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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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The Queen Hath Spoken
Queen Genevieve
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Post #1: 19th Mar 2013 8:52:34 AM 
This shall be the place where I will keep track of all the minions, and their actions against me in the game. I shall become victorious as I learn, and master the Dark Magic I have learnt.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #2: 22nd Mar 2013 9:16:55 AM 
So Phase 1 ended with Theseus entering the next room first, however, that shall be his misfortune. He was shot off into the unknown by the magical powers that I know are here. However, once entering the room, shortly thereafter, we encountered a new person named Erebos but for some reason his name is Luminious. I'm not entirely sure why that is, however, he seems to have an explanation for his change in name.

Luminious @ 22/3/2013 2:54
Erebos is the name I was given at my birth. When I joined the order of the Morning Star I was reborn as Luminion, the light of the Star brought brightness even to the darkness bestowed to me at the womb.

I am not sure if I believe what he speaks, but for now I will accept it.

I have created a map of my own to keep track of what goes on while we are in here. I have also added some notes to keep my minds eye straight, while I figure these minions out.

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Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 22nd Mar 2013 9:17:26 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #3: 27th Mar 2013 2:50:03 AM 
I hath saved some information from the past few rounds, may as well put them here whilst the game is updated.

Here is the list of groups and where they went:

Group 1: Lee: FULL
1. Lee
2. Balagor
3. Pai Chan
4. Queen Genevieve
5. Urk
6. Wilt

7. Walton
8. Frederick
9. Parker
10. Boone
11. Marek
12. Eleanor
13. Rita
14. Kane
15. Tyron
16. Angela
17. Ezra
18. Brie
19. Sr. Culo
20. Mark
21. Thomas
22. Origo
23. Emperor Fong

Group 2: Kristoff:
1. Kristoff
2. Ajax
3. Arimnestos
4. Andrael
5. Maria
6. Dern
7. Peter
8. Airlea
9. Erebos
10. Talion

11. Katy
12. Rhea
13. Brittany
13. Sophia
15. Taylor
16. Carl
17. Scott
18. Hobert
19. Dennis
20. Tyrese
21. General Mikhail Chuikov
22. Lincoln

Where Each Group Went:
Group Lee: East (present labyrinth) – Ended up going into the past. Not sure where the other group is.

Group Kristoff: North (past Labyrinth)
Lee Team 23 people
Kristoff Team 22people
Queen Genevieve
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Post #4: 27th Mar 2013 2:50:45 AM 
Phase four and five:

"Goodbye, friends!" Said Stonehard Lee with a heavier heart than usual.

Goodbyes were tough. Boone leaped up and down in the air, waving his arms to all of his friends miserably. Brittany stood in floods of tears as the people she'd come to know went about their separate ways.

"Good Luck!" Said Ezra.

Kristoff nodded at the other group.

"Until our paths next cross. But for now, we go our own way."

He picked up the staff as the group walked to the North. Then he paused by the entrance. Something didn't feel right.

Overhead, more purple sparks were collecting. He watched up as they jumped and danced down, accumulating in great numbers. He glanced back at his group and the others by the East entrance. They hadn't left yet either. This wasn't expected. Wouldn't the sparks settle down now the staff was here? Roth said it controlled it...

"Anybody wanna explain this shit?!" Said Carl frustratedly.

"Shut up!!!" Brittany snarled at him.

At that moment, Lee raised a stony hand for silence. The buzzing from before was back, only very faint. The groups turned their heads to the centre of the room and looked on in horror as purple sparks were collecting in the middle of everything, building up into a gigantic crescendo of energy.

And it was going to fall.

"MOVE!" General Chuikov shouted.

The groups scattered frantically. So much for that plan. As they did there was a tremendous violet flash. Kristoff looked up at the flashing with horror. It happened again and again.

And with an almighty rumble, the purple energy belted down into the ground. It began to fly around in all directions. Kristoff leaped forward with the staff. His robe was waving as the energy earthed itself in the top. He tried to lift it up as the sparks engulfed it and his entire body.

He let out a cry of agony as he couldn't hold on to the pressure once more.

And the room flashed purple for five seconds.

