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Day 9; The Ceremony of Innocence
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Post #61: 21st Nov 2016 1:00 PM 
angi was on facebook 11 minutes ago but i dunno how kosher it would be to message her to let her know the day started
Glory (jamie)
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Post #62: 21st Nov 2016 1:23 PM 
spam message her tbh
drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor

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Post #63: 21st Nov 2016 1:30 PM 
Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #64: 21st Nov 2016 1:33 PM 
Told y'all Darren was a scummy fuck
Of the people, for the people!

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Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #65: 21st Nov 2016 1:33 PM 
Let's get this show on the road people! Last stop, game over! All aboard!

## lynch farlig
Of the people, for the people!

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Post #66: 21st Nov 2016 1:34 PM 
Ole' Vern @ 21/11/2016 13:33
Let's get this show on the road people! Last stop, game over! All aboard!

## lynch farlig

Thank you for manning up and doing what is right.
Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #67: 21st Nov 2016 1:36 PM 
I'm not the bleeder you want, but I'm the bleeder you've got!

* smashes stake into farlig's heart*

Nerf this!
Of the people, for the people!

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Post #68: 21st Nov 2016 1:38 PM 
Wow DS was dead while I was searching his house......nice job. He also had pages from a Grimoire

##lynch Farlig
Fuck You Cancer!!!
My heart hurts at the loss of young lives all around me :'(
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Post #69: 21st Nov 2016 1:41 PM 
Always Facebook me if I'm running behind
Thanks for the nudge Brian
Fuck You Cancer!!!
My heart hurts at the loss of young lives all around me :'(
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Post #70: 21st Nov 2016 2:05 PM 
farlig has been lynched.

Write up incoming.
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #71: 21st Nov 2016 2:29 PM 

You all begin to advance on farlig when he steps back from you. "You'll not take me. Not this way."

He takes another couple of steps back and begins to chant.

"Evoco ligitas cthonius"

The ground rumbles/

"Evoco ligitas cthonius"

The ground begins to open in a circle beneath him.

"Evoco ligitas cthonius"

The ground breaks open and tentacles reach up and grab farlig's body then drags it down, the ground closing up behind them.

Farlig was:

Name: Robert Suydam
Role: Telepath
Aligned with: Town
Win condition: You win if cult = 50% +1

You are a Dutchman and an old recluse. You are an authority on medieval superstitions and have been studying for some time in Red Hook in New York. You began sensing things were not right in your Brooklyn neighborhood, with strange visions of web-footed creatures running in the night. When your wife was found slain with claw marks on her body, you nearly went mad. But your friend Detective Malone convinced you to come to Kingsport to get away from it all for a time. At first things were quiet, but then you spotted the creatures again here in this idyllic New England town. You knew you had to tell someone about “them”.

Each night, you can send an anonymous letter to another person in the game. You can use these messages to express whatever you wish, choosing either a person or a role you think may be in the game.. Hopefully you will find some solace from the death of your wife in this letter writing. With lower sanity, your chance of accidentally sending your message to the wrong person may increase.

Since being recruited to the cult, you can do the following:

2 or more cultists: Ritual of Leng. This Ritual will provide the current sanity rating for any one individual.

3 or more cultists: Summon Byakhee. This ritual will bring a Byakhee, which can then be sent to an individual. If their Sanity is 50 or more, they will lose 20 Sanity for viewing the Byakhee. Otherwise, the Byakhee will grab them up and dash them upon the rocks of the bay.

5 or more cultists: Summon Cthonian. This ritual will open up a hole under the house of one person, destroying the occupant and any visitors that night.

9 or more cultists: Summon Cthulhu. The stars are right again! Dread Cthulhu will rise up and lay waste to the town, leading to a cult victory.

A cultist cannot take more than one action (i.e., the leader can't recruit and take part in a ritual).
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #72: 21st Nov 2016 2:34 PM 

Spin turns and smiles at you. He has turned into an old crone, with a large rat with humanlike features.

"Thank you for all the energy. Your fears have given me power to leave this town so I might finally get my revenge on the world."

With that his body flattens, then flattens another dimension down to a line. The line itself contracts to a point, which disappears. The rat thing has vanished as well.

Spindoctor has met his win condition.

Spindoctor was:

Name: The Witch Keziah Mason
Safeclaim: Asenath Waite
Role: Witch
Aligned with: Third Party
Win Condition: Break the veil and Survive

You were accused of Witchcraft in the 1690s and rightfully so. You had achieved dark powers and, when locked in a cell, you were able to transmute yourself into another dimension with your rat familiar. Now you work to find a way to break the veil and return to reality so you can wreak revenge on humanity.

You can visit someone each night and drain their sanity. Each time you show up, they will lose 10 sanity and you will gain 25. You can use your sanity to cast spells upon the town: 20 sanity will allow you to roleblock someone, 50 sanity will allow you to switch two people's actions but not their targets, and 100 sanity will allow you to become corporeal and kill someone.

Since you are partially in another dimension, you are immune to night kills. You also cannot be recruited and your vote will not count if your sanity is below 50- it will still show as a vote, but it will not count towards lynching (one more vote will be needed than would ordinarily be required for lynch). Your votes have no effect on your sanity.

<unknown to player: cannot be lynched D1>

How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #73: 21st Nov 2016 3:17 PM 

Town has won the game. Congratulations!

