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The Republican party; What the fuck?
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Snowman Overlord
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Post #1: 22nd Aug 2012 7:00 AM 
Now I am obviously not American nor can I vote in the US Presidential elections come november (I think) nor do know much about the whole election system. The US system confuses me and why there can only be like two "main" candidates every year puzzles me. But thats for another thread amirite?


Ive been reading up on some shit (mostly stuff posted on reddit admittedly) and the amount of shit and vomit coming out of some of the representatives of the Republican party is just plain disgusting. Egocentric, old and racist men that obviously have too much money and power talking about how and when women should be allowed to have control over their own bodily functions. The same men talking about whether homosexuals should actually become full-fledged citizens. Ive even read that if Obama wins some people are considering raising a militia to overthrow the government. What the actual fuck? How can these people possibly be in control and be major players in one of the biggest political party in the world? Its just absurd! Who elects these representatives, who in all honesty are probably the most irrational group of human beings ive heard of.

Me as an Icelander looks in disbelief at the level of psychosis some of those representatives defecate on a regular basis. How is this level of ignorance and selfishness possible? I cant finish reading an article anymore about Paul Ryan, Todd Akin and these other assholes, its just too much. Im 100% sure they are also not the only ones who think what they think. They just said it publicly. Im sure most of the leaders of the Republican party have similar views to them. Disgust is not a strong enough word to describe these vermin.

Im sorry if I offended any decent republicans here but honestly you deserve any hate going against you for supporting these assholes. How can anyone possible support this lunacy?

Im not really a supporter of Obama (hes a complete sellout imo) but I honestly, for the good of the whole world, dont want to see these fuckheads in control. Just kinda makes me angry that such ignorance and stupidity can go so far and be so applauded by so many people.

Anyways thats just my take on it! Im sure you Americans know a lot more about how this all works and id be glad if someone could explain this nonsense.

For people who havnt been following the news:

Paul Ryan:


Todd Akin:


(Im sure there are more but thats all I remember)

This needs a wall of Merc Facepalm

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Post #2: 22nd Aug 2012 9:02 AM 
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Post #3: 22nd Aug 2012 12:28 PM 
Yeah, it's fucked up. Obama bugs me in some ways, but god damn, his stuff is like cake compared to the pile of shit the GOP is trying to get in office.
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Post #4: 22nd Aug 2012 12:47 PM 
well if yu don't like it you can geeet ouuut
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Post #5: 22nd Aug 2012 12:48 PM 
what are you saying ari? TL ;DR

american politics is bullshit and every year the candidates seem even more retarded than the ones before them?
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Post #6: 22nd Aug 2012 1:18 PM 
Henry_42 @ 22/8/2012 17:48
what are you saying ari? TL ;DR

american politics is bullshit and every year the candidates seem even more retarded than the ones before them?

Republicans seem to get more retarded by the minute. Just read the thread :P Its pretty hilarious what they are claiming!

Obama isnt retarded and im pretty sure hes a smart guy but he seems like a huge sellout to big companies to me!
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Post #7: 22nd Aug 2012 2:12 PM 
ari i know republicans are "nuts" and "warmongers" since 2002. in the us democrats just aswell as obviously the republicans answer to the same masters. so it's not like the democrats (clinton, obama, huge tools) were any better than the bushes or nixon,

lol, see it like in iran if you will. the president is #2 there. that ayatollah guy is officially the #1. only difference to the us, the us doesn't say who the real boss is, and certainly it's NOT official.

obama....dude's an actor, a really fuckin great one. sw him in 2006 in the primaries. heard him speak for a minute. thought to myself: black, eloquent, presidential right there. of course a charming black man screaming change would be welcomed by the masses. especially after some white guy went to war and cut freedoms and all that for 8 years. it's a sick psychologcial media display. THEY (media, moneymen, think tanks, excutive guys) know what the mass is going to think about issue/person x/y before the mass even knows. giving the people the choice between a black man and a woman, after 8 years of "dubya", oh hell this looks promising for democracy, the mass might think. and oh how they did....sadly.

us politics....since JFK, nothing but lies
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Post #8: 22nd Aug 2012 2:31 PM 
and i can't rly laugh about that so much anymore, considering i have lost relatives thanks to the US. rumsfield was giving saddam gas he used on the kurds in the late 80's. further considering i have been trying to talk about politics and the stupid bullshit system that is the us election and presidency since i met you guys. and noone ever wanted to talk about it rly, but rather get at me personally and tell me i'm a conspiracy nut, like talking to a brick wall, all that. when all i did was showing interest in talking about this political thing which could effect all of us within hours some day, if they finally go totally bananas.

but yeah whatever. and whatever the republicans said this time around, i'm sure it's funny cause it's so obviously stupid, shallow and pedantic. but i don't feel like laughing about it
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Post #9: 22nd Aug 2012 7:03 PM 
lol when you said your info comes from Reddit I pretty much stopped reading. Reddit is so ridiculously biased. They latch onto every little piece of info they can use against Romney (often from illegitimate sources) and they whack off to every little political stunt Obama does, and act like he's the best president since JFK when really he's mediocre at best, no matter how you slice it. Sure, he had a big mess on his hands when he came into office, but he hasn't done much (if anything) to make it better.

