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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Phases; OOC: Basic Phase Notes
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Post #31: 15th May 2013 10:48:21 PM 
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Post #32: 17th May 2013 4:12:44 AM 
Airlea - bow and 5 arrows (shoot though exits, arrow continues until it hits something/someone or a wall, so if 3 exits west are in a row the arrow will continue that far and be in the last room), rope, walkie talkie

Brittany - key

Boone - walkie talkie

Dern - time travel crystal (teleport, possibly instant like the staff, but one time use I believe)

Hobert - explosives (says he passed it), tears of medusa (no clue what it does, I did hold them at one time and it's very unclear as to their use)

Lee? - notebook

Kristoff - knife (don't think it kills, may just injure?), portal

Maria - scroll, key

Peter - medkit, rifle (think this one is a 50/50 with 2 shots?)

Sophia - shotgun/ammo (unsure how much ammo, I don't know if that was ever shared,I would have to check the thread), portal

Walton - mermaid scale

Dennis - escape pack

There were also some scrolls which have been shared, and I feel like I might be missing a more recent item, but haven't been able to find it in my journal area. (drawback to saving too much stuff probably) If I think of it, or find it I will definitely let you know.
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Post #33: 17th May 2013 10:04:56 PM 
Walton @ 17/5/2013 17:03
Walton @ 17/5/2013 16:24
Code for Rita passing Sword to Walton+

Code for Walton passing Sword back to Rita+

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Post #34: 19th May 2013 8:00:24 PM 
Empress Rita @ 19/5/2013 14:47
Maria @ 19/5/2013 13:44
Before we travel, someone get the room list completed.

Here you go!

Room List+
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Post #35: 19th May 2013 11:30:39 PM 
Stonehard Lee @ 19/5/2013 18:20
I'm sure this has all been passed when you both spoke with Sophia/Airlea

Sophia's list for Marek:

General Chuikov
Peter - semi-confirmed good
Hobert - semi-confirmed good
Kristoff - semi-confirmed good
Tyrese - confirmed - bad

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Post #36: 21st May 2013 6:33:27 AM 
Willis @ 20/5/2013 23:20
Helm approached the Eastern exit and took a deep breath before continuing. She pressed the door release, still wary of the sorcery it contained and stepped out into the great beyond.

The room she came into was twice the length of a standard room. She was stood at the Southern side, but at the Northern side was another exit East. The room was once more set upon a balcony that looked down over the floor below the tower. She was now stood on the Eastern side of it though. From this angle it was clear to see an exit to the East of the tower room and another to the North, albeit that one sealed with a lock.

And then she came face to face with a monster. It was stood in the corner of the room, clutching an enormous sword. The beast was chained to the balcony and it paced back and forth snarling and screaming. It was shaped like a man, but the face was hidden behind a monstrous cloak. The figure was big and imposing. It clutched a gigantic sword in its hand and didn't seem afraid to lash out with it.

When it saw Helm, the beast screamed out and dived forth, chains rattling behind. The chains kept it in place and it was unable to strike her. It hissed and screamed before charging back up to the balcony edge once more. She glanced over at the Eastern exit. It would be feasible to go past the beast and reach it. That shouldn't prove a problem. The chains wouldn't quite allow it to attack.

But there was something else of interest.

"Is that a chest?" Said Maria.

At the foot of the monstrosity lay a sealed wooden chest. The beast occasionally walked in front of it, snarling and lashing out.

"It is not worth it friends. That thing will surely attack." Said Lee forlornly.

"Maybe." Said Walton, not completely convinced.

"Unless somebody was really quick and stealthy. It doesn't seem to have much of an attention span."

As they looked on, the beast had already lost interest in the newcomers and was staring out at the floor beneath the balcony, snarling out as a couple of dark shade creatures went about their business below.

It is now Phase 52. Phase 52 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

You can attempt to take the chest. To do so, you must create a thread in your journal entitled Chest Approach. Post ##Approach: Chest in this thread to take a step towards it. Only posts made on the minute every 10 minutes will count. For example, a post made at 4:11 will not count as a step, but one made at 4:10 will.