There was silence as all anybody could hear was a tremendous ringing in their ears. Slowly they were picking themselves up. They'd been scattered across the floor. Stonehard Lee slowly raised himself from the ground. He glanced to check if the rest of the group were there.

They were all fine, and accounted for.

But they were in the past, and the others weren't here.

The group stood upright and checked out the surroundings.

"What the hell happened?! We didn't want to go back!" Snarled Kane.

The room was very different from the one they just stood in. It was simplistic. There were no balconies or higher levels and no overhanging lights. It looked untouched. Waterfalls cascaded down onto the open ground where two canals were flowing beneath their feet. Ezra dashed to the South of the room curiously. The entrance was completely covered by rocks here too. That was...strange.

The ways out of the room were completely different too. One stood against the Northern wall, set into the middle. The other was in the Western wall, also in the middle. The exit to the East didn't exist here. Things really had changed a lot.

Boone screamed.

"How do we get back?!" Brie said hysterically.

The group looked up at the cascading waterfalls in silence.
There was a sound on the edge of hearing.

"Can anybody hear me....here?"

The voice was very familiar. The group looked up curiously. Was that...Roth?

"It's Roth...just so you aren't afraid. I'm not present here but I can communicate with you I think. I'm somewhere safe."

Stonehard Lee looked over at the group and then upwards.

"We weren't meant to go here, Roth! Can you explain what's happened here."

The voice went silent again.

"Unfortunately the effects of this place are a little...unpredictable. There was a burst of Pandora's energy. I think it split your groups up in time."

Brie looked around at the others frantically.

"But how do we get back without that staff?!" She asked desperately.

There was a pause.

"You shouldn't need it really...well...not exactly." The voice was very distant.

"The point is it's a safe way to travel. There is another way. I think anybody can harness Pandora's energy. By which I mean any one of you at any point. It's just....it takes a while. And the results on the other side are...unpredictable. The staff was the best way. That's not to say you can't though. If you focus really hard you can eventually create a portal just like the ones you've all seen. And then you can go through it...only..."

"Well...there's no telling what might happen on the other side is all. Be careful..."

With that the voice faded.

The gameplay guide will be updated momentarily with instructions on how to create a portal.
Tyron stood by the Northern exit proudly.

"You can do it Tyron! Be a hero!" Shouted Parker.

"I owe you my life lord Tyron." Said Wilt, solemnly.

"Your motives transcend whatever we could understand." Said Rita, gracefully.

Tyron didn't look at any of them. He merely pushed open the Northern door and marched in with a serious expression.

There was a long silence as the rest of the group looked around at one another. Maybe they should join him too? Lee nodded and the group moved towards the door. They peered inside. Tyron was stood there motionless, looking down at something. He didn't say a word.

The group slowly crept in and felt themselves enter uncertain terrain. The floor in here was covered in sand. Stonehard Lee stepped in and frowned as he looked down at his sandy feet.

"Did that used to be a friend of yours?" Said Wilt cheerfully. Lee shot him a look and he glanced down.

"I'm sorry, not appropriate."

Tyron continued to look down as the group attempted to walk into the sand. It got incredibly deep towards the middle, to the point where crossing it seemed treacherous. Kane looked around at the group and attempted it but felt his leg bury in the mounds of sand. Boone scampered across and began digging as he crept into a familiar pose.

The group paused.

"We should watch where we step now." Said Ezra uncertainly. There were murmurs of agreement.

Sr. Culo waded into the sand over by Tyron who was still looking down intently.

"What do you see down there?" He asked. Tyron didn't look over. Culo frowned and tried to walk in front of him to get attention.

"I said....Ow!"

Culo rubbed his knee and tried to hop away.

"What was that?" Asked Angela curiously. Culo shrugged.

"There's something hard buried down there...and solid."

Boone finished doing what he was doing and scampered over. He grinned and completely submerged himself in the sand. The group looked on in horror as he didn't come back up again.

"Boone!" Shouted Brie, nervously.

At that moment there was a burst of sand. Boone stuck his sand covered head out. His hands were resting on a box. Ezra and Eleanor waded over to it and both dusted the sand off the top and down the sides.

It was a closed chest with no lock.

