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Evel Dick
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Post #1: 30th Jun 2015 1:51:35 AM 
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Well, I may as well get a confessional started sooner rather than later even though jack shit has happened thus far. Now, maybe I can blame myself, as I don't really care enough to try talking to the other tribes after dealing with Erik “Dull As The Immunity Necklace He Gave Up” Reichenbach. He gave me a bad taste in my mouth and has led me to believe socializing with the other teams would do nothing but cause me unnecessary brain cell loss.

So I decided, hell, I'll just focus on my team.

That turned out to be a pretty crappy idea because NO ONE EVER LOGS ON. Like … I get it, it's the pre-game portion of the game, you don't want to talk a lot. But the pregame portion is fucking IMPORTANT. The game is gonna go by fast. People are gonna be being kicked off left and right, and you're gonna want to prove you're active. Apparently my tribe gives much of a shit about that as I do about their personal lives.

The only people I've even talked to besides Erik are Ian, Amanda, Kelly, and RC.

Ian is easily the stupidest of them all, considering he can't even spell his own name right. “Rosenburger”, really? Like … when is anyone named “Rosenburger”? It's always “berger”. Never “burger”. I think he may be 12. It explains his character choice, though, Ian “I'm going to give up a million dollars for friendship for some prick who doesn't even care about me when I'm one challenge away!” Rosenb”u”rger is clearly a choice for those who...aren't the brightest.

Amanda just gave me two word responses and “hahahahaha”s. Wow, I'm so entertained. I decided to lower her karma since she was bragging about it. She has since displayed “personality”, something I was first unsure whether or not she actually had. But I'm on invisible since I can't be bothered talking to anyone right now, so...

Kelly is the person I hate the least, oddly enough. I think she's going to hate me eventually, since she seems to be the “white knight” type, and doesn't seem to understand that I'm not here to make friends. I told her I wanted to yell at Julie for fucking up the AIM list and wasting my precious time, and she started getting all uppity about it, like I'm supposed to be some bland gamebot. Fuck that. I talked to her for a good hour and a half, though – she's got the rare ability to actually hold a conversation, which I like. She also said RC was barely speaking with her and some other stuff which denoted a level of trust to me. If I was going to be very secretive in this game, I'd be open with her anyways since she's the only person who I've actually had a conversation with that wasn't just me being interesting and the other party just staring into the wind blankly forcing out laughs and “how are you”s.

RC is … alright, I guess? She hasn't done anything to make me hate her yet, but towards the end of the conversation she just started giving me these short ass responses which was fine since I had to go anyway, but still. Though according to Kelly she's just like that so whatever. Still I thought I was getting somewhere with her and pulling off a miracle by getting her to communicate, since if Kelly of all people can't talk with her, my dick-head doing it is magic. Well, that only worked for so long.

Everyone else on our tribe has yet to show up. I'm seeing a lot of immunity challenge losses in our future, considering half of the people who have showed up haven't proven to be very bright, so it's basically up to three of us to do anything. In short, we're losing immunity every time unless one of the other tribes fuck up gloriously. Great.

And the character choices on our side aren't great either, who the fuck picks FRANKIE GRANDE? It wouldn't even be funny as a schtick or a joke. It's fucking Frankie Grande. I would rather drink cyanide than play as him. I don't think even Frankie would play as Frankie. Whoever the kid is, they've got issues.

Then we have “Shontayla” or whoever the hell that is, because apparently having a name like “Peih-Gee” isn't original enough.

I think within a week I'm going to hate all of these people. Ugh.

I'm pretty sure people are going to call my attitude a “schtick” soon enough, but I actually think it's the opposite. I find it very easy to hate people through ORGs, because they always, somehow, someway, find a way to piss me off. They don't even need a will to get a way. They just...do it. I'm just going to be honest to people when they piss me off. Normally, in games, I'm obsessed with doing well and getting good placements (which does work pretty often) but I have to be fake as hell to do that. Here...I'm not going to be fake. If I hate someone, I'm just going to tell them that. If anything my other games have been a schtick. I'm just being brutally honest, here.

If I go out early, so be it, I expect it since I don't have a hell of a lot of time and ORGs are starting to bore me a little, one reason why I'm sick of the “Gee, I'm going to pretend to like everyone and be their best friend!” approach. I'd rather go out early having fun and doing whatever the hell I want than stay late in the game secretly hating everyone.