Whoever has taken the most valid steps at the end of the phase will claim the chest. Whoever has taken the least, will be killed. Only those who participate and make the thread will be at risk and at least two people must do so for the chest to be claimed.

Players (10):
Stonehard Lee


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Post #37: 21st May 2013 6:34:07 AM 
Boone @ 20/5/2013 0:22
Willis @ 19/5/2013 22:54
The group relationship had been soured somewhat, but everybody said reluctant and feigned goodbyes in the harsh purple glow of the ominous tower. Tyrese shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the exit. He'd felt like a dead man walking for a long time now anyway. He pressed the door release and moved on into his new fate.

The room beyond was bright red. The black metal floor was lit red by the ambient lighting around the room but the red hue was disturbed slightly by the purple hue of the tower. The tower stood North of the room, beneath a large balcony. The room he was stood in was twice the width of a standard room with exits to the East and West. He walked across the black floor, hoping to catch a glimpse of more of the tower structure but the mass of stone was blocking his view to the North completely. Oh well.

As he walked over towards the Eastern exit, he paused momentarily. He was stood on the Eastern side of the room when he saw it. There was a metal door like all the other exits, but it had no door release. He placed his hands gently on it as the others started to walk into the room. He was tailed by Andrael, Boone, Brie, Helm, Marek, Maria, Rita, Lee, Urk and Walton. Just as planned. He stepped back as Boone walked over, placing a monkey paw on the door. It wouldn't budge.

"Interesting. A doooOr with no way inside." He stood and rubbed his chin as he pondered on it for a little longer.

At that moment there was a whirring noise. Tyrese turned to the Western side of the room and looked on as the floor beneath opened out. There was a red staircase leading down and a door at the bottom. The door slid open and bathed him in red light.

Then, like a flash, he was lifted from his feet. He was calling out as the light dragged him down towards the red staircase. The rest of his group gathered around and watched with Lee reaching out to take his hand but it was too late. Tyrese slid down the stairs and fell into the red light at the bottom. The door sealed shut and the floor slid closed, leaving nothing but solid black metal in it's wake.

It is now Phase 51. Phase 51 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (11):
Stonehard Lee


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Post #38: 24th May 2013 2:48:09 AM 
9238 F is a red room

3571 F is a Guardian room

3620 P is size of 3 rooms, standard with another standard west and another south. 4 exits, one each direction. N exit is on western half, and East is in northern half. Large chunk of rock fell from ceiling.

3620 F I think I already told you about this one. It has the metal platform above it.

4892 P standard size, exits N/S
Red with red staircase
West of exits runs stone canal, no water, iron bars where it goes into walls

4892F same size, but no red or stairs

Edit to 2946 there is a stone canal west of the exits, same as above.

4346P twice N/S, exits N and S and another exit west in Northern half
Dark, dank room, misaligned spot on floor
Mace hanging from ceiling

5024P twice length, exits N/S exit N is locked
Dimly lit, with stone platform at north and south
Between are stone tiles, evenly shaped and marked with symbols or letters

Twice length, but now also on south side also moves west for twice the width of a standard room
Still exit south, also north still locked, exit east on north side, exit very west of new portion, and south on the additional portion as well
(this one is confusing, tried to interpret it correctly, but I may have messed some of the bridge stuff up )
Black and cavelike, metal platforms by N,S, and W exits. Metal bridges high above ground between platforms, one n to s, one in gap e to w, and smaller one s to w.
Control panel by w, s, and n exits. Beneath pit is blackness other than narrow metal pipe below the platforms. Too flimsy for people to cross. Comes in at west to just west of south exit, then goes north until lining up with east exit, and passes beneath that exit.
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Post #39: 27th May 2013 5:40:58 AM 
Airlea @ 27/5/2013 0:28
That isn't good news. :( I have news, idk whether good or bad, but it's more info anyway.