Alive townies:

Angi was:

Name: Zadok Allen
Role: Town Drunk
Aligned with: Town
Win condition: You win if town wins
Starting Sanity: 50

You have lived here all your life. You've seen strange happenings, the people with their bulging eyes and webbed feet; the strange masks they seem to wear over pudgy faces not quite human. The way they swim out into the bay to the reef. At times it is all you can do to keep it at bay with booze. So keep it at bay you do.

If your Sanity is below 80, you are drinking...hard. Drinking and then having to tell someone about the things. You will visit someone and tell them, so that they cannot do anything else that night, blocking them from all other actions.

If your Sanity is 80 or higher, you will find the strength to avoid drinking. Instead you will be able to investigate someone to see who they are aligned with. Hopefully, not with the creatures out on the reef.

jamie was:

Name: Dr. Elihu Whipple
Role: Psychologist
Aligned with: Town, recruited Mason
Win condition: You win if town wins
Starting Sanity: 100

You are a brilliant doctor and psychologist, but you have always had a fascination with an abandoned house in your neighborhood- you've spent time and again collecting records of the mysterious, yet apparently, coincidental sickness and death of many who have lived in the house over the past hundred years. While you do not believe in the paranormal, you cannot explain the strange feeling you get when you walk past the Shunned House; this has also lead you to better understand the fears and anxieties generated by such feared places. You have traveled to Kingsport to learn more of the strange Festival that took place last year.

As a psychologist, you may interview a person each night. If their Sanity Rating is above 0, you can raise their sanity by 25 points. You cannot, unfortunately, help the insane. You also cannot help anyone if you yourself are driven insane- you lose all abilities if your Sanity drops at or below 0.

Lamps was:

Name: Randolph Carter
Role: Watcher
Aligned with: Town
Win condition: You win if town wins
Starting Sanity: 90

You are an antiquarian who studied at Miskatonic University in Arkham. When you were nine years old, you had an unusual experience that gave you the ability to view things in your dreams. You have begun to experiment in “dream travel”. Each night as you sleep, you visit someone in your dreams and take part in their experiences. You have moved to Kingsport because you have heard rumors of unusual activity here. You hope that your dream self can help unravel the mysteries of this town.

Each night, you pick a person. Your dream self will observe them all night and witness anyone who visits them. You will not follow the subject of your visit nor are you physically there (and thus, cannot be killed while observing). Your dreams will be more accurate the higher your sanity.

itsbrianyay was:

Name: Terrible Old Man on Water Street
Role: Granny
Aligned with: Town, recruited Mason
Win condition: You win if town wins
Sanity: 50

You are a strange elderly man, so old that no one in town can remember when you were young, and so taciturn that few know your real name. You live alone in an ancient house on Water Street in the town of Kingsport. Even among the locals, few know the details of your life, but it is believed that you captained East Indian clipper ships in your youth and that you have accumulated great riches throughout your life. Those who have visited your property speak of bizarre collections of stones in the front yard and that you carry on conversations with mysterious bottles on your table, which make certain definite vibrations as if in answer. Most locals take care to avoid the you and your house, for while you may have riches from your past, your strangeness scares them in a way they cannot describe.

If they only knew the truth. Your *real* friends will always protect you. Because of this, you cannot be killed by a daykill or a night kill. In addition, any who visit you to try to steal of your treasures will be either found crazy the next day (lose sanity) or be found dead the next morning, horribly slashed as with many cutlasses, and horribly mangled as by the tread of many cruel boot-heels.

{note: visitor <75 sanity killed, >100 sanity gets action through, otherwise visitor loses 20 sanity}

Timmah was:

Name: George Gammell Angell
Role: Creepy Girl
Aligned with: Town, recruited Mason
Win condition: Win if the person holding your statue dies (or has something "terrible" happen to them) or if town wins
Starting Sanity: 40

You are a prominent professor of Semitic languages at Brown University in Providence, RI. You were studying a strange language you found written on a fragment of parchment (that reads “wgah'nagl fhtagn”) when you were told a clue might be found in the library at Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts. On your drive there, you stopped into Kingsport to view the ocean. During lunch, you mentioned your research to one of the locals seated at a nearby table, who looked at you gravely. When you returned to your car, there was a small, bas-relief sculpture on your driver’s seat. Your somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature; A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings. You tried to find the local to return the sculpture, but were unable to do so.

Night one, you give the statue to someone else. They will lose 15 Sanity just from looking at the idol. Each night, they must pass it to someone else. If something terrible happens to the bearer of the statue, you win the game and are free to travel on to Miskatonic University (or, you can remain and continue to help the town unravel the mysteries for a total victory.).

<unknown to player: the bearer is temporarily insane and can only write rhylen for the day, PFs are uneffected>

Vern was:

Name: Crawford Tillinghast
Role: Bleeder
Aligned with: Town
Win condition: You win if town wins
Starting Sanity: 65

You are a researcher of the physical and metaphysical. You are also a man of action. You have developed an electronic device that seems to stimulate your pineal gland and has led to you perceiving planes of existence beyond our own. These realities are tainted, inhabited by alien monsters beyond understanding. While using your device, some of your servants have been snatched by these strange creatures. You’ve also felt that your exposure to this environment is changing your body, making you slowly more and more like the terrible creatures you envision.

With your body stronger, you can withstand things that would fell most men. Anything other than a lynch that would kill you does not happen immediately. Instead, you will die the following matching phase (i.e., if someone attempts to kill you at night, you will die the following night phase). If you are lynched, you will still die immediately. You also can also bring a single other person into your reality, where they are torn apart by the alien monsters. You can do this once in the game as a night action.

How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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