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Places you have travelled to/plan on travelling to
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Post #1: 15th Jul 2016 3:27 PM 
So this is more of a general: 'What about you guys?' type question. It may bring for some interesting conversations, it may not, we'll see. I'm just curious to see where everyone has travelled to throughout their lives.

I'm going to be travelling long-term soon, so this is a conversation topic that interests me greatly. :)

I'll start:

So, I was born in the Netherlands (Country #1), went to Spain for a couple weeks when I was 2 (Country #2), and then went to live in the US for a while with my family (Country #3), after awhile I moved back to Holland and pretty much implented myself into the Dutch culture, ofcourse being in Europe it's super easy to travel around, and it was super convienent that my grandfather had an appartment overlooking the Belgian coast, so we went to Belgium (Country #4) ALOT.

In 2011 I went to Italy (Country #5) for 3 weeks, which was honestly amazing! We did the same trip in 2012 because of how awesome it was.

I actually lived a 15 minute bike-ride from the German border, so I always biked to Germany (Country #6) with my Grandfather, and we'd always get some ice-cream at one of those really fancy 'stereotypical' European ice-cream parlors.

Ofcourse my school was super close to the German border as well (my school -and the surrounding area- actually got bombed by the Americans back in WW2, as they mistook it as a German city. A lot of people died, and a whole bunch of buldings either stayed abandoned ~a medieval castle being the prime example~, or got restored -my school being one of them, as it was an orphanage before the bombing. Their is a monument in the middle of the city of a swingset, a rememberance for all the children that died.) BUT ANYWAYS, my school always went to Germany for little 'excursions', which was always a bunch of fun!

In 2013 I went to visit some family members in the US.

In 2014 I went to Gerlos, Austria (Country #7), and that was hands down the best location I have ever been to. We were in a hotel on top of a mountain, we'd literally wake up with clouds drifting below us, it was absolutely stunning! I'd like to get into more details, but this is more of a sketch, if we get speaking about details later on, I'll mention them then. :)

Whilst travelling to Austria, we stopped in Switzerland (Country #8), that was in August of 2014, and then not even 2 months later my school went to England (Country #9), -we travelled through the Northern part of France (Country #10) in the process. The London trip was a bunch of fun (I even posted a really detailed post about it a year and a half ago on FE).

In 2015, I had a choice to either go to college, or create my own path, I chose the latter and moved to the US (I was only planning on it being temporarly though considering I wanted to grow more independant and my family in the US was willing to help me).

And with that all said, I have been to 10 countries in total, BUT IT'S NOT STOPPING THERE. Due to the kindness of my family, and lending me their hand, I was able to really plan out my future plans. And they are as followed:

In June of 2017 I will be moving to New Zealand for a year, which was arranged thanks to 'Working Holiday Starter New Zealand', I'll be working their as well.

I always told myself that I didn't want to look TOO far ahead, but I did start thinking about what I wanted to do after New Zealand, and I already know for a fact that I won't be moving back to America (don't really fit too much in the culture here), but I shall be moving back to Holland after New Zealand.

Currently I am saving for multiple trips, 2 of which are already set. I'll be going to Russia in 2018 for the soccer World Cup, and I have been saving for close to a year now to be able to go to Japan during the 2020 Olympics -a friend of mine also lives there-. I am hoping to sneek in a trip to Iceland somewhere inbetween, but like I said - I'm just going with the flow, and don't want to plan too far ahead, New Zealand/Russia/Japan is already a lot, but whilst in Holland, I'll FOR SURE travel to surrounding countries, as that's usually not a very long bike-ride, or a train works as well.

A question I get asked a lot is, 'How do you get all that money with just a low-paying retail-job'. Well 1) I'm not materialistic whatsoever, I may buy a book every once in a while, but not more than that. 2) 70% of my pay check each week gets spread out over 3 savings accounts, and whatever I have left in Checking at the end of the month, I pour into my savings accounts. It adds up pretty quickly. I've stayed super consistent with it, and have a really bright and exciting future ahead of me that I'm super excited to explore further!

If there is one thing I hate about society is the need for structure, so that's why this type of life fits me perfectly. :)

But anyways, that's my travelling history as well as my future travelling plans. I'd be super interested in hearing your guys' as well!!

PS. I'll probably add some vacation pictures tomorrow from all the places I have gone to.

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Post #2: 15th Jul 2016 3:45 PM 
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Post #3: 15th Jul 2016 4:08 PM 
Wow you're lucky to be able to travel to so many countries, that's awesome! I love travelling through Europe as well. I've been to other parts of the world as well, but in recent years my focus has been on Southern Europe. There's so much to explore.