We reached the stairs, and are now at a footbridge with a vortex below it.

I also scanned and found the Guardian room for the NW corner, so that number is in a different location which means we know about 3 numbers and 2 number locations so far.

Here is the info from the scan:
Future room:
standard size
one exit to the south
solid ice statue in the middle of the floor
strange mechanism beneath it
man in suit of armour with a sword, leaning backwards

Past room:
standard size
no conventional exits
room is a small island to east and south is green water
middle of room is purple vortex that shows the white of the room
water is rough, storm overhead with lightning and wind

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Post #40: 5th Jun 2013 12:44:03 AM 
Airlea @ 4/6/2013 11:23
Phase 40
Future - #9238
- twice width of standard room
- walls are red
- red staircase descending into the floor
- 3 exits east side north, east side south, west side south

Phase 41
Future - #3571
- Guardian room
- no exits

Phase 42
(viewed a group)

Phase 43
(viewed a group)

Phase 44
Past - #3620
- room we were just in

Future - #3620
- metal floor
- metal grate leading down beneath floor
- standard size, exit south and west
- platform high up, also standard size
- leads off from North wall
- no obvious way to get up there
- on platform, metal door leads east

Phase 45
Past - #4346
- twice size north to south
- exits north and south as well as west set on the northern half of the west wall
- dark, dank room
- misaligned portion of the floor
- spiked mace on ceiling

Phase 46
Past - #9036
- twice width of normal room, two exits facing south
- edge of room carved out into a stone walkeway
- middle room dips down into ground
- around hole is stone barrier, designed for viewing
- rocky seats gathered around
- at base is long drawn our area covered in sand/grit
- middle is tall stone spire
- circuit drawn out in the sand using rocks to mark path
- set in walls, iron gates holding back what looks like chariots
- more lines in sand drawn at the edge of gates
- stone canal set in northern side of room extends from west to east
- iron gates built into either side of canal
- canal damp but still dried out

Future - #9036
- now 3 times width of normal room (rooms width further to the east)
- far east side is a door
- exits southern side far west
- stone circuit still visible but floor is still metal
- where there was a dip is now putrid yellowing water
- stone spire in middle stands as islet
- metal bridge extends from side onto it
- near where bridge meets walkway is dried blood
- far north stone canal is still visible
- it is extended to allow for room extension

Phase 47
Past - #6419
- standard room, room itself is a platform
- one exit south
- stone walls ascend high above ground
- iron fence on northern side of platform
- in front of it were two winches with heavy chains, they extend beyond the iron fence
- beyond fence, chains extend to sides of a heavy metal gate
- gate embedded in stone canal
- on east canal is dried out
- it extends to eastern wall and passes through an iron gate
- on west side, green water flows fast and thick until it hits the gate

Future - #6419
- same room, exits east and west instead
- shuttle visible on southern side of room, red ring
- canal still visible on northern side
- mechanism and chains no longer there
- water now putrid yellow color
- floor in middle of room what a white line painted across it, on either side was towering pole with large black box
- floor between them had splatters of dried blood

(break time, back in a bit to continue)

Airlea @ 4/6/2013 12:41
Phase 48
Future - #4581
- standard size room, no sign of it in past
- two exits, east and west
- northern side is huge metal door, white ring around it
- room has reddish glow
- overhead low hanging metal container with hatch on bottom
- container is black, skull on side
- two devices set in either wall, thin red line of light between them
- metal grate set in middle of room running from east to west exits, beneath it is a thick pipe going across the room

Phase 49
Past - #4892
- standard size room, exits north and south
- red place, red staircase, candles, glow is very bright
- just west of north exit is stone canal
- canal moves from north to south
- iron bars where it passes into walls

Future - #4892
- lost red glow
- same shape and layout, no stairs
- metal desk in middle of the room
- computer terminal set on desk, wired to a series of sockets on walls. Screen is asking user to input a message to send
- to west of room, canal is in same place

