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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Important Stuff; I hate keeping records but YOLO (or sometimes YOLT)
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #31: 2nd Apr 2013 6:23:07 AM 
Willis @ 1/4/2013 19:21
Tyron marched past the group triumphantly.

"North North North North!" He declared and marched ahead.

"STAY HERE!" Yelled Ezra. Tyron didn't seem to notice. As he reached the door he jerked his head back.

"You think I'm listening to all this shit! I have no idea what's going on!" He said excitedly. He stopped and shouldered the door.

"Wait up!" Came another voice. Tyron stopped and turned. Parker was rushing over.

"What are you doing?" Said Wilt suspiciously. Parker shrugged.

"I'm going off with our buddy Tyron here. Somebody needs to keep tabs on him right?"

Wilt spat on the ground.

"Purple haired fool. You're no better than he is!"

Parker snarled.

"Now look here pretty boy. Some of you might just be content with sitting around but I'm getting tired. I need to stretch my legs. Maybe I'll bump into you again some time. Or maybe not." He winked. Wilt snarled and shook his fist.

"Catch you later Ezra. Don't do anything dumb while I'm gone!" Said Parker. And with that he dashed behind Tyron and gave him a shove.

"Let's keep this train moving!" He said grinning. The two figures disappeared beyond. Wilt growled.

At that moment Lee walked over and rested a large hand on his shoulder.

"Have no fear, friend. We will still stick together. Let's wait and see what happens next."

Nothing happened next. Silence fell over the group completely. Boone ran his fingers along the sign to kill time. The message read:

"Herein lies the magic of the seers. Go to the water and speak of a place. That place shall be revealed to you."

He clambered up the steps and looked once more into the water, reflectively. Suddenly there was a noise. Everybody turned to look.

Eleanor was stood at the Eastern exit. She was limping and weary, but she was alive.

Step up to the basin and speak a four digit number. Each player may only do this once per phase. Post ##Speak: ???? to do this.

It is now Phase 8. Phase 8 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (21):
Emperor Fong
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


Wilt Silverstone
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Post #32: 2nd Apr 2013 6:24:06 AM 
I don't trust Eleanor. Pretty sure she is a one time bullet proof scum.

Wilt Silverstone
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Post #33: 2nd Apr 2013 4:57:16 PM 
Sr. Culo @ 2/4/2013 10:12
Emperor Fong @ 2/4/2013 10:08
My apologies. I probably should have inquired about this phases ago... but... who in the flying hell is Carl?

He was part of the Future group and he went off with Kristoff. Supposedly, he stole Kristoff's staff and we were told to "lynch on site" according to someone's voice.

Because clearly I forgot about it last time.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #34: 4th Apr 2013 2:31:13 AM 
Queen Genevieve @ 3/4/2013 19:49
Updated spoken rooms list: (Please help out for those I was too late to catch), bolded ones are from Phase 7

Spoken rooms:
Angela: 5118 (no room – wasn't a room); 2306 (No room
Brie: 2830 (saw a dying Eleanor); 8030 (Nothing
Frederick: 1328 (No floor – vortex of purple energy)
Rita: 2223 (Nothing has changed); 2830 (Same as before, the trap didn’t reset)
Ezra: 7374 (Nothing); 7258 (Pending)
Parker: 3402 (Nothing); 5768 (Pending)
Wilt: 9880 (Large portal in there now); 4670 (Nothing)
Fong: 4319 (pending); 3237 (Not a room)
Balagor: 9330 (No image)
Lee: 8008 (No room); 3035 (Nothing)
Urk: 5230 (Saw ourselves); 1112 (Pending)
Thomas: 4853 (No floor – vortex of swirling darkness instead of a floor. Blue and purple sparks, and purple flashes from time to time.)
Mark: 6600 (Nothing); 1234 (Pending)
Walton: 6490 (Nothing); 6969 (Nothing)
Kane – 1951 (Nothing); 4556 (Does not exist)
Boone: 3280 (Nothing); 0000 (Nothing)
Sr. Culo: 1776 (No room); 9880 (No change)
Pai Chan: 8550 (Nothing); 4040 (Nothing)
Marek: 7630 (Nothing); 0000 (Nothing)
Origo: 2628 (Nothing); 4815 (Pending)
Eleanor: 1416 (Nothing)

