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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Room Flavors
Queen Genevieve
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Post #1: 14th Apr 2013 11:25:38 PM 

Phase 18:

Willis @ 13/4/2013 22:17
Scott walked towards the Northern door slowly. Entering into the unknown was always dangerous but...this was known. Sort of. He was still hesitant as he pushed the door. The light took him in awe as he ventured into the room beyond.

The ground beneath his feet was damp but it was natural. He glanced up at the very high ceiling. They were still encased but it was so much more open here. He was stood in a small alcove, surrounded by stone walls on the North, East and South side. The door he'd just entered was South and there was another door to the East.

On the Western side of the alcove was a canal. It stretched into the far distance which was very misty. The water was green and slightly miserable looking but it was so rewarding after years of living life in the underground. He stretched his arms and smiled up at the heavens. He was feeling inspiration. He wanted to write a song about the day. The music of the sensation that something very close to outdoors might bring.

He sat down on the ground and crossed his legs. It was damp and it smelled bad but it was real. He strummed a few notes on his guitar, completely forgetting himself as he closed his eyes and felt the air around him. This almost made the situation worth it.

He was quickly jolted to attention by the door opening behind him as the others came through. He forgot that he was meant to tell them it was safe.

"Sorry. Got a bit....carried away...." He said, his eyes gazing back across the beautiful green waters. There was a dank wooden dock extending into them with a large boat at the end that could seat them all. It was surrounded by oars.

Many of the other future-dwellers reveled in the nature of the room. Even the hardened General Chuikov smiled weakly at the feeling of the ground beneath his feet. The only one who didn't was Brittany. She just turned her nose up and wafted with her hand.

"It stinks!!!" She declared loudly to everybody.

Peter's eyes were drawn to the chalk marking on the Southern wall. It read:

"13 S"

It is now Phase 18. Phase 18 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (20):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve

West (Ride Boat)

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:17:05 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #2: 15th Apr 2013 3:26:27 AM 

Phase 19:

Willis @ 14/4/2013 22:23
Scott climbed aboard the boat as the others followed suit. There were murmurs of protest from Balagor, Pai and the Queen.

"It's time we started to trust each other." Pai demanded. They had to draw a line in the sand. Kristoff shrugged and got on the boat.

Dern held out an encouraging hand to help the Queen.

"Then let us make it happen." He said as he helped her on board the boat. Balagor watched carefully.

"Alright, time to move out." Said Scott and began to row. The others followed suit.

Before long they were further West along the narrow canal. They continued to move as the current overtook them and they no longer felt the need to paddle so much. The Queen took in her surroundings carefully.

"I'm glad you decided to stick together." Said Airlea helpfully. Balagor grinned.

"Things were getting boring anyway."

At the front of the boat, Scott admired the view with a smile. It was so peaceful out here on the misty green waters. The boat was gaining a bit of momentum as it veered up towards the North and passed under a stone bridge high above. From there it moved out East again and things slowed down considerably. Finally the boat came to a full stop and the group were left sitting and waiting.

Scott grabbed the oar and began to paddle but the boat wasn't moving very much.

"The current ended." He said.

He sat down and looked at his guitar. The air around here was getting mistier. He pulled it out and strummed a few notes.

"I never thought I'd live to captain a boat. There's no water in the underground. It's so sad." He said as he played some more.

Peter smiled.

"You're good Scott. You should play more for us."

Scott felt at peace in that moment. Kristoff had other things on his mind. His eyes were darting across the water. There were bubbles rising.

Airlea stood up and reached for her bow, remembering with a sudden clarity that she no longer had it. She nonetheless watched the bubbles moving until they vanished. A shadow darted across the water where the bubbles had been. She looked over at the others.

"There's something down he-" She began as the splash of green water filled the air. Something monstrous was arcing above the boat, high overhead. It was a long serpent like creature, covered in spiny fins up and down. It hit the water with another splash that almost capsized the boat. In its wake followed a fish-like tail that disappeared.

The shadow was still moving as the group braced themselves. Another huge splash arced over the boat, along with a cry of agony. A gigantic dark blue head dived down into the water. It had reptilian eyes. It was very swift, and it disappeared once more from view without knocking the boat over.

When it sunk back into the water, the greens turned to red. The group looked around in horror and gasped when they saw the front of the boat. Scott was gone. They glanced into the water and saw a broken guitar bobbing along the surface.

