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Episode 4: The Meltdown; So Horrifying that Liz Needed Two Threads
Eric Stein
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Post #1: 11th Jul 2015 9:15:29 PM 
Alright so it's a BB round and my immunity was of course wasted in the round where Ryan was unanimously booted. I know I'll be safe with Amanda, Stephen, and Kim and I think Erik and Mike probably wouldn't target me either. Sundra and Liz worry me because I haven't talked to them a lot and it can be easy to target me because I came to the tribe late. The good news is that it is a luck challenges and for whatever reason I seem to be really good with luck challenges in ORGs. I'm hoping I can win this because by all means this should be an easy round but you never know and I'd love to just ensure it will be. I think I can get through with little to no blood on my hands.
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Post #2: 11th Jul 2015 11:55:14 PM 
Random.com for the challenge. Hope it works. I tried to do a few more common answers hoping people would go for the oddball ones but we'll see. I don't think I absolutely need to win but I would like to. If I can't, I think I'm only in danger if Sundra or Liz win. We shall see.
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Post #3: 11th Jul 2015 11:56:22 PM 
If I win, I talked to Amanda about going up next to Liz because she wouldn't go home at all or even have a shot at going and I'd like to avoid letting Sundra know she's on the bottom. Ideally, if anyone in our alliance wins, that would be the plan.
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Eric Stein
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Post #4: 12th Jul 2015 11:15:27 PM 
Wow I can't believe I won HoH. I had a bad feeling and then when Sundra won I got so nervous but thankfully I went back and checked. This should be a very easy and straightforward round. Liz is going up and despite what my last post said Sundra will go up to. I don't like how close she came to winning. She's nice but she barely talks to me. I think Sundra is very good in challenges and someone who can slip under the radar a bit which worries me because those are the type of players who can hide and then win out on immunities if need be. The more I think about it the more I kind of want to see Sundra go over Liz but rn Liz is the common target. A part of me really wants Liz to win veto so we can take out Sundra because she's much more of a threat and challenge strength doesn't really matter when myself, Amanda, and even Kim and Liz are on the tribe. Liz and Sundra will most likely be my nominees so hopefully this round can go peacefully.
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Post #5: 12th Jul 2015 11:22:38 PM 
Plan for this round:

1. Nominate Liz and Sundra and hope that Liz wins veto. If she does, throw Amanda up there as a pawn. Sundra goes home. If not, Liz goes. Nbd.

2. Keep talking to Danni and Julie to try to figure out what will happen there and how I can keep my allies safe.

3. Get in good with Dick because he is funny, a good shield come merge, a smart guy, and someone I don't think people will see me working with.

4. Kiss Nav's ass a bit to try to get him to think I don't hate him.

5. Talk to Fabio and make sure all is squared away over there.

6. Talk to Zamanda because she seems like a good person for me to work with (similar to Dick in that she's a shield). I'd also like another line of communication over there besides Fabio. It's funny that us 3 won HoH because I decided I wanted to talk to both at the beginning of the round.

7. See if Kim or Fabio can figure out what goes down with Mike and his pinatas.

8. Keep talking to Michelle because she's cool and I need info on her pinata.

I've decided that I haven't really branched out a lot yet and a lack of cross tribal communication is one of the things that shot me in the foot in Twisted 4 so I'm trying to build relationships early. This will hopefully be a sort of breakout round for me.
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Post #6: 13th Jul 2015 10:30:55 PM 
Ughhhhh. I just knew that Sundra was going to win. It's so annoying when a semi-inactive is a challenge threat. And now I feel really bad because my plan to try to throw the vote on Sundra failed and Liz who's really sweet has to go. I could've tried for the veto but I was hoping Amanda would win it because she's the challenge beast. I didn't want the extra target and I was really busy today but it's fine. I suggested that one of my alliance members go up to avoid pissing off Erik who could be a number down the line. Kim volunteered so that's what will probably happen. Even if for whatever reason Erik goes crazy, we have a guaranteed tie which I get to break as HoH so this should be an easy round. It just sucks that Sundra is still here tbh. She's shady and she's a challenge beast but at least she'll be good in the challenges for us and she can always go during a Survivor round.

So far, Step 1 should be good. Step 2 is an issue because once again the LET'S FUCK ERIC OVER LOL tribe is


This time, Danni is on the block and will probably be going unless Julie just gets rid of Yul. I don't know why she wants to work with him but she's smarter than me so I've learned not to question her gameplay. I just hope she can find some way for Danni to stay because I don't want to lose another ally over there and her staying also means Yul going which of course is always amazing. So Step 2 will either be a lost cause or take a bit of work. We'll see.

