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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Notes of importance; notes
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Post #16: 17th Apr 2013 5:36:32 PM 
Eleanor @ 15/4/2013 16:44

Unfortunately, my trail of Carl went cold after the mirror room. I thought I had confirmation of the room he died but I realize now I don't. But we were told he died right? We know he was last far southward last time I had a trace on him.

I also was completely thrown by my results for phase 15 (cog room) and only looking back at them now does it makes sense, thanks to Marks theory that we switched location with the other group.

The only thing I am confident about is that Balagor, Pai chan and Queensy went towards the Hold between phases 12 and 14. I am pretty sure they reached it but they did not time travel.

You guys will probably do a better job with this info than I have. Particularly you Mark. You seem to have a gift for this mapping shit.

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Post #17: 18th Apr 2013 10:45:24 PM 
1 Parker/?
2 Tyrese/?
3 (Lee)
4 Tyron
5 Tyron
6 Tyron
7 (Tyron)
8 Ezra
9 Parker
10 Balagor
11 (Marek)
12 Origo*
13 Wilt
14 (Kane)
15 Brie
16 Origo*
17 Parker
18 Eleanor
19 Mark
20 Origo
21 Mark
22 Lee

Just was curious

Post Edited by Ezra @ 19th Apr 2013 5:29:37 AM
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Post #18: 19th Apr 2013 5:27:26 AM 
Mark @ 18/4/2013 23:41
Ok hello!

So first thing is first, before any suspicions arise, I did not know that that teleport was going to be there. It seems to have been a phase number related thing, so I had no clue. It was indeed the puzzle room as I said which confirms where we are, GREAT!

I got transported to the red room. Willis was there, and let me tell you he's a scary mother fucker. I woke up and looked across this room, which none of you ever want to go to, honestly, and there was our darling Queen Genevieve! She also decided to exit first out of their awkward portal room, so now here we are in this room. We were both told by Willis to convince the other to seriously maim or injure a person travelling from the other group, so I had to choose someone travelling with them, and the Queen had to choose someone with us.

This is actually very important, it confirms indefinitely that Carl and Lincoln are both dead somewhere in the labyrinth as they could not be options.

I had a friendly little reunion with the queen, she gave me Pai Chan's map which I'll get off my phone later, and told me about the generic feeling of the other group. She says that they follow Kristoff blindly, and that it's sort of scary. There's been a few arguments about whether or not Pai/Balagor/Queen are trustworthy or not and if they should keep them with their travels, but that's all been good now. They're safe. Also she says hi to Wilt , and not to worry as Sir Dern hath taken on the role of protection.

I told her that I'd been trying to get messages through to their group and I asked if they were getting relayed to which she said that very few were, but at least some were and that she had an idea of who my voice could be, but the thread was locked before she could tell me who she thought, but it seems to be one of the people very close to Kristoff in the cult. There seems to be a lot of drama going on with the other group.

They know nothing about the treasure, and I did the best to explain it though I don't really understand it all that much myself, and with that I gave her the current map of what I knew to be the labyrinth and all the information that I deemed important to tell her. (Eleanor she's glad you were revived and are now back to life, she deems you very important as a person.)

She tried to give me what she could information wise, but honestly, most of it was just stuff that I already knew, and had relayed to you guys, it's slightly disturbing how much we know about them in relation to how much they know about us. They all exited East out of the mirror room, so that's where they all went if we hadn't already made that clear.

She expresses the worry that Carl is out there with the staff, and that he's "loose somewhere in this madness" and she believes that because she's done some sort of investigating which she did not really go into detail about, so I just have to take her word on it, though we're sure he's dead. She wanted to tell everyone that they are fine and trying to survive the madness til we meet up again.

I took the liberty of suggesting that Origo was the one to get maimed, I'm sorry if any one was personally offended by this suggestion but as everyone else is fairly active, I felt that he was the person that was meant to be the victim.

I don't really have a sense of who on the other group is least helpful, so the Queen told me she would hit Origo as she remembered he was useless if I hit Brittany, so that's what I did, and then I came back to you guys.


