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Henry got into it; my GoT diary
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Post #46: 16th Sep 2017 11:24 AM 
That is very disputable
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Post #47: 16th Sep 2017 12:36 PM 
man that doesn't sound too well. I'll still give it a shot though...my brother made it sound like it is still worth watching it! he was going all crazy for the next episode to come, is season 7 possibly a step up, a return to form while season 5 and 6 were rather "meh"?!
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #48: 16th Sep 2017 2:11 PM 
S5 is generally agreed to be the worst season, with one episode being a notable exception. 6&7 get a bit better, but not for the same reasons that made the early seasons so good. It's moreso enjoyable in a summer blockbuster kind of way now, where it favors spectacle over plot/characterization/political intrigue

but ya I'd definitely still give it a shot
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Post #49: 18th Sep 2017 8:27 AM 
well, 3 episodes in I gotta say I'm not disappointed really.

ser jorrah was "banned"...I say WAS, because he will likely be re-assigned after he delivered...just another drunk dwarf". tyrion and varys on their way to velantis, haha.
jon snow is now "command" of the nightwatch, beheaded that pussy coward and it felt like he was going down a dark route there. stannis influence on him already starts to show.

ramsey is getting married to sansa, REAK seems to become "aware" or something, meh. more interesting though, bailish and bolton seem to become partners. will see how that pans out.

cersei is about to lose the last bit of influence, that I like very much. she's got that "dr. mengele" dude behind her, what is he up to!? jamie is off to rescuing their daughter from the dornish people? and he geot BRONN to come along, also a very cool duo on the screen.

podrick is being trained by brienne to become a knight. they both know where sansa is, just training and waiting until they come up with a plan.

and finally, BRAAVOS baby! and YES, the man with many faces returned...VALAR MOGULIS! it'ss all very intriguing with his black & white temple and so on. arya becoming NOONE. right up my alley so far.

so why you hatin on season 5?!

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #50: 20th Sep 2017 5:37 AM 
seriouslish, I like this season just as the rest before it. maybe it's because I'm a "casual observer"...don't know, still VERY much hooked! season5 feels a bit scattered maybe, a bit larger in scale I guess...it's not like it's a new formula or more in terms of story archs going parallel, but it feels like that: I mean you have podrick/brienne, jamie/bronn, arya/braavos, stannis/nightwatch, khaleesi/dragons, bolton/ramsy, tyrion/varys(jorrah), cersei/high sparrows, and littlefinger inbetween everywhere I guess. aaaand the whitewalkers, somewhere out there, WINTER IS COMING!

watched half the season so far! ser jorrah just got touched by a stone-man in battle, while fighting/saving tyrion!? that's a bad thing I guess, is this permanent as in he's doomed?! would be...meh. he's hiding it. tyrion was dragged down in water by one of them, touched by the boot, that doesn't count I guess? will see...

ser barrister salmy passed the bucket. FUCK! but man he was going out killing and swinging! and for a second or two I really thought he'd make it out of there, those fucking sons of harpy. I was literally on the edge of my seat there, rooting for him, cheering with every enemy he sliced and every attacked he parried. the way he went through those backstabbing masked bitches, like a knife through butter. but there were too many....greyworm tried his best to protect him, but he was on the edge of dying himself, and it shouldn't be. so yeah r.i.p. barrister, always classy/boss from start to finish!

speaking of greyworm, who's cool as fuck btw ("this one has the honor"), I was worried for him the whole episode since he got stabbed pretty bad aswell, but then he woke up with miss sundae? beside him. the two had to get together! the way he said he wasn't afraid of death but feared "never again to see miss sundae from the" bla bla - great line, delivered very well I thought. he went in, and he scored, good for him/them!

bronn/jamie over in, dornish-land?! where marcella is being kept prisoners. well, they're about to be in trouble I guess. I hope jamie is not dying, I wouldn't want that. though he said he'll kill tyrion because he killed their father. hmmm... on their way he also looked upon the suffier islands? where brienne's from, and I thought I saw jamie imagining himself there happy with brienne....well, my main kingslayer, a true character, and he got a new BOSS move. haha, his "lucky" hand, he ought to use it to parry attacks all the time. anyhow I hope all goes well, for BOTH of them. they already talked about how they pictured their deaths, boring/in the arms of a loved one. they better stop that talk and get to it!

over at castle black stannis and his gang just rode off, road to king's landing, through winterfell, to take it all I guess. I like stannis much much more after he talked to his daughter alone, when he said that he is proud of her, and never gave up on her. I bought what he said at least.
well, the nighwatch is changing apparently, with jon as lord commander. ser amen gave him another advice, 'no joy to find in your duty, but maybe lucky to find strength in getting the tasks done' evrythign he says is so awesome! he IS the YODA of GoT, hands down! (certainly not that meester at the small council, the one who cersei can't stand, which btw is the ONLY thing that makes her likable in a sort of way)
anyhow, jon is doing some pact with the wildlings, wants to get them all on the same side, it will devide the nightwatch (OLLY doesn't like it one bit, but fuck him (: ) and sounds like a mission destined to fail. still, good luck with that.

the 2 dragons in the dungeon also roasted and sliced a dude in two just to send a message. impressive. and the big one is off doing his own thing. drogo? no that's not it but you know. always good to see the dragons!
and here comes another FUN FACT: what I saw at my brother's when I was there on vacation, the 30 seconds of season 7 material I caught glimpses at, it was jon snow touching a dragon's face, on the dragon there was sitting a woman but I cannot recall who, blonde or brunette I couldn't tell. anyhow, that was the bit that I saw, which I thought was impressive and had me make the pact to get behind the whole series,. and so far it has REALLY been worth it!