Working on Step 3 but we're not on a lot at the same time. I hope to have more on this soon. Not really in the mood to do Step 4 because I've done it enough and considering he's on the block, he'll either stay and Danni goes so it doesn't matter or he goes. Step 5 is solid. Frankie the Inactive will be going. Yet to do Step 6 but I think that will be paired with Step 3. The other two HoHs rn are people I really want to talk to but schedules and shit keep getting in the way.

Step 7 is good. Kim is asking. She'll let me know. Step 8 rn is ehhhh. Idk what's going to happen with it. I'll probably try talking to Michelle when I talk to Dick and Zamanda. All about finding times when people are online.

This is shaping out to be a fairly successful round. We'll have to see. Honestly, I really want that idol and I'm already halfway there because Amanda agreed to give me her candy because it would obviously be a joint idol. Fabio has a candy that I don't think it would be too hard to get. Then I just need Kim to get Mike's candy and if he got 3 that's 8. Otherwise I just need to take advantage of the next opportunity to get a pinata. The three candies is huge rn because it gives me an advantage in getting the idol considering the most anyone else has gotten that I know of is 1. This is a side mission but an important one especially with how calm things rn. Getting that idol could be huge for when things pick up.
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Eric Stein
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Post #7: 13th Jul 2015 10:32:27 PM 
Plan for this round:

1. Nominate Liz and Sundra and hope that Liz wins veto. If she does, throw Amanda up there as a pawn. Sundra goes home. If not, Liz goes. Nbd.

2. Keep talking to Danni and Julie to try to figure out what will happen there and how I can keep my allies safe.

3. Get in good with Dick because he is funny, a good shield come merge, a smart guy, and someone I don't think people will see me working with.

4. Kiss Nav's ass a bit to try to get him to think I don't hate him.

5. Talk to Fabio and make sure all is squared away over there.

6. Talk to Zamanda because she seems like a good person for me to work with (similar to Dick in that she's a shield). I'd also like another line of communication over there besides Fabio. It's funny that us 3 won HoH because I decided I wanted to talk to both at the beginning of the round.

7. See if Kim or Fabio can figure out what goes down with Mike and his pinatas.

8. Keep talking to Michelle because she's cool and I need info on her pinata.
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Post #8: 14th Jul 2015 11:52:08 PM 
I was originally going to put up Kim as a replacement because she volunteered but then she lied about being on Liz's side and I was already lying to Liz about being on her side so now she thought she had two votes and I would break the tie so I should put up Amanda, Stephen, or Erik. Amanda volunteered which was my plan originally anyway so Amanda goes up. Kim now will vote to evict Liz along with Erik and Stephen and I avoid getting blood on my hands. What that accomplishes is that Liz is someone who can come back in this RI twist so I keep her as a friend and not as an enemy. Hopefully she'll stay fooled until she comes back if she does and then I have someone who is loyal to me.

Now to the big thing. Danni and Yul were nominated and everyone is too afraid to take out Yul. I'm about to lose another ally this round on that stupid fucking tribe which irritates me so much. But I was talking to Danni, saying goodbyes, and she mentioned that I should align with Mike because he is two candies away from getting the idol :o :o :o :o . At first I was worried because I want the idol and this probably means Fabio gave him his candy and other bad stuff. But then she mentioned that Mike said if he had it he would give it to her. So I asked myself, what helps me more? An idol or an ally? Allies are always more important than idols. So I plan to now give two of my candies to Mike, he will transfer the idol to Danni, Danni will be safe, and she agreed to nominate Jeremiah which means that one of the two cockroaches gunning for me will be eliminated this round if this plan goes through. I keep an ally, an idol that Mike would probably get eventually regardless is burned, and one of my two enemies goes home. It's a win all around. So I'm working on that rn but Danni should be off the block by tomorrow and we could be saying good bye to EviYUL or Dr. No Balls.
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Post #9: 15th Jul 2015 12:10:50 AM 
Shit. Apparently Mike still needs to actually get candy from Fabio/Jerri. I can give him four because Amanda would be on board so 3 and 1. Mike has 3 so we only need 1 more. He is trying to get Fabio's rn but idk if it will work. This really needs to.
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Post #10: 19th Jul 2015 3:32:26 PM 
Episode 4