I'm particularly interested in the Balkan countries right now. Explored Slovenia last year, and will be visiting Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina this year. Next year I plan to visit Montenegro, Kosovo, and Albania.

I'm working on a site/blog right now, not sure if I'll ever finish but if I do I'll share lol.

Do you usually sleep in hotels? Or hostels or camping places?
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Post #4: 15th Jul 2016 4:24 PM 
someone take me to europe
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Post #5: 15th Jul 2016 4:25 PM 
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Post #6: 15th Jul 2016 5:07 PM 
I'm actually flying to Vancouver and going across Canada for the first time driving from Vancouver back to Toronto next month
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Post #7: 15th Jul 2016 5:37 PM 
born in germany, grew up and live in the US.

have been to canada, mexico, and bermuda. that's it!

i guess technically i've been to iceland (reykjavik airport)
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Post #8: 15th Jul 2016 6:41 PM 
I've been pretty much everywhere in the US except New England/Alaska/Hawaii

Only time I've been outside the country was for a cruise in the Bahamas though. I'd definitely like to visit more countries, Iceland/New Zealand being at the top of the list
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Post #9: 15th Jul 2016 6:42 PM 

1997 was the Czech Republic- about three weeks worth. Spent time in Prague, then drove around Bohemia and Moravia hitting every set of castle ruins we could find. Also started our tradition of "Every trip needs a mummy" when we went in the Capuchin Monastery in Brno; got some awesome photos of the naturally mummified bodies that look like they are right out of a horror film. The bone church in Sedlec/Kutna Hora is another must see; basically some guy brought back some dirt from Golgotha in the Middle Ages and all these people wanted to be buried there because of it; the plague hit and too many people needed buried at once, so they decorated a chapel with all their bones.

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1999 we got married, so we hit Ireland in early 2000. Basically drove everywhere hitting archeological sites, castles, and pubs. Spent about two weeks or so there. Missed the Aran Islands, though, because in Galway we ran into a guy who bought us drinks until last call, and even a couple after last call (we were in no condition to bike Dun Angus the next morning).

2001 we went to Greece about a month after the September 11 attacks. Nobody else in the States were traveling internationally at the time, so we had the plane to ourselves. Took a ferry to Crete, spent a few days driving around there, flew to Rhodes and spent a number of days there (including getting up on the wall of the city when we weren't supposed to, because someone left a door open). Flew back to Athens then drove all around: Delphi (where we had a balcony overhanging the gorge/valley), Olympia, Argos, Naplion, Corinth, and back to Athens. We wanted to hit Turkey but didn't get the chance.

2003 & 5 we had kids born, so not much traveling. 2006 we had parentals watch the kids and went to the Yucatan: we hit the Mayan monuments all over, since my wife is an amateur archeologist and specializes in Mesoamerica. Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Merida, Campeche, Edzna, Palenque, Mayapan, and a whole host of others.

Later in 2006, we hit Mexico City and did Teotihuacan. The Archeology Museum in the Ciudad is incredible and free on Sundays.

2009 we did Southern England for our 10 year. Uffington Horse, Avebury, Salisbury, Stonehenge, Bath, Tintagel, Maiden's Castle, Eastbourne, and a host of other places.

Travel since then has been mostly US- up into New England a couple of times, down south to Cumberland Island and then worked out way back up the coast, etc.

As for places I still want to go? That's a much longer post.
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Post #10: 15th Jul 2016 8:01 PM 
Boc @ 15/7/2016 18:41
I'd definitely like to visit more countries, Iceland/New Zealand being at the top of the list

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Post #11: 15th Jul 2016 8:10 PM 
im going to England and Barcelona in a few months
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Post #12: 15th Jul 2016 8:54 PM 
I was planning to visit Turkey (:
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Post #13: 15th Jul 2016 9:17 PM 
I'M SERIOUS BTW. It was #4 on my study abroad application. At one point out was my #1!

When I reapply I guess I'll have to leave it off.

I'd be happy traveling pretty much anywhere though preferably somewhere I speak the language and where there are no active coups. Iceland/New Zealand/Ireland are at the top of my list right now.

I'd also like to see the Western US at some point. I haven't really gone away from the east coast at all besides Hawaii
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Post #14: 18th Jul 2016 9:58 AM 
I'm going to South Dakota later this month ...
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Post #15: 18th Jul 2016 10:26 AM 
WTF is everyone I know suddenly going to South Dakota?
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