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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Thoughts; (out of character probably)
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Post #16: 18th Mar 2013 2:43:19 PM 
I like how the majority of this journal is about Walton. AGAIN, SLEEP DEPRIVATION. I'll be going back to bed now.
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Post #17: 18th Mar 2013 9:01:12 PM 
The more Walton posts the more I like him. His avatar still terrifies me though
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Post #18: 18th Mar 2013 11:02:29 PM 
I am getting tired of being the welcome committee.
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Post #19: 19th Mar 2013 1:09:27 AM 
I love all of the characters except Origo and Tyron, because they haven't really posted. This is great
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Post #20: 19th Mar 2013 5:39:54 AM 
Emperor Fong @ 19/3/2013 0:31
Rita Kanakiri.

I never thought I would see your putrid face again, you BASTARD child!

And the rest of you, mere peasants and simple minded dwellers, eh? Being in the same vicinity as you... you creatons... makes my head ache and my stomach churn.

*tips crown forward*

This is going to be a long raid. Anyone who wishes to follow and assist me will find eternal glory and wealth. Those who get in my way will lose their hands. And those who DEFY the greatest Emperor of the Bito Isles, HARK, the greatest Emperor WHO EVER LIVED... those of you who defy ME... you will BURN, PERISH. I WILL TURN YOU INTO NOTHING BUT BITO ASH AND DUST!!

*slams septor into the ground*



The greatest Emperor who ever is has returned from his underground chambers to reclaim his family honor! My boys, King Frostilicious and General Bear, you beautiful boys will not have died in vain. And my sweet nephew, the Bitolicious, Rito Kanakiri, you too will not have died for no reason at all.

Your Emperor has returned!

And I will once again bring JUSTICE to our family name!

As they say in the holy Bito Isles..... No one fucks with a Bito.

This was all I could have ever asked for an more. This... this may just be a masterpiece.
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Post #21: 19th Mar 2013 6:17:08 AM 
Oh god the family feud is... asdfghj I can't express how much I love this game already
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Post #22: 19th Mar 2013 1:58:12 PM 
You now have the power to edit your entries and hide pictures of Walton on a whim.
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Post #23: 19th Mar 2013 5:38:20 PM 
Thank you! :D
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Post #24: 19th Mar 2013 5:53:27 PM 
I hope the Who-Knows-Gabriel thing is just in-character chatter and no one is seriously basing suspicions on it. That's ridiculous. It's all just characterization, guys! And I think Mikhail is an NPC... unless someone got the preexisting character. In which case, I love their signature. If not, I still love the signature.

I don't think the non-talkers are all that suspicious yet, either. Taylor lurked the threads for a good long time before posting, but then again, he was the only person no one greeted.

(Also, I love that his quirk is being completely forgettable. That's incredible)
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Post #25: 19th Mar 2013 7:58:58 PM 
Tyrese @ 19/3/2013 14:56
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

:ermm: what

Post Edited by Ezra @ 19th Mar 2013 7:59:09 PM
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Post #26: 20th Mar 2013 3:12:31 AM 
My karma is taking a hit today! Oh well. I don't really care...

Alright that's not entirely true. I'm just wondering WHY. But Brie's also been smited and I think she's posted less to get on people's nerves than I have.

Anyway, all of the suspicion and whining about no shows is annoying me terribly. There is no reason to be genuinely looking to lynch mob anyone else yet.

I hope we start soon, just so I can get in a group. Its not that I don't love all the different characters, its just that all the characters in a clump with nothing to do is starting to make them all a little less likable.

Lol, Brit's karma is taking a hit too. Though that's not new, it does make me feel better

Post Edited by Ezra @ 20th Mar 2013 3:14:34 AM
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Post #27: 20th Mar 2013 4:41:20 AM 
>:( I'M AT 0 NOW.

If this is how it must be, then so be it. I shall drag a random player down along with me!

There were 25 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Dennis 24 3.65%
Walton Cotton 30 4.56%
Willis 27 4.10%
Kane 27 4.10%
Boone 34 5.17%
Parker Moon 8 1.22%
Mark 16 2.43%
Scott 2 0.30%
Taylor 10 1.52%
Origo 16 2.43%
Hobert 67 10.18%
Sophia 32 4.86%
Emperor Fong 8 1.22%
Sr. Culo 13 1.98%
Gabriel McCoy 14 2.13%
Eleanor 6 0.91%
Angela Harken 46 6.99%
Ezra 101 15.35%
Brie Halloway 49 7.45%
Brittany :)) 71 10.79%
Tyroninator 3 0.46%
Tyrese 31 4.71%
Rita Kanakiri 18 2.74%
Lincoln 1 0.15%
General Mikhail Chuikov 4 0.61%


(Okay, not really, I think the character is a bit of a prick)
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Post #28: 20th Mar 2013 7:35:26 AM 
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I dunno who that was but I like them. I'm not going to stop my war on Dennis though.
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Post #29: 20th Mar 2013 2:13:57 PM 
Since I can't sleep because I mixed up the decaf tea with the regular I decided to fill up some time and type this up. I wanna get this in before the game actually starts and I have a role, anyway... my mission statement of sorts. My GOALS for this game.

