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The Republican party; What the fuck?
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Post #16: 23rd Aug 2012 11:20 AM 
Mercator @ 23/8/2012 16:16
He's like Bjarni Ben x10

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Post #17: 23rd Aug 2012 6:39 PM 
Henry_42 @ 23/8/2012 11:12
Boc @ 23/8/2012 0:03
lThis next presidential election I'll probably "throw away" my vote and vote for Gary Johnson (Libertarian party), if I vote at all. Because honestly, I don't give a shit whether Romney or Obama gets elected. If a third party ever got elected, I think that'd be really great for the country, but I doubt it'll happen. Having a two-horse race is so counter-productive.

having a three-horse race would make things better? that 3rd horse would be in the race if the money/war-masters bet on it earlier, but they didn't. so horse 3 isn't going to make it.

sorry to say really but your vote is never ever gonna change or effect anything. you don't live in a democracy you live in a cozy looking dictatorship.

Oh :(
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Post #18: 23rd Aug 2012 6:40 PM 
I didn't really mean if the elections were 3-horse races it'd be better. I meant if a third party candidate unexpectedly won (by some miracle) then I think that'd really shake things up for the best, at least initially.
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Post #19: 23rd Aug 2012 8:29 PM 
Boc @ 23/8/2012 19:40
I didn't really mean if the elections were 3-horse races it'd be better. I meant if a third party candidate unexpectedly won (by some miracle) then I think that'd really shake things up for the best, at least initially.

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Post #20: 23rd Aug 2012 9:19 PM 
Ari @ 23/8/2012 3:22
Some have mentioned this Gary Johnson guy but I havnt heard much about him. Probably mostly because the media wants it to be a two horse race between two candidates that will keep the rich rich...

Yeah he's not really a big name, just like most Third Party candidates. Ralph Nader is the only one I can remember getting a decent amount of attention in past elections.

I like Johnson because he endorsed Ron Paul (whom I actually liked and would've voted for, but he lost to Romney in the Republican primary) and shares most of his stances. Among them being wanting to cut the military budget in half, legalize marijuana and gay marriage, and end the War on Drugs. He'll never come close to being elected but meh, I'll vote for him anyway
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Post #21: 24th Aug 2012 10:08 AM 
Boc @ 23/8/2012 23:40
I didn't really mean if the elections were 3-horse races it'd be better. I meant if a third party candidate unexpectedly won (by some miracle) then I think that'd really shake things up for the best, at least initially.

i think i misunderstood your two horse race metaphor. i got that part about an "independent" party winning and how it be beneficial etc...but srsly nobody gets to be in a "position of power" in the US without the " masters' " say-so......so i rly think there's no chance for "by some miracle" to ever happen. Presidents/governments don't rule your country skinny b. it's the military-industrial-complex, if you will....or THEY....or the banks....or whatever...dynasties.....the mafia....name it how you want

President of the united states....i guess a little 9 to 5 working drone at mc donalds has more freedom to do its job the way it sees fit. it's doing robot moves at its job but at least it decides where to direct those robotic moves and actions at. the president is just a puppet who reads what others wrote for him. who make the moves other told him to do. who can't decide shot by himself. not even the direction he is walking in.

of course it's not just like that in the US....don't get me wrong, but we're talking bout america right now, and tbh the US is one of the "most" symbolic countries in terms of a fake system, fake leaders, and fake reality that is being displayed by a fake media, telling you fake stories.

Post Edited by Henry_42 @ 24th Aug 2012 10:10 AM
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #22: 24th Aug 2012 10:16 AM 
Do the presidential candidates have to show the public where they are getting their money from?

Not that I know much about US politics but would a non-party president work? We have that here in Iceland so just wondering. I know there is a lot of difference between the US president and the Icelandic one but I think a non-party president might help rid the US of the massive corruption that has infested there. Maybe have a limit on election costs to try and get big money out of the question?
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Post #23: 24th Aug 2012 10:25 AM 
The "big money" runs through the House and Senate as well. Once you figure this out, read about our Electoral College :crazy:
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Post #24: 25th Sep 2012 9:01 AM 

Mitt Romneys comment after his wife's plane had an electrical issue:
When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous.

He doesn't know why the windows don't open. -_-

Apart from the whole *pressure* issue, let's add oxygen to a fire and see how that goes.

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Post #25: 25th Sep 2012 10:35 AM 
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #26: 25th Sep 2012 10:40 AM 
He should be a replacement ref
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Post #27: 13th Oct 2012 10:03 AM 
Didn't want to start another whole thread. I will be the first to admit that I am positive you could find quotes just as frightening from Republicans, but holy crow. Basic knowledge should be required to vote. *bangs head against wall*

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Post #28: 13th Oct 2012 11:19 AM 
loooooool @ the irony

cause rly, osama was either dead like 6 years ago or he's still alive. but he didn't die when the world media announced him dead. aks bhutto about it, oh wait. she was assassinated.

stupid howard stern, exploiting light minded brainwashed people instead of helping them to see clear. fuckface.
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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