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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Important Stuff; I hate keeping records but YOLO (or sometimes YOLT)
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #16: 24th Mar 2013 6:07:22 AM 
On page 86. Will lol at we've not drunk
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #17: 24th Mar 2013 6:07:34 AM 
I am restraining. For not posting
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #18: 24th Mar 2013 6:07:59 AM 
Jeanna kill all those birches.

Queen first. I wanna serve you but you never post
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #19: 24th Mar 2013 6:08:11 AM 
Suck ya titties!
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #20: 24th Mar 2013 6:09:03 AM 
Lol I'm back to Mario kart, love you Paul and ninth (dunno to real name)
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #21: 24th Mar 2013 11:21:13 PM 
Ugh why didn't I put this in the Not in Character stuff.

Kristoff Pieterson @ 24/3/2013 8:08
Ahh Eleanor, I have to go to work soon but will do my best. You claim I do not answer anything. I was asked fifty or more questions. This is literally too. This is what you have learnt from me:

- My staff, Caduceus, can teleport groups through time.
- In order to reach SOME (I do not know how many require this) guardians, time travel is required to go through blocked paths.
- There are alternative time travel methods that have side effects which I do not know. Highly unlikely they are group based ones.
- The leadership role is needed for my personal use of the staff.
- Caduceus has (two) one shot powers.
- Caduceus is the key to Pandora's Box (although this is an established fact, it is very important).
- The previous two points are the main reason I am not passing the staff around. I do not trust anyone nearly enough. You may trust each other but it is too early to pass it around. Has anyone else been passing around items of high importance?
- The staff reveals markers that tell me if a room is a parallel room to the other Labyrinth. Some rooms are not. Such as this one.
- The past maze is safer, because of the fact this maze is 2000 years older. I believe this because of flavor but I think it is a fair enough assumption.

Now tell me, who else has provided you with more information? People say I have too many secrets. Yet, I have provided more information then anyone in the game. I do not wish to go over these points as we have thousands of times. Some things I have probably missed out on to. Now what things have I ignored?

I am honored to be compared to Churchill.

I addressed the passing thing many times. The people in my group understand it I believe. I could have pretended Caduceus was just flavor but didn't as I felt the group had the right to know in case I died and was killed and some evil person picked it up.

I welcome you to join our group Eleanor. I do not like you and nor do several members of my group but I am pro-Democracy. A vocal opposition I welcome. And you are clever too. I will give you that. In addition Lee has not stated he will distribute any items he gets. I will, one will be given to Sir Dern and the rest based on what the group believes. I have also publicly stated many times that if I go against my word the group can and should lynch me. If you join us you can keep me to my word. You will even find out all I say is indeed, true.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #22: 25th Mar 2013 5:45:39 AM 
Willis @ 24/3/2013 23:39
"Goodbye, friends!" Said Stonehard Lee with a heavier heart than usual.

Goodbyes were tough. Boone leaped up and down in the air, waving his arms to all of his friends miserably. Brittany stood in floods of tears as the people she'd come to know went about their separate ways.

"Good Luck!" Said Ezra.

Kristoff nodded at the other group.

"Until our paths next cross. But for now, we go our own way."

He picked up the staff as the group walked to the North. Then he paused by the entrance. Something didn't feel right.

Overhead, more purple sparks were collecting. He watched up as they jumped and danced down, accumulating in great numbers. He glanced back at his group and the others by the East entrance. They hadn't left yet either. This wasn't expected. Wouldn't the sparks settle down now the staff was here? Roth said it controlled it...

"Anybody wanna explain this shit?!" Said Carl frustratedly.

"Shut up!!!" Brittany snarled at him.

At that moment, Lee raised a stony hand for silence. The buzzing from before was back, only very faint. The groups turned their heads to the centre of the room and looked on in horror as purple sparks were collecting in the middle of everything, building up into a gigantic crescendo of energy.

And it was going to fall.

"MOVE!" General Chuikov shouted.