I think my bro isn't even through with season 1 of the wire (shame on that nigga) but I don't care I just want more GoT. he will come through one day!
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #51: 24th Sep 2017 4:38 AM 
Boc @ 16/9/2017 19:11
S5 is generally agreed to be the worst season, with one episode being a notable exception.

that would be HARDHOME wouldn't it?! that was some seriously intense...raid/slaughter?! and then in the end that whitewalker leader just raises his arms and they all get back up....uh-oh!

finished season 5. last thing I saw was cersei getting carried away by the NEW mountain, after she was humilated like never before by the religious freaks, and jon snow getting stabbed by the watch, and that dumb fuck OLLY. mixed feelings right now...will give more thoughts later

about NOONE, about sansa, stannis....and of course my main dwarf and the dragon gang...felt like the material could have been stretched over 2 seasons really.
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #52: 25th Sep 2017 2:44 PM 
so, a little recap here and there. man, this season wasn't bad I think it was just too much for one season. story-arcs felt barely fleshed out:

for example arya and the manyfaced god! I wanted to totally digg all that noise but it didn't get much screen time and was somewhat confusing in the end. all the training stages felt short-breathed too. well she did go undercover, used a face and went to kill that lannister dude to avenge sirio, YES, at least. she stabbed him blind, that was pretty cool! anyhow, the manyfaced god disapproved or whatever, and now arya went blind herself. coincidence? man I want to know...more! in season 6, they gotta make all the screentime worthwhile!

moving on, stannis: just when I started to like him he goes ahead and has his daughter burned. oh men...the red witch made him do it, very cruel. and just because she saw it in the flames or whatever. usurper this usurper that, could have been coincidence after all. lady melisandra could be some long-con-woman who knows, but she also seems to know jon snow, or know about him, as she gave him the infamous "you know nothing jon snow" line, which was originally coming from igritte! she has interest in jon no doubt, but she's not to be trusted I think.
stannis buys her shit all the time, against good advice of ser davos, and now he lost against the boltons, and was supposedly killed in the end by no other than the beast, aka brienne, using oathkeeper to finish him! that all went down way too fast though. the battle between stannis and bolton I mean. it was cool to see them march towards battle and
then cut straight to the aftermath, that had a nice touch to it, but just like most of the season it felt a little rushed.

and other things: theon is "back" for good, he helped sansa escape, FINALLY. just waaay too late, sansa had to pay the price for his laziness! I didn't want to see rapin ramsy at it again, not with poor sansa, so I'm glad they escaped and hopefully she gets to kill ramsy herself one day.

the dragon gang seems like a wild bunch over there in mereen. tyrion talked his way right onto the seat next to khaleesi. as expected. his influence will be interesting to see in season 6. the sons of harpy also tried to murder khaleesi while there was a fight in the pit, but she managed to fly off with drogon who came back just to save the day. lucky her!

well, what else? ah yes, cersei and the tyrells totally in the hands of those sparrow fanatics. lancil back in the picture, quite..changed. a story arc that got too much screentime I thought, but it felt good to see cersei being treated like that. the sparrows acting like there's nothing they can't do. it felt right, but then cersei did that walk and it felt like it was TOO much of a punishment. she will get her revnge I'm sure, and that stupid nun who rang the bell and shouted SHAME all the time will die one very painful death. I certainly hope so!

btw this show is good at making characters seem bad/evil and you scream for their heads to roll, but then after a twist and a turn you be like WELL 2nd CHANCES wah wah. kingslayer, the hound, cersei, theon...hmmm maybe it's just me.

well, jon my main bastard snow, stabbed to death, that came totally unexpected. something I know can't be permanent though since I saw him for 30 seconds in season 7 material. that maks it easier to process i guess, would have been very upset if I had to sit through such a cliffhanger and wait a year for answers! I certainly hope that old ass bastard who stabbed him first gets to die, about time if you ask me!

last but not least: my main sweet-talker bronn, and the most beautiful woman in the world (that dornish queen's girl), there's something in the making! definetely! their back and forth in prison was cool, and I was REALLY glad that she gave him the antidote. lay with him and cook him his steak, or leave bronn alone!

sooooo, all that being said: season 6 got to be good. maybe focus a bit more on certain story arcs, flesh those out some more. I liked season 5, no doubt, but I can leave that behind and jump right on the 6th. no hard feelings!
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #53: 28th Sep 2017 9:09 AM 
alright, season 6 is all about getting people together again eh? had some truly awesome moments!