Phase 50
(Basin scan)
- twice length of standard room
- exit on far north side and southern side to west
- room is large and cavernous
- floor is marble, that glows in light from room
- cavelike, with stalactites on ceiling
- middle of floor is raised platform with set of steps in each direction
- four pillars just above in each corner holding a flaming torch
- marble is divided in equal squares
- eastern wall is ornate throne
- figure shaped like human, covered in thick red robes, no face, wearing a crown in shape of two horns, holding a scepter in right hand

Phase 35 (edit per Willis)
- room has a stone canal running from north to south just west of the exits, it passes through iron bars on the north and south wall

Phase 50
Past #5024
- twice length of standard room
- exits north and south, north is locked
- dimly lit, stone platform on north and south
- between platforms are tiles, evenly shaped and have some letter or symbol on each

Future #5024
- twice length of standard room, on southern side it moves west for twice the width
- many exits - south still present, as well as exit north (still locked), exit east on north side, west at end of additional portion, and south on additional portion
- room is black and cavernous
- there are metal platforms by western, southern and northern exits
- in between are metal bridge platforms, raised high above the ground, twisted to prevent access across
- one in gap between north and south, one in gap between east and west, and small one south of platform on western side
- by west exit is a control panel, also one by the south and north exits
- below is nothing but black, deep pit
- short distance beneath them is a metal pipe, held in place below the metal platforms near the exits, but too flimsy to allow to cross
- pipe comes through western exit, moves east until it slightly west of south exit then north until it lines up with the exit east and finally going below that exit

Phase 51
Future - #2223
- standard size room, exits north and south
- bright white light
- walls and floors are white
- statue of solid ice, man leaning backwards, hands clutched to chest
- wears white robe, pained look on favce
- metal platform beneath statue with some type of screen

Past - #2223
- same shape, exits north and south too
- brightness is gone
- middle of floor is sturdy wooden chest, it's open and empty
- sand is everywhere

Phase 52
Future - #5152
- standard room with exits east and west
- exit east is locked
- room has a series of wires connecting to a table in the middle of the room
- set of controls on the table at the bottom end of it
- room is dim, dingy
- in middle of table is huge screen, occasionally a spark travels a wire
- screen displaying message "Start Game"

Past - #5152
- exits and size are same, no technology
- east still locked
- green hue to room, steaming hot spring in middle of room that occasionally bubbles to surface
- sign on pool reads "Heal your wounds, that you may linger a while longer"

Phase 53
(scanned group)

Phase 54
Future - #5648
- bridge room where our group got split
- scanned just a phase or so prior to us reaching it :\

Phase 55
(scanned group)

Airlea @ 4/6/2013 13:52
(this takes FOREVER! :P )

Phase 56
Future - #6214
- standard room, single southern exit
- sheer white light glinting off of something in the middle of the room
- large statue made of ice
- strange mechanism sits beneath it
- enormous man clad in armour, holding giant sword, hunched over backwards

Past - #6214
- standard size, no conventional exits
- room is a small muddy island, against northern and western walls
- to east and south is nothing but green water.
- in middle of platform is swirling purple vortex
- portal has a vision of white room in it
- water is not calm, waves lap against shores furiously
- skies are dark and grey, thunder and lightning, foul wind and storm

Phase 57
Future - #6324
- standard size room, exits east and west
- bright red in appearance
- staircase, candles, creepy (typical)
(no parallel)

Phase 58
(scanned other group)

Phase 59
(scanned other group)

Phase 60
Past - #7144
- standard size exits north and west
- ceiling is very high, slopes toa a tall structure
- purple sparks are jolting up and down the walls
- bottom is a series of tiles, each have letter of alphabet, one blank
- large stone panel stands upright in front of the letters
- top of tower, purple spiral dances and flickers

Phase 61
Past - #7303
- standard room with exits north, east and west
- room is dank, overgrown, has cobwebs
- statue of a man stands in middle of floor, arms outstretched and touching the ceiling
- very large
- pained expression on face
- floor beneath him seems loose

Phase 62
(scanned the other group)

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