Mark @ 18/4/2013 23:52
Now - onto room movement. If I had been around I would have told us not to go North, at least not without being able to push someone, because frankly, it seems like every trap resets after 5 phases or so. I haven't counted to the T when they reset, but it seems that way. I'm going to go through all my notes and count how many phases each trap has taken, this could be absolutely critical to everything that is done.

My guesstimate is 5 though.

So I'm sorry Lee that you took a big hit from that, I could have prevented it maybe if I hadn't been out.

That being said, if traps reset, we ARE NOT TRAVELLING TO THE FUTURE IN THIS ROOM.

The reason Dern's map said transporter/shuttle is because that was the trap that initially sent Lincoln off on his own, that has had MORE than enough time to reset, and whoever portals first will get transported. So if Kristoff's staff does indeed protect us from traps ONCE we teleport, we need to get that first or someone is getting sent off on their own, and it isn't going to be me.

Mark @ 18/4/2013 23:57
Rita Kanakiri @ 18/4/2013 23:55
Mark, did Willis threaten you if you didn't choose to kill someone? What made you guys go along with it?

(Mandatory room objective)

Mark @ 19/4/2013 0:08
Ok I'm done my long posts for the rest of this game now.

Fill me in on what went down for you guys

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Post #19: 19th Apr 2013 7:34:47 PM 
Angela @ 19/4/2013 7:20

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Post #20: 19th Apr 2013 11:24:26 PM 
Mark @ 19/4/2013 18:21
Ok here we go, current maps. I'm now providing three maps.

Number one is the past map:


Number two is the present map, with the rooms that are known mostly solely through *'s


The third map is the inversion map, as the room 4554* messes a lot of shit up with it's inversion portal, I've started a third map until I can figure out where to place it. The left is the past lab, the right is the present lab.


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Post #21: 21st Apr 2013 1:36:31 AM 
Willis @ 19/4/2013 22:17
Ezra looked on as Angela and Parker rolled across the floor fighting. He had no idea what this one was about but it would probably get resolved sooner or later so he was going to focus on the task at hand. How did you actually...?

He frowned and walked over to the wall, willing for a portal to appear but nothing happened. He held out his hand and waved it around. Wow, this was stupid. He stopped again. Roth hadn't explained how to do this, they just took it on faith that they could. Ezra sighed. So much for good faith. He sat down and thought about the problem as Brie pulled the duo apart. Rita came over and sat next to him.

"I'll try with you. Let's just focus on the world we left behind ^_^ " Said Rita with a smile.

Ezra frowned. The world they left behind was desolation and emptiness. It wasn't something you wanted to think about every day. Not the vast watery, rocky maze they'd breezed through around here. That was a world of hopelessness and despair.


He focused on the orange skies, the grey drabness of the caverns...he thought of the shades and the tower and the truck and everything that had led them here. Of Gabriel...

A voice echoed through the room on the edge of hearing.

"The past...the future...none of it matters...."

Purple sparks were slowly filling the air as Rita thought of her disowned family and childhood days on the Bito isles. Her uncle was right there but...nah. She thought of her fallen brother.

The sparks began to gather as the fighting ceased and the group looked on open-mouthed. Suddenly, the purple sparks erupted into an open portal on the wall between where Ezra and Rita were sitting. They both stood up and glanced through. There was a dark image through there in the purple swirling centre. Clouds of purple dust burst from the surface. Rita nodded at Ezra who turned and gave the group a sideways smile. Then he dived through.

The world changed into a vortex of black and purple energy, flowing in all directions. It was sort of like falling, but moving horizontally. Ezra's feet moved in all directions before finally coming to a stop in the darkened room. The cold metal floor below felt uneasy. He teetered around unsure of himself, taking in all he could see in a blur. That was disorienting.

The room was the same size as the one they'd just left. To the West was an enormous metal door. A track descended into it and a green light blinked on the outside. At the edge of the track was a large shuttle. The open metal chamber had a white ring painted around it. Ezra stepped forth but fell a little unsteadily to the right. There was a big crate there...opened wide up. A parachute was draped across the side. Around him, flashes of purple flickered into view as more of the group fell through onto the ground.

Ezra rubbed his head and turned to walk towards Rita, fallen on the ground where she'd been dazed from the travelling. He could've sworn that the ground beneath her was stained with splotches of purple. Ezra was getting more stable now. He took a step forward.