"We need to go, NOW!" Ajax insisted. The group began to frantically paddle. The current finally caught up to them once more and the boat jerked along to the West. It began a path South before docking in yet another large room.

The features of this room were different to the other. There was an enormous statue arm rising from the water. It wielded a deadly looking trident. The dock with the boat extended West and the group looked on as they clambered out onto the land as another boat traveled back along the water of its own accord.

Then the smell hit them. Oh dear.

They looked down at the body laying on the ground. It was decomposing quite a bit. The eyes of Thomas looked up at the ceiling as they sighed. Too much death around here. Balagor checked the wall. There was chalk here. It read:

"! E
12 W"

Airlea turned to the water and shook her head sadly. Something was bobbing up and down on the surface. She moved over and gently pulled it towards the shore. It was Scott, quite torn to pieces, and very dead.

The room fell eerily silent.

It is now Phase 19. Phase 19 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (19):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve

South (Locked)
West (Ride Boat)

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:17:31 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #3: 16th Apr 2013 4:27:50 AM 

Willis @ 15/4/2013 22:06
With a shove, Rhea was hoisted through the Southern door forcefully. She rubbed her back miserably which was probably the most she'd done in a while. Hazily she took in her surroundings through tired eyes.

The room was small, about standard size. There was another door to the South. The walls of this room were made of solid stone slabs. They were very secure and covered with a strange damp. Moss grew on the surface and covered the muddy floor. To this extent it looked similar to the floor of the room they'd just left.

Rhea walked across the floor and stared across at the Eastern wall. There was a small circular hole cut into it. She stood watching thoughtfully as the floor began to rumble, dodging back against the Western wall for security, she looked on at the hole with care. Something was coming out of it. Overhead, two smaller slits watched like angry eyes set in a face. The hole in this case would be the mouth.

Suddenly her view was caked in blue. She let out a scream of terror as the jet of water blasted out and headed straight for her. It was too late to dodge though, the fear was quite extreme. The jet-stream careened into her body. It carried with it an extreme force that was inescapable. Her body felt flattened against the hard stone wall as every bone ached from the onslaught of water. The door opened amidst screaming and the group dashed in to investigate, standing well back from the jet.

Finally, it ebbed into a trickle which ran underfoot and then vanished entirely with nothing but the smell of damp. Rhea's drenched body tumbled to the floor. Covered in mud, weak and limp, she lay there still weary. Her eyes shot back up to the group as she attempted to get to her feet. This failed miserably as she collapsed once more in the mud.

Dern and Peter ran across to aid her and she just about managed to stand upright. She was alive, but she didn't look particularly well.

It is now Phase 20. Phase 20 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (19):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Rhea (I)


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:18:03 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #4: 17th Apr 2013 2:42:49 AM 

Willis @ 16/4/2013 21:38
There was another carefully placed shove. Dern found himself feeling a tad guilty as he watched Rhea topple into the room beyond. There was a silence for the longest time. Looking around at his companions wearily, he shrugged. If she was dead then...maybe the path was clear. That was a horrible thought when you came to consider this. He shuddered as the group made for the South exit and entered unknown territory.

They reached a small stone room that was basked in a hue of aquamarine. Rhea was nowhere to be seen. That was troubling. The walls in here were plain as could be. Solid stone which rippled and changed ever so subtly with the light. The cause of that was the source of the glow. Against the Western wall was a circular doorway. It was wide open and enormous, set firmly in place. Its surface was no material, instead a strange rippling energy.

The energy flowed and danced around as if like water, but it was impossible to see past it. A portal to the future? That seemed the most likely candidate. But those were...

Maria shook her head, speaking the unspoken thoughts of the group.

"The portals through time were always purple. This is the first green one."

Dern fancied it was more blue than green but he nodded his approval. The question was, where had Rhea gone to and did they dare cross beyond into the unknown?


The voice was faint and muffled but...was that Rhea? Airlea and Katy moved over to the swirling vortex carefully and both called out. There was a faint response. She was on the other side of the...?

The voice was hard to hear. It traveled through the strange matter like sound through water. With a bit more clarity, but strange nonetheless.

"It pulled me through."

