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Survivor: Cagayan discussion
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Post #31: 10th Apr 2014 5:41:03 PM 
I agree that Spencer is boring. I am still hoping that Kass pulls it out. She was my pregame pick, and I think she still has a shot. Yes, she has been N the last two episodes, but she has gotten to explain every move that she has made (even if you don't agree with the move, she still explained it). I really hope LJ doesn't win. That would be like taking a dump on the delicious looking sundae that this season has been.
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Post #32: 11th Apr 2014 2:30:27 AM 
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Post #33: 11th Apr 2014 4:43:05 AM 
Bree, I agree SO hardcore with you its like we share a brain.

And I grew love for Laura Morrett and Momo because of Blood&Water. Before that, I h8d Morett.
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Post #34: 11th Apr 2014 4:44:04 AM 
And also, I'm a huge huge Jefra fan because she's adorable - but I'm praying LesboJesus loses because he's just a twat.

Jeremiah is cute.
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Post #35: 11th Apr 2014 9:25:46 PM 
I don't think LJ has a shot at this, and if he does end up winning it would kinda suck - unless he makes a couple of big moves. So far he's done nothing spectacular.

I don't mind Kass actually, I like how she defended her move in her confessionals. I do however hope that she'll flip back to Spencer at some point. Now was probably too early.

Spencer/Kass in F3 plzz. Tony F3 would be cool too but I feel like he'll be blindsided soon, should be good.
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Post #36: 11th Apr 2014 11:13:19 PM 
I get major winner vibes from LJ
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Post #37: 12th Apr 2014 1:00:47 AM 
I think Boston Rob's gonna win he's doing great this season as always, that BRob, swoon
Post #38: 17th Apr 2014 5:30:58 AM 
Well then.


Even though I liked LJ, that still took me WAY off guard that he ended up being the target. I thought he was a contender to win, and now I have no idea who could be. ANYONE could.

Woo is going to be visited by medical next episode - we'll see if he broke anything. For his sake, I hope he'll be okay. If he leaves via MedEvac, though, the game changes yet again, because all it takes is one flipper to change everything.

That would likely be Tony. I don't know if I like him anymore given how Hantzian he seemed this episode. Very paranoid, running around, and not caring who he knifed. In this case, he knifed the guy that PLAYED AN IDOL ON HIM in a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" pledge of loyalty. LJ was an unselfish player, and his naivete in this episode caught up to him. He was too trusting. His editing implied his demise here, and that's an interesting trend this season: We have no idea who is being edited in what way. I'd REALLY like to see this season's EDGIC because it likely varies wildly from episode to episode.

The question I ask is... who was the biggest idiot this episode?
...LJ, for ignoring Tasha, being too trusting, and wanting to split the vote when his alliance wasn't sure about it?
...Trish, for not telling her "homeboy" LJ that Tony was targeting him?
...Tony for making a gutsy move against someone who would be loyal to him? Will this move be his undoing?
...Spencer for not playing his idol, even though it paid off?

In all honesty, I am LIKING this because they're all newbies, and they're learning. As of right now, I am expecting there to be several returning in the future - Tony, Spencer, Morgan (like I said, major storyline potential there), maybe Woo. Kass might not be because of how disliked she is among her peers - they wouldn't cast someone to get voted out quick because of their prior appearance. They've learned that many, many times, so at least I HOPE they'd stop doing it.

I have no idea what's going to happen next and am happy that's the case! :D
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Post #39: 17th Apr 2014 7:18:30 AM 

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Post #40: 17th Apr 2014 6:23:44 PM 
I was so giddy while watching this episode last night! Thank god BloJ is out. He was so fucking boring. Even his final words were painful!
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Post #41: 21st Apr 2014 8:08:06 AM 
Prayer circle that a letter from her alcoholic dad lights a flame beneath Jefra who spearheads Tony's blindside next episode <3
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Post #42: 22nd Apr 2014 9:47:19 AM 
Lol that epi was hilarious. I'm glad LJ is out, too fucking boring.

I think Spencer or Tasha will win this season.
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Post #43: 24th Apr 2014 2:35:42 AM 
This episode was BORING. That's all :)
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Post #44: 24th Apr 2014 2:43:17 AM 

My dad compared this season to Redempshit Island, in that one guy is trampling all over everybody. I still think he's wrong, because unlike that absolutely horrible season, there are people with brains that could actually make a big move. Next week, anyway, since they didn't this week.

Screw you, Jefra. Seriously. How weak-minded is she? Does she even HAVE a brain? She is a flip-flopper now, and it has cemented what we already knew. As of right now, Jefra is 100% getting third place. 100%. Nobody on the jury is going to take her seriously. And I hate her, so I would love to see it.

Trish and Kass need to realize that they can't win against Tony in the end. Tony is indeed playing a thoroughly dominating game, but seeing as he blindsided LJ perhaps a round too early, people should realize THEY CAN'T TRUST HIM. How many times does Spencer have to say it? And now he wasted his idol... ugh.

I like Trish alone for her line comparing the fruit to Morgan's boobs. I LOLed HARD xD

I like Tony and all, but I don't want this game to devolve into a One World type: an interesting cast of newbies that has an at times hilarious dynamic with no real allure gameplay wise. Somebody needs to make a MAJOR POWER PLAY on Tony and Woo. But Tony, of course, has the Tyler Perry Idol, and that pretty much sets the entire thing in stone.

This season is probably over. It's sad...

Right now:
Spencer > Tony > Woo > Tasha > Trish >>>>>>>>>>> Jefra > Kass
Post #45: 27th Apr 2014 8:20:54 PM 
I read a theory from an overanalysis that isn't mine that the final three is Woo, Kass, and Kefra. That would make me CRINGE. For reals, Nicaragua all over again.

Woo = Fabio, the stoned party guy who works hard even though thinking isn't his strong suit. Kind of gullible, but very social and well-liked, and has playboy-type hair.

Kass = Sash, the weasel. The liar. Sash's duping of Marty is similar to Kass's stupid, emotional flip that got the early jurors to hate her so much. Could she win here? Yeah, if the jury isn't bitter, but I have a feeling that they will be toward her the same way the jury was to Sash.

Jefra = Chase, the southern God-thumper who tries so hard to be strategic and fails at every turn because of how it goes against their ethos. Jefra's awkward handling of flip-flopping this last episode is similar to Chase being put on the spot at regular intervals for his inability to play a clear strategic game. Jefra may be even more inept at the FTC, though.

I don't want that final three, because those three are the worst players remaining. Jefra could be the worst winner in the show's history, as could Kass. I'd want Woo to win out of them because even though he's gullible, he at least has Survivor know-how. The grip shoes in the doghouse balance challenge (they had a choice to wear their shoes or not, and Woo had come prepared with something suited for balancing). Knowing that Spencer had an idol clue from the reward when he went out in the rain. I think he knows the game better than he lets on.

The FTC order of preference would be:
Spencer > Tasha > Tony > Trish > Woo > Jefra > Kass
Aka if Spencer makes the end, he wins over everyone. Tasha beats everyone but Spencer and so on and so forth.

My odds for winning right now seem to be, based on chance to make the end and chance to win over the jury:
Tony > Trish > Woo > Jefra > Tasha > Spencer > Kass
Mostly because Tony has the TP idol. Tasha or Spencer is screwed next round. The other could make the end, but the only way they both survive is if Spencer digs up another idol and Tasha wins another immunity or something to that effect. If they try to idol out Tony... he's invulnerable, and the season is ruined. Ugh.

I am not liking where this season is headed because of that fucking overpowered idol... boo.
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