"It's kinda difficult at first but you'll..."

He stumbled forward. The room had changed. When did...how did....?

He looked around himself and took in the surroundings. A large walkway overhead moved from the West and curved North. To the South was nothing but rubble and the room itself was huge, three times the width and length of a normal room. It was very familiar too.

Ezra rubbed his head miserably. This wasn't good. He stepped forth and the stench hit him. Talion's corpse was growing mouldy and flies were buzzing around. Maggots writhed over the flesh and ate all that remained. And the smell was unreal. Shielding his nose, Ezra glanced behind the body and saw a large purple portal. That definitely wasn't there before...

His eyes also took in another difference. The faded chalk messages. They read:

"! Krstf Lies"
"4 N"

He stood upright, still reeling from the smell and the confusion when the howling seeped in. It was three howls, one after the other. They were very loud and they reacted with something horrible, deep down inside. Ezra blinked and glared up at the Northern door as it banged and crashed loudly. Something was ramming into it.

Even better.

It is now Phase 24. Phase 24 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):

Enter Portal

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Post #22: 21st Apr 2013 8:53:01 AM 
Tyrese @ 21/4/2013 3:32

"Oh lets give Peter an item, or Airlea an item, or Peter, because we trust him, and let's make sure we all have at least one thing."

Fucking assholes. Every round they bring this shit up, yet when it comes to talking about splitting items people like myself, or the General, or Andrael are NEVER fucking considered, like we're an afterthought. It is actually aggravating. I'm not telling them shit if I ever do get an item, they can all go to hell, bastards.

Queen Genevieve: Chalk
Sophia: Book, Walking Talker
Pai Chan: Book
Balagor: Rope
Brittany: Key
Airlea: Bow + Arrows (5)
Kristoff: Walking Talker
Ajax: Coin
Katy: Notebook
Arimnestos: Scalpel
Peter: Medikit
Hobert: Explosive, Gorgon Tears

And the people with no items - just so we can spread the wealth if we are to stumble upon items in the future.

General Chuikov

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Post #23: 22nd Apr 2013 3:53:46 AM 
Willis @ 20/4/2013 20:18
Ezra slowly backed his way up to the Eastern exit while keeping his eyes on the Northern door. The relentless ramming and clawing at the door continued even now; especially now. Something beyond seemed to know the doors were about to open. An ominous red glow seemed to wash over him with each sound.

"Come on, come on. Hurry the fuck up."

Ezra slapped the Eastern door release to urge it on as the door to the North began to make an ominous beeping sound. It was opening. Ezra's fingernails scraped against the Eastern door in a full blown panic. It seemed an eternity had passed, but it was only a few moments. A breath later, the Eastern door shot open and Ezra recklessly dove sideways as something stirred in the darkness behind him.

The door slammed shut just in time, leaving an angry chorus of howls in its wake. Ezra slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head. He rubbed at his eyes, trying to get the red tinge out of his vision. Eventually he noticed that it was the room he stood in now that felt thick with a red hue.

It was a standard sized room, with exits to the East and the West. The walls of the room were dark and sinister. The flat, red metal surface of the floor was cool to the touch. Strange lights flickered all around him. Beneath his feet was a staircase, descending downwards into the unknown. Ezra investigated it, cautiously, but found nothing but a solid metal wall at the bottom.

Overhead came a familiar clanking noise. The door the West this time. He sighed and sat on the top step, biding his time carefully.

It is now Phase 25. Phase 25 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):


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Post #24: 24th Apr 2013 4:12:46 AM 
Mark @ 23/4/2013 23:09
Ok so 1144* is different in this labyrinth, as I've said before, just because a room is one way in one labyrinth doesn't mean it's the same in another. Take for instance the room we're in now, Ezra can testify that 7997* in the future is a standard room, whereas 7997* here is three times the length.

I lied as to what my room guess was back in 5230*, I looked at 1144* so my map is pretty accurate.

So maps as I know them:







Ok clearly I fucked up and I haven't gotten any room numbers from Sophia in a few rounds cause she was supposed to give me a map this round, so this is what I know to the best of my ability on the inversion.

Marek @ 23/4/2013 23:09
Everyone, i am truly sorry, but i must advise against giving wilt any information.

