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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Role Thread
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #16: 24th Apr 2013 3:12:03 AM 
I choose to be twins with Angela (i hope this isn't a mistake)
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Post #17: 24th Apr 2013 3:19:39 AM 
Phase 28 Results:

You focus your new found abilities and picture Angela in your mind's eye. You want to connect so you reach out and you feel a strange sensation run along you.

You are now joined to Angela. This connection will remain unless Angela terminates it. If that happens, you will no longer be able to join with Angela.

Once joined, you will both succumb to the same effects as you travel through the Labyrinth, up to and including death.

You will gain access to a private discussion forum where you can talk, shortly.
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Post #18: 24th Apr 2013 4:39:16 AM 
Phase 28 Results:

The part of your mind that was linked to Angela snapped and went dead. It looked like she was not a fan of the odds of being connected with the latest hot topic. The smothering loneliness returned, but it wasn't all bad. There were plenty more to choose from, if they would only trust you.

Angela has chosen to sever your Lonely Twin connection. You may choose a new target, but may never again choose Angela.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #19: 24th Apr 2013 5:38:20 AM 
I never re-locked the door correct? I do not want to accidently lie.
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Post #20: 25th Apr 2013 2:55:41 AM 
Phase 29 Results:
You have been inflicted with a severe wound.

This wound is not enough to kill you, but it won't help you much either. Should you take another wound like this, you will die.
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Post #21: 25th Apr 2013 2:57:43 AM 
Phase 29 Results:

Loose tiles are tricky but not the trickiest. You could work something out here.

You can choose to re-arm the trap. To do so, post ##Reset Trap in your journal.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #22: 25th Apr 2013 5:40:19 PM 
Question about my role. Assuming I link up with Lee the only way I did is if be completely dies? If he gets hit by a trap and loses one of his bullet proof vests (assuming he has them) it doesn't not affect me correct?
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Post #23: 25th Apr 2013 5:55:46 PM 
If Lee suffers and survives a death, he still loses a life. By virtue of being linked with him, you would also suffer that death, but having no padding, would not survive it.
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Post #24: 26th Apr 2013 10:08:28 PM 
Phase 30 Results:

Despite everything you have a feeling...

You can choose to re-arm the trap. To do so, post ##Reset Trap in your journal.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #25: 26th Apr 2013 10:22:18 PM 
You scared me. I thought I changed back. Still not going to re arm it
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Post #26: 7th May 2013 5:07:38 AM 
Phase 39 Results:

Your wound has been healed.
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Post #27: 10th May 2013 4:21:01 AM 
Phase 41 Results:

You hadn't been drifting in the darkness for long when you could almost swear you heard a voice calling to you. It was rather far away, but it was reaching you, miraculously. Eventually you were able to focus on the familiar cadence. It was nice to hear someone's voice.

Wilt. I'm so sorry. I meant every word I said at your wedding: you are truly an admirable, honorable man. If I never see you again, you will be sorely missed.

Your wife wanted me to pass along her goodbye to you:


the few short days of being your wife have been the happiest I've ever been...I love and I miss you so much, and...oh my god, I can't...I just can't believe it...please come back to me. Show me that you'll still be with me, even if I can't physically touch you...I need you so much. I will make it out of here. For you. I don't know what to say, really, just know that I loved you. And I will ALWAYS love you."

Do you have any final words that you wish for me to pass onto Brie and the rest of the group?

Please reply to this question at your earliest convenience.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #28: 10th May 2013 5:20:35 AM 

Good luck my love. If the group sees it fit I believe I can be of great assistance when you have been reunited with CoK. Of course that requires Walton to wake up from his sudden inactive daze. Of course this is me trying to convince you to let me see my future child's birth. It is funny, I always hated the water but never knew why. Guess I know now.

This pains me to say it Brie. But assuming I do not return from the grave move on. I almost committed a treacherous act because I could not do so. I am not saying forget me, but do not live the rest of your live wishing I was still around.

I love you Brie Silverstone, you will make a wonderful mother. I wish... I wish I could be there for you. I guess things never change.

As for the rest of the group my sincerest apologies for my early actions. If Walton does not show eel free to kill Mark and reset to last phase *chuckles*. That was just a jest, sort of. You all are in a way special to me and something I will remember... assuming I remember things after my soul has been laid to rest.

I have been slowly floating towards a light. I am rapidly approaching it. I feel as if this light is the end, or possibly the beginning but I musn't ramble you have a much bigger battle to fight.

In the words of the future people... Catch you on the flop side. Hopefully I said it right.

Forever Silverstone

Wilt Silverstone
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Post #29: 10th May 2013 5:21:05 AM 
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Post #30: 10th May 2013 5:24:19 AM 
Phase 41 Results:

You speak your piece and wrinkle your nose at the finality of it all. But it was a strange land, and stranger times. Anything was possible.

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