Dern rubbed his chin thoughtfully and gave a shrug. Sometimes bravery was a worthy cause. There was only so much they could avoid the unknown. He strode forth past the shocked onlookers and stepped into the swirling mass. His body disappeared completely from view.

There was a silence for a time as the group looked past in horror.

"Step through."

The re-assuring voice was Dern's. Ajax gave a shrug and clambered into the material. General Chuikov, Balagor and Dennis quickly followed. Andrael smiled and shrugged. It must be safe. He went through to join the others.

Kristoff watched as all the others around him slowly dispersed. Finally it was just him, Airlea, Genevieve and Brittany left. Genevieve stepped through daintily, taking care to raise her dress as she crossed the threshold. Brittany shrugged and shook her head.

"I'm not going in that icky wet stuff!" She declared. Airlea sighed and clambered over. Kristoff stood looking at it eternally before he shut his eyes, muttered something and jumped over.

He emerged into a room that was....completely identical to the last one. But it was disorienting. There were no exits North and South, there was one to the West where he'd just clambered through. But over the door it said...

"East." Said Dern helpfully.

Kristoff scratched his head.

"But that way is West."

Dern considered things carefully and then strode back through the portal. Brittany shrieked and jumped back.

"Stay back monster!" She yelled as Dern shook his head re-assuringly.

"It's fine." He offered. Brittany was not convinced. Slowly the others joined him as they clambered back through into the starting room. Surely enough, they looked at the doorways. The Northern door had "North" etched on it and the Southern door had "South" etched on it. The door on the other side of the water door...which should have been West said..."East".

The group sat down, trying to take it all in.

It is now Phase 21. Phase 21 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (19):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Rhea (I)

East (other side of portal)

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:18:26 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #5: 18th Apr 2013 8:35:29 PM 
Red Room & 9859

Phase 22:

Willis @ 17/4/2013 23:13
Your eyes snap open. The room around you is stone, with iron bars set into the floor. Beneath the iron bars is a descent into nothingness. The bars themselves do not look particularly stable. The stone walls and roof are all bright red. Lights in the room are causing it. Two skulls set by the wall are giving off an eerie red glow. Between them both stands a man with a brown robe but you can't move. You're fixed in place. You glance down and see your body glowing with some kind of red energy.

"No sense in running. I have summoned you here because things were getting...tedious. And it's time to play a game."

Queen Genevieve glanced over and her eyes met another. It was Mark. They hadn't seen each other in quite some time. Mark began to speak but no words came out.

"You will speak when I deem it appropriate. For now, you will both listen carefully. This requires you each to participate, I hope you understand."

They both looked forward at the figure. It didn't seem like they had a choice. There was a barred door against one of the walls but there was no way through it. The red was beginning to hurt their eyes. The Queen shut them, reflexively.

"You each travel with a group of people. I've been watching you and it occurs to me that you both once traveled together. That is quite fortunate for you, it seems like you will co-operate more. Because you are going to reach a decision."

"Of course, neither can persuade the other what that decision must be. You much each make your own decision, independent of the other. This must be made privately. But the other may speak with you and encourage you to...act a certain way. If you will."

"You are both to pick a person. But it will not be a person you are currently travelling with. It will be a person the other is travelling with."

"I do not care to know your names. The one dressed in strange attire with the eyeglass shall choose a person from the companions of the queen here. The queen, shall choose one from the strangely dressed boy. No good will come to your choice. That person will surely suffer. I cannot say what their fate will be, but it will be quite unpleasant. That is a certainty."

"So it is up to the both of you. Appeal to one another who should and should not be hurt. Play the gods. Then you will each be returned to your companions. No harm will befall either of you."

He paused.

"Well, no harm that I cause. Yet."

With a red flash, the figure of Willis disappeared. The two were left motionless, but able to speak.

Each player must select another in their role thread. They must post ##Select: Player Name. The player must be a travelling companion of the other player in the room. Once both players have selected, they will be returned to their groups.

More of Phase 22 in my journal:

Willis @ 17/4/2013 22:46
Phase 22:

Genevieve walked through the portal boldly. The room did the strange shift once more. The door clearly said East so...assuming it was the Eastern exit...that would put...

She pointed North...at least to where the new North would be.

"Confusing...but I assume this way is North." She said formally as Dern arrived behind her with a salute.

"It is, my Queen. But don't be too hasty."