Wilt Silverstone
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Post #35: 4th Apr 2013 2:31:42 AM 
Willis @ 3/4/2013 18:32
Ezra paused as the Northern door slid open at his push. The room beyond was dark and foreboding. He stepped out and the door slammed behind him.

All he could see was skulls. The whole room was filled with them, piled up in macabre displays all around. He shivered. This didn't feel good at all. He took a step forward and felt a sickening crunch beneath his foot. Looking down he noticed more skulls. The floor was made out of them. There was the occasional dried blood splatter on the surface.

In the middle of the room was a snapped wire. Ezra crouched down and touched it. His eyes followed it along to a cave against one of the walls. It was also made out of skulls. He shivered and stepped backwards. There was a soft squelching sound. Looking down with a sickened expression, Ezra looked into Tyron's eyes.

They were quite dead.

His eyes shot around the room and noticed more of Tyron's remains. His torso was shattered in the middle of the room along with a limb strewn here and there amidst much blood. He closed his eyes calmly but snapped them open when a clicking sound caught his attention.

He rushed towards the door as a shape emerged from the skull pile. At that moment the door opened and the rest of his group walked in. He took a deep breath and slowly turned back around.

Parker was stood there awkwardly.

"Hi guys. Guess I saw you sooner than I thought." He muttered.

It is now Phase 9. Phase 9 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (22):
Emperor Fong
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


Wilt Silverstone
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Post #36: 8th Apr 2013 10:26:34 PM 
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Wilt Silverstone
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Post #37: 8th Apr 2013 10:27:05 PM 
Willis @ 7/4/2013 21:14
Angela looked on at the body of Thomas miserably. Parker shrugged.

"Time to move on ya know. Let's just go for it."

Kane nodded.

"Great idea!" He said with a grin as he shoved Origo forward onto the boat.

Origo shuffled uncomfortably.

"Fine, whatever." He said, not too enigmatically. Slowly everybody began to climb aboard.

The various group members grabbed an oar. Wilt rushed over and grabbed Brie's oar for her, holding two. This caused much eye rolling.

"Weren't you a captain once Urk?" Said Parker scratching his head.

Urk was too busy waving his hands a the water. He smiled and an Ace of spades bobbed up and down before disappearing. Parker shook his head. Strange guy.

"All set?" Said Lee, grabbing two oars. Next to him, Boone was waggling a banana around in the water helpfully.

"Then let's go!" Said Lee cheerfully.

Everybody moved their oars slowly but Lee's strokes were enormous. The boat careened and jolted across the water and everything seemed to jerk around.

"Slow down Lee!" Said Ezra. Lee looked back miserably.

"I can't help it!" He said. They were having to shout now. The sounds of the water were increasing. There were waves out here. The former stillness was disappearing. As to what was causing them...that was a mystery.

Boone dropped his banana with a shriek. As he did he noticed a ripple on the water. He began pointing at it furiously but nobody paid any attention.

The boat glided across more water. Rowing was becoming arduous. Wilt panted as he could no longer keep up.

"Time out!" He insisted. Everybody paused for a moment.

"If you two would focus on rowing and not making babies for ten seconds we could-" Angela started and then stopped. They were still moving and nobody was rowing.

Eleanor looked over the side of the boat, curiously.

"It's the fucking current! It's taking us along!"

The boat began to jolt unsteadily, moving towards the East of the vast watery expanse. It was also gaining in speed tremendously. They held on carefully. It was gliding past more land. One of the chunks of land had another wooden dock on it but the details were hard to make out from here. As they looked on in horror, a skeletal shape stalked across it. It glanced over at the group in the boat, shrieked horribly and vanished in a flash of purple.

