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Jeremiah Wood
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Post #1: 14th Aug 2015 1:02:56 PM 

Sooo I didn't realize how much of a daunting task this would actually be, so I only got like five episodes done. Lo siento

I adapted the season from here http://brantsteele.com/survivor/micronesia/r.php?c=JRPmYGkf
(it's micronesia originally, so there's exile island, but I didnt include it)


EPISODE 1 -- "I Feel Like An Old Hoot"

Scenes of Cambodian wildlife flash on the screen as Jeff Probst does his general season introduction monologue. He introduces the concept of second chances, as confessional bits from players flash on the screen

Kelley W: Last time I left this game a bit too early! My dad brought me down, but this time he isn’t here to stop me.

Spencer: I came SO close when I played in Cagayan. I was the underdog but this time…I’m going to be a bit more villainous.

The groups are immediately divided into two tribes.

Jeff: When you were all voted in, you were voted in separate polls. Men vs women.

Ciera (in background): Oh no…

Jeff: And that is how you’ll stay. Men, get on the blue mat. Ladies, get on the purple mat.

Monica (confessional): OH NO!!! I was totally expecting to be mixed in with the boys. I can do a lot more when I’m with boys. But now, I have to work with these girls. Ahhh!!!!

Jeff: Men, you will be the Bayon tribe. Ladies, you will be the Ta Keo tribe.

Keith (confessional): Well they put me with a bunch of youngsters! I feel like an old hoot here.

Next scene flashes to the boys camp. Immediately alliances are forming. On one side of the beach, Savage is talking to Jeremy and Joe about working together.

Woo: Immediately, Savage wanted to work with me! I’m not so sure about this, but obviously you can’t say no to an alliance.

Savage: I know I was seen as a leader last time. For now, I want to change it up and play a bit more of a subtle game.

On the other side of camp, however, another alliance is forming. Jeff, Keith, Terry, Vytas, and Woo are all talking about how they want to go to the end.

Jeff: I was so happy to see that these boys wanted to include me. I feel like an outsider here, having played over ten years ago now. But they seem to really like me.

The womans tribe has plenty of alliances as well. Immediately, Kass, Kelly, Kimmi, and Shirin went off into their own group. Ciera, Monica, and PG were quick to notice.

Monica: Like, are they idiots? Immediately, they’re giggling to each other by the fire and not even talking to us. It’s so obvious.

PG calls Kimmi out on the clique, which causes Kimmi to lash back.

PG: Kimmi is just repeating herself here. She got in trouble for fights in Australia, yet she’s doing it again here.

Kimmi: So what if I've found a group of girls I like? PG is just so catty - she needs to go.

At the immunity challenge, the girls curbstomp the boys. During the challenge, Spencer falls and hurts himself. His knee is really scraped up, and it’s bleeding profusely. Jeff stops the challenge, and medical checks on him. They conclude that he can stay in the game, for now. However, The boys are going to tribal council.

Jeremy: Man! I can’t believe we let them beat us like that. Did you see that? We got destroyed!

Spencer: I know me falling is really going to hurt my chances here. But I don't want to go home this early.

The boys scramble. Varner’s alliance agrees to work with each other until the end, solidifying a very tight bond.

Varner: I really want this crew to work. All these people are awesome guys, and I’m looking forward to working with them.

Now they must decide who to target. There is some dissension among the group – Vytas and Woo want to target Savage, while Jeff thinks it would be best to go after an ailing Spencer.

Varner: Spencer really hurt himself here, and I don’t think he’s going to be much of a help to us. But some of these boys want to go after a big target.

Vytas: I’m not gonna lie here – Savage scares the living crap out of me. *laughs* I’d like him to go early before he gets a foothold on this tribe.

The minority, however, has a different plan. They want to target Varner at this tribal.

Savage: Varner is going to be my main competition here, I can feel it.

Jeremy: It’s obvious to me man – Varner is stepping up as the leader. And he’s going to get us in trouble.

Woo: Varner's just kind of a dick *laughs* he's trying to be the leader, and it's not working out for him at all.

Word of this gets back to Varner from a snooping Terry.

Terry: I want to look out for Varner. He’s someone I really trust here, so when I heard that Savage was going after him, I had to let him know.