He pulled Rhea along with him. She wasn't protesting much, she didn't appear to be around at all. He hoisted her by the doorframe and waited for the others. They came through the portal too. Finally Brittany appeared with a shriek. Ajax and Peter walked out from behind her and shrugged. She needed a little push.

"That was fun!" She shrieked in a voice that shattered ear drums.

"Alright, time to keep moving." Said Balagor. The group nodded and pushed Rhea towards the "East". She began to protest suddenly and hold herself back.

"I don't want to go first again! I have to..." She paused. There was a noise coming from the door.

"We'll work it out next room." Said Kristoff shrugging. Finally Rhea miserably pushed the door and stepped into the unknown.

The room beyond was a deep red, but that's not what she saw. She saw black. It was approaching very quickly, and there didn't seem to be a way to avoid it. The players in the room to the West gasped as they saw it too but it was too late. Two silver daggers arced through the air and sliced through flesh. The motion was so fast, it was almost a blur. And Rhea fell to the floor, bleeding all over. She writhed there in the doorway of the Eastern room for a time before coming to a silent stop.

"Frieeeeeeeenddddssssssssss mussssssssstt desssttroyyyyyy" Said the creature.

The group finally got a good look at it. It was a tall figure, humanoid but with rotting flesh and jutting bones. It was more skeleton now than anything. It wore pitch black armour and a waving black cape flowed behind it. The armour had a belt at the front with the initials "DV" emblazoned on them. The same initials were present on the silver daggers, beneath the skull.

The figure glared at the group, it's empty eye sockets glowing purple. Then it dived like a locomotive, moving without adjusting its limbs at all. As it dived forth into the throng of people, it raised the two daggers menacingly.

"Ooooooour misssssssssssssssssion." It hissed. It looked around at the group and let out a blood-curdling scream. All that could be seen in the mouth beyond was purple light.

"GO. NOW!" Ajax screamed above the din.

The figure had frozen them all in place but if they ran...the door was open. They each dived into the Eastern room and slammed the door behind them. Beyond the Western door was another blood-curdling scream.

"What was that thing?!" Said Brittany in tears.

Genevieve sighed and took in her surroundings. This room was blood red, quite fitting really. A spiral staircase seemed to move upwards into the unknown. The staircase had two skulls at the base. Peter tended to Rhea's body. Blood was everywhere. He shook his head miserably. She was dead now.

But Airlea had her attention elsewhere. There was a hooded figure at the top of the stairs. Pai Chan stood next to her and assumed a defensive pose. The Queen stood by nervously.

The hood lowered and the group saw a man with a thick black beard. His hair was long and flowing and just as black. He grinned down at the assembled group from over his brown cape.

"You've come very far, but now it's time to play the game on my terms." He spoke. His voice boomed out to the room somehow.

"The one with the crown. As your friend down there has sadly, met her demise somehow," he pointed to Rhea's corpse, "I believe you were the first over the threshold. Naturally then you shall follow me. You have no choice in the matter though."

With that he raised his arms. Red energy beamed around Genevieve's body and she felt herself being lifted through the air. She was raised slowly towards the robed man and then placed onto the stairs, which she was climbing, seemingly against her will.

"Do not try to follow. It is sealed. She will be back with you shortly I dare say."

"Who are you?" Said Kristoff, looking shiftily at the man.

"My name is Willis. Why are so many of you ignorant of the place? The fat king really does choose fools for his errands. No matter. You will soon be expired fools."

He disappeared in a flash of Red. Genevieve rounded the corner and disappeared from sight too.

You have been summoned to the Red Room. A thread will be posted shortly with further instructions.

Returning to the group:

Willis @ 18/4/2013 17:37
There was a yelp of pain from the centre of the room. The group turned to look as Brittany slumped to the floor. Her eyes were cold as she looked down. She was bleeding.

She let out a horrendous scream of pain as she sobbed on the floor. Quickly, some of the group rushed over to tend to her. There was no sign of where the wound had come from.

"What happened?" Ajax asked, curiously. Brittany just continued to sob. She clearly had no idea.

There was a rumble from up above as Queen Genevieve toppled through the doorway. She landed with a thud against the wall as the door once more bolted shut. Dern rushed up to assist her as she blinked and took in the room below. It was the same as when she had left. Rhea's corpse was sat against the doorway to the West, looking ominous. She clambered to the foot of the stairs with Dern's help.