"I'm getting sick of those guys." Said Culo miserably.

They carried on moving, veering slightly North now until the boat ground to a sudden stop.

"Now what?" Said Ezra, rolling his eyes. Boone was still pointing frantically at the water. This time, Marek followed his gaze and looked down. There was an enormous scaly eye, staring up at them.

"WATCH OUT!" He shouted as the boat shook with a tremendous crash.

There was a reptilian roar from the water, followed by a huge splash. Over their collective heads arced something long and scaly. It seemed to go on for an eternity. Along its back were a number of spines and fins. It cleared the boat and splashed down hard into the water, a fish-like tail submerging in its wake.

There was another rumble as the head of the beast shot out of the water. It roared at the group. It was a dark blue with green hues, scaled along like a lizard. Its reptilian eyes took in the group carefully and it roared once more, revealing an enormous set of razor sharp fangs below a serpent-like tongue. Without warning, the beast lashed forward at the group but at the very last second it stopped.

It froze completely still, looked on at the assembled, let out a huge roar and submerged with a mighty splash. The force of the wave carried the boat forward once more.

"What the hell was that?" Blurted out Kane. The boat was moving of its own accord once more. It veered Southwards and came across a high bridge. The water began to narrow here, forming more of a canal. The canal passed beneath the bridge and so too did the boat it was carrying.

Finally it moved Eastwards and came crashing onto land with a thud. The group groaned and picked themselves up. They were in a small recess at the end of the canal. The land here was the size of a regular room. To the South was a locked door but there was another Eastern exit.

Ezra turned around to look over at the water once more. There was an old, weathered dock here too but no statues. There was also a second boat. It was moving away from the dock, back across the canal all of its own accord.

It is now Phase 13. Phase 13 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (18):
Emperor Fong
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee

South (Locked)
Take Boat (West)

Wilt Silverstone
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Post #38: 10th Apr 2013 12:10:44 AM 
Eleanor @ 9/4/2013 16:10
Map update for anyone interested.

Posted Image

Keep in mind that the lower eastern half of the map is from Mark and that my placement of it might not be 100% accurate. Those rooms might be somewhere else, I am just assuming they are there for now. By the way Mark, 7997 is listed as a time travel room on your map, but I am sure there was no Eastern exit from 9880 in the past.

Did I get the location wrong?

Willis @ 8/4/2013 20:47
Wilt strolled along the shore by the canal and marched in front of the door. He stretched his shoulders nervously and looked around. Brie was looking very worried. Wilt put on a brave smirk and pushed. He wasn't afraid of the dark.

He stepped into the unknown with his eyes shut. It was better this way. The door behind him slammed shut as he opened his eyes. He was in a long room that was twice the width of a standard room. The Northern door he'd just entered from was on the Eastern side of the room. It extended Westwards and there was another door leading out to the South.

He strolled across the room. It was very dark and filled with lit candles. Their small sphere of light was the only illumination the room had. Standing in the corner was a hooded figure. Wilt leaped and reached instinctively for his sword. Realising that it was no longer there, he cursed. The door behind him opened as the rest of the group flooded in. They glared at the hooded figure. It was the man from before.

"You're very persistent aren't you? No matter. I take it none of you are afraid of the dark."

Wilt smirked.

"I fear nothing!" That ought to impress her.

The man grinned over his thick black beard.

"We shall see." He said.

At that moment all of the candles flickered out. The room went into pitch darkness.

"Where did the lights go?" Came a voice from the shadows. Nobody could see who said it.

"EEEEEEAAAOoooo" Came a sound. They could hazard a guess at that one.

"We shall see how you take to darkness for a while. I will light them all...slowly. In the meantime enjoy the darkness. Now if you'll excuse me...I must be going." Came the voice of the hooded man once more. There was a sudden flash of light and the darkness returned.

