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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 142
Post #31: 25th Apr 2013 6:14:28 AM 
Phase 29 Results:

You sniff the bones, forgetting that your old instincts are fading and that sniffing bones is actually quite unpleasant. Shaking that off, you reach over and lay your hand on the bones carefully.

You're in the mind of somebody. Who is it? A tuft of black hair waves in your eyes and you realise.


You're pinned to the floor and unable to get up. You feel the force of kicks and punches laying into you. Blood is flowing and there's a hard smack against your head that makes you dizzy. The assault and the smack have drained most of the life out of you but you see yourself raised up off the ground and you're flung forward, falling...falling....

And you fall. The bed of spikes below the floor sinks into you and the world blurs into darkness.

You come to and feel your back miserably and are glad that the people around you aren't that cruel.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 103
Post #32: 25th Apr 2013 6:08:33 PM 
##investigate bones
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 124
Post #33: 25th Apr 2013 6:15:23 PM 
Phase 29 Results:

So soon? Another set of bones? You dig a banana from your infinite supply and calmly walk to new pile of bones. You kneel down to thoughtfully inspect them before laying your empty paw upon them. Your eyes shot wide open and you were someone else. An intense need to ingest alcohol and drugs overwhelmed you. Well, that could be seemingly anyone dwon here, but...

Kane. The one everyone called Kane. In line with your realization, Kane was tackled and pinned to the ground underneath a flurry of punches and kicks. There was ripping sound as the strap of a pack was fit around Kane's neck and pulled tight as a noose until no life was left, and you were back in your own body.

Or...the body of Boone the monkey, at least. You wiped at your eye and kept up the ritual, placing the banana down on the pile of Kane's bones.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 103
Post #34: 12th May 2013 6:10:20 AM 
##investigate katy
##investigate ajax
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 124
Post #35: 12th May 2013 6:29:21 AM 
Phase 43 Results:

You amble over to Katy's blasted body. You lay a banana on her bloody chest and take one of her cold, dead hands into yours. You're whisked away to an unfamiliar room. Katy was entering it first. There was an audible click and a panel directly ahead on the wall begin to rise. Behind blazed a bright light that was focused on Katy, and her temperature began to rise. The bright light grew stronger, and her body began to burn under the intense focus.

There was a flash.

Suddenly you're seeing her final moments. Frightened, she stood locked in on all sides by yellow force fields in the room you stand in. Claustrophobic, but with nowhere to go, she resigned herself to her fate. There were... creatures swooping down from the ceiling. One catches her across the face, lacerating her cheek.

There was a roar and a larger version of the creatures pried itself free from the wall of the room, and it came barreling directly into her stomach. The creature knocked her back into the yellow force field which added insult to injury. The large creature opened its menacing jaws, and out came an intense blast of yellow light took her right in the chest, through to the other side. She toppled forward, and as she hit the ground, you found you were shaken out of the trance.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 124
Post #36: 12th May 2013 6:32:07 AM 
Phase 43 Results:

You allow yourself a moment to calm down and become grounded in reality. Though you didn't feel their pain, sometimes seeing it was just as bad. You made your way to Ajax and placed a banana on his cold corpse. It all begins with a disoriented Ajax looking around the room in a panic. For some reason it was extremely dark.

Something began speaking from the shadows as it emerged, something dark and foul. It had a very feminine shape, but seemed to leak darkness from its cold, ethereal features. Once Ajax had seen it, he began to back away as it approached.

It spoke to him in such a calm, longing manner. Its voice had so many layers it sounded as if a group of concerned people were talking at once. Sad, happy, hopeful, angry... As it got closer it began to radiate a blue hue. Ajax winced as he threw something to the creature.

It caught the thrown item and then descended upon him. Into him. He closed his eyes in terror. Tendrils of darkness wrapped Ajax tight, piercing his very being and drawing him closer. At the last moment, Ajax opened his eyes one last time to see the thing lean in for a kiss. Their lips touched, and everything went black.

You came to feeling a great sorrow as you stared down at Ajax.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 124
Post #37: 12th May 2013 6:37:32 AM 
(Edited Katy, left out a little bit originally.)
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 103
Post #38: 13th May 2013 6:56:06 AM 
##investigate angela
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 142
Post #39: 14th May 2013 1:34:40 AM 
Phase 44 Results:

You reflect on everything you saw with Angela before coming here. After you'd placed the banana on her, everything began to happen at once. The rush of memory filled your head.

You see a warm pool of water, green and bubbling with steam rising from the surface. You go in to bathe in the warmth and suddenly your arms begin to singe in awful burning agony as the skin breaks out in terrible wounds all up and down the surface.

You shudder as your mind goes to another place. Stood in an icy cold room, you are in a crowd of people when suddenly there's a silent blast. You look across but there's nothing you can see and it all happens so fast. You grasp your stomach as blood pours out and you fall to the ground slowly.

You shake your head, trying to forget these horrors that you'd seen and felt.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 103
Post #40: 10th Jun 2013 3:52:41 AM 
##check bones

i want to seee if i can. without freddy
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 142
Post #41: 11th Jun 2013 2:40:28 AM 
Phase 67 Results:

You reach out to the bones but nothing comes to mind. You shrug and leave them sitting there with a banana placed on top.
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