It is now Phase 22. Phase 22 will end in roughly 4 hours from now.

Players (18):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:18:58 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #6: 19th Apr 2013 3:46:26 AM 
Phase 23: 3089*

Willis @ 18/4/2013 22:43
Tyrese marched boldly to the Northern door. It was probably safe anyway. Still, the fear unnerved him. After all, who could trust anything in this place? Briefly a memory of Rhea falling after the skeletal monstrosity charged forth flashed to mind. No...best not to worry about that. Time to press on.

He nodded solemnly to the group, stretched his muscular arms as he always used to before training and he pushed the door firmly and with purpose. It gave way to a room beyond.

This room was covered in a black stone floor, patterned with occasional shades of white. It was twice as long as a normal room, extending far to the North where a door with a lock stood in his path. There was another exit to the East, jutting out on the Southern side of the room.

But the middle of the floor was the most captivating part. There were treasure chests. And not just a few. This was a veritable hoard. He walked over to the boxes mesmerised as the group beyond moved forth. There was a shriek of joy from Brittany who was recovering well.

"Treasure treasure treasure treasure!" She said excitedly. The group stood back and looked as Tyrese joined them nodding.

Slowly and carefully, Dennis did a mental count and reported his discovery.

"Sixteen." He said in awe. "There are sixteen chests."

The group looked at them all with wonder in their eyes. Sixteen? If each contained something then...that was a lot of wealth...

But now was not the time to think about such things. What they really needed was something useful. Each box was a slightly different shade and none of them contained a visible lock.

It is now Phase 23. Phase 23 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

There are sixteen boxes in the room. Players may choose to open one, but each action must be performed in a separate post. It is not possible to bulk open chests at once. Type: ##Open: Colour to open the chest.

Dark Green
Lime Green

Players (18):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve

North (Locked)

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:19:20 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #7: 20th Apr 2013 3:42:24 AM 
Phase 24 (3434*):

Willis @ 19/4/2013 22:25
Andrael marched over to the Eastern exit. The chests had strayed them far from peace and understanding, but the power of the gods be good, he would lead on this time and they would bless his descent. He placed his palms gently on the Eastern door. He was not a man to rush things. He tossed his robes around him carefully and waited a moment longer before pushing through.

"Paradiso guide me." He said as he walked into the candlelit room.

It was dusty in here. This place hadn't been used in a while. The room was about the standard size. A desk stood against the Northern wall, illuminated with a small candle. He walked over to the desk and glanced down. It was covered in burned paper. Nothing useable, nothing legible. Whoever had been here was not fond of people reading their thoughts.

He opened each of the desk drawers with care, remembering the power of explosive magic carefully. They were all empty save for a few scraps and what appeared to be a rotten apple core. He tossed it aside as his hand touched something useable. It was a long piece of rope, coiled around itself. He placed it on the floor, carefully.

Turning around he moved towards the bed on the Southern wall. It had not been used in a while. It too was covered in dust and mould. He reached down beneath it and found a chest below. Pulling it out carefully, he dusted it off. The chest was not locked. The group milled into the room after him and he gave them a solemn nod.

"The gods have gifted us with tools." He spoke with a smile.

It is now Phase 24. Phase 24 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.


Players (18):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve

East (Locked)

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:19:46 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #8: 21st Apr 2013 2:16:22 AM 
Phase 25 (3089*):

Willis @ 20/4/2013 20:03
Helm glanced around the room. It was probably time to move on. She nodded over to the group and took the lead, striking off through the Western exit and into the previous room. No hesitation was shown, and quickly Arimnestos, Sophia, Airlea, and the rest filed in behind Helm one after the other.

The chest room was completely unchanged, and remained in the same state they had left it - thoroughly ransacked. Still, Balagor made a round of the chests just to be sure no new items were laying around. He noticed Maria and Kristoff giving him the stink eye as he did so. Balagor stopped at the remains of the exploded Golden chest and shrugged.

"Just checking, friends."

He laughed and walked to the Northern exit to mess with the lock on the door. He stuck his fingertip into the keyhole and wiggled it around before turning to face the group with a shrug.