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Another boring round concluded with two inactives from Jarana and our local inactive and classless jerk, Ryan, being voted out. Nothing that wasn’t expected. We then are told about the Big Brother round which is what most of us were guessing at that point and the mutiny option so two of my three guesses were right. I wasn’t concerned about the mutiny because we have a few targets here anyway and if one of them (Liz, Sundra, even Mike) mutinied, it wasn’t a big deal. A rumor started spreading that Mike would leave which was fine. He’s been pretty distant and though he talks to Kim, Amanda, and I, he hasn’t really found solid footing. The thing that scared me this round was the fact that it was a BB round. If Liz or Sundra won, I was in trouble because they’re both pretty inactive so I hadn’t bothered talking to them. I knew they talked to Amanda a lot so I expected to go up. The challenge was completely based on luck so I just random.orged it and yet again I ended up doing well in a luck challenge. I don’t understand why I seem to do well with those but so be it. Sundra came extremely close to beating me but thankfully nothing came of it and I secured the win.

I knew my nominations the second I won. Liz was inactive and Sundra was semi-inactive and a challenge beast that soon enough wouldn’t be my tribe mate because there has to be a swap on the horizon. So they were going up. My goal was to send Sundra home because she wasn’t as sweet as Liz and was a bigger threat should we swap. Unfortunately it didn’t even come to that because the challenge beast would of course win the PoV. Why not? That was the nail in Liz’s coffin but it also meant that I had to name a replacement. Nominating Erik who is fifth man already would just be confirming his position and would be an awful move so I asked my alliance. No matter what we had a guaranteed 2 votes and a tiebreaker so it didn’t matter. Kim initially volunteered and all was set. But then Liz comes online and she starts talking. She tells me that she understands why I did what I did but that Amanda, Stephen, and Erik are an alliance and if I didn’t want to be crushed by it, I needed to work with her and Sundra. Lol. See she made a small error there. The alliance is between Amanda, Stephen, and Eric, with a c, and Kim of course. I lied and said that I would help her in any way I could but she was also talking to Kim who agreed to do the same. Now Liz thinks Kim is with us, will give us a 2-2 vote, and then I can break the tie to save her. Which means I now can’t nominate Kim so Amanda volunteers and I just put her up. Liz seemed happy with the outcome and I agreed again to break the tie in her favor if it came to that. It obviously wouldn’t though because Kim would vote for her and it would be 3-1. Now as cruel as it seems, my goal in all of it was to get someone who could return to this game on my side.

But Kim blew it up and told her that there was no way she was staying so now she’s pissed and posted on the board this morning about a Stephen-Erik-Eric-Amanda alliance which is hysterical for many reasons. Erik isn’t in it, Kim is, that alone will literally be 80% of the tribe once Sundra goes so it’s hardly an alliance, and she assumes that a group banding together to pick off an inactive is an alliance. I mean she’s right but it’s still just such a crazy thing to post. AND TWICE. Once wasn’t clear enough. She had to create the thread TWICE in two different places! Whatever. At least I have some closure with the thing. She went crazy and will be leaving. She can join the rest of prejury in their DOWN WITH ERIC campaign.

Beyond that, not much happened on Fuerza. The alliance of myself, Amanda, Kim, Stephen (which I will refer to as the Fantastic Four from here on out) still ran things with Erik as a solid fifth and Sundra on the outs. Jarana booted yet another inactive who hopefully are all out of the game by this point. Which brings us to the crazy tribe this episode is named for. Dick who I thought was with Yul nominated he and Danni for eviction because Danni never talks to him. I saw this part coming but I have no idea why Yul was nominated too. Maybe because of how close they are? Idk. The only info I got from that tribe was from Julie who was of course careful with what she revealed and Danni who was on the outs and just got booted. I don’t really know where everyone stood there. I know Julie didn’t like Jeremiah, Yul and Danni were a pair (?), Julie and Yul were begrudgingly working together, Sierra and Julie were passive aggressively fighting for power while working together, etc. That tribe was a huge question mark but what was clear is that they almost booted me and did boot two of my closest allies (Ronnie and Danni). I don’t like any of them with the exception of Julie and ultimately most of them with the exception of Michelle (because she got kidnapped) and Julie will be targeted.

So that’s where we stand. Another round through. I need to work a bit more on Dick if I want to work with him and I’ve yet to try for Zamanda. Nothing else new….except for the swap that just got revealed. To be talked about in Episode 5.
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