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Round Thirteen
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Post #1: 6th May 2014 3:52:17 AM 
Oh my god that was a close one. I don't know how much she was considering it, but the fact that voting me out would have totally been the right move for her to make was stressing me out. If Landon is immune, I know Ilana will vote Keisha with me. If I'd left this round, any of the three of them would have brought her to f2. I've got Ilana to thank for that one, she fought hard for me this past round. <3

Two things absolutely NEED to happen:

1. Landon needs to go this round
2. Keisha needs to not be immune at f3

Those are the two things in the way of f2. But they're pretty huge things. If Landon is around for f3, that will be not ideal but potentially okay, as long as he doesn't win immunity there, because he would take Ilana. If Keisha is immune at f3, she will also take Ilana. If Ilana is immune, I'm 99% sure she'll take me. I'm terrified of going up against Ilana because she's played a fantastic game, but I'm trying to not psych myself out yet. I have to focus on getting there first.

Omggggggggg final four!!!
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Post #2: 6th May 2014 4:41:17 AM 
Landon just came to me with a proposal. If I help him win immunity this round, he will take me to f2 if he's immune next round. That would put me in the f3 with two people who would take me to f2, IF he's telling the truth.

That's a big IF. It's final 4, stakes are high. He could be totally bullshitting me. I don't want to be the contestant that makes a fatal mistake this close to the end while everyone watching is going "NOOOOOOO YOU IDIOT!" Because Landon is smart, and willing to lie to get what he wants. If he's lying to me right now, and it costs me my game, then that's a brilliant fucking move and something the jury would absolutely respect. He keeps throwing in my face that I was voted most likely to win, so if he brought that person down on top of this huge underdog story getting to the end, how could anyone NOT vote for him?

But Keisha for sure wouldn't take me to the end because she's super close to Ilana. If Landon isn't bullshitting me, that's a 100% guarantee that I'll be in the finals no matter what happens.

Maybe I could tell him I agree to it, then if he wins I can spin it into how I helped him somehow (details TBA :P). And if he loses just vote him out.

I don't know. This is potentially the game right here.
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Post #3: 8th May 2014 5:17:49 AM 
I can't let Landon get to f3. If he's immune there, even if he takes me I'll lose. I'm depending on the guys' votes to give me the win over Ilana, and if Landon's hogging them all then I can't use them. :P Although apparently I couldn't even throw the win to him if I tried, since he fucked up this challenge. I have to take the gamble of Keisha NOT winning immunity at f3... it doesn't seem likely, but crazier things have happened.

Oh my gosh you guys, I am SO close! I can't even believe it. I want this so bad!
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Post #4: 9th May 2014 3:53:24 AM 
Ugh Landon is breaking my heart :(
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Post #5: 9th May 2014 11:21:49 PM 
It's probably because I'm a little drunk, but I am a little emotional over this game right now. :') I don't want it to end, I love everybody in it. Good thing I'm going to Alaska right after the game ends, otherwise I don't know what I'd do with myself!
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