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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #16: 15th Apr 2013 12:48:20 AM 
No, item passing is completely anonymous unless you announce it yourself in public.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #17: 16th Apr 2013 2:26:18 AM 
FYI: I may be gone a day or two in the next week or so. My daughter was due to deliver my newest grandson yesterday, yet, he is not here. If her doctor does not keep her on Thursday, then I will know exactly when I'll be gone. That is, unless she goes into labor on her own, which, at this point, I highly doubt that will happen. I did want to let y'all know so that I didn't become 'inactive'.
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Offline Marker
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Post #18: 16th Apr 2013 3:15:22 AM 
Thanks for the update. Hope it all goes well.
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Post #19: 18th Apr 2013 3:46:07 AM 
Phase 22:

Genevieve walked through the portal boldly. The room did the strange shift once more. The door clearly said East so...assuming it was the Eastern exit...that would put...

She pointed North...at least to where the new North would be.

"Confusing...but I assume this way is North." She said formally as Dern arrived behind her with a salute.

"It is, my Queen. But don't be too hasty."

He pulled Rhea along with him. She wasn't protesting much, she didn't appear to be around at all. He hoisted her by the doorframe and waited for the others. They came through the portal too. Finally Brittany appeared with a shriek. Ajax and Peter walked out from behind her and shrugged. She needed a little push.

"That was fun!" She shrieked in a voice that shattered ear drums.

"Alright, time to keep moving." Said Balagor. The group nodded and pushed Rhea towards the "East". She began to protest suddenly and hold herself back.

"I don't want to go first again! I have to..." She paused. There was a noise coming from the door.

"We'll work it out next room." Said Kristoff shrugging. Finally Rhea miserably pushed the door and stepped into the unknown.

The room beyond was a deep red, but that's not what she saw. She saw black. It was approaching very quickly, and there didn't seem to be a way to avoid it. The players in the room to the West gasped as they saw it too but it was too late. Two silver daggers arced through the air and sliced through flesh. The motion was so fast, it was almost a blur. And Rhea fell to the floor, bleeding all over. She writhed there in the doorway of the Eastern room for a time before coming to a silent stop.

"Frieeeeeeeenddddssssssssss mussssssssstt desssttroyyyyyy" Said the creature.

The group finally got a good look at it. It was a tall figure, humanoid but with rotting flesh and jutting bones. It was more skeleton now than anything. It wore pitch black armour and a waving black cape flowed behind it. The armour had a belt at the front with the initials "DV" emblazoned on them. The same initials were present on the silver daggers, beneath the skull.

The figure glared at the group, it's empty eye sockets glowing purple. Then it dived like a locomotive, moving without adjusting its limbs at all. As it dived forth into the throng of people, it raised the two daggers menacingly.

"Ooooooour misssssssssssssssssion." It hissed. It looked around at the group and let out a blood-curdling scream. All that could be seen in the mouth beyond was purple light.

"GO. NOW!" Ajax screamed above the din.

The figure had frozen them all in place but if they ran...the door was open. They each dived into the Eastern room and slammed the door behind them. Beyond the Western door was another blood-curdling scream.

"What was that thing?!" Said Brittany in tears.

Genevieve sighed and took in her surroundings. This room was blood red, quite fitting really. A spiral staircase seemed to move upwards into the unknown. The staircase had two skulls at the base. Peter tended to Rhea's body. Blood was everywhere. He shook his head miserably. She was dead now.

But Airlea had her attention elsewhere. There was a hooded figure at the top of the stairs. Pai Chan stood next to her and assumed a defensive pose. The Queen stood by nervously.

The hood lowered and the group saw a man with a thick black beard. His hair was long and flowing and just as black. He grinned down at the assembled group from over his brown cape.

"You've come very far, but now it's time to play the game on my terms." He spoke. His voice boomed out to the room somehow.

"The one with the crown. As your friend down there has sadly, met her demise somehow," he pointed to Rhea's corpse, "I believe you were the first over the threshold. Naturally then you shall follow me. You have no choice in the matter though."

