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Episode III
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Post #241: 24th Apr 2019 6:49 AM 
Lamps @ 24/4/2019 5:54
Nav (6/11): Christian, Spider, Primate, Ahoda, Havo, im317

Hit list

Based on post content etc i would say TIB is probably nr 7.
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Post #242: 24th Apr 2019 7:02 AM 
Qui-Gon Spin @ 24/4/2019 5:41
Spider Walker @ 24/4/2019 1:19
I'm okay with ending it early if others want to. Do we need others to vote as well? I think Cody mentioned how Christian may have a role like Curtis did before where you need a couple extra votes

There is only one way to find out...

Oh okay, I just wasn't sure that if I hammered before others were also ready to put extra votes if it would end the day or not.

##lynch Christian

Jic: I'm the last one
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Post #243: 24th Apr 2019 7:06 AM 
Lamps @ 24/4/2019 0:59
Ppl who commented on the speed of the Christian train looked the worst imo.

I think this was only me, so you can go ahead and just say my name instead of being vague.
"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #244: 24th Apr 2019 7:13 AM 
Day 3 Final Lynch Count

Christian (10/10): Spin, Rodney, Merc, Ahoda, Primate, Cody, im317, Shadow, Lamps, Spider
Zersch (1/10): Christian
Spin (0/10): Christian

Day 3 Nominations

Merc (1): Merc
Spin (6): Rodney, im317, Primate, Helios, Havo, Spider

Christian has been lynched and Spin has been elected to become the new Emperor. Flavor coming soon.
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Post #245: 24th Apr 2019 7:59 AM 
The Emperor was dead, and the Galactic Empire would need to elect a new ruler. Everyone agreed to grant Qui-Gon Spin the position, since he seemed the most fit to rule. He looked like a ruler, his eyes were hollow dark pits and he looked like he had caught some kind of disease. He was obviously the perfect fit. Spin sits down to the Iron Throne and smiles sickly as his new subjects bow before him.

"What will thy will be, your excellency?" Rod Six asked, bending the knee.

"Bring me Lando Christian." Emperor Spin commanded weakly. "I know him to be rebel scum."

"Yes, your Majesty." Bothan Spider said, as she and Rod Six scurried off. They soon returned with Lando Christian and pushed him to the floor.

"Emperor Spin has accused you of being rebel scum and you'll be sentenced to die." IM-317 said, addressing Lando Christian. "How do you plead to these charges?"

"Not guilty." Christian said in a calm voice. "I'm innocent."

"The new Emperor has foreseen your treachery, rebel scum." Helios told Christian with a threatening voice. "Not even lies can save you now." Primatewok continued from the crowd. "Confess now, and perhaps the Emperor will show mercy." Hothvo said.

"There's nothing to confess." Lando Christian said calmly and challenged Emperor Spin with a confident look. "Soon I'll be dead, and you with me."

"Kill him." Emperor Spin ordered, coughing weakly.

They all ganged up on Lando Christian, ripping his arms from his sockets. Merca Ragnos tore one arm off, Ahowalker tore off another. Cody and Shadow helped themselves with his legs. Lamps waited until they were done, only to rip his head off and toss it across the floor. Emperor Spin watched Lando Christian's lifeless head spin around on the floor and smiled weakly as it stopped.

Christian's Role PM+

The crowd soon turn their attention to Emperor Qui-Gon Spin, who suddenly starts to cough violently. He falls from his throne and lands on the floor, wheezing.

"Emperor Spin!" The crowd cries out and runs over to him.

"Someone help me... take this mask off." Spin said weakly.

"But you'll die." Bothan Spider warned.

"Nothing can stop that now." Spin said. "Just for once, let me look on you all with my own eyes before I go." Spin said weakly.

They remove his mask, and notice his swollen green face, blood was running down his nose like a river and his mouth was covered in a black goo. He smiles at them, and they smile back. "Thank you." He whispered, before the sickness took him and he died. His rule was shortlived, but it was memorable.

Spin's Role PM+
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Post #246: 24th Apr 2019 8:00 AM 
It is now Night 3.

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