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Fabby: Part Deux
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Post #1: 2nd Jul 2015 5:02:41 AM 
Boy I love everyone and everything and this game is gonna be swell and fantastic.
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Post #2: 2nd Jul 2015 7:12:16 AM 
OK sweet this isn't public. #SucessfulTest I'm gonna do a bit of a cast assessment, cuz why the hell not? Not like I have anything better to do with my life.

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Hahahahahaha - my life is meaningless.

I’m also only gonna be talking about people either on my tribe, or who I’ve talked in depth with, or who I’ve played with previously.Because seriously, I'm spending enough time as it is doing this.


I’m actually really happy Mike’s getting a second shot. Even if he doesn’t necessarily agree with me, I feel like he was incredibly underrated as a player in Epic 3. Dude got swapped almost immediately, but he was as vital a member of Alcatraz as anyone else in “Fabio’s 4.” He was the funny, non-strategic guy - which is a great way to get to the end, if you play it right. He was also, besides Candice because Candice is one of my best ORG friends, absolutely the person I got along with best, I adore the guy.

He also managed to get Yul, Yul, super strategist Yul, to waste his chance at evicting someone he was desperately trying to eliminate (Hi!) by basically holding a gun to his head. His activity was sub-par, I’m not denying that, but he was loyal and funny. He’s in the finals of Chronicles 17 right now, and I really hope the guy takes home the win - he’s good enough that he deserves one, in my opinion.

Mike has a bit more ORG experience under his belt now...but he’s also going on vacation the week the game starts. Having said that, I think (?) he wants to work together again - but I don’t think that undying loyalty will be there again to me, and rightly so. To be completely honest -

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I don’t think I can win this game. I’ll get more into how this affects my strategy later, but basically, my plan is the (admittedly common and simple) idea to basically, allign with people that I like, act as a meatshield similar to how I did in Epic 3, and do what I can to maximize their chances of winning without directly hurting mine. Mike is one of those people, if he’s down for it.


I don’t think Danni holds any ill will towards me from Epic 3. (I hope to God not, anyway - she’s one of the few who really shouldn’t.) She’s kind of a wildcard, and I think how active she is is gonna determine a lot. Interested in seeing her on the tribe with Mike and I, I wonder if stuff will start up again, particularly since Eric isn’t here, and him and I were the main cohesive forces in keeping that particular four as together as it was.


Absolutely no clue how this is gonna go down, given the terms of how we parted in Epic 3. I actually kinda wanna work with her, to be completely honest, if only because I’ve been PWing her in a few games and A. she’s most likely gonna be a power player, if she’s active and B. she writes excellent confessional, and given the size of this game, a solid narrator must be entertaining as hell for you Ted. God knows I’m not gonna be around long enough to single-handedly amuse you.


She’s not on my tribe, but hey, she won. She won being UTR sociable - you’d think that’d translate well to a massive game like this, but who knows? She can be kinda hit or miss in terms of placement, but she’ll probably at least make it to late pre--jury. Not particularly interested in working with her, but I’ll keep it open, cause why the hell not?


It’ll be...interesting to see how Michelle and I get along this go ‘round. Epic 1 was odd, I fucked her over pretty hardcore in a different game, but I think (?) she’s past it. And if not, and she wants me out, I’ll live. Maybe not in a game sense, but I’d like, understand where she’s coming from.

I got a chance to talk with her a bit yesterday morning, just general chit-chat and shit, and it was pretty normal. I’ve been casually mentioning that I don’t think I can win to a few people, and she’s all like “I don’t think it’ll go that way, inactives and shit, blah blah” which, fair enough. IT was pretty curt sentences and stuff, which is kinda par for course with shady ol’ Michelle, but I think she’s open to working with me. Coolio, if thats the case.


Dolly is one of the few Epic 1 people here, and I’m actually pretty happy about it. She’s a good player, fun to chat with, and she hosted the series I won. I thought she disappeared off the face off ORGdom, so it’ll be fun chatting with her again, even if we’re not on the same tribe.


Abi, I swear if you deliberately did this to me, I will find you and shank you Epic 3 style. Morgan and I being on the same tribe should be....interesting.

For viewers who might not know of our history, let me take you back to a time, long, long ago, in a galaxy far far away (whoops not GSurvivor5, different Fabby here) to a place called: Epic 1.

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Hey there Morgan, I'm in an incredibly bad spot at the moment. I have a grand total of one ally who will go on to later quit the game. (QUALITY.) But hey, I want to work with you in the future, we just need to blah blah blah eliminate Candice blah blah blah work with Dan.