This is my roleclaim post. I am the lie detector. I scanned this quote fro wilt at the beginning of the phase:
Wilt Silverstone @ 23/4/2013 20:59

I was told that I absorbed the red light and now I have a new role, which happened to be Mark's. My win condition did not change.

It came up as false.

I have gotte. True and false results and scanned a statement of my own as true, so i know i am getting proper results.

As my role is out of the bag, i should reveal the other piece of info that i WAS going to give to wilt. Parker's roleclaim was a lie. I wouldn't be surprised if he locked the door.

Other than those, all i came up with as false were mark's first phase of contact with his voice, angela claiming her role would go away due to bad rep and kristoff saying he needed to be a leader to use the staff. Thats why i don't trust that he's town.

I found plenty of truths confirming things, but in interest of protecting people from becoming targeta as i have just made myself, i will only reveal truths about people who ask me to do so in public.

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Post #25: 24th Apr 2013 4:39:19 AM 
Pollux @ 17/3/2013 0:47

Posted Image
Light Beacon:
At any point during a phase, the light beacon may be activated. You will be told the direction of the nearest monster and how far away it currently is.

Strangely, there appears to be no discernible limit to its capacity.

Update this thread to use or give away any of your items. You don't have to keep track of items yourself.

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Post #26: 24th Apr 2013 6:42:26 PM 
Frederick @ 26/3/2013 0:06
I am the booster. I perfected a method of projecting an aura from my own body that enhances others and allows for possible manipulation of environments for the better good as my ultimate goal is to aid you all in completing this quest as opposed to I myself playing the "hero".

It's getting late and I presume we have a busy day ahead of ourselves tomorrow. I will exit North first if that's what you all wish. Just let it be known that there could be unforeseen consequences should I find myself separated from the group and unable to utilize my role.

##Cuddles: Self

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Post #27: 25th Apr 2013 12:28:32 AM 
Rita Kanakiri @ 24/4/2013 19:25
Boone @ 24/4/2013 18:23
can someOne show boOone all angelas empathhs?

Phase 4, head crushed/collapsed (Talion?)
Phase 7, legs on spike (Eleanor)
Phase 8, monster (Tyron)
Phase 8, seizure? (Taylor?)
Phase 10, arm on spike (Parker)
Phase 11, mauled by monster (??? Lincoln? Theseus?)
Phase 11, set on fire (Erebos?)
Phase 12, nothing (Taylor)
Phase 12, stabbed repeatedly but survived (Carl?)
Phase 13, lifted very high and dropped but survived (????)
Phase 15, another mauling and dismemberment. (Carl)
Phase 19, no flavor but referenced a sword through the neck seemingly in our group(Eleanor)
Phase 19, Dragged under water by sea monster and drowned (Scott)
Phase 20, crushed by a strong force against a hard surface, survived (Rhea)
Phase 22, two points of steel, torn in two. (Rhea)
Phase 22, Same pain as origo (Brittany)
Phase 23, explosion but survived (Maria or Tyrese)
Phase 23, Blade in shoulder. Survived. (Maria or Tyrese)
Phase 26, Lit on fire. Survived. (Katy)

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Post #28: 25th Apr 2013 1:27:42 AM 
Marek @ 24/4/2013 20:25
Proceeding onward from here, i would like to once again request that my role be brought up as little as possible, so it is not inert.

In fact, i would request that it is talked about only if i bring it up first. I would prefer we did not have a witch hunt on our hands.

Lastly, should we run into anyone else, CoK or otherwise, if ypu guys could help me bait them into a claim, it would be the best use of my role now that you all know it. On the off hand chance that this happens within the next couple phases, if i catch a liar i will start the post with their name and follow it up with an anecdote about living on my own in the woods that bears literally zero importance to the game.

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Post #29: 25th Apr 2013 11:21:28 PM 
Rita Kanakiri @ 24/4/2013 22:08
By the way, Mark, I was supposed to remind you:

Mark @ 23/4/2013 22:15
Rita Kanakiri @ 23/4/2013 23:14
Mark, 4958 should only have north/east/west exits in the past.

Right, can you remind me again next phase Rita, I don't want to put it through excel again.

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