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Dolly Neely
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Reputation: -3
Group:Los Muertos
Joined:Jun 26, 2015
Post #1: 23rd Jul 2015 8:09:51 PM 
Hmmhmm... first off let me say that my tribe are bad, bad, terrible, more than terrible social players. I'm not saying I'm a good one, the way I decided to approach this game didn't go well this time around. But the way people just DON'T talk to you in this game when they aren't relevant to their game is ridiculous. I was ignored by EVERYONE in my tribe the round that I left!! Noone would talk to me, after I sent numerous messages saying 'Hey' or something like that. They either wouldn't react, or they acted like little dipshits saying vague ass shit that was waaaay to transparent. They may as well have told me they were voting for me, as I saw it from 10 thousand fucking miles away.

The only one who told me straight to my face I was going, and was also straight up about without being all kiss-assy was Yul.

Zmanda has had it out for me, and made me think she loved me. But her final say to me about how she felt about me was so fake, I just didn't even react to it.

And their is obviously some big alliance going on over there. Because the way everyone was so protective over Kmanda was kinda creepy.

Rafica is a bitch tho, she didn't talk to me at all since the first swap even. And she ignored my 5 heys. Shady ass bitch that she is.

I like Erik though, he's def my boo all the way.

And Kelly!!! :( Gurrrrl it saddens me that you're here. We were both fucked over HARD by that tribe swap!! I love ya gurl and you know it!! <3
Iggy my gurrll!!<3

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