Varner: I am concerned now. Maybe going after Savage would be the best bet – but I think Spencer will be a liability to us. I’m afraid now that, if anything, Savage will be able to unite the rest of the tribe against me.

Savage is seen talking to Spencer and Stephen. Savage tells Spencer that Varner is coming after him.

Spencer: My injury isn’t that bad, so I don’t know what the big deal is. I will be able to compete – and it’s really foul play of Varner to just come after me.

Savage: The games changed a lot since Pearl Islands. These people strategize at a mile a minute, and I have to keep up with them.

At tribal, Varner and Savage are both called out as opposing leaders. Spencer’s injury is brought up – Spencer insists that he’s fine and urges his tribemates to keep him. Jeff read the votes.

Jeff: First vote…Varner. Second vote…Varner.

Savage looks confident.

Jeff: Third vote..Savage. Fourth vote…avage.

Savage no longer looks confident.

Jeff: Fifth vote…Savage. Sixth vote…Varner.

Flashes to Spencer, looking intently ahead.

Jeff: Seventh vote…Savage. Eighth vote…Varner. We’re tied.

Stephen adjusts his collar.

Jeff: Ninth vote…Savage.

Savage frowns.

Jeff: Tenth vote…and the first person voted out of Survivor Second Chances….Savage. The tribe has spoken.

Who will be voted out next time?!

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Jeremiah Wood
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Post #2: 14th Aug 2015 1:08:20 PM 

EPISODE 2 -- "We've Gotta Pick It Up"

The episode begins with the boys night, discussing Savage’s boot. The minority seems very surprised, and wants to know why Savage left.

Jeremy: Man, I don’t even know what happened. Savage would’ve been a great leader for this tribe, but now I feel like we’re just gonna keep on losing.

Stephen: I voted for Savage, only because I knew he would be a big threat down the line. Varner…I’m not sure with him yet. We will see.

The girls remain relatively unchanged. There is a scene of Ciera and Kelly talking on the beach. Kelly explains her life since survivor season 1.

Kelly: You know, I never thought I’d actually come back here. But here I am! My husband told me before I left…Kelly you’re gonna get first boot. But hey *smiles* I’m still here.

On the other side of the beach, Kimmi and Shirin are swimming in the ocean. Kimmi and Shirin are reenacting Kimmi’s fight from season 2. Shirin shouts that she will “always wave her finger” in Kimmi’s face.

Kimmi: I really like Shirin! She has a great sense of humor, and I think we’re gonna work together well in this game? Maybe we’ll be two black widows? *smile*

At the guy's camp, Stephen and Spencer are seen telling the tribe about various Survivor trivia facts. Jeremy compares them to Max Dawson from World Apart.

Spencer: I really like Stephen. We're both big fans of the show, and I can really tell we're going to work together well in this game.

At the immunity challenge, the girls once again destroy the competition. Spencer’s poor performance was noted, due to his injury. The guys are going to tribal again.

Varner (to the tribe): Guys, I can’t believe we lost that one again. We’ve gotta pick it up.

After that comment, Joe and Jeremy roll their eyes behind Varner’s back.

Jeremy: Ya know guy, being the boss might have worked in your old season. But that ain’t gonna fly here. You can’t just berade us like that!

Varner: I would expect a group of guys to do so much better! Is that wrong of me? Anyway, Spencer is being a surprisingly weak link. He isn’t bringing his A-game, and I’ve been expecting much more of him.

Varner talks his alliance into voting Spencer. But Woo feels bad for his fellow season member.

Woo: You know…I’ve always respected Spencer a lot. I think he’s going to end up leaving, but I want to give him a fighting chance, you know?

Spencer: Woo told me that I was going home, and that I need to fight for my life. I really respect that a lot, and I think I’ll have his vote to stay.

Spencer approaches Jeremy, Joe, and Stephen about the vote. He suggests they vote for Varner.

Joe: At this point, I want to vote out Spencer because he sucked in the challenge. But, he really did give me a good pitch about how loyal he is and how much he wants to see the people from the later seasons succeed. What to do, what to do…

Stephen: Spencer is a superfan just like I am. We have to stick together. However, I don’t feel comfortable voting for Varner.

