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Time for me to kick the game into full gear; Okay, let's do this.
Erik Reichenbach
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Joined:Jun 26, 2015
Post #1: 13th Aug 2015 3:39:21 AM 
Okay, got a second wind, but first, let me address a few things. Kmanda said that Eric also promised her not to put her name down. Now, I'm not sure how legit that actually is, but she wasn't the only person to repeat that. It could be an elaborate ruse to attempt to corner myself even further in with Kim and the Mandas. But, knowing how Eric has played in the past, it wouldn't be beyond me.

Now, onto the matter at hand.

I don't plan on writing Zmanda's name. But, I'm trying to get her into a position where she will be voted out. Zmanda wanted me, ber, and Kim in the F3. If the plan goes sour, I plan on banking on that. At least most of the people on the late jury will know that I at least tried to make moves, and hopefully, they will respect that.

But, as I see it right now, Kim and the Mandas, along with Jerri, all need to be taken out. And I think I've convinced Jeremiah to team up with me in order to do it. See, if either of us make it to the end with one if those four, it's almost guaranteed that we lose. The only shot we have is against each other, and it seems like he knows that and has agreed to put our past behind us.

So this next round needs to go as planned. Heather or Jerri need to lose immunity. That way, we can easily split the vote between them, we being Kim and the Mandas, Jeremiah, and myself. If the three women pin their votes on someone while me and Jeremiah split on the other person, we tell Jerri to use her idol on that person, Jeremiah votes Zmanda with Jerri and Heather, and she goes home while my hands remain blood free. Or, if 2 of the 3 women vote someone, Jeremiah flips and we save the idol, and three votes go to Zmanda. It's pretty genius. I told Jeremiah that I really do not want to vote for Zmanda, and he seemed to be understanding. So, in that case, Zmanda gets voted off, and my hands are relatively blood free. I basically made the knife that stabbed her. I told Jeremiah that he could call me out on it if I didn't bring it up at the final tribal, so I will have to come clean at some point, but I'll be able to do it on my own terms. If that plan falls through, that's the time to bail and just cling to Zmanda and ride her to the end.

If it works, then I can play the middle more. Hell, I might be able to even construct a 3-2-1 blindside, with three votes from Jeremiah, Heather, and Jerri aimed at someone (probably Kim), while I don't want any part in it.

Then at 5, we take out Jerri. Kmanda, me, and Jeremiah vote her out. If Kmanda wins the next challenge, we push to vote off Heather. If she doesn't, we vote her off. A F3 of me, Jeremiah, and Heather is my best chance to win, and quite possibly, my only chance to win. The only thing that comes into play is immunity challenges. But not by much.

Kim wins immunity after Zmanda leaves, then we send off Kmanda, and vise versa. If Jerri wins immunity at F5, we boot Kim/Kmanda, and vise versa. At F4, we boot the last person. We keep Heather. Bam.

The plan isn't fool proof, but it's about as close as they come. There's a lot of risk involved, but I think if I can pull this off, I could very well win the game. :)

But if Zmanda wins immunity, I don't think this plan will be set into motion. I think I would have to play into her favor, even though I promised Jerri that I would go with her to the end with Heather.

Then again, my words from earlier (If we don't take out Jeremiah now, he could easily sneak his way to the win) could be very carefully constructed foreshadowing. Which would be fucking hilarious.

Operation Alpha Dog is in motion. Over and out. Bssht.
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