The groups scattered frantically. So much for that plan. As they did there was a tremendous violet flash. Kristoff looked up at the flashing with horror. It happened again and again.

And with an almighty rumble, the purple energy belted down into the ground. It began to fly around in all directions. Kristoff leaped forward with the staff. His robe was waving as the energy earthed itself in the top. He tried to lift it up as the sparks engulfed it and his entire body.

He let out a cry of agony as he couldn't hold on to the pressure once more.

And the room flashed purple for five seconds.

There was silence as all anybody could hear was a tremendous ringing in their ears. Slowly they were picking themselves up. They'd been scattered across the floor. Stonehard Lee slowly raised himself from the ground. He glanced to check if the rest of the group were there.

They were all fine, and accounted for.

But they were in the past, and the others weren't here.

The group stood upright and checked out the surroundings.

"What the hell happened?! We didn't want to go back!" Snarled Kane.

The room was very different from the one they just stood in. It was simplistic. There were no balconies or higher levels and no overhanging lights. It looked untouched. Waterfalls cascaded down onto the open ground where two canals were flowing beneath their feet. Ezra dashed to the South of the room curiously. The entrance was completely covered by rocks here too. That was...strange.

The ways out of the room were completely different too. One stood against the Northern wall, set into the middle. The other was in the Western wall, also in the middle. The exit to the East didn't exist here. Things really had changed a lot.

Boone screamed.

"How do we get back?!" Brie said hysterically.

The group looked up at the cascading waterfalls in silence.

It is now Phase 4 Phase 3 will end in roughly 20 hours from now.

Players (23):

Emperor Fong
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


Wilt Silverstone
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Post #23: 26th Mar 2013 4:42:18 AM 
Willis @ 25/3/2013 19:37
Tyron stood by the Northern exit proudly.

"You can do it Tyron! Be a hero!" Shouted Parker.

"I owe you my life lord Tyron." Said Wilt, solemnly.

"Your motives transcend whatever we could understand." Said Rita, gracefully.

Tyron didn't look at any of them. He merely pushed open the Northern door and marched in with a serious expression.

There was a long silence as the rest of the group looked around at one another. Maybe they should join him too? Lee nodded and the group moved towards the door. They peered inside. Tyron was stood there motionless, looking down at something. He didn't say a word.

The group slowly crept in and felt themselves enter uncertain terrain. The floor in here was covered in sand. Stonehard Lee stepped in and frowned as he looked down at his sandy feet.

"Did that used to be a friend of yours?" Said Wilt cheerfully. Lee shot him a look and he glanced down.

"I'm sorry, not appropriate."

Tyron continued to look down as the group attempted to walk into the sand. It got incredibly deep towards the middle, to the point where crossing it seemed treacherous. Kane looked around at the group and attempted it but felt his leg bury in the mounds of sand. Boone scampered across and began digging as he crept into a familiar pose.

The group paused.

"We should watch where we step now." Said Ezra uncertainly. There were murmurs of agreement.

Sr. Culo waded into the sand over by Tyron who was still looking down intently.

"What do you see down there?" He asked. Tyron didn't look over. Culo frowned and tried to walk in front of him to get attention.

"I said....Ow!"

Culo rubbed his knee and tried to hop away.

"What was that?" Asked Angela curiously. Culo shrugged.

"There's something hard buried down there...and solid."

Boone finished doing what he was doing and scampered over. He grinned and completely submerged himself in the sand. The group looked on in horror as he didn't come back up again.

"Boone!" Shouted Brie, nervously.

At that moment there was a burst of sand. Boone stuck his sand covered head out. His hands were resting on a box. Ezra and Eleanor waded over to it and both dusted the sand off the top and down the sides.

It was a closed chest with no lock.

It is now Phase 5. Phase 5 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (23):

Emperor Fong
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


Wilt Silverstone
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Post #24: 26th Mar 2013 4:42:46 AM 
Willis @ 25/3/2013 20:07
"We should get Tyron to-" Ezra began as Parker dashed over to the chest.