It is now Phase 5. Phase 5 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (23):

Emperor Fong
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo – leading our exit north
Stonehard Lee
Tyron – modkilled for personal reasons
Urk – changed again. Now is a pirate
Walton – heard from the voice again. *Guys. The voice has spoken. Basically, we are in danger if we keep heading North. Some kind of ultimate power was mentioned, but the voice said it is up to us what kind of power. I asked what would happen if we continue North. The voice said that the most critical member of our group would be in serious danger. The voice would not specify who.*


We ended up going North, no one wanted to return from whence we came for fear of the unknown.

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 27th Mar 2013 2:51:57 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #5: 8th Apr 2013 2:31:47 AM 
As of Phase 12. We are going West, back to the mirrors, and then exiting West to find the rest.

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Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 8th Apr 2013 2:32:32 AM
Queen Genevieve
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Post #6: 15th Apr 2013 6:59:24 AM 
Phase 7:

Summary of Walton's voice:

Phase 1: I was told to stay with the group. That is all I was told.

Phase 2: I was told I must stay behind.

Phase 3: Was told to head East when I joined Ezra's group. Then when I joined Kristoff's group, it came back and told me to go North. It didn't come back when I switched to Lee's group.

Phase 4: First time being warned that North could be a dangerous route to take.

Phase 5: Voice was mad that we went North. Said that an ultimate power would be in the direction. Was also warned that a critical member would be in danger to the North.

Phase 6: Voice was even more angry that we went North even though it warned us. Commanded that I do not let the group split up that phase. Called me an idiot. Called all of you fools. When I asked about what to do with the cage, it responded that if we had listened before than we wouldn't be in this mess.

Phase 7: Was told someone among us has healing power. Said staying put is a good idea. Stressed that Eleanor may or may not make it.

Ezra’s Voice:
I only heard a voice once. Phase 2, near the end of the phase, after I had already settled on staying behind with Walton.

It began and ended with "Death."

It said I couldn't let Eleanor exit North first during the next phase (phase 3). If she did, dire consequences would befall "seven silent soldiers" from the group. If I lead the group north, everyone would be okay.

I assume whatever it meant no longer applied after we ended up all in the same room together. I also feel like it was probably just bullshit.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #7: 15th Apr 2013 6:59:36 AM 
Phase 8 (5320*)
Queen Genevieve
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Post #8: 15th Apr 2013 6:59:55 AM 
Phase Nine (1538):
Tyron is dead, Parker claims by a monster. Although, inclined to believe him, Rita has the ability to speak to the dead, we can ask one question to the deceased. We’re going to ask Tyron how he died before moving on.

Ę̕͢ve̢r̛͢y̡òn̸͢͡e͏̵ ̶̧f͘e͟͠a̡r t̴́h̕e̶͡ m͟͠o̴n͏st҉҉er͢ of ͘͠a ̧͟t͘h̕͢o̵̧u̸͘͢s̷a̛n̨͡d͢͡ f͘͡҉a̸͢͜c̵͝͠es̸̨͠!
^^Everyone fear the monster of a thousand faces.

Voice to Boone
"The dead don't stay dead forever, and don't trust old friends"? With an Ezra translation
*nods up and down excitedly*
Queen Genevieve
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Post #9: 15th Apr 2013 7:00:45 AM 
Phase Ten (4889*)
Urk’s first post - We are unknown. We are legion.

Posted Image

mmm... I have finally received word from the great beyond.

Tyron has left me his last immeasurably wise words.
"Leeeee the Leeeder's giant brother killed mah"
Queen Genevieve
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Post #10: 15th Apr 2013 7:01:06 AM 
Phase Eleven (9931*):

"These mirrors are portals. If you step through any of them, you will be taken to the person in the reflection. Nobody wants to be alone, especially in this place."

"There's a slight catch though. All of your party are also having to choose a mirror. Things will go very well for you provided just one person steps through the mirror that depicts you. But if they don't...I'm afraid that nothing can protect you. There's a very real chance you will die."

Death? Is there no other way?

"There is another way. Sometimes you cannot rely on others. But you can always trust yourself, can't you? One of the mirrors bears your own reflection. Step through the mirror and you will be protected. You will also be alone. You will come out into the room and you will choose an exit as ever, but you will do so entirely independently of your party. Will you all choose the same path? Maybe. If you choose this path, you will be saved from death. You will certainly not die...yet."

