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Season 8 predictions thread; How predictable will it be?
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Snowman Overlord
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Post #1: 6th Sep 2017 2:26 PM 
What do you think will happen in the next season?

Claim glory and rub it in our faces later when you are correct!


The good guys will head north to fight the White Walkers. The fighting will take 2 or 3 episodes of the 6 planned.

Bran wargs into Viserion to slow down the dead. Jon will ride Rhaegal into battle. Jon will turn out to be Azor Ahai. Melisandre will come back with some friends from Volantis, who all die fighting the Walkers. Jon Snow will sacrifice himself / die defeating the Night King, Bran will help and also die in the process. Rhaegal and Viserion also kill each other. Beric, Davos, Tormund, Brienne, Varys, Jorah (saving Danny) and whats left of the Nights Watch (Edd mainly) will also die in the fighting. Edd will turn into a wight and some of the others who have died as well.

Arya will kill Jamie for what he did to Bran and steal his face after the Night King has been defeated.

Sansa then becomes Lady of Winterfell and vows to uphold Jon´s promise of supporting Danny, orders the north to ride with Danny south to kill the bad guys.

Theon will find out that Euron has already killed Yara / done something terrible to her on the Iron Islands. Swears vengeance. Joins back up with the good guys.

Euron comes back to Westeros in episode 3-4 with the Golden Company.

The good guys fight the bad guys south.

The Hound and the Mountain kill each other.

Theon ends up killing Euron, with Euron underestimating him / playing with him.

Cersei loses her child. Will make her more angry. Likely does something more crazy with Qyburn and wildfire. Im thinking they will blow up Drogon and kill Danny in the process.

Arya (Jamie) sneaks into Kings Landing and kills Cersei. Wont make her feel any better when her list is empty.
Qyburn will be burned to death by wild fire when wildfire blows up Kings Landing. He will try to make a White Walker before dying

Grey Worm and Missandei will die in the fighting.

Arya and Gendry will go together to Essos, with their last scene being with Hot Pie at the inn.
Sam will somehow dissolve the Maestors and try to make knowledge more accessible to everyone.
Bronn will join the good guys and survive, gets a castle.
Theon becomes lord of the Iron Islands.
Sansa stays as Lady of Winterfell
Kings Landing will be a ruin after Cersei, Wildfire and Qyburn. The Iron Throne will be destroyed so no one will sit there. Tyrion will however be somehow involved in ruling everything and marry Sansa to try to keep things stable.

We wont see anything more from Dorne / Highgarden or anything from that area.
Nights Watch will be dissolved.

--- Alternate Darker Ending That Will Never Happen ---

Night King actually wins and kills almost everyone. Killing new characters every week and adding them to his army. Notable battles ar Winterfell, on the Trident and in Kings Landing.

White Walker Hound kills the Mountain.
Theon still ends up killing Euron, but dies himself fighting against the NK.
Arya kills Jamie and then Cersei.

After the Night King has raised Kings Landing, broken the Iron Throne and destroyed nearly everything, he just takes his army back beyond the wall and disappears. His motivations will turn out to be "Breaking the Wheel" and resetting everything, which Bran will communicate to us.

Sansa, Bran and Tyrion and maybe 1-2 others will be the only ones to survive and start rebuilding. Bran will go back to the Weirwoods.
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Post #2: 6th Sep 2017 2:38 PM 
my o my
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Post #3: 6th Sep 2017 2:39 PM 
That's a lot of death

Some of your stuff is so specific. Edd turning into a wight?? Is this a random prediction or is some of this stuff prophesied in the books?
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Snowman Overlord
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Post #4: 6th Sep 2017 3:03 PM 
Curtis @ 6/9/2017 21:39
That's a lot of death

Some of your stuff is so specific. Edd turning into a wight?? Is this a random prediction or is some of this stuff prophesied in the books?

Gotta have a lot of deaths!

Mostly random thoughts / guesses.

Edd is at the wall and the Nights Watch will likely be attacked first and Edd seems like the only character they can turn into a Wight for some shock value for Jon at the battle. I think Beric and Tormund will both survive the wall falling and get to Winterfell to warn the others / fight in the larger battle.

Maybe Tormund and Brienne will survive only so that they can make large babies!
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Post #5: 9th Oct 2017 3:54 AM 
arya will kill cersei, ninja-star to the forehead!!
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #6: 28th Jan 2018 1:05 PM 
Henry_42 @ 9/10/2017 3:54
arya will kill cersei, ninja-star to the forehead!!

It has to be her volanqor who kills her, Tyrion Jaime
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Post #7: 2nd Feb 2018 4:35 PM 
Episode 1: training montage, Bran is still the 3 eyed raven
Episode 2: Theon jumps a shark, everyone not a stark or targaryen dies.
Episode 3: Cersei does the Macarena and kills the NK.
Episode 4: Bran reminds everyone that he's the three eyed raven. Still no-one knows what that means
Episode 5: 10 years later
Episode 6: Bran wakes up in winterfell as a baby. It was all a dream, None of it happened.
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Post #8: 13th Nov 2018 4:34 PM 
is this show dead?
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #9: 13th Nov 2018 9:34 PM 
Jamie kills Cersi when/after we find out that the 2 of them are not actually Tywins biological children
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damn right son!
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Post #10: 15th Nov 2018 12:16 PM 
good thread, gonna read more soon
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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