We'll see what happens. I'll update if anyone else on our tribe decides to exist or if anything of note goes down. Knowing my tribe, though ... yeah, nothing's going to happen. So don't get your hopes up. Later.
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Evel Dick
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Post #2: 30th Jun 2015 1:54:33 AM 
Don't know if I like the red. Not sure what color I should use for confessionals. If the red is eye rape, let me know and I'll change it to something else.
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Post #3: 30th Jun 2015 2:01:06 AM 
testing this color
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Post #4: 3rd Jul 2015 1:34:13 PM 
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Well I'm back again I'm sure you're all just so excited.

Fuck, what do I even mean by "all"? It's basically just Abi. Robb left the tribe group chat after I invited him to it so clearly he hates everyone and everything and I'm not sure "Kenny Starcevic" (what a scary chimera, this guy) even exists.


I'm here to update you on the VERY LITTLE that has transpired since I last updated. The game is officially starting tomorrow so I figured I'd give, I guess... a final pre-game update.

Like I said not much has happened for me because I haven't really had the time to be on AIM and when I have had the time I'm operating on a very screwed up sleep schedule where no one is on. And of course everyone else on the tribe has started to be active and show up as soon as my activity starts to dip down. Why would anything else happen? Just my fucking luck.

Thankfully I have these people convinced I'm from Hawaii (ha, I WISH) so it at least makes my... odd online habits a bit more explainable. Did you know they're six hours behind EST? I sure as hell didn't until I googled it. But hey, it works.

I haven't initiated a ton of conversations because everyone just leaves their AIM on (I'm guilty of this as well but I can't control it because my phone forces me to stay online when I log into an account using it...which is why I'm not using it here. Pain in the ass) so I can't actually tell if these people are active/online or not. I'm mostly trying to talk in the group chat but people don't seem receptive or just don't show up for the most part.

I did meet Jerri last night, though. Did I mention that she is actually tolerable and I might strike a deal with her if she stays at least mildly interesting like she was last night? She seems to have a bit of a...villainous tinge to her, which she better fucking have since she chose Jerri, but yeah, she seems like a prime person to actually approach. We'll see if my next conversation goes well. If it does, I'll make her my final two.

How much I'd actually stick to a final two though is... debatable? I'm playing this game for my entertainment. I'm probably going to be first boot. If I am, I'm fine with that. I'm enjoying my characterization, even though it varies from time to time, I'm still having a blast. If I go out early, I'm cool with that since I'm not trying to make it far in the first place. But if I go far I'll laugh my ass off because I really shouldn't the way I've been socializing and acting so far.

Last night was when things finally happened though. Me and Lindsey got into a bit of a fight in the group chat last night, and on the surface it might seem like we might not get along ... but I think the chick digs me. Girls always like the bad boy type, a guy to watch over them and push them in the direction they need. I can tell Lindsey needs, even WANTS my guidance.

We fought for just about a whole hour while "Gaby" or "RC" or whatever the fuck her name is along with Jerri just sat back and ate popcorn. Hell, if I'm being entertaining, then good, I'll take it.

Now Lindsey is clearly in denial of her feelings for me, she's like one of those little kids on the playground who try to pretend they don't have a crush by being rude. But I see what she wants. And that's the Dick.

I asked "Gaby" for a bit of lady tips but she didn't have much advice for me. Fucking useless. Whatever. We bitched together about a few BB contestants so she's fine for now.

Either way I'm going to get Lindsey to admit her love for me one way or another. We'll be the first EPic showmance if one of us doesn't get voted off for our vile OTTN personalities first.

Sure she thinks I'm this guy called "Frank" or "so.be.it" or some shit, but whatever, she can call me whatever she wants so long as I get some of that. Ladies can only resist me for so long.

I also tried talking to Shontayla but she was boring as sin. You'd think someone who was high enough to come up with a name like "Shontayla" would be able to hold a conversation ... but no. Also Amanda bored me some more.

Ian seems to have died since I talked to him which is good, I hated him anyways. Hopefully he stays dead so we have an easy first boot along with Frankie because Frankie has yet to log on once to my knowledge. Plus, he's playing as FRANKIE. I want him out just for that. I don't care how charming he might be. And, let's be real, he won't be, because he's fucking FRANKIE.