It is now Phase 25. Phase 25 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (18):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve

North (Locked)

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:20:03 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #9: 22nd Apr 2013 4:30:40 AM 
Phase 26 (4043*):

Willis @ 21/4/2013 23:25
Katy walked towards the Northern door, glancing back nervously. She wanted to be brave...mostly for them. She looked at young Hobert and remembered their little faces. No...best not...they were with her always. She closed her eyes and pushed the stone door. The unknown was scary but she would do it for them.

The room beyond was standard sized with exits on the Northern, Eastern and Southern side. In the middle of it stood a very tall statue. The room itself extended upwards into a sort of stone, circular chimney. An iron panel rested at the top. Katy looked up at it. That was very high, and very foreboding. The statue towered over her, looking on but she wouldn't be afraid. She took another step forth and felt a clunk underfoot.

A tile had sunk in slightly. She shivered as it sent a cold chill down her spine. At that moment however, the heat began to rise. She looked up as the iron panel slowly and carefully moved aside. Behind it blazed an intensely bright light. It carried the full force of the sun but it was hotter. It was hotter than the old summer suns she remembered from above ground. She began to sweat profusely.

"I will survive this for...them..." She said as the beads of sweat pooled beneath her. At that moment the temperature rose. She let out a shriek as it burned into her and began to singe her skin. Falling to the ground weakly, she still resisted the rising heat. Behind her the door stirred as her skin began to turn red under the boiling intensity.

The group stood in the open doorway and gasped, shielding themselves from the heat and the light. Finally the iron panel moved backwards and with a "clunk", fell into place. Katy looked over at the group from her position on the floor and fell forward. Her skin was red raw. Her hands and her face were scorched. She breathed slowly and carefully.

"I....." She started as Hobert scuttled over.

"I'll be...okay...." She murmured. She stood upright and slunk towards the group before sinking back to the floor. It ached to do anything but she would press on.

For them.

It is now Phase 26. Phase 26 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (18):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:20:22 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #10: 23rd Apr 2013 7:11:50 AM 
Phase 27 (4043*):

Willis @ 22/4/2013 20:41
The group sat and waited as Dennis floated down from above the iron panel. He landed quite firmly on the ground. Crouched by where Airlea sat, Ajax opened his eyes and groaned, shifting himself into an upright position.

"...I miss anything?" He asked groggily.

The rest waited patiently.

It is now Phase 27. Phase 27 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (18):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:20:42 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #11: 24th Apr 2013 2:18:05 AM 
Phase 28 (7208*)

Willis @ 23/4/2013 20:59
Ajax marched up to the Northern door. He had a determined luck on his face. If the gods wanted to test him, so be it. He would take their challenge. He turned back to the group. There was fear in his expression but he gave a solemn nod and glared at the door in front. He'd faced worse. With a hefty push, it opened wide.

The room beyond was tranquil and warm. Not overly hot though. The temperature was very pleasant. It was also incredibly scenic. He stood on a small platform overlooking two enormous pools in stone basins. Mist filled the air as the green water rippled. Ambient light glinted off the surface and Ajax allowed himself a deep breath. He recalled bathing in the lake...all that time ago. How much they'd seen and been through since those days before the Labyrinth.

But for now they were here. There was a task to perform. The room had only one exit, the one he'd come through. And it was nothing special in terms of size. The platform he stood on ended about a third of the way across and a narrow wooden bridge crossed over the pools. The wooden planking bobbed up and down on the ripples slightly. The reflections of the water bounced all across the rooms. It smelled of the ocean.

The walls were themselves quite marvelous. They were covered in mosaics and tapestries depicting the sea and the ocean floor. Buried treasure lay beneath fish and krakens and the fearsome leviathan. Statues of mermaids and mermen surrounded the walkways along with stone statues of fish.

Finally at the far end of the planking, the stone basin of the pools ended and was replaced with a separate stone canal. The canal was empty. It ran from East to West, small stone grates on either side to allow the water safe passage through. But it was now only damp and green where water had once been. The canal was dried up. Ajax lifted his eyes and took in the vault. It was large and iron. There was some kind of mechanism on the surface which was covered in images of the sea. The planking ran right up to the vault.

He stepped back carefully and watched as the rest of his group entered in, captivated by the beauty of the place.

It is now Phase 28. Phase 28 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players may attempt to open the vault. This is done by merely posting ##Open: Vault. Each player may try this just once. You will be told if you were successful or not.