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Even though I've repeatedly stated I have no allegiance to my original tribe, and in fact led a 4-3-3 vote (that coincidentally put my original tribe in the majority) I'm gonna show this to everyone and use tribal lines to eliminate you. Kthnxbai.

And that's the story of how my first ORG ended. -_-

Look, I'm not like, ultra mad about it or anything, but if she had let bygones be bygones, fine, whatever. But her vote was "Fuck off, Rob" and "Your a cunt" because I targeted her AFTER SHE TARGETED ME. She also got into a bunch of fights with people in prejury. Still pleasantly surprised I got jury over her, because she's just a poor sport, but I totally get why she's a "Favorite" as much as I detest the idea.

"Now Fabio," you say, a palm under chin, quizzical look in your eyes. "This is from a past game, under a different alias no less. Are you really going to hold it against it?”

Ehhhh, to an extent, yeah, I will, as far as it relates to her gameplay. OTTN people like Morgan don’t tend to change their playstyles all that much - but I’m always willing to let bygones be bygones. Who knows, we could be a duo or somethin’ - wouldn’t that be hilarious as fuck?


I’m friendly with Eric post-game, he’s a good guy who understands sometimes he has a bit of an ego. If we make it to a swap together, maybe we allign, maybe we target each other - I wouldn’t mind helping him out a bit, to be completely honest. I guess it depends how hard he’s playing - if he’s goofing off, similar to me, rather than going uber strategy, I definitely want to work with him.


One of two fans I have much of anything to say about, Erik seems to be playing hard already, which certainly has drawn some attention, since I figure most everyone thinks the fans would start out more UTR than the returning players. But yeah, I logged on AIM, just to add contacts and shit, got caught up talking with Mike, and very quickly Erik also messaged me. Our conversation was pretty standard fare, nothing to report much about it, but the fact that he’s keeping a close eye on AIM four or five days prior to the game says a lot. I don’t know how well he’s gonna do, but he could either burn out quickly, or be a power player on the tribe. We’ll see, I guess.


This bitch ain’t playing alias, and I kinda adore it to be completely honest. Jeremy’s one of my buds in ORGdom, he hosts the Warriors series which practically everyone knows I’m insanely involved in. He’s one of those people on my “allign and do what I can for” because, eh, why not? If this was an alias game, I would be like “let’s see how this plays out” but since its not, and I probably can’t win, no reason not to work with someone people are probably gonna assume I’m working with anyway.

He’s a solid player - in the most recent Twisted game, he was the #1 contender from Round 2 until the Final 5, where he was evicted after pulling a Fabio esque stunt. He should be entertaining - he’ll survive the initial slaughter for sure, and I think he’ll probably make it to the jury phase. Which says a lot, given that this game is fucking huge and 75% of us won’t make it to that point.


I like Ronnie. He’s a funny, loyal guy. I think he’ll be gone early, because his activity is very on/off, but if he makes it to a swap or something, I’d love to work with him. I adore him, think he’s underrated socially, even if his actual skills are, as far as I know, kinda meh. Also the idea of someone playing fucking Ronnie Talbott winning a game is fucking hilarious. Without his brother around, I see Ronnie doing much better (in the sense of being a player, not necessarily placement wise, a la Andrea in RI vs. Caramoan) if he can make it past the initial slaughter.


I didn’t vote for Vytas in Epic 1, but we left on good terms. Candice may dislike Sierra, but I don’t entirely get why - I like her well enough. If we end up together I’d be down for it, she’s good people as far as I’m concerned.


Note: Not Amanda Zimmerman. :P

I adore Amanda <3 If we end up on the same tribe, I’d love to work with her. I haven’t really had the chance - we were on the same tribe in Warriors AS, but that was mostly weeding out people before we swapped, and then she got rocked out. I think she’d like to work with me too, we get along well, but Yul will almost certainly try to make some magic happen there, and knowing him, might not be able to happen for me. Unless he’s actually open to working with me, or she turns against him - both entirely possible.


Ah, saving the best for last. (But seriously jesus fucking christ this turned out much longer than I thought when I sat down to do a quick cast assessment what the hell is wrong with me.) When Yul plays an ORG, he plays it hard, full tilt. I can’t name a single ORG where the general consensus was that Yul wasn’t really around - dude is active, and he plays hard.