Various people fumbled their way around but it was useless. They had to wait for the candles to see anything.

It is now Phase 14. Phase 14 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

The room is covered in darkness. Because of this, all players will be unable to post with their original accounts this phase. You must log in to a new account, the details for which will be posted in your journals shortly after the phase begins.

Each player is next to a candle. To light it, you must post ##Light: Candle in your private role threads. Only lighting in your role thread will be accepted. One candle will be lit every hour. They will be lit in the order that people submitted the lighting action. Once your candle is lit, you must only post using your regular account.

Players (18):
Emperor Fong
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


????16 was the doctor
????3 was the role grabber
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #39: 13th Apr 2013 10:15:03 PM 
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Wilt Silverstone
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Post #40: 16th Apr 2013 12:09:27 AM 
Eleanor moved towards the Southern door with a hesitant shrug. She wanted to go West but whatever. These fucking people were right, it wasn't her fucking call. She glanced up at the door cautiously. Oh well. Best just to get it over with. With a shove, the door opened and the group stood behind her expectantly.

The room beyond was dark and small. It felt very cramped when you compared it to the stairway room. She walked slowly across the floor, looking carefully for any more of those awful fucking cages. There didn't seem to be any. In fact...the room seemed to be empty. She breathed a sigh of relief. Strange to have an empty room though. There were some ropes climbing up the walls. She crept over to them and tugged on them carefully. They just seemed to be sat there.

Her eyes traced up the length of them. They extended high above into darkness. Carefully, she attempted to jump and clamber up them. This took her back to the protest days. Breaking into fascist compounds. Ha! They couldn't fucking keep her out. She swung on the side of the rope but dropped down again as she felt it snag. Probably not very secure. Best just to trust what was solid. She walked across the floor and sighed.

"Alright, it's safe." She said.

The door opened and more stood in. The light from the other room shone in and illuminated her features a little more clearly. At that moment, something high above glinted. Eleanor glanced up. It was shining because of the light. The others were looking up too.

"Don't bother climbing the fucking ropes, they're not safe." She said walking forward.

"Whatever it is we probably need to get u-"


Eleanor's heart just about stopped in that instance. Something was under her foot. A loose floor tile had sunk as she moved. She raised her foot slowly and watched it click back to its normal position. It did so with another audible *click*.

The light caught something moving very fast as the sound of taut rope snapping and flying free filled the air. Brie's eyes took in the scene frantically as her brain caught up.

"ELEANOR JUMP!" She shouted. Eleanor looked up and readied herself to leap across, as the thick sword slammed down into the ground with a thud and a squelch. The collective eyes of everybody winced as Eleanor stood their, motionless, staring on at them. The sword was in front of her body and covered in blood.

There was a sickening fleshy noise as her head dropped clean off her body. The torso toppled forward and the head tumbled a small distance across the ground. Blood pooled around the gruesome sight.

The room fell silent as collective brains caught up with the action.

It is now Phase 19. Phase 19 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (17):
Emperor Fong
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


Eleanor is a person checker.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #41: 16th Apr 2013 12:12:53 AM 
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Wilt Silverstone
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Post #42: 17th Apr 2013 7:52:47 AM 
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Wilt Silverstone
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Post #43: 20th Apr 2013 12:18:08 AM 
Mark @ 19/4/2013 17:21
Ok here we go, current maps. I'm now providing three maps.

Number one is the past map:


Number two is the present map, with the rooms that are known mostly solely through *'s


The third map is the inversion map, as the room 4554* messes a lot of shit up with it's inversion portal, I've started a third map until I can figure out where to place it. The left is the past lab, the right is the present lab.


Wilt Silverstone
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Post #44: 22nd Apr 2013 12:01:15 AM 

Wilt Silverstone
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Post #45: 22nd Apr 2013 4:10:07 PM 
Jack Baurker @ 22/4/2013 7:13
Mission accomplished

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