The truth is, neither candidate is all that different. That's what I hate about the election system. While you CAN vote for a Third Party instead of Republican/Democrat, it's basically throwing your vote away because they never come close to winning. It's always a two-horse race between two people that are SUPPOSEDLY a lot different from each other and some people get into heated discussions about why their candidate is SO much better but when really the only difference is a few standpoints that they're not even guaranteed to uphold once they get into office (and if they do, the Senate has almost all the power anyway). So basically every 4 years you just get the ILLUSION of a choice.

This next presidential election I'll probably "throw away" my vote and vote for Gary Johnson (Libertarian party), if I vote at all. Because honestly, I don't give a shit whether Romney or Obama gets elected. If a third party ever got elected, I think that'd be really great for the country, but I doubt it'll happen. Having a two-horse race is so counter-productive.
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Post #10: 22nd Aug 2012 9:25 PM 
It really just boils down to a giant douche or a...turd sandwich.
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Post #11: 23rd Aug 2012 12:57 AM 
It's sad that I can't find any reason to disagree about that. It's more sad that I instantly recognized that reference.
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Post #12: 23rd Aug 2012 3:22 AM 
Boc @ 23/8/2012 0:03
lol when you said your info comes from Reddit I pretty much stopped reading. Reddit is so ridiculously biased. They latch onto every little piece of info they can use against Romney (often from illegitimate sources) and they whack off to every little political stunt Obama does, and act like he's the best president since JFK when really he's mediocre at best, no matter how you slice it. Sure, he had a big mess on his hands when he came into office, but he hasn't done much (if anything) to make it better.

The truth is, neither candidate is all that different. That's what I hate about the election system. While you CAN vote for a Third Party instead of Republican/Democrat, it's basically throwing your vote away because they never come close to winning. It's always a two-horse race between two people that are SUPPOSEDLY a lot different from each other and some people get into heated discussions about why their candidate is SO much better but when really the only difference is a few standpoints that they're not even guaranteed to uphold once they get into office (and if they do, the Senate has almost all the power anyway). So basically every 4 years you just get the ILLUSION of a choice.

This next presidential election I'll probably "throw away" my vote and vote for Gary Johnson (Libertarian party), if I vote at all. Because honestly, I don't give a shit whether Romney or Obama gets elected. If a third party ever got elected, I think that'd be really great for the country, but I doubt it'll happen. Having a two-horse race is so counter-productive.

Yeah I agree. Seems to boil down too two bad choices, which is horrible!

Also the info isnt really "on" reddit, its mostly articles from other websites that are posted there (some of which I put at the bottom) so im not sure how they can biased. Im pretty sure those republicans said those things! I didnt even bash Romney.

About reddit whacking off to Obama, that I havnt really seen! Most of the comments Ive read they seem to be calling him a corporate sellout and doing noting what he promised. Some have mentioned this Gary Johnson guy but I havnt heard much about him. Probably mostly because the media wants it to be a two horse race between two candidates that will keep the rich rich...

Are candidates forced to show where they get their election money from? Im sure there are some interesting things there.

There is too much money in the elections for them to benefit the American people. The only candidates that will get election money are the corporate sellout types. The cycle continues!
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Post #13: 23rd Aug 2012 11:12 AM 
Boc @ 23/8/2012 0:03
lThis next presidential election I'll probably "throw away" my vote and vote for Gary Johnson (Libertarian party), if I vote at all. Because honestly, I don't give a shit whether Romney or Obama gets elected. If a third party ever got elected, I think that'd be really great for the country, but I doubt it'll happen. Having a two-horse race is so counter-productive.

having a three-horse race would make things better? that 3rd horse would be in the race if the money/war-masters bet on it earlier, but they didn't. so horse 3 isn't going to make it.

sorry to say really but your vote is never ever gonna change or effect anything. you don't live in a democracy you live in a cozy looking dictatorship.
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Post #14: 23rd Aug 2012 11:16 AM 
I'd rather vote for Bjarni Benediktsson than Romney, and there's literally nobody I wouldn't rather vote for in Iceland than Bjarni Ben.
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Post #15: 23rd Aug 2012 11:16 AM 
He's like Bjarni Ben x10
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