Also Dolly apparently exists too so I guess she can go early too. Whatever. If those three stay inactive I should be good for a round or two. If not I'm probably first off. We'll see. Adios.

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Evel Dick
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Post #5: 3rd Jul 2015 1:35:04 PM 
Actually now that I look at AIM again I've decided I hate R.C. She's one of those people who doesn't leave AIM on, and she just went and told me that she had to run. Well, she's been on AIM for the last thirty minutes since she said that. Bitch.
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Post #6: 6th Jul 2015 1:32:45 AM 
Well I've barely been on the last two days whereas it seems everyone else has shown up. I'm probably screwed if we lose. Here's hoping we don't then. Figured I'd be an early boot since I wouldn't have a lot of time for this for a while, but maybe I can survive ... somehow.
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Post #7: 6th Jul 2015 2:30:59 AM 
Oh apparently Lindsey wants to make a majority alliance with myself, Kelly, Jerri, RC with Dolly and Amanda as the outer ring.

Maybe I'm not screwed after all. Cool.
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Post #8: 6th Jul 2015 10:41:56 PM 
Holy shit I won't be the first boot. Amazing. There's so much to write about that happened today, but I'm going to save it until after I get some rest. I've been up nearly 24 hours now making sure I stayed up for this freaking challenge.
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Post #9: 9th Jul 2015 7:15:44 PM 
Okay so I'm literally being harassed on AIM by like, 8 different people right now so writing something is going to be more of a chore than anything, I'll provide a quick summary just to get through the confessional rule and get something actually substantial explaining everything the last round later when I'm not ... well, being the most popular dick in town. I can't help it, it's all I've ever known.

At this point I'm voting for Ronnie/Courtney since there's APPARENTLY a massive twisted Epic 3 pregame alliance? Like ... the fuck? Yul doesn't want any part of it, so he tried staging a coup last round but the fuckers kept ERIC STEIN the most bland MOR gamebot in the world over Chef Joe who I actually liked. Why am I surprised?

Anyways we have Jeremiah and Heather who are also both on the outs here since they aren't a part of that clique-orgy, and we seem to have flipped Sierra over to the light side, so we should be taking out Courtney and Ronnie out - they both decided to try targeting each other, so, hell, why not just use this opportunity to break them up and weaken the pregame army in one fell swoop?

Don't think I'm in a great position once I lose my red rover immunity next, but I'll go more in depth on that later. Not sure who we're kidnapping yet, it'll probably be Mike or Michelle.

But yeah hoepfully this was at least a decent summary. I'll do something better later on to make up for my recent shittiness. Just can't talk right now because people won't LEAVE ME ALONE ON AIM. FUCK.

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Post #10: 9th Jul 2015 8:34:20 PM 
There's an easy solution just sign off lol
Evel Dick
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Post #11: 9th Jul 2015 8:45:25 PM 
I'm trying not to because it's right before tribal council. I've signed off RIGHT before TCs before and then I missed out on a last minute switch.
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Evel Dick
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Post #12: 15th Jul 2015 6:05:43 AM 
Okay I know I've been putting confessionals off, apologies for that. Going to give another summary (although hopefully longer than the previous one) and do something large at some point in the future but it's literally fucking late as hell and I have shit I have to do in a few hours and I have yet to sleep so this … won't be great. I've been telling myself I can't sleep until I do this so you get an incredibly sleep deprived shitfessional. Enjoy.

Ok so round one we SOMEHOW managed to win that first immunity which is beyond me considering how awful that tribe seemed to be when it came to competency – Jerri and I were just about two of the only people on that cesspit that weren't completely braindead, and we were the only two people who weren't godawful in that challenge – the vest makers did shitty and Frankie who was with me and Jerri on the live was an idiot and cost us over half our vests and got himself eliminated. Ugh.

Anyway Yul hit me up at that point and he was SUCH A BIG FAN OF EVEL DICK blah blah blah. At this point I was only half playing my Dick up out of boredom of doing it ALL THE TIME so he got me on the good side of the bed. We talked and I asked to be red rovered. I said I thought I was in danger and blah blah etcetera. Now I didn't actually, I just thought it would be funny if I got taken away. Plus I knew I'd be getting busier as the game went on so hey I may as well experience as much as I can while I can. I actually think I was okay over there just because everyone else was so useless that the fact I was an unbearable asshole was almost completely ignorable. People's reactions to me since I left seems to confirm that. Whatever.

