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Day Seven; Amity Island
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First Place Dick
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Post #1: 28th Oct 2018 8:20 PM 
As the group retired for the night after celebrating the death of dreaded capable girl Havo, a different girl broke off from the group and rounded around the back of the motel.

That girl was JJ.

She walked quietly in a daze, almost floating. Something was calling her name. Something was drawing her to the field behind the motel.

JJ continued down the path. The Bates house sat atop a hillside above and blocked out the moonlight, casting nothing but darkness over the back of the motel. But JJ was undeterred.

She finally arrived at her destination. A well.

With both hands, she heaved the circular wooden top off of the well and onto the dirt. She slowly placed her hands on the upper rim of the stone well and peered down.

Nothing but darkness. Water dripped down the side every so often and splashed into a ripple below. The sound of each drip echoed up the shaft towards her.

JJ was in a trance. Something about the bottom of the well. Something down there was familiar to her.

She was unable to hear the figure approach.

She hardly felt the blow from the shovel colliding with the side of her head.

She plummeted down the well.

Down and down she went, vanishing into the darkness and crashing against the stone floor on the bottom. The water was too shallow. Her bones collided against the stone, breaking and twisting in unnatural ways.

JJ weakly looked up. She saw a perfect circle of light through the opening of the well above her. As she looked on, the faint light slowly vanished as her attacker heaved the well's cover closed.

Her eyes began to close. The last image she saw before passing was a ring of light dimly shining down from above.

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First Place Dick
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Post #2: 28th Oct 2018 8:23 PM 
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Welcome to Amity Island.

Another final girl had been dispatched. The remaining freaks toyed with Vic's corpse in some truly disturbing ways before Glen and Isaac had to shoo them away.

"There's more work to be done." Isaac said. "Let's head to the beach!"

Player List:


It is now Day Seven. With 17 players alive it will take 9 votes to lynch. Plurality is always in effect. The day will end in 24 hours.

Be sure to read the RULES thread before posting. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARACTER CLAIMING OR HINTING!
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First Place Dick
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Post #3: 29th Oct 2018 3:18 PM 
ZacharyB @ 29/10/2018 15:28
LEts test it. I’m gonna break rule 11.

I am NOT having fun!!

Zach has been modkilled
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First Place Dick
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Post #4: 29th Oct 2018 3:24 PM 
Day Seven Lynch Count

Mittens (8/9) - TiB, Timmah, Nav, Brian, Rose, Ahoda, Shadow, Vern, im317
Henry (1/9) - Vern, Mike
Zach (1/9) - Mittens
Merc (0/9) - Shadow, Vern
Wikey (0/9) - Mittens

Deadline is tonight at 9:20.
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First Place Dick
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Post #5: 29th Oct 2018 4:41 PM 
Day Seven Final Lynch Count

Mittens (9/9) - TiB, Timmah, Nav, Brian, Rose, Ahoda, Shadow, Vern, im317, Rose, Shawn
Henry (1/9) - Vern, Mike
Zach (1/9) - Mittens
Merc (0/9) - Shadow, Vern
Wikey (0/9) - Mittens

Mittens has been lynched
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First Place Dick
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Post #6: 29th Oct 2018 4:54 PM 
The remnants of the group gathered along the estuary on Amity Island. The sun began to set as a nearby lighthouse cast its swirling light across the sea.

One by one, members of the group came clean about what they had been up to during their cross-country hunt. But who was telling the truth? And who was a rotten, lying girl?

Once such claim caught the attention of several.


"That's right." said Mittens. "A nomad!"

The group looked at Mittens blankly and each took a large step towards him. Mittens took a few steps backwards and positioned himself up on the curb beside the bridge's railing.

"I....I'm telling the truth!"

The group took another step forward. Mittens' back was now firmly placed against the guardrail on the bridge. He looked behind him and saw the rough ocean below.

"Maybe so, but you're better off dead today anyway." one member suggested as they finally lunged forth.

Mittens screamed as several members of the group grabbed hold of him and tossed him over the edge of the bridge. He plummeted down below and landed in the estuary with a splash. Moments later, he surfaced.


Suddenly, Mittens was pulled under the surface.

The surface of the water grew still after a few ripples dissipated. The group looked below patiently.

Mittens shot to the surface, thrashing around wildly. The ocean water around him bubbled a blood red as he screamed at the top of his lungs. He gurgled ocean water and blood as something beneath the surface ripped him from side to side.

He was pulled under once more. The surface of the ocean went still as the blood began to spread and fade out. A lone bubble popped on the surface, the final sign of life from Mittens.


It is now Night Seven. The night will end at 7:00 PM EST tomorrow, ~25 hours from now, or when all actions are submitted early. Submit your actions to the Glen & Isaac account. If you do not wish to submit an action, please submit "NO ACTION" to us.
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