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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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The Ballad of Rita Kanakiri: Vol. I: An Unexpected Journey; Phases 1-16
Empress Rita
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Post #1: 18th Mar 2013 11:52:24 PM 
I love whoever decided to play as a chimp. That is all.
Empress Rita
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Post #2: 20th Mar 2013 8:23:04 PM 
So, here we are. On the precipice of the heart of darkness. Can't wait.

Hobert, Ezra, Brittany, and Sophia are quite clearly Bryce, Mal, Curtis and Leos (: And I'm p. sure Brie is drrr. Other than them and Fong, though, I'm not sure about the rest.

Favorites so far: Tyrese, Boone, Mark, Taylor, and Fong. I've lol'd at just about every post Boone and Mark have made. Taylor's socially awkward posts are pretty amusing too. And Fong is gonna be so much fun to play off of. I'll be pissed if we get separated. Tyrese is my favorite "serious" character so far. The dead fiance angle is interesting, and I like his personality in general. I also like Brie a bit. Not really a flashy character or anything but not everybody needs to be.

A lot of the other characters aren't really notable right now but it's still just the pre-game so whatever. Besides, it's really the JOURNEY that matters much more than the backstories of the characters in this game.
Empress Rita
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Post #3: 21st Mar 2013 12:47:08 AM 
Well this is odd. We didn't get split up and Willis didn't make an appearance. Maybe that's still to come
Empress Rita
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Post #4: 22nd Mar 2013 1:38:12 AM 
Phase 1
Room: 4853
The room they were stood in was a corridor that extended Northwards, but overhead in the far distance was a high wooden bridge. It rocked gently, not looking particularly stable. There was a passage either side of it. They looked onwards and saw there was only one way out of this room if they couldn't turn back. A single sealed doorway to the North.

- Walton has repeated many times that we will be protected and he will protect us. Strange. Maybe he's just the most idiotic doctor ever.
- Fong mentions multiple times that this place seems familiar to him. Probably either a character quirk or TLG being TLG though.

I'm liking that new guy...can't remember his name though! The bearded one. He seems a lot smarter than most of these mooks.
Empress Rita
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Post #5: 23rd Mar 2013 6:33:00 AM 
Oh jesus. I was on like all day for the first 2 phases and not a ton happened, and now that I'm gonna be busy for pretty much an entire phase there's like 600 posts already (: Figures!
Empress Rita
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Post #6: 23rd Mar 2013 6:35:06 AM 
Phase 2
Room 1328:
Theseus' description of previous room
The same way it always did. Minotaur statues along the walls. To intimidate and let us know what we were in for.

Well, when the beast was still alive anyway. I took care of that small matter.

- Says there has never been a bridge.
- says year was 743
Bland room. North and South exits.
Empress Rita
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Post #7: 23rd Mar 2013 7:07:35 AM 
...what the fuck is going on...

Are these all actual players? Does the game REALLY have 45 players? SO CONFUSED
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Post #8: 23rd Mar 2013 9:00:40 AM 
Rita Kanakiri @ 23/3/2013 7:07
...what the fuck is going on...

Are these all actual players? Does the game REALLY have 45 players? SO CONFUSED

Just for clarity (because it's valid)

Empress Rita
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Post #9: 23rd Mar 2013 8:11:15 PM 
lol yeah I got it once I read more. But thanks!

I gotta say, I was a little disappointed in this game at first. I was like "really... after the amazingness of Lab 2 he could only scrounge up 29 players?" But 45 players... wow. This game is going to be somethin'.
Empress Rita
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Post #10: 24th Mar 2013 6:31:37 AM 
Really hope I can get into Lee's group. It would kinda suck to be separated from FONG but he's done little of consequence outside of the introductions anyway.
Empress Rita
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Post #11: 24th Mar 2013 8:38:38 PM 
This worked out perfectly.

- I stay with Ezra/Brie/Boone/some other people I liked
- Fong stays with me
- I stay in the same time period as General Bear

Only people I'll miss somewhat are Brittany/Tyrese/Sophia/Taylor.

I like the past people I'm with for the most part, except Balagor. He seems like kind of a dick.
Empress Rita
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Post #12: 25th Mar 2013 5:28:47 AM 

Phase 3
Room 9880:
North and East exits. Walton senses something dangerous in the North?
room descrip+

past flavor+




Maria's request+
Empress Rita
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Post #13: 26th Mar 2013 2:36:42 AM 
Phase 4

Room 9880*

North (parallel) and West (non-parallel) exits. Both exits safe according to Walton.

A white square denotes a room that has no traps.
A tan square denotes a room that has traps.
A black number denotes the room number.
A red number denotes the phase during which the room was inhabited.
A black dot denotes an exit, and half for one-way exits.
A black asterisk denotes a portal to the other time period.
A red asterisk denotes an assumed portal to the other time period.

room descrip+

For Map Purposes+

Angela = Leos role from last game, but only from same time period. Said she felt something crush her head. Probably due to Talion's modkill.

Post Edited by Empress Rita @ 26th Mar 2013 2:43:31 AM
Empress Rita
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Post #14: 27th Mar 2013 2:00:05 AM 
Phase 5

Room 2223*

Exits: North and South

Room with box buried in sand.

- Lee now has hatchet
- Parker now has key
- Frederick has some kind of role boosting role



Empress Rita
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Post #15: 27th Mar 2013 3:16:56 AM 
lol'd @ there being an ACTUAL birdcage this time
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