I’m gonna try and get on his good side, but even when people say I’m a massive RHAP fan -

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See: my first ORG alias.

- I don’t necessarily carry that into games with me. Yul absolutely does - he thinks every move, every round, extremely carefully. He’s not one, except for his Qt.314’s, to keep people around because they're his friends. Love the guy, I consider him a friend, but I think its entirely possible that he guns for me because I’m an easy target. I don’t think it’d really be about revenge - he’s not that kind of guy. It’s just taking out what he may see as a threat to his game.

That’s what I’m feeling, anyway. Mike offhandedly mentioned that Yul was talking about how he thought I wasn’t gonna go in as Fabio, instead as Rob C or a fan, and if he’s already talking about me and the strategy I’m gonna implement...*shrugs* Just gives me a bad feeling. Would love to work with him if given the chance, but it's hard to trust him in games. If we do end up working together, I’d love it, because I think he really wants this win, and as much as he overplays, it’d be cool for him to finally get one. Unlikely, given how the winners of massive games typically play, but who knows?

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Post #3: 2nd Jul 2015 2:38:59 PM 
Am I the only one who thinks Ryan's picture is Jim from South Pacific?
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Post #4: 2nd Jul 2015 2:49:11 PM 
We are likely going ahead with 33 players which means 1 player currently on Fuerza will likely be moving to another since you have 12 and tribes will be 11

I recommend Morgan. :P
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Post #5: 4th Jul 2015 9:27:33 AM 
Can I just say that, even though I'm not on a tribe with her, Lindsey is hilarious and I'd love to be on the same tribe as her?

Also, I'm eminently apathetic on Danni being transferred to another tribe.
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Post #6: 4th Jul 2015 11:36:09 AM 
So, I'm talking with Erik, and the following exchange (formatted for her pleasure) happens:

Fabio: Sorry I dissapeared, family distracted me lol.

Erik: It's all good :) don't worry about it.

Fabio: Haha thanks, I'm kinda easily distracted by shiny objects

Erik: Family is a shiny object? Haha.

Fabio: ...ok family is a veeeeeeeeeery loose term :P
but yeah, they had puppies
does those count as objects? lol

Erik: They do if you're a sociopath :P

Fabio: Really I'm the Dexter Morgan of ORGS :P

Erik: Ah, that's the Ashton Kutcher guy, right?

Fabio: naaaaah, remember that show abotu the seriel killer? Dexter?

Erik: Yeah, and when stuff starts to go wrong, he pops out of a hush or an outhouse or something and says, "You just got punk'd!" That's it, right?

(A very confused) Fabio: Totes :P

Erik: That show was okay. Too many camera focuses on Ashton trying to be funny

I'm really confused if that was a joke, or if he was legitimately confused. All I know is I am, so you get to be too.
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Post #7: 5th Jul 2015 1:31:18 PM 
abi @ 4/7/2015 16:11
I hope it was a joke, kinda hard to mix dexter with ashton klutcher

I think it was too, but there was nothing to like, indicate he wasn't serious, he never addressed it again, and it was just like, random as hell. Like the kid well enough, it just confused me haha. (Granted I'm not the brightest bulb in the bunch sooooooooooo)
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Post #8: 5th Jul 2015 1:58:52 PM 
Also, in actual news, Stephen is pretty chill and awesome, had a lot of fun doing the challenge with him and chatting afterwards. We don't have everything in the world in common or anything, but I feel like we have similar senses of humor, so that helped make the convo go pretty smooth. Since I'm on the tribe with like, four people I can never find on AIM and which DOESN'T HAVE 6 FUCKING EPIC 3 PEOPLE kinda need to build up these bonds, even if I'm not like, going balls to wall to win or anything.

I talked a bit with Ronnie, and even though I like, "objectively" know that he's probs not super sketchy or overplaying or whatever he also randomly drops conversations, then comes back with like an "lol" or whatever. Ronnie's loyal and not really a threat, as far as I know anyway, but it's things like this that put him on people's radar. Jeremy (lol if he thinks I'm gonna use the actual name at any point he's in for a surprise) was telling me Ronnie sketched him out. He kinda reminds me of another ORG friend of mine - pretty loyal, but shit at social stuff so he seems shady. Ronnie's shining grace, as far as I'm concerned anyway, is his ability in groupchats - there he's hysterical. One on one - eh, he has a few issues.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm don't think anything else is happening. I'm chatting with Michelle at the moment - she'll probs end up a power player, and having her on my side and seeing me as a pawn or whatevs will probs extend my stay a bit. Which is great, cause not much chaos you can stir this early, no?