Anyway I came over to Escencia which pretty much sucks in its own way. I actually regret being red rovered because while I thought it would be entertaining and interesting it … wasn't all that much. Just about everybody is a dull gamebot that I don't care for and Julie seems to think I'm “rude” when she makes racist jokes left and right. Like … okay? Hypocritical much? Holy shit get a backbone. I wasn't even being MEAN to her. She hasn't seen me be mean jesus.

But whatever. Apparently there's this giant epic twisted whateverthefuckitis pregame which … I shouldn't be surprised? Since it's a returning players game. I wasn't even in to try hard in the first place so I shouldn't be shocked there's all that shit going on. But yeah apparently Yul thought he'd be taking me over into a majority alliance but lo and behold the kid fucked up and I ended up in a shitty spot along with him and Jeremiah and Heather to a lesser extent. But Yul hates Heather and spends 10 hours of every day screaming about how much of a “liability” she is when I actually can stand her. WTF? I don't know WTF she did to him but he despises the chick.

Jeremiah and Yul are the only two I'm really aligned with which I guess is fine. I think I'm in a shitty spot but there's nothing I can do about that. I'm not trying hard in this game because trying hard in games is fuckin' stressful and too much work for me right now. I'm fucking around and seeing where it gets me. I've already made it farther than I thought I would so it's clearly working out somehow. Even though I have yet to be vulnerable so I think I'll just go the second I am LMFAO. Oh well. It's at least been more interesting than it would have been if I had played “strategically” and made alliances and shit left and right. That's boring as hell at this point in my org career.

We took out Ronnie and Courtney because they were apart of the pregame shitfest and got Julie and Sierra on our sides. Sierra is okay and I would be fine with Julie if she wasn't shit talking me while being even more of an asshole than I ever was to her. Apparently she can insult black people all she wants but when I say a few passive aggressive comments, I am the devil. Sure my cast photo makes me look a bit like an impish demon but still.

I DID give Ronnie my Pinata when I got over since he asked first but yeah that's just a good thing since he ended up getting taken out. That way there's less of a shot of weird shit like idols lurkin' around. I also got a double vote in the pinata for ME which is sweet? I told Yul about it and have considered telling Jeremiah about it but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Anyway we then won the next challenge after I wasted a whole day of my life spamming CTRL V for an online internet game. My time is so meaningful. Fuck me.

Then I somehow won both HOH AND VETO this round. Like holy shit how. Both of them were basically luck based since the veto was kind of shittily designed in a way it was SUPER scripted. I don't know how I won it since I spent three hours bitching about it to anyone who would listen but whatever.

I nominated Yul and Danni because Danni never fuckin' talked to me until AFTER I won the HOH so … that was fucking easy. Sure she's been fine since I've talked to her but … really there was no reason NOT to nom her. She's a part of the pregame and also showed no interest in talking to me even when I tried instigating until I HAD power.

My Yul nomination was all his plan. If I nom him as a pawn and we fake a fallout, people don't think we're THAT close I guess. I think it's way too fucking overthought and will probably just cause us MORE problems than it'll help us out but whatever. It might work. I didn't really care enough to object. But yeah he also didn't want to vote for Danni because apparently he has his dick hard for her and loves her too much to do that. But whatever. I won the veto, secured my nominations, and I made sure to go around before noms and see how people felt about a Danni vote and everybody seemed for it. If she stays, I'll be blindsided, but eh. If people are going to be lying fucks I'd rather them do it now so I know in advance what I'm dealing with. But I think it should work out.

Only really trust Jeremiah and Yul, moreso Jeremiah since Yul seems to be talking to EVERYBODY and is a bit of a basketcase when it comes to Heather and shit. Sierra and Heather I trust to an extent and Shontayla I think I might have on my side? Besides that … not much going for me. My gameplay is shit, my social game is shit, the only thing I have for me is challenge strength. Apparently. Even though I've barely fucking tried with the exception of the posting challenge. But hey whatever. I'm probably premerge but it's been … decent so far? I'm not stressing too much about the game which is nice. Whatever happens happens. But hopefully Danni GTFOs this round.

