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My uncreative title
Amanda Zuckerman
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Reputation: 10
Joined:Jun 26, 2015
Post #1: 28th Aug 2015 12:38:04 PM 
I was extremely loyal to that five person alliance. I was really wanting to go to the end with that 5 and then have us just battle it out in the end. Kim and Kamanda were shown chat logs of Heather telling Jeremiah things that were said in the chat. The only logical suspect was you Sierra because none of us really had relationship with Heather.

I felt like it was a backstab to the group, and Kim was becoming my number 1/2 ally in a tie with Sierra really. I felt like Sierra was going to pull another Brenda vote on me (from epic 2) and take out my main ally Kim. Since there was a leak we believed that Sierra was going to tell Heather the plan of us at first splitting the vote, that way jerri could use her idol and they could finally get Kim out, because they would have the votes in the split that we were considering. Sierra had been mentioning turning on Kim to me privately so I knew she could have been up to something behind my back.

Talking through these scenarios with Kim is what ultimately made me make up my mind, I felt betrayed by the leak and I was loyal to the 5 to a fault and anyone who wasn't going to stick to it became the enemy.

Heather, wherever you are come out from your cave and put this rumor to rest please k thx.
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