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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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The Queen Hath Spoken
Queen Genevieve
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Post #16: 21st Apr 2013 9:10:16 PM 
Phase 20:

Phase 20 (5587*):
Rhea was injured but it wasn't a fatal trap. The items that I passed to Hobert, he contacted Peter first, and then when Peter passed his walkie-talkie to Kristoff because of being away for the next couple of days, so Hobert talked to Kristoff. However, he did not own up to talking to Kristoff, just yet.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #17: 21st Apr 2013 9:12:35 PM 
Phase 21 (4544*):

Airlea is attempting to figure out something with the numbers.

The Northern door had "North" etched on it and the Southern door had "South" etched on it. The door on the other side of the water door...which should have been West said..."East".

East (other side of portal)

That is the oddest thing we have encountered so far. However, Pai checked the East, and has seen a dark shadow. It may be Theseus, it may be his shadow, but I think we need to go “East” to figure out what it is.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #18: 21st Apr 2013 9:13:48 PM 
Phase 22 (Red Room &?):
From Mark:
Hey Queeny!

Nice to see you again, super glad you guys met up with the other group, you missed a lot clearly.
In case you didn't realize, we switched rooms with the other group so now we're where they were in the labyrinth.

Yes we're all still together.

We knew you were safe though thank god, we have a few helpful roles to do with that. Hope you Pai and Balagor are all fitting in well with the Cult of Kristoff.

We're in the southern most point of the labyrinth right now basically, 4958*.

We've been getting lots and lots of info about your new group’s travels but it seems like the information isn't being returned both ways even though we're sending it.

I would very much prefer if you hurt someone like Origo who is seldom around by the way.

If you have any preferences that would be nice to know.

I do not know how we got split either.

I already have the map of the entirety of our encounters

Here you go
Posted Image

This is all the rooms, as I know EVERYTHING that the other group has been doing, we've been relaying information, but clearly it isn't getting through.

There's an ultimate treasure to the north but you guys have been heading South which is really, really, annoying, I don't have to map to the ultimate treasure saved, I am so sorry.

Eleanor was killed and then saved. So one heal is gone. Brie is a role absorber. There's lots of interesting stuff going on. We're scared for you guys, and we've been keeping track the best that we can, I wish I could contact you personally but alas, that's not the way it goes.

I'll try and get more messages relayed to your group in the future, but alas, again, I can only do so much. We're headed to the future soon headed towards the staircase.

The rooms 4554 and 6361 switched.

No one else is dead on our side.

We have a scum in our group who keeps locking doors.

Eleanor is a humanist who can track the nearest human, our group has gotten really, really close and we miss you guys.

We all hope that you're ok, Wilt much so too. We're very wary of the Cult of Kristoff, hope the arguments aren't getting too bad.

Yeh, just like, try and explore more map, that's what we're trying to do.

The majority of the group does not want Dern to have his explosive back, for some reason they have a trust issue with him. I do understand why, he was not that trustworthy to me. Sophia is the twin, or at least the one who has been conversing with the other group. Some of the group requested that Dern give up his med-kit, and he has. I do not get all of this mistrust between Dern and what seems to be quite a few members of this group. I must get to the bottom of this.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #19: 21st Apr 2013 9:14:23 PM 
Phase 23 (3089*):


There are sixteen boxes in the room. Players may choose to open one, but each action must be performed in a separate post. It is not possible to bulk open chests at once. Type: ##Open: Colour to open the chest.

Dark Green
Lime Green

Hobert: Maroon (empty), Purple (empty), Yellow (Old worn Greek shoe that turned to dust)
Me: Aquamarine (Chalk), Silver (a scroll)
Ajax: Orange (A box with a puzzle, which he solved. Inside was a coin, and a female voice said she was coming after the coin), Dark Green (Empty)
Pai: Red (A book that she can speak into and one time it will revive a person)
Tyrese: Gold (Injured, cannot be healed)
Balagor: Lime Green (Empty)
Andrael: White (Empty)
Brittany: Cream (Strawberry frap that turned to dust), Pink (key)
Dennis: Black (cobwebs)
Maria: Indigo (Injured) – is now healed
Katy: Brown (Bow with five arrows which the bows have the ability to go through an exit and be retrieved if they don’t hit anything)
Emperor Fong
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee
This is who is alive in the other group.

