From the gays that brought you Scooby Doo mafia... Welcome to Zach & I's 2017 Christmas Mafia, where we're all heading back home for the holidays!
Surviving your family over the Holidays has never been more difficult.
Please add your name to the list below if you'd like to sign up. We're looking to start on Monday hopefully, but we will release a official start date this weekend depending on how much longer KC's game runs for. We recognize that people will have spotty activity over the holidays so if you have any preferences of days to take off or extended deadlines, please share them in the thread!
1. Ahoda
2. Nofo
3. Curtis
4. Nav
5. Ben
6. Jamie
7. Rose
8. Herm
9. Christian
10. Merc
11. DS
12. Sock
13. Maddie
14. Bryce
15. TT
16. im317
17 Patrick
18. farlig
19. Timmah
20. Zersch
21. Spin
22. Brian
23. TiB
24. Vlady
25. Buffy
26. Chris
27. Primate
28. Lamps
29. Darkus
30. PORL
31. Helios
32. Jake
In, I will have some stuff going on during the holidays, but i shouldn’t be totally inactive any days unless we decide to go up northere h which I don’t think will happen.