looked on, a large group of people began to mill in through the Eastern exit. They walked over to the basin and spread themselves around the room. Sophia checked all of them in turn. They were instantly recognisable, friends who they'd watched die in this horrible place. Angela, Balagor, Boone, Brie, Emperor Fong, Ezra, Frederick, Kane, Marek, Mark, Origo, Pai Chan, Parker, Genevieve, Rita, Sr. Culo, Stonehard Lee, Thomas, Tyron, Walton, Wilt and a giant bunny that could only have been Urk.

It was shocking to see them all there in such clarity. Eventually, Tyron marched away from the group heading North and Parker followed suit, leaving the others behind. Eleanor limped in from the Eastern exit afterwards and the whole of the remaining group, her included, all moved out through the North. The room seemed strangely empty afterwards. A skeleton drifted in from the West, moving out through the East and another came from the East and drifted Northwards.

Then after a long pause, another huge group came in from the North. This was recognisable. Sophia got deja vu watching it. She was there, they all were. Airlea, Andrael, Boone, Brie, Brittany, Dennis, Eleanor, Frederick, the General, Helm, Hobert, Kristoff, Marek, Maria, Mark, Peter, Rita, Stonehard Lee, Tyrese, Walton, some variation of Urk and herself all came down from the Northern exit. After spending some time in the room, the figures all vanished in a tremendous purple flash leaving the room still and silent.

After that it was only skeletons. One from the East moving North and another from the West moving East. The image faded and Sophia just stared silently at the water. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

Willis @ 11/6/2013 22:15
Peter stepped out below the waterfall and spoke out loud.


Once more the floor shook and the heads came to life, painting an image of a room in front of their eyes so vividly. The room that appeared was a long stone corridor, sheltered by an overhanging roof. A green pool bubbled away in the middle of the floor. Steam was rising from the surface. The view shifted, moving along the floor from the South to the North. The floor was twice the length of a standard room. On the Eastern side, at the Northern point, the floor moved East out into open air.

It led out onto a stone bridge which crossed over a lake below. The air above the bridge was calm, full of a gentle mist as the water rushed beneath it. It felt like it was outside of the Labyrinth, although it clearly wasn't. On the East of the bridge was a door leading into a high stone wall, back "inside". The view shifted back down to the Southernmost side of the stone corridor where there was an exit West and an exit South.

A skeleton crossed the bridge, coming out of the door on the Eastern wall and floating across to the sheltered stone part. It drifted out of the Western exit. Another followed suit from the South, also drifting out West. The view shifted back to the bridge once more as Peter anticipated seeing more figures. Instead he saw something in the water. A boat was careening quickly along the lake, being swept along by the frantic current. The boat came down from the North and moved South of the bridge, drifting out of view.

It was very brief but he made out the figures in the boat. There were a lot of them. It was Angela, Boone, Brie, Eleanor, Emperor Fong, Ezra, Frederick, Kane, Marek, Mark, Origo, Parker, Rita, Sr. Culo, Stonehard Lee, Urk, Walton and Wilt. A few moments later, another empty boat drifted from the South to the North. There was the briefest of pauses as another occupied boat bounded down the lake to the South. This one had just three people in it; Balagor, Pai Chan and Queen Genevieve. Another empty boat followed suit, drifting from South to North. Peter suspected it was the same boat drifting back along the lake having taken its passengers.

It wouldn't be much longer until another boat came beneath the bridge. It was moving from South to North this time. This was more memorable. He looked on in awe as he saw himself with others sat in the vessel. Airlea, Ajax, Andrael, Arimnestos, Balagor, Brittany, Dennis, Helm, General Chuikov, Hobert, Katy, Kristoff, Maria, Pai Chan, Queen Genevieve, Rhea, Scott, Sophia and Tyrese. An empty boat drifted from the North to the South shortly after they went out of view.

For a long time nothing else happened. The view just hovered over the calm waters. But something began to brew after a long wait. The waters began to rumble a little and shake, stirring wildly beneath the stone. The once placid air turned dark and the green mists gave way to a rise of dark cloud that swirled over everything. The clouds rose high above and began to silently rumble with flashes of lightning. The waters were no longer still, suddenly splashing and careening around wildly as the storm battered them. Suddenly the clouds erupted and a tremendous downpour of rain added to the instability of the water. The sudden storm made Peter feel very cold.

The view drifted back towards the sheltered stone corridor part, were a group moved in from the South. They were Angela, Boone, Brie, Frederick, Marek, Mark, Rita, Stonehard Lee, Urk, Walton and Wilt. Wilt walked over to the pool and Angela pushed him in playfully. He crawled out again sopping wet. Angela then decided to enter it but something terrible happened to her. Her arms began to blister and bleed and she wound up crawling out, collapsing on the floor. She got up again as Lee went into the pool but he suffered no ill effects. Eleanor decided to do the same. It was hard to watch as her body contorted in the water, bleeding and blistering until she fell down onto the stone floor dead.

The group headed out West, leaving her body behind. It was a gruesome sight. They came back again moments later, though one person less. Wilt was no longer with them. Rita stood by as some strange symbols appeared at her feet. She vanished in a flash and in her place came Arimnestos, stumbling into the room and looking confused. After a long pause, Something stirred as Eleanor's body was suddenly healed and no longer cracked and blistered. She blinked as life flowed back into her, standing up and joining the group. After a very small pause there was a purple flash and the group vanished from sight, leaving nothing but silence in their stead.

Another big group came through shortly after, still. They entered from the West and didn't linger for much time before heading out South. This was another group Peter was in. Along with him were all the others. Airlea, Andrael, Boone, Brie, Brittany, Dennis, Helm, Eleanor, Frederick, General Chuikov, Hobert, Kristoff, Marek, Maria, Mark, Rita, Sophia, Stonehard Lee, Tyrese, Urk and Walton. Once that group headed out South, that was the last sign of people he saw.

Three skeletons came in later but that was it. One came in from the East across the rain battered bridge and headed South. The other followed the same exact path. Another came from the West and moved out South. Overhead, the storm raged on and the water twisted and span. Then there was nothing but stillness as the images faded.

Peter stepped back and took a deep breath. That was a lot to take in.


I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #54: 13th Jun 2013 3:12:14 AM 
Willis @ 12/6/2013 21:50
It was Hobert's turn now.


The heads began to speak out and the room shifted again. The waterfall danced into the shape of a room. It was a standard sized room with exits to the North and South. A red staircase was leading up to a sealed room above. There were candles flickering on the stairs which were also red. A couple of skulls sat at the bottom gave the room a foreboding feel.

One of the skeletons was the first figure to arrive in the view. It came in from the North and exited South. Another followed the exact same way. After a very long pause, a third skeleton moved from the South and headed North. Finally, a group of people appeared. That would be the right term, because they literally appeared in the middle of the room. There were twenty two of them. This was familiar as well.

They were: Airlea, Andrael, Boone, Brie, Brittany, Dennis, Eleanor, Frederick, General Chuikov, Helm, Kristoff, Marek
Maria, Mark, Peter, Rita, Sophia, Stonehard Lee, Tyrese, Urk, Walton and himself. The figures waited around a little before heading out through the Northern exit. No more people appeared after that. Just a skeleton, heading from the South to the North.


I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #55: 13th Jun 2013 6:43:29 AM 

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
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