Stephen suggests that they vote for Keith, and that it might be easier to get votes on him. Joe regards the plan suspiciously.

Joe: I don’t know about voting for Keith. He helps a lot around camp and at the challenges. All Varner does is bark orders.

Either way, the four need another vote. Spencer approaches Woo and asks for his vote.

Woo: I promised the guy the vote, and I can’t go back on my word. But I don’t know how happy the other guys will be with me if I flip. Last season, I played an honorable game and got second. But I can’t change who I am.

Pans to tribal council. There is lots of discussion about Spencer’s poor challenge performance. Varner straight up says that Spencer needs to go. Jeff reads the votes.

Jeff (to tribe): First vote….Spencer

Spencer nods.

Jeff: Second vote…Varner.

Varner shakes his head and laughs.

Jeff: Third vote…Keith

Keith looks confused.

Jeff: Fourth vote…Spencer. Fifth vote…Varner.

Spencer looks worried.

Jeff: Sixth vote…Varner. Seventh vote…Spencer. That’s 3 votes Spencer. 3 votes Varner. 1 vote Keith.

Jeremy looks at Spencer. Spencer smiles.

Jeff: Eighth vote…Spencer.

Spencer looks away.

Jeff:Ninth vote…And the second person voted out of Survivor Second Chances…Spencer. Spencer, the tribe has spoken.

Who will be voted out next?
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Jeremiah Wood
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Post #3: 14th Aug 2015 1:10:16 PM 
EPISODE 3 -- "I Want A Safety Net"

The guys return to camp. Everyone is solemn at the loss of Spencer.

Stephen: I knew Spence was going, but I couldn’t bring myself to vote him out. I ended up voting for Keith – just throwing away my vote to not make waves.

Terry: I really did like Spencer. He was a bright kid. His injury ended up getting the best fo him.

On the girls tribe, Kass is causing a ruckus, annoying her fellow castmates. Meanwhile, shirin is searching through the forest.

Shirin: I know these people are crazy, just crazy. When we go to tribal, we will erupt. So I want a safety net.

After looking through a big tree stump, shirin quickly finds the hidden immunity idol.

Shirin (jumping up and down): I did it! I did it! The idol is mine. I’m not gonna tell a soul!

At the reward challenge, the girls stomp the boys and get beans and flint.

Keith: I can’t believe a bunch of ladies are beating us! We should be kicking their behinds!

Joe: I’m very discouraged, but we just need to comeback at this next tribal.

Once again, however…the girls win immunity. The boys leave tribal, embarrassed.

Woo: Man…even after voting out Spence, we still can’t catch a break. Luckily, my alliance seems to want to work together, so I can keep on ninja sliding to the merge.

Joe and Jeremy discuss the vote on the beach. They conclude that Jeff/Keith/Vytas/Terry are very close, and that Woo is following them along.

Joe: We don’t have a lot of options at this point. Jeremy is my bro in this game, and I can’t let either of us leave. So, our only option is to deflect the target onto Stephen.

Stephen Is seen talking to Varner.

Stephen: I know there’s a majority group here somewhere. No one has made any alliances with me, which is scary. But I’m not being targeted, which is a good thing. All I have to do is suck up to the people in charge.

Joe is seen taking to Terry into getting Stephen out.

Joe: My only option at this point is to move the target onto Stephen. I have no idea who that group is targeting, and they aren’t giving me a clear answer. Hopefully it’s not me.

Terry: In the alliance, it’s between Joe and Stephen. Stephen because he’s kind of an outsider…but getting Joe out would be good for my game because he’s a big threat.

At tribal council, there’s talk about who’s the weak link. Stephen comes up as an answer. Stephen emphasizes his mental strength and loyalty.

Jeff: First vote…Stephen.

Stephen frowns.

Jeff: Second vote…Joe. Third vote…Stephen.

Joe narrows his eyes.

Jeff:Fourth vote…Joe. Fifth vote…Joe

Jeremy rolls his eyes.

Jeff: Sixth vote…Joe. Seventh vote…and the third person voted out of Survivor: Second Chances…joe. The tribe has spoken.

