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Eric Stein
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Joined:Jun 29, 2015
Post #1: 12th Jul 2015 5:53:10 PM 
Eric- 3 candies
Amanda- 1 candy
Fabio- 1 candy
Monica- HoH Power
Dick- ?????
Ronnie- 1 candy
Michelle- ?????
Someone Michelle Chose: ?????

15 1 candy
14 2 candy
9 3 candy
Double Vote

Round 1:
Red Rovered: Eric, Fabio, and Dick

Round 2:
Kidnapped: Michelle

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Eric Stein
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 0
Joined:Jun 29, 2015
Post #2: 18th Jul 2015 10:12:10 PM 
Eric- 3 candies 2 candies
Amanda- 1 candy
Fabio- 1 candy
Dick- Double Vote
Ronnie- 1 candy
Michelle- ?????
Someone Michelle Chose: ?????
Mike- 3 candies Idol
Jerri- 1 candy
Shontayla- ?????
Someone Shontayla chose- ?????
Amanda K- 2 candies
Kim- Challenge Advantage
Heather- ?????
Someone Heather chose- ?????

15 1 candy
12 2 candy
8 3 candy

Round 1:
Red Rovered: Eric, Fabio, and Dick

Round 2:
Kidnapped: Michelle

Round 5:
Ambassadors who Picked New Tribes: Amanda K and Heather
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Eric Stein
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 0
Joined:Jun 29, 2015
Post #3: 21st Jul 2015 7:47:30 PM 
Eric- 2 candies
Dick- Double Vote, ?????
Ronnie- 1 candy
Michelle- ?????
Someone Michelle Chose: ?????
Mike- 1 candy
Jerri- 1 candy
Shontayla- ?????
Someone Shontayla chose- ?????
Kim- Challenge Advantage
Heather- ?????
Someone Heather chose- ?????
Zamanda- 2 candies
Someone Dick chose- ?????

14 1 candy
11 2 candy
8 3 candy

Round 1:
Red Rovered: Eric, Fabio, and Dick

Round 2:
Kidnapped: Michelle

Round 4:
Mutinied: Mike and Shontayla

Round 5:
Ambassadors who Picked New Tribes: Amanda K and Heather
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Eric Stein
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 0
Joined:Jun 29, 2015
Post #4: 25th Jul 2015 1:01:31 AM 
Eric- 2 candies
Dick- Double Vote, ?????
Ronnie- 2 candies
Michelle- ?????
Someone Michelle Chose: ?????
Mike- 1 candy
Jerri- 1 candy
Shontayla- ?????, ?????
Someone Shontayla chose- ?????
Kim- Challenge Advantage, 3 candies
Heather- ?????
Someone Heather chose- ?????
Zamanda- 2 candies
Someone Dick chose- ?????
Yul- ?????

14 1 candy
10 2 candy
7 3 candy

Round 1:
Red Rovered: Eric, Fabio, and Dick

Round 2:
Kidnapped: Michelle

Round 4:
Mutinied: Mike and Shontayla

Round 5:
Ambassadors who Picked New Tribes: Amanda K and Heather

Round 7:
Ambassadors who Returned to Game: Ronnie and Kim

Eric and Mike
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Eric Stein
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Joined:Jun 29, 2015
Post #5: 29th Jul 2015 11:39:58 PM 
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Ok so this is an updated one to account for the Yul boot. I'll just go a little bit into each.

Red = Outsiders
Members = Amanda K, Eric, Kim, Mike, and Monica

This is a pretty straightforward one. We're the five on the outs who have sort of been excluded from everything with the exception of Mike. Amanda and I have always been close and we united with Kim on Orig Fuerza and then picked up Mike and Monica after that last swap when it was us four and Fabio. We're a tight group because that's what being on the outs does to you. You have to unite against the group in power who are running everything. We all feel really good about each other for the most part which is good and I don't think this will break up until a few of the people in power take a fall.

