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The First Course
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Post #1: 20th Nov 2017 8:52 PM 
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Day: Thursday November 23rd. Year: Whenever pilgrims were.

It was a gorgeous morning in the newly conquered North America. The sun quickly rose and kissed the treetops with golden light somewhere along the eastern coast. It was on this morning that our story began.

Twelve weary travelers continued to forge a new path through the dense forest until they finally arrived at their destination.

"Eeeeeeeee there it is!" exclaimed Brian joyously and stereotypically.

"Good." replied KC.

Before the group, jutting out of a hillside, was a large stone.

"The stone shaped like an arrowhead. This has gotta be it." added DS as he double checked his map.

"But where is he? He was supposed to meet us here. fucku Cu-" Merc began before a voice echoed out.


The group looked above them as a jolly ginger slid down a vine and landed proudly on the arrowhead shaped stone. His translucent body blocked out 0% of the sun as the rays of light shined through him, causing the group to shield their eyes.

Curtis jumped down from the stone and landed before the twelve travelers in a mighty heroic pose that impressed each and every one of them.

" :merc: " said Merc.

"You made it!" Curtis said. "And not a second to spare. I received word from the village not long ago, the natives are all awaiting our arrival. They'll receive us soon and the grand feast can begin!"

"Fuck you." said Nofo.

"I hate this day >:(" added Bryce.

"I'm not feeling up to eating this week." replied Rose, weakly.

"Great!" replied Curtis. "Now before we head down there, since the village is prepping the feast for us and we're doing absolutely nothing to help, they'll expect an offering from our group. First, I'm giving you each five coins to personally hand over to the chieftain."

"LETS GOOOOOOOO!" Igor exclaimed excitedly.

"That's right." Curtis continued, "We're also gonna need to choose a couple of leaders to handle communication with the chieftain. I'm gonna go ahead and let you all make that decision yourselves. You've all been traveling together for about 3 months to get here, lets start things off by seeing who got along in that time and who didn't!"

The group sat under the shade of the arrowhead stone and began jotting down their lists. It was time for allegiances and rivalries to take early form.

Elimination Quest

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- Each of you must PM me a list ranking your fellow players 1-11. #1 will be the player most fit as leader, who you want to keep in the game. #11 will be the player least fit for as leader, who you wish to eliminate.

- Your full lists will not be revealed, but your #1 and #11 spots WILL be revealed.

- The three players with the lowest average votes for leader will be marked for elimination. One of the three will be eliminated by the end of tomorrow. More will be explained on that later.

- If someone does not send me a list, they will be eliminated.

- Once I get all lists, they will lock. Please send all lists in ASAP. You have until tomorrow at 7pm est to submit, but the earlier the better.

- The two leaders will have a decision to make tomorrow night. They will have 30 minutes within me posting results to come online and make the decision themselves. Otherwise, their ranking list will make the decision for them.

Main Quest

The feast is about to begin! ....but Curtis got a bit turned around in his travels. How should we try to find the village?

A. Climb up a high tree
B. Split into scouting parties
C. Check the map
D. Yell for help until the natives hear you

For each Main Quest, choose a letter option in this thread within the deadline. You may not change your answer once you post.

Side Quest

As you may have seen, here is a list of items available in the game. Below are three item images that were unused. Your first side quest is to submit an idea for what any or all of these three items could do. The player with the best submission, as decided by me, will receive a bonus and their idea for that item will be put into the game. Keep in mind you're going for realism here, not humor.

- You must post your ideas in this thread. You may only post one idea per item.

- You do not have to include the price of the item, I will determine that.

- There will only be one winning item placed into the game, the other two will be tossed aside.

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Leaf pile

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Native drums

You have until 7pm est tomorrow to submit for all three quests.
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Post #2: 20th Nov 2017 9:13 PM 
Main Quest: B. Split into scouting parties

Side Quest:

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Leaf pile - Just a bunch of leaves? Think again. This one-time item automatically triggers when an item (or target) is used on you. You dive into the leaves and avoid all items used on you during the phase.

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Pinecone - why would you even use this to attack? Hit one player and knock a basic item loose. All players have a chance to pick up the dropped item in the phase thread.

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Native drums - the song of a friendly tribe nearby? Think again. You rally your [insert animal] friends to stand by your side. Your friends steal 15 coins from every player remaining in the game and give them to you.
John Snav
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Post #3: 20th Nov 2017 9:28 PM 
Main Quest

I pick C. C is the most statistically right answer as proven by science.

Side Quest

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Leaf pile

You may search the leaf pile once per game. 50% chance of finding a key. 50% chance of a villager jumping out and stealing a key you have in your possession (If you don't have a key, you will lose 25% of your total coins)

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Works as an energizer. You can consume a pinecone once per game. When eaten, you can select 2 options in the main quest of that course. You will earn coins from whichever option of the 2 gives you more coins.