My first goal is to be sane (:

Assuming I am sane and have the standard win condition, my goal is to fight off suspiciousness as much as possible for me. I want to be fairly trusting! I know that seems like a silly goal for a game like this, where everyone else has sworn to be on edge and trust no one and take no prisoners and blah blah blah... but I really, genuinely think trust is the key to a town victory.

I spent a long time watching the town fumble around in Lab 2. I analyzed the hell out of that cast in equal parts with enjoying watching the story play out... and I realize now what I couldn't quite articulate during post game without sounding like I was being an arrogant dick and annoying winner... The town was at their most enjoyable and rootable when they trusted each other. And they were always so much more terrifying when they did. Exchanging ideas and information freely, believing in each other, stepping down from the red room and saying "no" to mind games, passing BP vests in secret... those were all incredibly damaging to my agenda. When the trust stopped, though, and people turned their suspicions inwards towards each other... that is when people started started trusting the voice on the other end of the walkie because it was honest about being an inhuman entity with a conflicting win condition, and that was at least something true to hold on to.

I think it's important to be wary, but taking a gamble on selective trust... I think that's the tipping point. I think it's a risk that could fail, but it's a risk that is worth taking. Undue suspicion doesn't help anyone. And I think it'll be more fun to be a Roth and trust anyone who hasn't tried to attack me.

My other goal, scum or town, is integrate with a group. I know, everyone does that, that's not much of a goal, blah blah blah. DO YOU KNOW WHO HAS NEVER BEEN A TRUSTED AND RESPECTED GROUP MEMBER? Me! Lab 1, thanks to some misplaced inactivity and horrible decisions on my part as well as a generally chaotic group in general, I was pretty well distrusted. The only reason I was tolerated was because I could steal the items I wanted anyway and could check people's inventories and journals out. Lab 2, I didn't have a chance in hell of being a part of a group. Unless you're Bryce and Roth, most people don't react well to a suddenly reanimating corpse. The second I dropped into Group F, I was SOL as far as group trust went. I was interrogated immediately and I admittedly didn't hide very well that I held a grudge over it and spent most of my time screaming at kiwi because I thought he was a sociopath.

So being a part of a group, trusted and respected and valued would be a very different experience for me! I think it would be a good spot to be in if I am town. And if I'm scum... well... :D Even better!

I basically made a checklist at the start of Lab 2 of things that would be fun for a villain to do. I think I got them all, minus grabbing the key first and hiding it somewhere else. A villain alliance was near the top because to me that was just such a cool concept. I got to play that scenario out and most of my others, right down to a great big Villainous BSOD in front of the heroes and a grand finale and a room stacked with bodies. I really did play it for all it was worth, which is why I want to be town.

BUT... ever since Lab2 ended, I've always wondered... What if Niney had been scum?

Think about it. The very heart and soul of the group, trusted and revered by everyone, 100% believed to be town in spite of never being confirmed following the phase 15 event, the person everyone took direction and advice from. Imagine, being scum and wriggling into the seat of power and staying firmly planted there for the whole game, subtly leading the group to their dooms, pushing them into the positions where they compromise their safety.

That is something that was not on my checklist. And that is an experience I haven't gotten to have yet. And if I'm scum, I want to make that a reality. I'll probably fail! I'm not much of a leader at all! I am trying very hard to put myself out there as a visible entity early.

If I'm scum, I want the seat of power, the spot right next to whichever fool outright attempts to lead the masses. And if I'm town, I want to be near the center of it all and try to drive us to the first town victory. I don't really care if I personally win I guess. It's a goal but its not the main one for me if I'm town. You have to accept the probability of defeat, I think. I do want to see the key though. If nothing else, I want that key in our hands.

But even if these fail, I just want to have fun and see a great story play out. I don't think that will be hard :)

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Post #30: 20th Mar 2013 2:18:16 PM 
I was terrified that would post to the pregame by mistake somehow! :|

Also, I don't want to harass you guys with requests, but the lack of the psycho smilies is really disappointing :(

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


Maybe they're on there and I missed them... I am starting to majorly crash after way too much caffeine... its very possible I'm just not seeing them.
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