Who will be voted out next?

Post Edited by Jeremiah Wood @ 14th Aug 2015 1:10:32 PM
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Jeremiah Wood
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Post #4: 14th Aug 2015 1:16:14 PM 

EPISODE 4 -- "She Jumped Up And Down And Shouted In Spanglish"

Morning in the boys camp. The general consensus is that today will be their win.

Jeremy: My closest ally Joe went home last night, and I’m screwed. I need to work my way into a group, or just win the challenges!

Vytas: Going to tribal has been…stressful. I have a solid group, but those don’t last forever.

Cockiness was taking over the girl’s camp.

Abi: We are going to win this challenge jajajaja! I will of win for my group and my chrozios!

At the reward challenge, however, the boys surprisingly win. They get chicken hens and a rooster.

Varner: The group really needed that. Now, we’re refocused, and can win some more challenges.

The girls are dejected after their loss. However, Monica cheers up the group and rallies them for the immunity challenge.

Shirin: You know, it’s been kind of obvious that the girls camp is kind of divided. You have the young pretty girls – Monica, Ciera, PG. Then the older women – Me, Kass, Kelly, and Kimmi. Despite that, I really like Monica! She seems to really care about the tribe and wants us to succeed.

Monica: At the moment, I just want a girl to win this season. So we can’t be catty and fight among each other. We need to be a strong crew.

At a very close immunity challenge, the boys cinch their first immunity challenge victory. The girls are going to tribal council.

Kelly: I’ve avoided tribal for three rounds now…but I think that gave me enough time to get into the swing of thing. Hopefully anyway *laughs*

Abi approaches Kass about the vote, but Kass dejects any conversation. She “doesn’t want to talk about it.”

Abi: Why does she of not want to talk about vote? I will end her! Jajajaja

Kass: Abi is like...a hyena. She's always shouting in broken English about chrozios and her quinceanera party where she murdered a bunch of people. I don't want to deal with that

Kass/Kimmi/Shirin/Kelly huddle up to talk about the vote. They decide that Ciera is a good target.

Kass: We all agreed on Ciera. She’s going to be a strong competitor later on, plus she has connections with some of the boys on the other side. It’s a no brainer.

Monica, PG, and Ciera talk about the vote as well. They notice that Kass is being standoffish and want to use that to their advantage.

PG: Everyone has heard about how Kass blew off Abi. We want to reel her in.

The three girls talk to Abi, who is ecstatic to be grouped with them.

Monica: Abi literally just jumped up and down and shouted in Spanglish at us…which I think is a good sign?

Abi: I am so happy to be with good group of girls! But if they try anything funny...I will end them ajajaajja!

The alliances are now evened up, 4 vs 4. They need to get Tasha and Kelley’s votes. Shirin approaches them first.

Tasha: Shirin seemed really excited to work with me, and wanted to vote out…Ciera. I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Like, has she seen how Kass is acting?

Kelley: I really like Shirin, she’s funny. And Ciera really gets on my nerves, so I see why they want her out.

Monica approaches Kelley to talk about the vote. Kelley agrees to vote out Kass.

Kelley: Tash and I are stuck between two groups! We’re the swing votes – but I’m not sure which is best for my game. Ciera is going to be a threat later, but Kass is making it really hard to live here.

Ciera: Kelley and Tasha seem to be on board...hopefully they see that Kass needs to go.

Kass: I think Kelley and Tasha will make the right decision at the end of the day.

At tribal council, Jeff asks if any of the ladies have stepped up as a leader. He also asks who should go home – which no one gives a straight answer to.

Jeff: First vote…Kass.

Kass scoffs.

Jeff: Second vote…Ciera.

Ciera frowns.

Jeff: Third vote…Kass. Fourth vote…Ciera.

Shirin smiles.

Jeff: Fifth vote…Kass. Sixth vote…Ciera.

Abi glares at Jeff.

Jeff: Seventh vote…Kass. Eighth vote…Ciera.

Kass tilts her head.

Jeff: Ninth vote…Kass.

Kass sits up straight.

Jeff: Tenth vote…and the fourth person voted out of Survivor Second Chances: Kass.