This was confusing. You glance along the corridor and see one final mirror at the end. It's nothing but inky blackness.

"The third and final option is the darkness. If you can't rely on your friends or yourself then rely on the unknown. Be brave and wait to see what lies beyond. Maybe it will be better for you; maybe it will be worse for you. It won't kill you the second you pass into it and that is all I can promise. Think carefully now."

I stepped into my own mirror.
Phase 11 Results:
You can always rely on yourself. That much is a certainty.

It is now Phase 11. Phase 11 will end in roughly 24 hours from now. For this phase you will need to post your exit action in here.

Players (1):
Queen Genevieve


I exited East in the hopes that everyone remembers the NEWS (North, East, West, South). Since North is not an option, East is the next available. Here’s hoping!
Queen Genevieve
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Post #11: 15th Apr 2013 7:01:17 AM 
Phase 12 (4889*):
I came across Balagor and Pai Chan in the room with me. I have been injured but not dead, yet. In fact, I won’t die, I will be reborn into someone else, or something else.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #12: 15th Apr 2013 7:04:51 AM 
Phase 13 (9931*):
Our plan was to head West, back to the mirrors and then go West again, to meet up with the others. This was not the case. We entered a room full of mirrors but not the ones we could step into. We chose to keep going West, in the hopes that we would meet up with the others at some point. Pai has the ability to read where people are. She reported that most of our group is together, all but Thomas. Not sure on Thomas’ condition.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #13: 15th Apr 2013 7:05:16 AM 
Phase 14 (9238*):
The others moved over and Queen Genevieve shook her head sadly. It was a suited man.

"Thomas..." Said Pai Chan, recognizing him. There were no visible signs of a wound anywhere. That was somehow even more disturbing. She shivered at the thought.

Her eyes drifted West and she noted that there was an old wooden dock with a boat settled at the end. She walked over to it curiously. There were a number of oars along the side. They could probably cross the water with it.
Players (3):
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve

South (Locked)
Take Boat (West)
Queen Genevieve
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Post #14: 15th Apr 2013 7:05:30 AM 
Phase 15 (7564*), 16/17 (5381*), 18 (7564*)
We encountered a canal room, where we traveled South. From there, I knocked everyone out. I was able to secure a walkie-talkie and a remote bomb from Maria and Dern. I don’t think that no matter had I done that or not, they would still not trust us. Yeah, I did it but there is no proof that I did. We moved West in the boat, once again, and that was going to be a bad move. Although, near the end of the phase, I was healed by someone, however, I do not know who done this. I publicly thanked whoever did it, I don’t care who did it, but I wanted to thank them so that they do not think I was ungrateful. At that point, I even volunteered to go first so we could move East, but no one wanted to do that.
Queen Genevieve
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Post #15: 15th Apr 2013 7:25:43 AM 
Phase 19 (9238*):

Queen Genevieve @ 15/4/2013 0:23
I believe this is correct, if I am mistaken in any way, please help me out. But this is how I read the flavor of the boat, this time.

Posted Image
Posted Image

Well, they are now regretting not moving East with me leading as I suggested. Scott was killed by a hydra, and is in many parts in the river. I bet now they are all regretting not moving East with me as the leader. I was healed and was willing to go in the room first, even though there was a trap. Now, instead of having me injured, Scott is dead; serves them right.
I found out that Erebos died in a room as a sacrifice to save Dern, because Erebos was pretty useless anyways. Just found out that Rhea is a tracker, I wonder, should she die, should I revive her. That role is pretty useful. Then again, she’s pretty inactive, so that’s not worth it. We are pushing her south, so that she goes into the trap first, that Kristoff has detected. At least, that’s what we’re hoping. What Dern brought to our attention that, in fact, it may be the first active person who gets nailed by the trap, which would be Pai Chen. If she dies, I may want to revive her. She is very active, and she can detect people that are within a few rooms, I believe that’s what she said. I will have to think on that.

Post Edited by Queen Genevieve @ 16th Apr 2013 3:09:15 AM
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