Players (18):
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:21:07 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #12: 25th Apr 2013 4:38:20 AM 
Phase 29 (4043*):

Willis @ 24/4/2013 23:28
Queen Genevieve walked to the South. The past was where she belonged and she had no desire to do otherwise. She pushed open the door and walked back into the room she was in earlier.

The tall stone tower with the iron panel stood overhead with the large statue facing up to it. Everything else was exactly as she had left it. That was nice. No unpleasant surprises to be had here.

It is now Phase 29. Phase 29 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):
Queen Genevieve


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:21:20 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #13: 27th Apr 2013 2:42:16 AM 
Phase 30 (4043*):

Willis @ 26/4/2013 17:30
Queen Genevieve walked to the South. The past was where she belonged and she had no desire to do otherwise. She pushed open the door and walked back into the room she was in earlier.

The tall stone tower with the iron panel stood overhead with the large statue facing up to it. Everything else was exactly as she had left it. That was nice. No unpleasant surprises to be had here.


She had an uncomfortable feeling. This was an unpleasant surprise wasn't it? She'd already been here and done this. Everything was exactly the same as it was yesterday.

She paused for thought, sitting down to wonder why it had all gone back...

It is now Phase 30. Phase 30 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):
Queen Genevieve


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:22:55 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #14: 28th Apr 2013 1:26:12 AM 
Phase 31 (8628*):

Willis @ 27/4/2013 20:09
The Queen continued to the East. Hopefully this time she would make some progress and not wind up right back where she started. With a gentle shove, the door East opened wide and she strolled into the room beyond.

It was a standard sized room with exits on the East and West side. She stepped through the Western exit and glanced around at the decorations, or what few there were. The most prominent features was the large ornate, black mirror in the middle of the room. As she breezed past it, something dark seemed to linger in there. It framed her reflection and loomed over her in a rather menacing way.

Above the mirror, red drapes trailed down to the floor. Other than this the room was completely bare. A strange purple hue drifted through the air everywhere she walked but nothing particularly untoward happened. She sat herself down, away from the mirror. It wasn't something you wanted to look at for too long.

It is now Phase 31. Phase 31 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):
Queen Genevieve


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:23:09 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Reputation: 24
Post #15: 29th Apr 2013 2:17:38 AM 
Phase 32 (9682*):

Willis @ 28/4/2013 20:58
The door opened to the North. Sr. Culo walked cautiously into the room. It was a standard sized one and it was very, very dark. It was so dark that he could barely see the shape of the exits. There was one North, one South and one West. His eyes slowly began to become accustomed to the gloom as he paused and waited to get his bearings.

There was nothing but empty air in all directions. That was very unsettling. He looked back as the door to the North opened once more. Kane walked into the room a little hazily, followed by the rest of the group. Something didn't feel right about the room though. Why would there be one so empty? His eyes wandered and eventually rose to the upper wall. And that's when he saw it.

The mechanism up there was beginning to light up. There was a click as something extended out, followed by a whir as another shape appeared in the darkness. A green glow began to emerge from the device, revealing it to be a small metallic cylinder connected to a mechanical arm. Finally, the glow grew bigger and bigger. Culo backed away with fear in his eyes before running towards the Western exit. But it was too late.

The device blasted forth a green laser which extended down to the floor and arced along the wall, crossing Sr. Culo's neck. For a long time after the laser moved on, there was no sound. But slowly, illuminated by the green of the device, everybody watched Culo's head drop away from his body. His body slumped down, leaving a bloody trail against the doorway where it fell before collapsing on the floor, headlessly.

Nobody dared make a move as the device above continued to emit the green light. Finally, the laser shut off leaving the room in darkness once more.

Nobody said a word for a while. Finally, Rita began to speak but stopped again as something else started happening. Kane looked down at his hands which were currently surrounded by bright purple sparks. His entire body seemed to be covered with an aura of them. He looked over at the group with confusion in his eyes, visible by the light he was emitting.

"What the f-" He began but with a purple flash he vanished into the air. Another figure appeared in his place, stumbling forward with confusion in her eyes.

Queen Genevieve looked upwards through the gloom at the group.

"My queen!" Said Wilt excitedly, rushing forth to help her stand.

It is now Phase 32. Phase 32 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (12):
Queen Genevieve


Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 30th Apr 2013 8:23:27 AM
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