Who will go home next?
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Jeremiah Wood
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Post #5: 14th Aug 2015 1:21:30 PM 

EPISODE 5 -- "I Need A Lifeline"

The tribes immediately move on to a new twist – a tribe swap.

The new Bayon tribe: Ciera, Jeff, Jeremy, Kelly, Monica, Shirin, Stephen, Vytas.

The new Ta Keo: Abi, Keith, Kelley, Kimmi, PG, Tasha, Terry, Woo

Keith: I’m surrounded by women here! Usually situations like this end up well for old Keith, but this might be an exception.

Monica: I’m happy I’m still with Ciera! But I hope PG will be ok over there.

At Bayon, the boys and girls didn’t exactly mingle. They seemed determined to stay with their genders.

Ciera: I’m trying to work something out with these boys, but I’m not getting anything. Even Vytas doesn’t seem interested.

However, Stephen and Kelly were happy to mingle, and developed a strong relationship quickly.

Kelly: Yeah, I like Stephen. We click and…you know, if I was a little bit younger, maybe we’d have even more of a connection *laughs*

At Ta Keo, the girls formed a strong bond

Abi: These girls are of the amazings! I will work with them forever and kill the boys jajajajaja

Terry: Unless I can work something out, I'm very worried that these girls are just gonna steamroll us.

A reward challenge followed, where Ta Keo won reward – steak and sausage.

Vytas: Even with this new tribe, I still can’t win a challenge…

Vytas and Ciera talked about working together, based on their past season connections. Varner worried about his position – most of his alliance members weren’t on this side of the swap.

Varner: If I were Jeremy, I would flip to the girls and get rid of me! Hopefully he doesn’t do that.

At Ta Keo, Keith humorously tried to flirt with the girls, to no avail.

PG: Like, isn’t he married? I think he was just having fun, but still…gross.

At the immunity challenge, Ta Keo wins immunity. Bayon is headed to tribal council.

Jeremy: Man, I can’t believe this. Tribal again? Thankfully, I think I’m safe because these girls seem to have it out for each other.

Ciera and Monica are shown talking about the vote. They are afraid of the other girls alliance of Kelly/shirin, and also think that the boys are divided enough to not pose a threat.

Ciera: one of the girls has to go, and I think it’s gonna be Kelly. We just have to get some of the boys on board.

Ciera talks to Vytas and Varner. They inform her that they can’t work with Jeremy, but will gladly work with Ciera and Monica. They just need a fifth vote now…from Stephen.

Varner: I just want to be safe at this point. Kelly is another oldy like me, but in the end we can’t all stay here.

Vytas: I know I can trust Ciera, and I can't let her leave yet.

Kelly and Shirin are also intent on getting a girl out. They approach Jeremy and Stephen, who both seemingly agree.

Jeremy: Hell yeah, I need a lifeline out here! And these girls just gave me one. I’ll vote out whoever, whenever to keep my skin in the game.

Stephen: On the surface, voting Ciera out seems like a good idea. She doesn’t exactly perform in challenges, and she’s not the most helpful around camp.

Vytas talks to Stephen about voting out Kelly, which he also agrees with.

Stephen: My issue with voting out Kelly..is that we have a strong bond. I’ve been talking to her a lot since we swapped tribes, and I really do respect her. Plus, she’s from Borneo! You can’t get rid of that. The issue is – to save Kelly I have to force a tie. And I don’t know if I’m willing to do that. It might be easier to just save Ciera and vote her out.

Kelly: I think I'm getting some votes tonight. All I can do is hope my bond with Stephen will help me out.

At tribal council, Jeremy took some heat for being on the bottom of the old guy’s tribe. Jeff noticed that the genders were mixing well, commenting on Stephen and Kelly’s friendship.

Jeff: I’ll read the votes. First vote…Ciera, second vote…Kelly.

Kelly looks thoughtfully at Jeff.

Jeff: Third vote…Kelly. Fourth vote…Ciera.

Ciera looks nervous.

Jeff:Fifth vote…Ciera. Sixth vote…Kelly.

Jeremy looks on with a smile.

Jeff: Seventh vote…Kelly

The camera pans onto Stephen.