Oh yeah, I'm also (albeit forgetting a bunch) trying to up Lindsey's karma a bunch. She had a bunch of funny posts in public, so I'm like, fuck it why not up her karma? She deserves it and maybe it'll put a target on her. This strategy has done nothing in the past from what I've seen, but I'm easily amused, haha.
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Post #9: 7th Jul 2015 3:51:22 PM 
Lot's of stuff to digest this round. Which is kinda shocking, given that this sould just be an easy inactive boot. Morgan hasn't been on AIM at all, and even if it's a cheap victory, I'll fuckin' take it. Cue me being blindsided or some shit haha.

Anyway, lots of talkin' has been happening, obviously. I've been chatting with Amanda K a ton (Amanda Z is apparently inactive, which is a shame, as is John Cody on Escansia) and we click pretty well this go 'round. Probably because we started on the same tribe, and our loyalties aren't inherently conflicting like in Epic 3, we gel pretty well. She's pretty chill, and I'm glad we can move past that stuff - and into some official alliance stuff. I never woulda' seen it coming, especially with how we parted.

But yeah, we officially have an alliance going on, and fuck it I'll be loyal. I have no reason not to, and may as well keep up the loyal rep I have going on, y'know? We've been discussing people to bring in - we both agreed on Stephen, and then Kim as a fourth. It's kinda up in the air whether it'll be a 4 or a 5 person thing, but if we do do five, odds are the 5th will either be Sundra or Mike.

Speaking of Stephen, I'm pretty sure him and Amanda have a deal going on independent of me, just based on the way he phrased things. "Me and Amanda were talking about -" at the same time Amanda and I were also talking about it. But I'm fine with it - I doubt it's like, a F2 situation or whatever. I also found out from Jeremiah that Stephen was Sally in Twisted 4 (and also that Erik was Penner there which explains SO FUCKING MUCH) which probs explains why he's so damn likable, even if he's not around all the time - Sally had killer social game from all accounts.

Kim was kinda non-entity til yesterday, but she did great in the comp, and she was definitely present throughout the night. I'd love to work with her - she's funny and seems like a straight-shooter, for the time being anyway. Hence the idea for me/her/Stephen/Amanda, which I need to work on.

Of course, I might not be on Fuerza come tonight. Jerri said they were taking me, which sucks, because its probs based on my old reputation and general activity. I'm not fighting it, if it happens it happens - that led to way too man issues. I also heard Erik was up for consideration, which would be great.

Erik is...odd. I really have issues chatting with him, because he's certainly active, but he just behaves in like, an unpredictable and erratic manner. I think I've done decent talking to him, but apparently he's talking Stephen's ear off, overplaying and paranoid and shit and Stephen's just tired of it. He also said Michelle was doing likewise, which is interesting since Michelle came to me saying her heart wasn't in it. People are confusing as fuck, man.

Ryan is fine, seems chill enough, but he's kinda just an able body at the moment. Like, there was nothing of real substance in our convo's, certainly no game talk. Elizabeth's the same, albeit a bit less so since she lives in Austraia and has a completely different schedule.

As far as other tribes go, I've only talked (briefly) to Jerri from Jarana. As for Escansia, Jeremiah told me Yul is gunning for Eric - I'm hoping Eric can flip that, because as good at comps as Yul is, he's playing way too hard and him having a stranglehold on a tribe is scary. I went to go tell Eric this, but he already knew - both of them are shady, but if its gonna be a war, I hope Eric wins. I just trust him more in a swap scenario, especially after going to tell him the info I got - which now I'm kinda just mentioning casually, since a bunch of people have been told over here. Buys me some trust, even if it may make people think I have solid cross-tribal connections or whatevs. Not gonna overthink it.

Sorry for the generic narration, my BB game just started and I'm insanely busy with the two AIMs haha. I'll try to inject a bit more flavor next time.
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Post #10: 7th Jul 2015 11:13:14 PM 
I'm taking 4, giving 21 to Monica.
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Post #11: 8th Jul 2015 3:16:26 PM 
So, Morgan left (#blindside) and I'm on Jarana now. And...

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May as well be them.

Like, this is insane. The group chat is insanely active, and basically to a tee everyone's talking and playing and all that jazz. Which would be great, if they weren't fucking INSANE. In the chat all they seem to do is crack jokes and get into fights. Which I can totally get behind for a variety of reasons, amusement being chief among them, but its still like, a monstrous headache. I'm fucking FABIO, remember?