Dern is actually Helm. She was pretending to be her brother, in honor of her brother’s name. Ajax got a coin that he cannot pass, nor discard of. However, someone is coming after it.

Lee entered the room first, I’m assuming, and was injured. They are in room 5730, headed to the future. They are taking the shuttle. We are exiting East.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #20: 21st Apr 2013 9:15:20 PM 
Phase 24 (3434*):

Balagor got a rope. He can tie people up for one phase and make them follow him.

Helm’s map:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Items held by the group:

Brittany: Key
Balagor: Rope
Sophia: Book, Walkie-talkie
Pai Chan: Book
Airlea: Bow and arrows (5)
Katy: Notebook
Peter: Medikit
Ajax: Cursed Coin
Hobert: Explosive, Gorgon tears
Kristoff: Explosive
Arimenstos: Scalpel
Me: Chalk
Hobert: Medusa’s tears
Kristoff: Walkie-talkie

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 21st Apr 2013 9:16:16 PM
Queen Genevieve
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 24
Post #21: 21st Apr 2013 9:17:13 PM 
Phase 25 (3089*):

Ezra got separated from the group.

Lee’s group found Carl’s dead body, right where Taylor had died. They found the staff and an orb. They do not trust Kristoff, no big surprise. Kristoff’s staff has some one shot truth teller, and backpack checker. Kristoff does not understand that just because he’s “supposedly” revealed everything, that I still do not trust him. Just because he’s spewed some words, does not mean I will trust him.
Hobert is a zombie. He has another life, should he die once. He also stated that he told Kristoff that he would get the explosive back once Kristoff let everyone know that it was safe. Once again, Kristoff lied. He then passed the explosive back to Hobert, once Hobert called him out.

Most of this group; I am sick and tired of. They follow Kristoff like they are mind-controlled by him. I wonder if that is apart of his role? He can detect things; why not detect the way peoples’ minds work? Maybe, he’s finding out the information on the exits from someone else, and he has a mind control ability. Who knows? Only time will tell.

Ezra is in room 9880, he is in the past. Eleanor tracked him.

Lady Helm's Exit Strategy:

Phase 5: Kristoff: He knew it was safe due his ability. 1 point.

Phase 6: Ajax: Though Kristoff knew it was safe Ajax did not. 2 points.

Phase 7: Arimnestos: Ran off alone into the unknown. 2 points

Phase 8: Ajax: I don't think Kristoff had revealed yet. 2 points

Phase 9: Lincoln: Known trap worth 3 points but he isn't with us so (X)

Phase 10: Me: Backtracking to previous room. 0 points.

Phase 11: Me: A known non-trap. 1 point.

Phase 12: Me? Doesn't matter it was backtracking again. 0 points.

Phase 13: Me: Portal into the unknown. 2 points.

Phase 14: Hobert?: Split the group to visit the safe room. 1 point.

Phase 15: Entering the same room as everyone else. 0 points.

Phase 16: Peter: west was trapped so he lead into the unknown north. 2 points.

Phase 17: zzzz

Phase 18: Backtracking 0 points,

Phase 19: Scott: we thought it was safe but I'd give him a 3 for that one if he were still alive.

Phase 20: Rhea: Trapped room but she was inactive and she's now dead (X)

Phase 21: Rhea > Pai Chan?: Known safe room with a pusher but since we known in actives don't trip non-trap rooms I'd still give... 1 point.

Phase 22: Rhea > Queen: Mystery room, she had a push monkey but with the added danger of the shadow I'd call this a solid... 2 points.

Phase 23: Tyrese: Safe room. 1 point.

Phase 24: Andrael: Safe room. 1 point.

Phase 25: Me: Backtracking 0 points.

Phase 26: Katy: Trapped room. Potential 3 points.

Maria: 0
Airlea: 0
Dennis: 0
Mikhail: 0
Brittany: 0
Balagor: 0
Sophia: 0
Tyrese: 1
Andrael: 1
Pai Chan: 1
Kristoff: 1
Hobert: 1
Arimnestos: 2
Queen: 2
Peter: 2
Helm: 3
Katy: 3
Ajax: 4
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