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Concerts You've Been To
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Post #1: 20th May 2018 4:07 AM 
Just got back from seeing Tycho live (which was absolutely amazing!), so thought I'd make a thread so that we can all share our concert going experiences! What are the ones you guys have gone to so far this year? I started actively going to concerts on a frequent basis around a year and a half ago, here are all the bands I've seen in the meantime.

Slowdive and SURVIVE (Levitation Festival in Austin)
Broken Social Scene (Hug of Thunder Tour in Portland)
The Jesus and Mary Chain (Damage and Joy Tour in Portland)
The Psychedelic Furs (Best Of Tour in Las Vegas)
Mogwai (Atomic Tour in SLC)
Mogwai (Every Country's Sun Tour in Denver)
The War on Drugs (A Deeper Understanding Tour in SLC)
The Black Angels and MIEN (Levitation Festival in Austin)
The Brian Jonestown Massacre (Levitation Festival in Austin)
Starfucker and Psychic Twin (Being No One, Going Nowhere Tour in SLC)
The xx (I See You Tour in SLC)
Japanese Breakfast (Soft Sounds From Another Planet Tour in SLC)
Jay Som and The Courtney's (Everybody Works Tour in SLC)
Coldplay (Head Full of Dreams Tour in SLC)
Lvl Up (Return to Love Tour in SLC)
The Dig (Bloodshot Tokyo Tour in SLC)
Tycho and Emmitt Fenn (Best of Tour in SLC)

Upcoming Concerts:
My Bloody Valentine (Best of Tour in St Paul)
The Flaming Lips (Twlight Festival in Ogden)
Beach House (7 Tour in SLC)
Broken Social Scene (Twilight Festival in Ogden)
Starfucker (Twilight Festival in Ogden)
Steely Dan (Best of Tour in SLC)
MIEN (Self-Titled Tour in Amsterdam

In September I'm going back to the Netherlands, am planning to solo-backpack through Europe for a couple months. Will most likely be deciding my travel-route through the concerts. So will probably go from city to city following similar bands as mentioned above. It's too far out though to make any concrete plans yet though and which ones I'll be going to. Will probably decide once I'm in Europe.

But yeah - music is a huge passion of mine and I obviously spend large amounts of money on it as well as travel to see a lot of bands. Wouldn't have it any other way tbh! <3

Let us know which concerts you've all been to and which ones you have lined up in the future! :)
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #2: 20th May 2018 4:33 AM 
Did you know that the average person goes to 2 concerts a year, but wants to go to 8 concerts a year?????
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Post #3: 20th May 2018 4:38 AM 
I try and make it a priority to atleast go to one concert a month, even more if some of my favorites happen to be coming in the same month. I travel to see bands I'm passionate about and set money aside to do so. I never go to a concert casually, haha. Most of the time alone to, have met some of my now best-friends due to concerts. Great way to find likeminded people!

But yeah, it's kind of an on-going joke at my work about the amount of concerts I go to. Always asking me when my next one is gonna be, haha.
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #4: 20th May 2018 4:47 AM 
Most of the concerts in my area are 1-2 hours away from me and I'm too lazy to drive to see them unless I really really want to, think I've only been to 4 concerts in the last 2 years.

I saw Dream Theater, Muse, Sabaton (and a couple of other bands), Slayer, Behemoth, Anthrax, and Lamb of God.
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Post #5: 20th May 2018 5:08 AM 
Yikes, I haven't been to a concert in ages. Used to go like 2-3 times a year, but completely forgot to check the bands that were playing in The Netherlands. I hate that I missed the Weezer concert.

I'm not sure I remember all the bands I went to...
- Jimmy Eat World
- Wintersleep
- Snow Patrol
- Belle & Sebastian
- Feeder
- Bell X1
- Saybia
- Razorlight
- Rufus Wainwright
- Killers
- Scissor Sisters
- Editors
- Midlake
- Nada Surf

There's probably about 10 more but it's a while ago...
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Post #6: 20th May 2018 7:27 AM 
We're heading off to the Chesapeake Bay Blues Fest today. Luckily it's not gonna rain.
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Post #7: 20th May 2018 10:35 AM 
Powerman 5000
Hed PE
Static X
Coal Chamber
American Headcharge
Kid Rock
ZZ Top
Les Claypool and his Fancy Band

My list looks like a sad time capsule from 2001.
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Post #8: 20th May 2018 11:09 AM 
Rancid/Dropkick Murphy's at the Saltair and John Allred in some man's basement in Provo.

I'm contemplating seeing Primus in July but I'm gonna be in serious money saving mode due to my trip at the end of that month so probably not. I really, really want to see the Pixies in August.
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Post #9: 20th May 2018 11:14 AM 
I don't really go to concerts

- Dave Matthews Band when I was a teen
- A tiny Milo Greene show twice in college
- Sigur Ros in college

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Post #10: 20th May 2018 2:31 PM 
I've seen Kelly Clarkson twice. lol
A bunch of lesser known Canadian artists/bands.
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Post #11: 20th May 2018 7:00 PM 
KC @ 20/5/2018 11:09
Rancid/Dropkick Murphy's at the Saltair and John Allred in some man's basement in Provo.

I'm contemplating seeing Primus in July but I'm gonna be in serious money saving mode due to my trip at the end of that month so probably not. I really, really want to see the Pixies in August.

It's worth it to see Primus. Les Claypool is awesome live and I used to see them much more often when I was a Bay Area resident.
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Post #12: 20th May 2018 7:09 PM 
Tycho is ssoooooo amazing live.

I tend to get my live music/concert experience through music festivals. So I've been to lots and lots of shows, it's just most of them have happened on the same day!

Too many to list and quite frankly, I haven't kept count of all the sets I've seen at music festivals.

But I've been to

Bonnaroo x2
Lost Lands
Electric Forest
and Resonance this September!

Standalone shows, I've seen:

Umphrey's McGee x2
Flux Pavilion
Seven Lions

also some metal bands that my dad took me to see a few years ago but I can't remember any of their names except for this one cool band named Wilson from Detroit.

Music is my favorite thing. I'm so jealous you got to see Tycho live! I saw him whenever I went to Bonnaroo for my first time in 2015 but wasn't very aware of how amazing he was and I was a little too ~spun out~ to be invested. I'll see him some day. <3

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Post #13: 20th May 2018 9:27 PM 
X Ambassadors and Vance Joy so far this year.
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Post #14: 21st May 2018 12:47 AM 
I really don't go to concerts. The last one I went to was Elton John and it was amazing! I'd do it again 10/10. I read that going to concerts increases your life-span.
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Post #15: 21st May 2018 1:43 AM 
Eric Clapton
The Smashing Pumpkins
Radiohead (opened by MGMT)
Flight of the Conchords
Tegan and Sara
Festival w/Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Iggy & the Stooges
Morrisey (x2)
Animal Collective
The Cure
Sufjan Stevens
New Order
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The Avalanches
Queens of the Stone Age
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