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Day Five; Woodsboro, California
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Post #1: 24th Oct 2018 8:42 PM 
Feeling a sense of familiarity in their new location, one psychopath felt comfortable enough to wander off from the group. And that's just what he did.

He spent hours winding down the sewers of Derry, Maine. A place he'd spent most of his time alone.

But this time he wasn't alone.

Turning a corner, he caught a glimpse of a shadow moving past him through the water.

A devious smile curled onto his lips, following the figure down the passageway -- dragging his fingernails against the side of the sewer walls.

"Don't you want to come play with me?" He chimes out to the shadows, his shrill voice echoing off the walls of the sewer.

The figure quickly turns back down the tunnel he just disappeared from, facing down the crazed entity unlike any person had done before.

Looking into the figure's eyes, he felt an emotion he'd never felt before. Fear.

But it was too late for him. Before he could turn and run, the figure closed in on him and drove a stake right through his chest.

The entity flickered through a few different appearances as it let out a low groan of pain -- changing between several different horrific appearances before it settles back on one. A deranged circus clown.

His body fell into the water, disappearing for a moment before the familiar face came bobbing up back to the surface.

And just as it turns out -- It can float too.

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my pronouns are they/them
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Post #2: 24th Oct 2018 8:48 PM 
She couldn't sleep.

She wouldn't sleep.

Nancy moved into her bathroom to grab another two doses of Hypnocil. That'll do the trick.

She unscrewed the bottle's cap and dropped two pills into the palm of her hand before looking at herself in the mirror.

"Not today." she said as she threw the two pills into her mouth.

Her eyes widened as she felt them hit her tongue. Nancy spat the pills out into the sink and looked down. They weren't pills.

Two white maggots wormed around the sink. Nancy screamed and looked into the Hypnocil bottle. It was filled to the brim with them. They squirmed and flowed out of the top of the bottle onto her hand, causing her to shriek and drop it to the floor.


Nancy looked at herself in the mirror hysterically.

"WAKE UP. WAKE UP!!" she screamed as she yanked at her hair.

She slammed her fist into the mirror, fracturing her reflection into different segments. But it wasn't just her reflection...it was his. It was Freddy.

Every alternating shard of glass reflected Freddy's face and her own, merging the two together.

"WELCOME TO PRIMETIME, BITCH!" Freddy cackled as the mirror shattered. Every shot of glass shot outwards and pierced Nancy's face and chest, sending her small frame flying across the room. The glass daggers pinned her into the wooden door behind her. Nancy's hands fell to the side as blood dripped off the shimmering glass and onto the floor. She was dead.


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my pronouns are they/them
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Post #3: 24th Oct 2018 9:18 PM 
The Slut: Ahoda
The Virgin: Zach
The Stoner
The Jock
The Prankster
The Token
The Artist
The Goth
The Creep
The Sheriff
The Badass
The Douche: Vern
The Shy Girl: Brian
The Boyfriend
The Girlfriend
The Local
The Survivor
The Nice Guy: TiB
The Scholar
The Principle
The Know-it-all
The Chatterbox: Shawn
The Nerd: Kat
The Drunk: Mike

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my pronouns are they/them
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Post #4: 24th Oct 2018 10:52 PM 
The Slut: Ahoda
The Virgin: Zach
The Stoner: Henry
The Jock
The Prankster
The Token
The Artist
The Goth: Merc
The Creep
The Sheriff
The Badass
The Douche: Vern
The Shy Girl: Brian
The Boyfriend
The Girlfriend
The Local
The Survivor
The Nice Guy: TiB
The Scholar
The Principle: JJ
The Know-it-all
The Chatterbox: Shawn
The Nerd: Kat
The Drunk: Mike


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my pronouns are they/them
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Joined:Dec 8, 2016
Post #5: 25th Oct 2018 7:17 AM 
Day Five Lynch Count

Boc (1/13) - JJ
Merc (1/13) - Ari

Reminder: Lynch votes must be in the correct format to count.
Deadline is tonight at 9:50!
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my pronouns are they/them
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Post #6: 25th Oct 2018 7:17 AM 
The Slut: Ahoda
The Virgin: Zach
The Stoner: Henry
The Jock
The Prankster
The Token: Timmah
The Artist
The Goth: Merc
The Creep: Darkus
The Sheriff
The Badass
The Douche: Vern
The Shy Girl: Brian
The Boyfriend: Rose
The Girlfriend: Shadow
The Local
The Survivor: Vic
The Nice Guy: TiB
The Scholar
The Principle: JJ
The Know-it-all: Nav
The Chatterbox: Shawn
The Nerd: Kat
The Drunk: Mike


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my pronouns are they/them
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Joined:Dec 8, 2016
Post #7: 25th Oct 2018 9:14 PM 
It wasn't long before night fell on Woodsboro, Curtis & Josh finally calling the shoot for the day a wrap.

It'd been a long and exhausting day as they walked out of the studio, wondering how in the hell they got roped into something like this.

But before they made it off the lot, they heard the doors of the studio open once more.

Darkus had wandered out late from the filming and looked.. different. He looked almost sickly.

A few psychopaths raised their brow at him, the only light coming from moon shining on from behind them.

That's when Darkus rushed towards them, his teeth changing from something human to something much more sharp and animal-esque.

The psychopaths were quick to close in on the deranged man, attacking him with every weapon they could lay their hands on.

But it wasn't until the final gun shot rang out in the madness -- causing the entire group to fall back.

They stared as Darkus collapsed onto the ground, the moonlight illuminating his corpse as fur slowly started to spurt over his body. The silver bullet that delivered the final blow to him clattered out of his skin and onto the parking lot, rolling right to the feet of Glen & Isaac.


It is now Night Five. The night will end at 9:00 PM EST tomorrow, ~23 hours from now. Submit your actions to the Glen & Isaac account. If you do not wish to submit an action, please submit "NO ACTION" to us.
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