"Hey cool, treasure!" He shouted.

"...or not..." Mumbled Ezra.

Parker grinned and flung it open. As he did there was a tremendous explosion

of sand. Parker coughed as sand filled his vision. He looked down and dusted himself off. The chest was just full of the stuff. Lee sighed and shook his head.

"We should be more careful." He said with a frown.

Parker shook his head.

"Screw that. Chests are meant to be opened."

He reached into the box and brushed the sand aside. It came away in great chunks but there was still no treasure and still more sand. He frowned miserably and dusted some more. Beneath the loose sand was tightly compacted sand. He clutched at it with his hands but could only shift a small amount. He tossed it over his shoulder, smacking Tyron in the face with it in the process.

He reached for another chunk and threw that one to the side. He stopped and looked down.

It was still full.

He slumped down miserably.

"This thing is full. It's gonna take a lot of us digging to get to the bottom of it."

The group looked around at one another curiously. Maybe they should help out?

Reach the bottom of the chest by hoisting up handfuls of sand. To do this, post ##Dig: Sand. This must be done 30 times to reach the bottom. If the same player digs twice in a row, it won't count. Players must alternate.

Wilt Silverstone
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Post #25: 26th Mar 2013 4:43:51 AM 
Willis @ 25/3/2013 20:12
The group looked down at their triumphant achievement with a smile. That quickly turned into a frown as they realised there was nothing at the bottom.

Parker - Key
Sr. Culo - Hatchet
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #26: 26th Mar 2013 5:27:21 AM 
Willis @ 25/3/2013 23:19
The group were settling down for the night in the sand. Things were very peaceful. Frederick stood to the side looking on. What sort of fool did people take him for? He dusted a space in the sand and sat himself down, quietly.

Lee looked despondent.

"I understand that my body gives no warmth..."

Brie stood up miserably.

"Aww Lee, it's okay...I-"

And right at that moment a blade sliced through the air. Brie fell backwards in terror. It had missed her by an inch. She turned around to look at everybody. They were exactly where they had been. Wilt stood upright and snarled.

"Show yourself!" He demanded. There was silence. Frederick and Lee both stood up from their sitting positions and approached cautiously.

"What trickery is this?" Frederick asked angrily.

The others gathered around. Everybody was accounted for. Brie lay quivering on the ground.

At that moment another blade sliced through the air. Angela ducked this time as it lopped off the bottom of her hair in a fell swoop. She looked furiously around for the culprit but the entire group were stood there...on their guard.

"Culo!" Yelled Ezra. Culo opened his eyes and glanced around to see what the mayhem was about. He was just able to quickly roll to the side, avoiding another blade swipe.

"What the hell is happening?!" Kane yelled from the shadows.

Ezra paused and took in the group. Boone was pointing with his fingers and trying to work something out.

"Is everybody stood stock still and accounted for? We can't afford to-"

A knife blade whirled past Ezra's neck. He felt the tip. He didn't breathe for a few moments until he finally gained the courage to step forth two steps and dive away from the centre.

"It's all around us!!!" Brie shouted and began to scream hysterically.

"Shhhhh!" Said Parker. The Queen and the Emperor had both stirred and were looking on.

"dessstrooooooy Willliisssssssss" the voice hissed. It was deep and cold as the grave.

The group span around as the sand beneath their feet shifted.

"Whoever you are, we want Willis dead too!" Lee shouted. "We mean you no harm. If that's your mission, we are on your side!"

"sssssss Frieeennnndsssss of Willllissssssssssss"

At that moment a mostly decomposed arm shot out of the sand. There was still a tiny bit of fetid meat left on it but much of the bone was visible. Brie let out a tremendous scream. The arm grabbed Kane by the leg as he yelled out, kicking it away frantically. A couple of the others rushed over to assist and they shook it away.

And the sand erupted.