Suballiances = Amanda, Eric, Kim (Chilltown 2.0), Mike and Kim (Tight Bond)

Tensions = Eric/Mike (both sort of have their hands in a lot of cookie jars and two can't play the same game forever)

Light Blue = Ronnie and the Excess
Members = Ronnie, Jerri, and Shontayla

This is the result of a few people being on the outside of the last tribe. Jerri and Ronnie just don't have the right relationships and thus found themselves in a lot of danger until these new tribes were formed. Shontayla is much more of a question mark. She claims to be on the outside with Ronnie and Jerri but I'm beginning to fear that she's with Zamanda, Sierra, Michelle, and Heather just because she really never seemed in danger and picked a peculiar team. She could've done it with the goal of eliminating Sierra or Zamanda but she is just really a mystery to me right now. We'll have to see where she stands going forward.

Suballiances = None to my Knowledge

Tensions = None to my Knowledge

Gray = The Revolutionaries
Members = Eric, Kim, Amanda K, Ronnie, Mike, Monica, Jerri, and Shontayla

Everyone uniting against the power. There was a huge majority formed and these were the people left as the outcasts from that. For the most part, we've all united together with a goal in mind but it's hard to tell if everyone is on board 100% with that. It's a very loose bond that will break soon. There's nothing long term.

Suballiances (besides the ones already covered) = Eric and Ronnie (Bros Alliance)

Tensions = Chilltown 2.0/Shontayla (if she's with us or not), Mike/Ronnie (weird relationship)

Pink = Black Widows
Members = Amanda Z, Sierra, Heather, Michelle

These are the people who have been controlling the game now for some time imo. Yul had some minor control but these girls have been calling a lot of the shots. They got an idol together, have been really cutthroat together, and are all savvy players. None can be trusted and they all are a powerful force together. They are my main targets with the exception of Heather.

Suballiances (all speculation) = Amanda Z, Sierra (Sociopath City), Heather, Sierra, Michelle (Escensia)

Tensions = Heather/everyone (for getting rid of their idol)

Purple = The Shontayla Sucks Alliance
Members = Amanda Z, Sierra, Heather, Michelle, Sundra

The Black Widows have a way of manipulating people into being puppets. I believe they are a four at their core but they've extended to include certain numbers where necessary. I could totally be wrong about their position of power but too much has come out for me to disregard it. So this one was originally with Shontayla but she did something to betray them (?) and was replaced by Sundra. Basically, Shontayla did something they didn't like so they moved her to the outs and took in Sundra as their puppet instead.

Suballiances = None other than those already mentioned

Tensions = None other than those already mentioned

Blue = Taking in the Lost Puppy
Members = Amanda Z, Sierra, Heather, Michelle, Erik

Erik was manipulated into flipping on Kim and Stephen because he was told he was "at the bottom." He now is being used as a number for them and puppeted into doing their bidding, even giving him an idol because he's such a loyal number.

Suballiances = Erik, Michelle (Tight Bond)

Tensions = None other than those already mentioned

Green = Orig Escensia
Members = Sundra, Jeremiah, Heather, Sierra, Michelle

This is the excuse used on Jeremiah (and another on Sundra) to control him. I think they are probably the most loyal to him of any of their puppets, especially Heather. It's basically a chance at more numbers and gives the sense of tribal unity which helps them.

Suballiances = None other than those already mentioned

Tensions = Jeremiah/Sundra and Michelle (after his move last round on Yul)

Yellow = Heather and Boy Toy
Members = Heather and Mike

Got close at some point and now feed each other info. This is dangerous because it's way too tight of a bond and, more importantly, Mike is feeding her info about my game. One of these two need to go before it's too late.

Orange = Heather Doesn't Have Enough Boy Toys
Members = Eric and Heather

The name says it all. She wants as many ins as she can get and sees me as someone on the other side who needs her. She doesn't trust me a ton and is using me a lot for info which I'm doing as well. Tbh it's more of a marriage of convenience than anything and a loose one at that. We'll see if it gets stronger but right now I think there's a lot of mistrust on both ends.

