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Laptops!; What to get!
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Snowman Overlord
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Post #1: 4th Nov 2013 10:13 AM 

I have been looking for a new laptop but I am unsure of what to get! I always get a feeling when reading articles about stuff like this on the internet that someone is paying them to do it, lobbyism etc.

So which made me think of coming here! Maybe you guys have some good stories or thoughts on this matter :p

I was thinking of getting a really powerful one. One that could play some games easily and I could use it in school. Been thinking of going abroad next year for my masters degree so I need a good companion for the trip! Not some lousy shit that cant even play worms! Bound to get bored at some point abroad so why not have something powerful to pass the time?

Many of my friends keep screaming alienware (anyone with any experience with them?) but I am willing to explore every avenue.

Any suggestions? Anyone have great experiences with any particular brand?
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Post #2: 4th Nov 2013 10:21 AM 
I have a shitty one that I bought for like $250 on a whim for no particular reason, so I can't offer much personal experience on this. I've have however heard nothing but good things about Alienware. I know a guy who lives on video games who swears by it. It looks sexy as hell too.
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Post #3: 4th Nov 2013 10:30 AM 
Alienware is a brand for gaming, they are usually expensive but with top of the line hardware.
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Post #4: 4th Nov 2013 10:35 AM 
But hell I don't use laptops for gaming since they can't be upgraded and they are more expensive than a desktop though, not to mention the best hardware a laptop has is slightly outdated compared to what a desktop gets these days.
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Post #5: 4th Nov 2013 10:39 AM 
How much budget are we talking here Ari?
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Snowman Overlord
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Post #6: 4th Nov 2013 11:04 AM 
Well my birthday is close to x-mas so I was thinking of tricking my parents / grandparents into buying a relatively good laptop for a combined bd / xmas gift! Dunno how much they would go for but doubtful they would agree on the best alienware for example :P

True about desktops being much better. Mine is pretty good and I usually game on that. Id probably take it with me when I go so maybe a laptop thats good for school (coding etc) would be more fitting, that could also play some games though just not Crysis on high settings :)
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Post #7: 4th Nov 2013 11:25 AM 

This one is interesting. Not overly expensive

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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #8: 4th Nov 2013 11:38 AM 
For coding you want a high resolution screen (not 1366 x 768 or lower), loads of ram and an SSD (if you don't want to wait a lot like I have to do).

I got a Lenovo and so far it's been good, the HP I had was shit though.
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Post #9: 4th Nov 2013 11:39 AM 
It looks decent, don't get the second one, it has the same stuff as the first but with a better wireless adapter. The third has the same stuff as the first but with a bigger hdd, bigger screen and a better video card, I don't know if that worth another 250 pounds. Then again I'm not familiar with pounds.
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Post #10: 4th Nov 2013 11:47 AM 
I'm not sure where you are but I got an ASUS (1 TB, 8 gigs of RAM, 2 GB NVidia GeForce 635M) that so far has given me no trouble and has been able to play all of the games I've installed so far... And this laptop is almost a year old by now, so new ones could have better video memory. This thing costed about 800 bucks (but I'm in LatAm so things here cost a bunch more than they would in for example: USA or Europe)
I used to travel the universe, but settled for parks.

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Post #11: 4th Nov 2013 12:13 PM 
I have an ASUS as well and I love it.
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Post #12: 4th Nov 2013 12:14 PM 
I don't know much about gaming though...
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Post #13: 4th Nov 2013 12:15 PM 
A lot of people complain about Dells but I've never had any problem with them. I have an Inspiron 15 (I upgraded most of the specs tho) and it still runs great after 3+ years
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Post #14: 4th Nov 2013 12:17 PM 
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Snowman Overlord
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Post #15: 4th Nov 2013 12:53 PM 
Mercator @ 4/11/2013 16:38
For coding you want a high resolution screen (not 1366 x 768 or lower), loads of ram and an SSD (if you don't want to wait a lot like I have to do).

I got a Lenovo and so far it's been good, the HP I had was shit though.

Yeah I agree on the screen, id probably take the third Lenovo if I picked that.

The Crapkeeper @ 4/11/2013 16:39
It looks decent, don't get the second one, it has the same stuff as the first but with a better wireless adapter. The third has the same stuff as the first but with a bigger hdd, bigger screen and a better video card, I don't know if that worth another 250 pounds. Then again I'm not familiar with pounds.

250pounds = $400 if that helps :D Id probably pay that for those things tbh as I feel the screen must be 1600 x 900 and 320gb might be a bit small if I want to keep a few games + movies / tv shows + extra shit. Im no video card expert so no idea how much of an upgrade it is from 1/2 to 3

Darth Lego @ 4/11/2013 16:47
I'm not sure where you are but I got an ASUS (1 TB, 8 gigs of RAM, 2 GB NVidia GeForce 635M) that so far has given me no trouble and has been able to play all of the games I've installed so far... And this laptop is almost a year old by now, so new ones could have better video memory. This thing costed about 800 bucks (but I'm in LatAm so things here cost a bunch more than they would in for example: USA or Europe)

Possible to get an amazon link on what you are talking about :)
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