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Places you have travelled to/plan on travelling to
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #16: 18th Jul 2016 11:20 AM 
Going to Connecticut next week and Boston the week after for a day, then back to Iceland for a couple of weeks.
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Post #17: 18th Jul 2016 11:47 AM 
Mercator @ 18/7/2016 11:20
Going to Connecticut next week and Boston the week after for a day, then back to Iceland for a couple of weeks.

Wanna kidnap Sansa with me?
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Post #18: 18th Jul 2016 1:04 PM 
Curtis @ 18/7/2016 9:47
Mercator @ 18/7/2016 11:20
Going to Connecticut next week and Boston the week after for a day, then back to Iceland for a couple of weeks.

Wanna kidnap Sansa with me?

Yeah, that dog needs a proper home!
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Post #19: 18th Jul 2016 1:54 PM 
That's funny you guys all mention New Zealand... considering I'll be moving there soon, I'll let you guys know how it is. (:

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Post #20: 18th Jul 2016 1:56 PM 
vladykins @ 18/7/2016 10:26
WTF is everyone I know suddenly going to South Dakota?

I'm going for a family reunion. We have people in Wyoming and Minnesota going as well, we chose an site closer to the older folks in Minnesota.
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Post #21: 18th Jul 2016 2:21 PM 
Dadd @ 18/7/2016 13:56
vladykins @ 18/7/2016 10:26
WTF is everyone I know suddenly going to South Dakota?

I'm going for a family reunion. We have people in Wyoming and Minnesota going as well, we chose an site closer to the older folks in Minnesota.

That just seems like "Wanting to go to a nice restaurant, but settling for Waffle House because it is convenient."
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Post #22: 18th Jul 2016 3:07 PM 
Okay, I have a bunch of pictures ready from all the locations I have been to. I'll do um in portions, as it would be overwhelming to do it all in one post.

But I'll begin with my first vacation in Spain when I was only 2 years old:

PS. These pictures kinda suck because I was a baby and don't have much pictures with me from that time, but these were the ones I was able to find. The good ones come when I am a bit older (like the Italy (2011/2012) and Austria (2014) vacations).

Spain Pictures (1999)

Me and my sister on the beach close by our hotel (Can't remember the precise location - city)+

Eating a sandwich.. (the pictures are limited, so these are kind of filler tbh :p)+

I was super chubby as a baby for some reason - luckily that didn't translate as I grew older. But anyways, me making sand castles, yay!+

My mom and I somewhere in Spain, with an amazing view in the background+

Me being a fatty again+

(really bad quality), me with my sisters)+

Typical baby dorkiness+
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Post #23: 18th Jul 2016 4:08 PM 
My temporary move to the States in 2000:

Me in a bed that the movers were about to move+

Having a BBQ during one of our first days in the US+

Our first camp-trip, near Park City, Utah (where the 2002 Winter Olympics were+

When my uncle came to visit from Holland+

Nothing notable, but apparently I was caught red-handed trying to steal something from the kitchen... they were out to capture my reaction. Here it is, lol (I always loved this picture, partially due to how I was wearing my socks)+

Our second camping trip, to Strawberry Lake, which is close to Arizona+

A bit more East in Utah, close to Colorado+

Our first visit in the center of Park City- where 2 years later, the olympics would be held+

At Lagoon, a famous amusement park in Farmington, Utah+

I have more, but I'll keep those out, this portion is already longer than I had liked it to be. Next up is Belgium (2003).

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Post #24: 18th Jul 2016 5:11 PM 
BACK IN EUROPE, AGAIN, YAY! We were back in Holland, so there will be some pictures from there too. But the majority of these are from Belgium when we went to see my grandfather. I will state it at the end of the spoiler tag.

Belgium/Holland (2003)

On the plane back to Holland+

Me meeting my cousin for the first time - he was born in 2002, when we were still temporarly in the States (I am actually the godfather of his younger brother, who was born in 2012+

In Ewijk, the Netherlands+

At a pool in my hometown - Nijmegen, the Netherlands+

Same pool, but with a friend of mine - who coincidentally ended up going to the same high school that I went to - we are still close friends - her dad was American as well, and her mom Dutch too, so we both knew 2 languages+


I was obsessed with 'Little People' (the toys) when I was a kid, and would always neatly place them in order. It's in Belgium, in the apartment of my Grandfather, thought I'd share it anyways even though it doesn't bring much substance to the 'travelling stories'.+

Now to the good ones:

On the beach that was directly infront of my grand fathers apartment. He sure had an amazing view of the Belgian waters - the waves were crazy big usually, they were quite calm that day+

In Oostende, Belgium+

Next up, some more America pictures from my travels in 2005-2008. It features Alaska. Afterwards it'll be some more Holland/Belgium pictures. Then the post AFTER that will finally be the more recent stuff (Italy, Austria, England).
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Post #25: 18th Jul 2016 5:17 PM 
South Dakota is pretty fun! Mount Rushmore, Caves, some hiking.

It is no Disney World, but ain't Kansas either.
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Post #26: 18th Jul 2016 5:41 PM 
Completely non-related, I'm planning on going to Oregon once more before I move to New Zealand next year. Both my grandparents (from my Father's side) live there, so it's going to be pretty cool seeing them again before I leave.

And out of the states that I HAVE gone to, these are the ones: Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Alaska, Arizona and Florida.

Related: South Dakota does seem cool though. The main thing that captures me though is; culture. So that must be why I don't particularly have much interest in travelling to many different states.

Though there are some culture differences, it's not nearly as big as say: Holland to Italy.
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Post #27: 18th Jul 2016 6:49 PM 
North Dakota is so much better. It has THE elevator
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Post #28: 18th Jul 2016 9:55 PM 
Dylan @ 18/7/2016 18:17
South Dakota is pretty fun! Mount Rushmore, Caves, some hiking.

It is no Disney World, but ain't Kansas either.

and all the signs for butt drugs!
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Post #29: 18th Jul 2016 10:57 PM 
North Dakota > South Dakota - just because that's where my German ancestors settled after migrating to the US.

Also Prague is amazing. Also Italy! Austria and Germany were nice. And Hawaii - Boc (I think it was Boc), you need to go there!

Next is Ireland for me.

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Post #30: 18th Jul 2016 10:58 PM 
Oh and HI FE! I missed you!!
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