From what I've gathered, there's basically a cold war (odd terminology but everyone seems to use it so running with it) between Lindsey and PG. Lindsey was targeting PG, Kelly told PG, PG blew up in the chat, and now there are sides. Oh and Amanda is apparently not inactive anymore, and she's like "whore we're working together" so I guess I'm gonna at least attempt to save her ass from being booted if we go to tribal. Which basically involves weaponizing her in this cold war shit.

To go through the individuals real quick:

Evel Dick: Yes, he's not on the tribe anymore, but he may as well be. Super active, brutally honest, with a sardonic sense of humor. I think he's this one guy I played with back in the day, and I've said as much to his face cause why the fuck not? He's not confirming or denying anything, and its entirely possible he's not actually him (in which case I have a back up theory) but fuck it, I'm rolling with it for now.

I get along decent with Dick. Nothing game related, really - he said repeatedly that he doesn't particularly give a shit, and I believe him. He's fun to shoot the shit with, and is just in general a fun presence, even if he's all insults and cursing. And fuck, he talks to me a decent amount, so even if he won't admit it I at the very least amuse him. Also it's fun to troll the troll.

Monica: So, Monica was actually the first person to message me on the tribe....because she thought I was some guy named Shaun. That was fun clearing up. (I think she thought I was Fabio from Gsurv5 or somethin', I don't fuckin' know.) But after that mishap, things went pretty smooth, and I gave her the candy because A. she was the first person to message me an B. I think she holds a decent amount of sway with the tribe. Ian would probably give his candy to me if I asked, but he's a bit irrelevant to a lot of people's planning - may as well use this as an opportunity to get in good with my new tribe, rather than hoarding it all.

She apparently got the HOH thing, which lets her turn into a BB round. Which is cool, in part cause she told me (and god willing isn't a lie, but who fuckin' knows, barely know the girl) and in part because it could be useful in a pinch or to alleviate this whole cold war biz. I hope to work with her, she's apparently super loyal, if what Jeremiah told me about her twisted game holds any water here.

Kelly: I like Kelly a bunch. She's lowkey chill, and more than anything else she's SANE. Like, our convo was smooth, and maybe a tad generic at points, but I can always get behind chill people. I'm kinda leaning towards siding with PG cuz she's on her side (and also because Lindsey seems to alienate a bajillion people.) and I just enjoy her company.

Ian: Ian is most likely a vote tied to me, because we host a series together. And I'm the more active one, so I feel like I can confidently say I'd dictate our decisions, but he's been here longer so who knows? He's apparently with Lindsey, which could cause issues if I don't go that way, but I feel like the numbers aren't on his side.

PG: I'm not really team PG, or Shontayla or whatever. She's getting called PG here, because two letters is so much easier to type. Anyway, she just comes off kinda fake to me - she's telling me that there's no actual war, its all in good fun, while literally EVERYONE else is like "lol yeah its a thing." But I like her allies, so talk and chat for the time being. I also don't like that she has a seemingly insanely close bond with Rafe - that's dangerous.

Lindsey: I like Lindsey, the majority of people don't seem to. We didn't really talk all that much though, to be completely honest.

Jerri: Another lowkey player. She wants to work with me this time around, apparently, which sure, I'm good with. She's fine, and I hope she'll go with me to whatever side I end up choosing. Nice to be working with SOMEONE in an official capacity anyway.

RC: Talked with her for a bit, she gave me a lot of good info. She and Amanda also apparently don't get along, which I'm sure will be a ton of fun in my process of saving Amanda. WOOT.

Talked about Amanda a bit before, haven't really seen Rafe or Dolly, and Frankie is funny in an OTT schticky way, but haven't talked with him one on one. Apparently these people love the groupchat, but me coming aboard has led to more one-on-one stuff, which wasn't happening a ton according to a few people.

Part of me worries it could be a "last in, first out" mentality, part of me thinks I could be an important swing, and part of me wants to go deeeeeeeep under the radar and just crack jokes. This tribe is insane, which is worrying, but hopefully I can have some fun with it. I already feel like being exposed to this insanity is changing my confessional style or some shit, haha.
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Post #12: 9th Jul 2015 8:21:18 PM 
In the interest of time, cliffnotes of what went down:

- I asked around, seeing if people would be down to vote PG.

- If I wanted to push the vote, I probably could have gotten PG gone 5-3.

