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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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The Ballad of Rita Kanakiri: Vol. I: An Unexpected Journey; Phases 1-16
Empress Rita
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Post #16: 27th Mar 2013 6:31:16 AM 
After rereading that zombie flavor... I'm thinking the zombies may have traveled through time? It does say they disappeared in a "flash of violet", which sounds kinda time travel-y.

Would suck to be in the present if that's the case, with 3+ zombies with dagger arms roaming around (:
Empress Rita
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Post #17: 27th Mar 2013 7:02:32 PM 
Damn. I really wanted to give my ability a test run (assuming Eleanor dies), but it looks like I may not get the chance :( It's much more useful for corpses we stumble upon rather than see die, but still.
Empress Rita
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Post #18: 27th Mar 2013 7:08:48 PM 
Kane is clearly Paco. And apparently Eleanor is someone from way back on FI considering she knows who FGG was. I have no idea who she could be though

edit: also am pretty sure Parker = Dylan

Post Edited by Empress Rita @ 27th Mar 2013 7:38:02 PM
Empress Rita
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Post #19: 28th Mar 2013 3:14:18 AM 
Phase 6

Room 2830*
Exits: West and South
Birdcage room. If a person opens the birdcage, they get trapped in it instead.

Angela @ 27/3/2013 7:04
My voice came back, it said they are in room 5116 and can see my actions.
Empress Rita
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Post #20: 28th Mar 2013 4:17:17 AM 

I'm dying at all of his posts. Such perfect timing too. The first real tragedy of the game and a fucking Easter bunny comes hopping in
Empress Rita
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Post #21: 30th Mar 2013 7:15:59 AM 
Phase 7

Room 5230*

-Exits: North, East, and West
- Room 5116 does not exist. Angela's voice is full of shit.
- Room 2830: Eleanor is dying but not dead.
- Room 9880: Same but now with large portal.
- Room 2223, 5230: Nothing is changed.
- Room 1328, 4853: floor replaced by swirling vortex
- Rooms 4319, 8008, 3402, 9330, 6490, 6600, 7374, 3280, 1951, 8550, 7630 do not exist

- Walton's voice says someone in the room has a healing power. My hunch is Fong, because of him trying to justify the doctor leaving Eleanor behind.
- Parker is a goddamn traitor and may he rot in hell.


Frederick on 1328
My room has some walls of course but there is no floor, the floor has been replaced by a vortex of sorts comprised of dark energy. There are some lightning strikes along the vortex at intervals as well.

Walton's voice through Phase 7+

Room guesses+
Empress Rita
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Post #22: 1st Apr 2013 5:23:51 PM 
Map as of Phase 7+
Empress Rita
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Post #23: 4th Apr 2013 1:23:00 AM 
Phase 8
- Still in Room 5230*
- Nothing of interest found in the fountain

The voice said you guys are onto something and that we should head North. It also stressed that the healer is still with us. But it did say we should head North but only if we ALL head North.
Empress Rita
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Post #24: 5th Apr 2013 1:35:04 AM 
Phase 9
Room 1538 (no parallel)

- Exits: North and South
- Parker says a monster killed Tyron
- Everyone is charged for a portal now
- According to Mark's voice, the labyrinth is two stories and has a shuttle
- Urk apparently is a 'Ward' and keeps monsters away

Walton 1
The voice is insisting that whoever the healer is to revive Tyron. It said that if he is not around then we won't have someone willingly going in each room first and risking whatever might be in the next room.

Walton 2
The voice said we are fools. It also said someone who we knew previously is in our area. I'm assuming that is Carl, but we already knew that.

Boone @ 4/4/2013 14:28
Ezra @ 4/4/2013 15:12
"The dead don't stay dead forever, and don't trust old friends"? Is that close?

*nods up and down excitedly*

Empress Rita
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Post #25: 6th Apr 2013 2:21:46 AM 
Phase 10
Room 4889*

Exits: North, South, East, and West
- Twice the width of normal room
- Spikes seem to cause injury rather than death (per Marek)
- Urk's power may be what's stopping the zombies from killing people?


Empress Rita
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Post #26: 7th Apr 2013 2:46:43 AM 
Phase 11
Room 9931* - Mirror room

- Genevieve, Balagor, Pai Chan all went missing (presumably passed into the shadow mirror)
- Lee selected Angela. Mark selected Angela and came in soon after that. Fong selected Lee and joined their group. Angela then selected Ezra. They all met up with Thomas, Walton, Culo, Parker, Frederick. Walton exited first West
Picks of "large group"+

Post Edited by Empress Rita @ 7th Apr 2013 3:47:53 AM
Empress Rita
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Post #27: 8th Apr 2013 2:47:16 AM 
WHEW. Lots of new info this phase!

Phase 12
Room 9238*

- Mark's voice says "Cerberus is coming"
- Angela felt nothing when Thomas died, but felt a stabbing afterwards. Also felt a "mauling" last phase.



Mark groups+


Walton's voice+

Eleanor's maps+

More Mark info + map+
Empress Rita
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Post #28: 8th Apr 2013 2:52:19 AM 
"The one that you least expect is the one that should be expected."

Assuming this isn't complete bullshit, it sounds like the voice might be saying that the person we trust the most is actually evil. I would think that'd be Ezra or maybe Lee.

Don't want to bring this up to the group yet though because it's not worth the finger-pointing until we know if the voice is actually trustworthy.
Empress Rita
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Post #29: 8th Apr 2013 2:56:11 AM 
Also Marek has really impressed me with his intelligence. Sometimes his theories are a little off-the-wall, but most of the time he's really insightful and accurate. One of the better members of this group for sure.
Empress Rita
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Post #30: 8th Apr 2013 3:28:54 AM 
lol, so apparently Wikey = Eleanor

probably shouldn't have used your Photobucket for your maps Wikey (:
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