Black = Yul's Worst Nightmare
Members = Jeremiah, Eric, Kim

We managed to flip Jeremiah last round against Yul and he will hopefully stay on our side this round. I think he realizes he is on the bottom of whatever power is over there because he's the only one smart enough (cough Erik and Sundra cough) to realize there is something big over there. He knows his best chance is with the minority which is good for us for now but I don't see him lasting long. He's still a threat and gunned for me Round 1. If he stays with me this round, he'll be the reason I'm here and has bought his safety for a while for sure.

Suballiances (besides the ones already covered) = Jeremiah, Eric (Burton Squad), Jeremiah, Kim (Tight Bond)

Ok that ended up being really long but I think that covers everything. I'm glad I made this so I can keep track but hopefully Kim keeps updating too because it's a lot cleaner lol. There's a few other bonds elsewhere but nothing strong enough to mention imo. This game is turning into Black Widows vs. Outsiders and only one thing is for certain. There will be blood.
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Eric Stein
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Joined:Jun 29, 2015
Post #6: 2nd Aug 2015 3:29:26 PM 
8 3 candies
8 2 candies
13 1 candy

Eric: 3 candies
Fabio: 1 candy
Dick: Double Vote
Kamanda- 1 candy
Ronnie- 1 candy
Monica- HoH Power
Michelle- ?????
Someone Michelle Chose- ?????
Mike- 2 candies
Jerri- 2 candies
Shont- ?????
Jerri- Necklace
Kamanda- 2 candies
Kim- Challenge Advantage
Heather- 2 candies
Sundra- Negator
Mike- 1 candy
Zamanda- 2 candies
Dick- ?????
Someone Dick Chose- ?????
Ronnie- 2 candies
Kim- 3 candies
Yul- 1 candy
Shont- ?????

Round 1:
Red Rovered: Eric, Fabio, and Dick

Round 2:
Kidnapped: Michelle

Round 4:
Mutinied: Mike and Shontayla

Round 5:
Ambassadors who Picked New Tribes: Amanda K and Heather

Round 7:
Ambassadors who Picked New Teams: Yul, Shontayla, Ronnie, and Kim

Round 10:
Mariachi People: Zamanda and Erik


8 3 candies
8 2 candies
13 1 candy

Eric: 3 candies
Fabio: 1 candy
Dick: Double Vote, ?????
Kamanda- 1 candy, 2 candies
Ronnie- 1 candy, 2 candies
Monica- HoH Power
Michelle- ?????
Someone Michelle Chose- ?????
Mike- 2 candies, 1 candy
Jerri- 2 candies, Necklace
Shont- ?????, ?????
Kim- Challenge Advantage, 3 candies
Heather- 2 candies
Sundra- Negator
Zamanda- 2 candies, ?????
Someone Dick Chose- ?????
Yul- 1 candy
Erik- ?????

Round 1:
Red Rovered: Eric, Fabio, and Dick

Round 2:
Kidnapped: Michelle

Round 4:
Mutinied: Mike and Shontayla

Round 5:
Ambassadors who Picked New Tribes: Amanda K and Heather

Round 7:
Ambassadors who Picked New Teams: Yul, Shontayla, Ronnie, and Kim

Round 10:
Mariachi People: Zamanda and Erik


8 3 candies
8 2 candies
13 1 candy

Ronnie- 1 candy
Dick- ?????
Michelle- ?????
Someone Michelle Chose- ?????
Mike- 1 candy
Shont- ?????, ?????
Kim- Challenge Advantage
Sundra- Negator
Someone Dick Chose- ?????
Yul- Double Vote, 1 candy

Round 1:
Red Rovered: Eric, Fabio, and Dick

Round 2:
Kidnapped: Michelle

Round 4:
Mutinied: Mike and Shontayla

Round 5:
Ambassadors who Picked New Tribes: Amanda K and Heather

Round 7:
Ambassadors who Picked New Teams: Yul, Shontayla, Ronnie, and Kim

Round 10:
Mariachi People: Zamanda and Erik

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