I'd like a swap tbh because I'm bored of this tribe and want new, exciting things to happen, but I doubt it'll happen next round, probably a round or two after. Lame.

Also I have a final two with Jerri that I intend on keeping and Fabio is fucking annoying and won't stop spamming me about how I'm this "Shane" guy like holy fuck I don't even KNOW a Shane leave me alone. I think he's in love with me. Creep.

Whatever there's so much I didn't talk about but I need sleep bye.
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Post #13: 15th Jul 2015 6:06:57 AM 
edited into above post

Post Edited by Evel Dick @ 15th Jul 2015 6:07:25 AM
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Post #14: 17th Jul 2015 4:58:48 PM 

We swapped onto the new tribes and I was ... actually pretty pleased with it? I had a final two with Jerri and like ... IMMEDIATELY Monica decided to propose to me an "idgaf" final 2 alliance which LOL? I'm literally just bumblefucking my way into alliances. I'm just along for the ride at this point.

I also made a former-Escencia alliance with Julie and Yul and that seemed solid, Yul picked up Sundra and Heather (who got taken over due to the Ambassador whateverthefuckitis twist) and I tried to solidify Jerri since me and her seemed like the swing votes before the Ambassador twist with the winning tribe coming over here thing happened. It worked because Fabio and Monica were FUCKIN USELESS in the challenge like holy shit. Fabio kept talking about HOW HE'D BE THERE THE WHOLE TIME AND KICK SOME ASS and then he did shit all. Monica didn't even know we HAD a challenge until halfway through. Fucking idiots.

So you'd think it would be easy and we'd just vote them out right? Oh no of course it can't be that fucking simple. Julie "Dick is mean to me" Mcgee decided to go tell Fabio he was the target and apparently he got an idol somehow because he's one of the 50 people in this game with more friends and alliances than the Bomb squad circa-Devin.

Speaking of that holy shit I keep hearing about all these pregames THAT INCLUDE FANS. You told me that if I broke alias to anyone I would be breaking the rules and get in trouble but then there's all these other morons doing it. Annoying as shit. Why do I even bother following rules? I'm Evel Dick. FML.

Whatever. Julie told Fabio about the plan and then apparently they decided to split on Fabio and Monica earlier? LolIDK I wasn't around for it. I have better shit to do than sit on AIM plotting who to split votes on every hour. But then Fabio came up to Yul and told him what Julie did so ... apparently we're now voting out Julie because fuck her?

It really doesn't make sense to me and I think Yul and I are being hardcore played by Fabio/Monica and the TC results will make us look like idiots but I guess we'll see. Yul will probably be the target before me anyways since everyone and their mother knows that I, well ... look at my signature. It'll finish that sentence for you.

I think we should tell Jerri but Yul was like OH NO THAT'S A BAD IDEA even though Jerri fucking hates Julie from last season but apparently they "patched things up" fucking hell. I want to tell Jerri but I guess I'll just ... not? I don't want this plan to get fucked up but I think it's already screwed from the getgo. I'm assuming things will go horridly wrong but hey maybe I'll be surprised.

... Ha. Yeah right.
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Post #15: 17th Jul 2015 7:31:08 PM 
OH MY GOD I AM FURIOUS. So I cannot be bothered to type up the NOVEL of bullshit I've had to deal with over the last hour but ... wow. Yul tells Jerri about the Julie plan, she tells Julie, Julie bitches us out and I believe it was just a plot by Fabio/Monica now (But Yul was so fuckin' convinced I thought I had proof UGH.) BUT apparently Julie was campaigning to Jerri to vote Yul and Monica said Jerri was trying to get her to vote Yul too.

So me and Yul are panicing and deciding to side with Fabio/Monica anyways



I'm so pissed. I think they're all just teaming up to vote Yul.

I even admitted to them I had a double vote so we could claim majority 100% but Fabio hasn't shown the fuck up, Monica is being vague and just going "I just want to vote the way you guys do :)" so I ... I don't know right now. I want to blindside Julie with them but I think we're fucked. If Yul goes, I'm gone right after. I think I might try to hold onto my DV next round since if Yul goes I might STILL be able to make something work with Fabio/Monica. Doubt it tho. FFS. I told myself I wouldn't let myself get invested/worried about the game but holy shit this is just pissing me off.
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