Jeff: Eighth vote........Ciera. We have a tie. We will now revote – only Ciera and Kelly can be voted for.

The votes stay the same, meaning it is time to draw rocks! Kelly and Ciera are now safe, everyone else draws from a bag.

Jeff: Open your hands.

The tribe opens their hands. Jeremy pulls out the purple rock, and he goes home.

Jeff: Jeremy, the tribe has spoken.

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Post #6: 14th Aug 2015 1:58:17 PM 
EPISODE 6 -- "I'd Like To Change My Name"

Bayon returns back to camp after tribal. No one was expecting last night’s results

Stephen: I am just having the worst luck in this game. Not as bad as Jeremy’s but still *laughs*

Ciera: That was so scary…I got four votes. I wasn’t expecting that – but thankfully everyone stayed with me. They risked their games for me!

Kelly: What even was that? I’ve never seen a ‘purple rock’ before.

At Ta Keo, Keith is making the girls uncomfortable

Kelley: Keith just wasn’t like this in my old season. He’s weird!

PG: I honestly don’t mind Keith as much as the other girls. I think he’s funny.

Keith: These ladies, they just ain’t falling for old Keith! My wife said I could flirt all I want, but they just ain’t havin it.

Ta Keo wins the reward – lots of food! Bayon is discouraged

Terry: I’m very happy we won that one. I think this is going to be a very strong tribe.

Ciera: We just can’t catch a break…

Kelly: I really want to win that next challenge. I’m nervous that I’ll be getting votes again.

At the immunity challenge, Bayon prevails. Ta Keo is going to tribal council.

Terry: Oh, this is going to be a fun one. I think the girls are mad at Keith, so he might end up goin. Our one hope is PG.

The boys are seen talking to PG about the vote.

PG: I really like and respect these guys. I’m not too close with these girls…so maybe I can work something out with them.

Kimmi: We’re all afraid that PG is going to flip. We have to think of a way to reel her back in.

Woo: I think Terry is going to get PG to side with us! This is so exciting! I love it here!

The girls approach PG – they lie and tell her that the boys have decided to target her.

PG: I’m not sure what to believe now. These boys seemed so eager to work with me, but now they’re going after me?

PG talks to Woo, who immediately becomes flustered.

Woo: I don’t understand why she did that! I didn’t know what to say!

PG: I think Woo was lying to me. I think they really were going after me. But I still can’t bring myself to vote out Keith, he and I have become really close.

Keith is seen pleading with PG to vote with them. PG tells him that his allies were coming after her.

Keith: I don’t know what she’s goin on about! I tried tellin her no one’ goin after her, but she just didn’t listen!

In a last ditch effort, Terry approaches Tasha to try to switch the vote.

Tasha: He asked me to vote for Kelley. He promised me he’d be 100% loyal to me if I did it, which is an incredibly tempting offer.

Terry: Hopefully she takes it all in. I promised my everything to her, and when I make a promise, I mean it.

In anger, Woo tells his alliance that they should go after PG.

Woo: If she’s not going to work with us, and we aren’t going to have the numbers anyway…she should just go!

Terry: I’m not sure it’s the smartest idea to go after PG. But Woo seems incredibly angry at her for whatever reason.

At tribal council, an argument erupts between Woo and PG. PG also makes an announcement.

PG (to tribe + Jeff): I have announced that I’d like to change my name…to Shontayla.

Jeff: Shontayla? Why the [beep] would you want to do that?

Shontayla: I think I’m funny.

Jeff reads the votes.

Jeff: First vote…Kelley. Second vote….PG, I mean, Shontayla.

Shontayla looks angrily at the boys.

Jeff: Third vote…Keith.

Keith spits.

Jeff: Fourth vote, Shontayla. Fifth vote, Keith.

Shontayla shakes her head.

Jeff: Sixth vote, Shontayla. Seventh vote, Keith.

Keith narrows his eyes.

Jeff: Eighth vote…and the sixth person voted out of Survivor: Second Chances…Keith.

Who will be voted out next?

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Jeremiah Wood
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Post #7: 14th Aug 2015 2:05:20 PM 

And yeah...this isn't gonna get finished because I have to go. :( but spoiler alert terry ends up winning
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