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Native drums

Summon the villagers. When native drums are played, coins will be given out for the next 2 hours. At every 15 minute mark on the second (x:00:00, x:15:00, x:30:00, x:45:00) the first person to post "Player collects coins" will earn 10 coins. Only the first person to post at the exact mark will gain coins. Subsequent posters will gain nothing. If no one posts on the exact mark, no one gains anything.
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Post #4: 20th Nov 2017 9:59 PM 
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A TRAP! is underneath this pile. Place this in front of a player. There is a 33% chance the player will fall into the trap, unable to complete the course. There is a 33% chance that a random item from the player will fall into the trap. There is a 33% chance the player avoids the trap. And there's a 1% chance that, in a stumbling moment, the placer of the leaf pile will fall into the trap, unable to complete the course.

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Care for a trade? Give this pinecone to a player, and they will have to give you an item in their possession of their choice. If they have no items, they will give you however many coins they have, or 20 coins, whichever is lower. The pinecone will then pass onto this player, and they may trade it with a player in the next course. They cannot trade the pinecone back to you.

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These are some nice drums, yo, but they come with an extra feature. You will play these drums for your fellow players. Each player must give you at least one coin. But a spirit lives in these drums that hates stingy people. The spirit will steal an item from the player that gives you the least amount of coins. If there is a tie for the player that gives the least amount of coins, a player will be chosen randomly among them. If the player does not have items, the spirit will steal 10 coins. The spirit will not give what its stolen to you - it will, ironically, keep it for itself.

And I will pick C.

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Post #5: 20th Nov 2017 10:00 PM 
Just for everyone's reference:

Buck [Igor]
Doe [Brian]
Cub [KC]
Wolf [DS]
Fox [Patrick]
Raccoon [Rose]
Skunk [Nav]
Owl [Nofo]
Rabbit [Jamie]
Squirrel [Zach]
Sparrow [Bryce]
Mouse [Merc]
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SF WordSmith
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Post #6: 20th Nov 2017 10:32 PM 
itsbrianyay @ 20/11/2017 19:00
Just for everyone's reference:

Buck [Igor]
Doe [Brian]
Cub [KC]
Wolf [DS]
Fox [Patrick]
Raccoon [Rose]
Skunk [Nav]
Owl [Nofo]
Rabbit [Jamie]
Squirrel [Zach]
Sparrow [Bryce]
Mouse [Merc]

No, I'm the cub. KC is the wolf.

I hope no one ranks you as a leader because we'd be headed in the wrong direction already

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SF WordSmith
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Post #7: 20th Nov 2017 10:35 PM 
Curtis, are the natives hearing us or hereing us

I can't tell

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Post #8: 20th Nov 2017 10:49 PM 
DS @ 20/11/2017 22:35
Curtis, are the natives hearing us or hereing us

I can't tell

Ahh the first of several funny spelling jokes
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Post #9: 20th Nov 2017 11:10 PM 
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Leaf pile - You are an animal, so this is your bed. Sleep in it to restore your poisoned status to normal.

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SF WordSmith
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Post #10: 20th Nov 2017 11:16 PM 
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Pinecone - You are a dumb animal. You ate this pinecone because you are a dumb animal. It hurt for you to squeeze it out, but you did. You left it in a steaming pile of, well you get the picture. If another dumb animal steps on it, you will laugh, and they will drop an item, because well, they are a dumb animal.

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Post #11: 20th Nov 2017 11:17 PM 
Dyl is such an awesome mod - giving up his spot. I commend you.
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Post #12: 20th Nov 2017 11:25 PM 
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Native Drums - Woah, thats insensitive. These aren't native drums, these are just drums used by natives. Rose is also not a coon, just in case I need to remind you.

Anyways, im getting off topic. Banging on these drums will allow you to drum up some courage to ask out your secret crush. Use of this item will allow you to receive the same outcome of a main quest as your lover. (Highest reward earned by one of you will be the reward given to both)

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Post #13: 21st Nov 2017 12:51 AM 
Main Quest

I want the D.

Side Quest

Posted Image - Throw this at someone and hit them in the eyes, blinding them. Without vision, they're unable to complete the Main Quest for the day and you make the choice for them
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Post #14: 21st Nov 2017 1:47 AM 



Posted Image - Nuture. Grow the pinecone into a large tree to earn back half your coin total at the end of the game, should you make it there. But it takes care to do this. Not only must you survive to the end, you must water your new plant daily as well. Failure to do so will result in your sprout dying.

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SF WordSmith
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Post #15: 21st Nov 2017 1:56 AM 
Main course - A

because that's what Dual Survival taught me

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