people back on the screen:
osha, but not for long...fuck ramsy for killing her, his death HAS to be one of the bloodiest on the series history!
rickon is back to be a hostage...ok rickon!
edmure? is back and used by jamie as a catalyst, after being walder frey's prisoner. jamie wants to get hold of castle riverrun, run by blackfish. meh edmure.
jamie and bronn (back together, yay) went out to gather an army at riverrun and there brienne and jamie met again. MIXED FEELINGS, you could tell. in the end when then castle was taken, brienne and pod took off in a boat, and jamie waved her goodbye. AW!

but here it comes/the best thing about this season for sure: THE HOUND IS BACK. FUCK YEAH! I just KNEW he wouldn't go out like that.
the hound + axe = WIN. it seems like he's rolling with the brotherhood from here on in, who he ran into, again! good, good!
arya is "back" too. she wasn't exactly fit for the way of the many faced god, I guess, but she learned a lot and got away "clean", jaQ was content with her in the end. good!

well, lots of players returning. and thanks to BRAN, we also get pieces of the past. pretty impressive to be honest. when he saw ned fight and he called "father" and it must have been like a whisper in the wind to ned but he turned around - I liked that a lot. but the really great/sad part was to see how HODOR came to be. a great and sad moment. a special moment!
when he was to "hold the door" against the army of the dead in the present, and in the past he "was tripping", lying on the floor and screaming "hold the door", until it became "HODOR"...that was so well written I thought, and perfectly executed. he was always meant to be there, great Hodor, R.I.P.!

oh and BENJIS is back too, he saved bran and the girl after they fled the tree! LONG time no see, but he knows how to survive out there. bad ass skills on the horse!
greyjoys are back aswell. theon and his sister had to leave after their uncle killed their father and was made king of the fishes or whatever, now they are in a race against time to get to mereen first so they can make peace with khaleesi and offer a deal to build her a fleet of ships. hmmhmm.
in mereen things go well and not so well for tyrion and the gang, but khaleesi just came back from her long journey, so drogo will settle things very soon. varys left though, I forgot why...but hope to see him again! khaleesi put on a nice fire-show in dothraki-land (whatever), she's really special!

now someone that needs to GO instead of come back or whatever are the fuckin religious freaks, the sparrows. that story arc needs to END! I was looking forward to see the new mountain get wild during trial by combat, but since they sacked the king this is off the table after he changed the law. someone just kill them all...please. that righteous leader too, seems cool but don't care, religious nutbag!

also and last but not least: jon snow is "back" too, good! black magic yaaay, and he doesn't seem too different so it's all good. olly and the rest got the rope, fuck them!
sansa is back at castle black just in time, with pod and brienne. she seems angry and wants revenge so bad so they tried to rally up anyone they can find to take back winterfell. semi-succesful but the battle will happen!

and I guess that's what's about to come as I only got the final, episodes 9 + 10 ahead of me! some bloody action is expected!

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #54: 29th Sep 2017 9:16 AM 
aaaah, perfect! just perfect! sansa fed ramsy to the dogs...could have shown some more gore if you ask me, but I was content with this demise! winterfell is back in their hands, after a bloody battle, r.i.p. GIANT! now littlefinger wants a piece of the action, to sit on the throne, but sansa is cockblocking him haha. jon, so he is not a bastard at all? who is his father? he has a right to claim the throne hasn't he? the throne, currently "empty", as the king jumped out of the window! ahahaha that was so unexpected, weird, but awesome! oh men cersei, she landed a strike and wiped out all the sparrows, including the tyrells but meh who cares. I forgot all about that green stuff down there, what a beautiful explosion! great entertainment!

also, walder frey got what he deserved. oh that revenge was so good! arya really learned the art of the many faced god! just like I said she'd be making big waves and kill them all one by one, once she got her skills fleshed out! very good for her!
and over in mereen things were finally settled, and the whole gang is on their way to westeros. it feels like the next chapter will be a big BIG clash!

very satisfying end to a very good season 6. definitely a big step-up from last season!
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #55: 29th Sep 2017 10:20 AM 
Henry, what are you gonna do after you get through Season 7 have have to wait?
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Post #56: 30th Sep 2017 10:50 AM 
I guess I'll be playing the waiting game then, like the rest of you. waiting for Westworld, waiting for BetterCallSaul, waiting for GoT.

I'll watch plenty movies in the meantime! haven't see a really good one in ages...
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #57: 30th Sep 2017 12:13 PM 
Watch Fargo/Mr Robot/The Night Of if you haven't :up:
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Post #58: 30th Sep 2017 12:48 PM 
mr. robot, maybe. fargo I watched. the night of I don't know
ozark is next in line. and then I might give House of Cards another shot
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #59: 30th Sep 2017 12:58 PM 
I think you'd like Mr Robot a lot
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Post #60: 30th Sep 2017 1:32 PM 
in your own ginger words, describe it to me please (:
I think I once heard someone say something about Mr. Robot, but I'm pretty sure I forgot all about it again!
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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