Jumping out of the depths, spinning and sending grains of sand flying was a monstrous creature. It was tall and humanoid but mostly skeletal. Parts of it had decomposed but not all of it. It was a zombie-like monster clad in jet black armour. It landed gracefully on the sand and looked at the group. The cold dead eye sockets glowed a shade of violet. The centre of the armour carried an image of a skull and had the initials "DV" emblazoned on it.

"Willliisssssssss hassssss frienddsssssssss.....desssstroyyyyyy"

In a flash, the monstrous creature raised both arms. At the end of each was a lethal silver dagger. The handles of the daggers showed the same skull motif with the initials DV. The creature leaped forward and then vanished in a flash of purple sparks as it almost cleaved Wilt in two.

The group stood stock still and tried to get their bearings again. Was it gone?

"Willllissssssssss dessstroy"

The room filled with purple sparks. Three of the skeletal monstrosities stood at the edge of the room and hissed. Almost in an instant, the three skeletons disappeared in a flash of violet. Where their feet had been standing, more purple sparks zapped away and earthed themselves in the walls. Each went in a different direction.

The room was silent. All that could be heard was deep breathing.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #27: 27th Mar 2013 1:57:12 AM 
Posted Image 2223*
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #28: 28th Mar 2013 6:28:51 AM 
Boone @ 28/3/2013 0:24
Brie Halloway @ 28/3/2013 1:03

...who wants to give Wilt "the talk"?

*raises hand*

*humps bunny*

Humorous post! I gotta get better at keeping the stuff though.
Wilt Silverstone
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Post #29: 28th Mar 2013 6:32:40 AM 
Willis @ 27/3/2013 21:35
Pai Chan looked up sadly at Eleanor in a cage.

"We won't forget this noble act." She said proudly. Eleanor looked down at the group sadly but nodded. The sand in the hourglass had almost entirely run out now.

They turned their heads to watch Tyron marching over to the Western exit happily.

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeding the way." He said triumphantly. He pushed it open without a care in the world. Frederick and Wilt rapidly followed suit. One by one the entire group departed and left Eleanor in the cage.

The room beyond was very dark. It was twice as wide as the previous room. Tyron had stopped next to a large and decorative basin at the Northern side. There were two exits this time again, one going East which they had come through, and one going West. Tyron stared into the basin. It was full of water. He jumped back a little and glanced around.

"I can't stop thinking about Eleanor stuck in that horrible place." Said Brie shivering.

The background noise in here was quite loud. They wouldn't be able to hear anything from next door. They sighed collectively as Lee looked around.

"Friends, she chose to risk her position so that we might continue. Let us not dwell for too long. These are new grounds and could offer useful information."

He strode over to the basin as Boone clambered up his body, sitting on his head and pointing at it. Boone glared into the reflection in awe and began to shriek.

"EEEE AAAaaaa nabbanna!" He said, pointing excitedly. He did a somersault on Lee's head and clambered down. There was a small set of stone steps leading up to the basin. Boone clambered down them excitedly and began pointing at something on the base. The group rushed over.

"nabbana!" He shrieked.

They looked on at the source of his pointing. It was a small stone plaque on the wall. On it was inscribed a message.

"Herein lies the magic of the seers. Go to the water and speak of a place. That place shall be revealed to you."

Step up to the basin and speak a four digit number. Each player may only do this once per phase. Post ##Speak: ???? to do this.

It is now Phase 7. Phase 7 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (22):

Emperor Fong
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


Wilt Silverstone
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Post #30: 1st Apr 2013 5:23:49 PM 
Pai Chan @ 1/4/2013 10:23
Posted Image

A white square denotes a room that has no traps.
A tan square denotes a room that has traps.
A lavender square denotes a room that had a treasure.
A turquoise square denotes a room with a valuable tool.
A black number denotes the room number.
A red number denotes the phase during which the room was inhabited.
A black dot denotes an exit, and half for one-way exits.
A black asterisk denotes a portal to the other time period.
A red asterisk denotes an assumed portal to the other time period.


Sorry if the key is getting a little long. As usual, let me know if there are any mistakes. I'll repost again at the beginning of next phase for those who may need it.

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