- However, in order to solidify myself with the people I wanted in my majority alliance, I decided to instead switch my focus to Lindsey, just in time too since she blew up shortly thereafter.

- There has more or less been brewed an alliance of me, Jerri, Amanda Z, Monica, and Kelly, which will hopefully have a groupchat made next round.
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Post #13: 9th Jul 2015 8:22:10 PM 
ALSO I had an hour long conversation with Amanda, thinking it was Zuckerman, only to realize it was Kimmel. Yeah I'm smart.
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Post #14: 11th Jul 2015 5:29:12 PM 
Sooooooooo, we lost. Pretty horribly. I think its because this challenge didn't particularly rely on having a bunch of decently active people - it came down to having three incredibly active people. I'm about as close to that in this group, and I'm in two games - we didn't really stand much of a chance, at the end of the day.

Anyway, we're going to tribal, and IO assumed it would be an easy Ian/Frankie vote. I'm not in love with voting off Ian, since he's my co-host in Pure and everything, but the tribe has been pretty steadfast on this for quite some time. Frankie's dissapeared - I assume he died of a broken heart after Dick went to Escansia. (Dick airing his irritation with me annoying him publicly, by the way, is SO fun. It's great annoying him, haha.)

However, when I log on, about an hour-ish after we had lost the challenge, Jerri messages me telling me PG has been pushing for a RC/Ian vote. The rationale being, if we're going into a BB round or a swap, which we all think is happening, keeping around an inactive is win-win - it buys us a round, without risking a challenge loss or a hit to tribal unity. After a bit, I'm like sure, I'll go with it - seems like most people want it. RC's also that type of player that jumps in a conversation, messages you, then dissapears for five minutes to an hour, then responds like there wasn't a huge time gap. Kinda frustrating, to be honest.

Anyway, the only three people on last night were me, Jerri, and Kelly. We've been talking about the five person groupchat for quite some time, and Jerri's like "just make it, the taco shows we're not all gonna be on at the same time anyway." I really don't love making alliance chats when not everyone's on, I feel like Jerri was just kinda pushing me into it, but I'll live - I sent Monica and Amanda a private IM saying I'd make it, heads up, etc. I'm not sure if Jerri's just oblivious to this kinda stuff, and the "alliance making protocol" that I and I think most decent players follow, or if she's trying to make me seem like a leader. I think, regardless, it thankfully turned out OK, and I think we'll be a solid enough group moving forward.

I actually think, making that chat aside, I've done a decent job making myself go at least partially UTR. Partly because I don't have the time to be super active, but mostly because its less stress to not be on constantly, giving a bunch of time to the game. I hope I'm not some huge target - I'm not really making many waves, aside from discussions about voting Yul (who is playing super hard and not talking cross-tribal with me) with Eric, because he's the guy who's gonna gun for us early.

Also, Dick sent me a message saying Mike was making a bunch of shit up about him. He followed it up by saying that Mike said he didn't trust me, showed me the message, but I just shrugged it off - he has every right not to trust me. Dick was not happy I was foiling his evil plots, haha, which amused me. Showed it to Mike in part because its fun screwing with Dick, in part because of curiosity, and he said it was just him trying to throw him off. Don't particularly care if that's true or not, maybe I bought some trust or somethin', but it doesn't particularly phase me - not concerned with my standing with every singular person, especially those not on my tribe, and its not like I didn't expect this kinda stuff going in - my chances of winning have always been slim, y'know?

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Hopefully I'm not in for a blindside, but I don't think thats happening at the moment - looks like it'll be RC/Ian, as far as I know.
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Joined:Jun 29, 2015
Post #15: 16th Jul 2015 11:17:22 PM 
So, it's been five days since my last confessional, and I'd be more apologetic if not for the fact that nothing at all happened for three or four of those days. We're swapped, there's new tribemates, and I'll talk about them when I get some more time, but here's a quick lowdown on whats happening generically.

We swap, and now I'm on a tribe with Monica, Jerri, Julie, Dick, Yul, and Sundra. Now, if there was no ambassador twist, I might be able to make some magic happen, pull of a 4-3 blindside on Yul or something. And when Eric was coming over there were definitely some whispers about doing exactly that, 5-3 style. But now Heather's coming over, apparently she/Yul are tight, so we're gonna have to delay it and hopefully just do an easy 7-1 Sundra vote.

Thoughts on tribemates ~ coming soon to a theatre near you~
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Fabio chillin' at his throne
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