With that he raised his arms. Red energy beamed around Genevieve's body and she felt herself being lifted through the air. She was raised slowly towards the robed man and then placed onto the stairs, which she was climbing, seemingly against her will.

"Do not try to follow. It is sealed. She will be back with you shortly I dare say."

"Who are you?" Said Kristoff, looking shiftily at the man.

"My name is Willis. Why are so many of you ignorant of the place? The fat king really does choose fools for his errands. No matter. You will soon be expired fools."

He disappeared in a flash of Red. Genevieve rounded the corner and disappeared from sight too.

You have been summoned to the Red Room. A thread will be posted shortly with further instructions.
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Offline Marker
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Post #20: 18th Apr 2013 12:37:03 PM 
Queen Genevieve @ 15/4/2013 20:26
FYI: I may be gone a day or two in the next week or so. My daughter was due to deliver my newest grandson yesterday, yet, he is not here. If her doctor does not keep her on Thursday, then I will know exactly when I'll be gone. That is, unless she goes into labor on her own, which, at this point, I highly doubt that will happen. I did want to let y'all know so that I didn't become 'inactive'.

Pending congratulations on the new grandson!

Cleaned up new baby smell is one of the only things better than new car smell.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #21: 18th Apr 2013 9:05:25 PM 
##Select: Origo
Queen Genevieve
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Post #22: 18th Apr 2013 9:18:23 PM 
Pollux @ 18/4/2013 7:37
Queen Genevieve @ 15/4/2013 20:26
FYI: I may be gone a day or two in the next week or so. My daughter was due to deliver my newest grandson yesterday, yet, he is not here. If her doctor does not keep her on Thursday, then I will know exactly when I'll be gone. That is, unless she goes into labor on her own, which, at this point, I highly doubt that will happen. I did want to let y'all know so that I didn't become 'inactive'.

Pending congratulations on the new grandson!

Cleaned up new baby smell is one of the only things better than new car smell.

Thank you, Sir Pollux. This will be my fourth grandbaby. They are 3, 18 months, 2 months old, and now this one isn't born yet.

Update on my newest grandson:

Unless my daughter goes into labor on her own, I will be gone next Thursday evening, at least through Friday, maybe even Saturday. That will depend on how fast she delivers, that there are no complications, etc.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #23: 25th Apr 2013 2:45:30 AM 
Quick update, I will be gone probably before phase change tomorrow night. I will have some internet access at the hospital. If I don't make it in, would I be able to post a ##Stay action in here?

They are giving her some medicine tomorrow night, and giving her the labor inducing meds Friday morning. Hopefully, I'll be home sometime Saturday, but with these things, it's hard telling how fast or slow things will go.
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Post #24: 25th Apr 2013 2:56:41 AM 
That's fine.
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Post #25: 25th Apr 2013 4:29:29 AM 
Phase 29 Results:

The huge chimney towers above but if that iron panel could be made to move again. There had to be a trigger and you could probably set it.

You can choose to re-arm the trap. To do so, post ##Reset Trap in your journal.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #26: 26th Apr 2013 9:26:40 PM 
Grandson is here, mama and baby are healthy and happy.

I'm ready to cause more confusion :insane:
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Post #27: 26th Apr 2013 10:13:51 PM 
Glad it's all gone well for you.

Phase will be up very shortly.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #28: 26th Apr 2013 10:18:28 PM 
No worries, don't rush on my account. It's just me. Thank you, though.
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Offline Marker
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Post #29: 26th Apr 2013 10:31:07 PM 
Phase 30 Results:

You look up to the chimney and realise the chance is still there since it's gone back...

You can choose to re-arm the trap. To do so, post ##Reset Trap in your journal.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 142
Post #30: 28th Apr 2013 10:09:32 AM 
Phase 31 Results:

You glance at the shadowy hue in the mirror. Your reflection looks back but there's something else there. Still, whatever it is, it's not doing much at the moment.
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