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Diaries of a Bitch
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #1: 8th Jul 2015 12:20:21 AM 
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Alright! I am back for fans vs favorites and to me its really just a brand new season because I barely know anyone and I certainly and not a fan of anyone else except for myself. I got to know my tribe in the camp the first night and talked to Evel Dick a lot because he was funny. Everyone is kinda annoying but that is fine. I unfortunately got really busy for the first challenge :x and didn't participate so now I have to make it up to these idiot girls and so I am going to try and be more social in this next round. I got into a funny fight with R.C. in the tribe chat and told her how I thought Mexicans were lazy and poor and uneducated.
After our fight I Im'd her and said we should align for the lulz. She agreed and it might not be genuine on her end but I think it would be funny because people think we were fighting and it might not be obvious.
Fabio was sent over to our tribe and I have a decent rapport with him so I am gonna try and get him on my side too just in case we go to tribal council. I made sure I was on for this second challenge so hopefully people see that I actually tried during the challenge and don't boot me.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #2: 9th Jul 2015 4:27:58 PM 
My tribe is pretty bat shit crazy which is really awesome I'm glad I'm not bored. So we BARELY lose and we have to get rid of a person. Then Rafica pulls this HoH out of his ass and nominates two people for eviction and I think the heavens parted and shone a bright light on me because I was probably being mentioned by people as a person to leave the game. So now I have the power and I have people coming to me asking what I'm thinking and actively including me in discussions including starting an alliance with me, fabio, jerri, and Rafica. I am definitely down with the alliance.

Apparently everyone wants to get rid of Lindsey this round since she is a big shit stirrer which is fine with me. Shontayla is the only one that has been actively campaigning so I don't see this round being that hard. I love big brother, makes it so much easier.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #3: 11th Jul 2015 1:53:10 PM 
So our alliance was officiated. Me, Fabio, Jerri, Rafica, and Kelly. So if anything there is going to be a tie but I highly doubt that. Apparently the target is RC and Ian which I am fine with. R.C. is kinda in her own world and now that I am safe in this tribe and don't need her as a spy to figure out what people are saying my names I think we can lose her this round. I can't really stick out my neck for anyone (especially a Mexican) and Ian I have never talked to once so his ass can definitely leave as well.
I am in a really good spot on this tribe even if we do lose. As long as it doesn't get down to the five of us being left I should be A-okay and as long as one of these bitches aren't kidnapped by a good for nothing hickspanique.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #4: 14th Jul 2015 1:41:26 PM 
I was shocked I won HoH I barely ever win any of these minority/majority rules challenges, lol. Yay me. I am glad I won on a week that is a pretty easy peasy breeze of who the entire tribe wants out. We also didn't have to worry about Frankie competing in any challenges to be a threat to win the veto. I nominated Dolly which probably wasn't the best move because someone in my alliance was like "if you need to put me up you can" but I don't think putting up someone from the alliance would have been smart either.
Hopefully Dolly sucks in challenges and can't repay me for nominating her next to Frankie. Mike wins the veto and uhh i never talk to him so hopefully he doesn't go off the deep end and veto frankie or something stupid.
I need to start talking to Mike a bit more so I can get a feel of where his head is at (spoiler alert: probably up Fabio's ass)
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #5: 15th Jul 2015 6:50:09 PM 
Ahhhh tribe swap!
I got semi lucky and semi unlucky. I am lucky because Sierra is like my girl in this game and I am also unlucky because I am still with Dolly lol. I nominated Dolly and I haven't really gotten to connect with her ever since then. We had a decent rapport in the tribe but I couldn't nominate anyone in that alliance because that would have been weird for me to go back on my word lol.
Anyways, so now I'm with Sierra and we are ready to go to work!
The plan is to be able to get back in with Dolly and Kelly. That way Sierra will flip with us and then we will take out Kim and Stephen and possibly Erik if it came down to it. Sierra trusts me a lot more in this game than Erik so she would rather come to my side.
Erik, Kim, and Stephen are close
Me and Sierra are close
and idk what the fuck Kelly and Dolly even think.
Sierra realizes that if we just go with Erik's group then its just me and sierra on the bottom and then we could get picked off, but with the other group I would side with Sierra over the other two so....that seems to be the better option. I just have to get those two bitches (kelly and Dolly) on the same page.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #6: 15th Jul 2015 7:55:08 PM 
Ugh that was the worst. But at least the person I took rocks for won the game lol.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #7: 17th Jul 2015 1:41:10 AM 
So annoyed at this tribe right now! We had several people on and just not posting on time. I set an alarm for that shit and disrupted my damn beauty sleep. We have one person who is non existent, Stephen. Stephen has never socialized with anyone on the new tribe. He didn't do anything in the live challenge. He didn't post at ALL during the chupacabra nights. At least when I wasn't competing the first week my tribe wasn't that hindered by it and they won. We lost the challenge and if he had posted a few times we would only have to vote 1 person off of the tribe but now we are in the awkward situation of voting out two.
You would think it would be an easy vote. NOPE. Apparently everyone has a mega boner for Stephen. "apparently" Kim knows him personally and he is camping or something. At this point, I hope he gets eaten by a fucking bear and never shows up again.
No one wants to vote him out even though he was a complete waste of fucking space. I even came up with a plan "how about stephen and dolly?" no, we are being strong armed by that fucktard alliance to just voting out kelly/dolly.
Kmanda is a HUGE cunt. She came over here and thinks she can just run our TC. How about this, jump off a cliff and die you fucking bitch.
Why the FUCK did I even compete, obviously not competing keeps people in the game since everyone wants to jack off Stephen and keep him in.

fuck this tribe.
Fuck everyone.

This is basically my conversation with kim/kmanda.
me: So..like..stephen didnt compete
Me: oh...sooo...even though we were last because of him?
Me: oh...so...what..do we do? please don't vote me
Me: oh..so..what happens next round though...?
Me: oh...:(

Post Edited by Amanda Zuckerman @ 17th Jul 2015 1:51:24 AM
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #8: 17th Jul 2015 11:50:21 AM 
Lmao its how things really are without the sugar and spice lmao! Anyways..
Erik came to me and was like "you know...kim doesn't really perform that well in challenges.." and I was like "So...do you want to try and do Kim and Stephen?" and he said "Yes!" so he thinks he can get the numbers to do so and I am perfectly down with that plan. Whatever takes out Eric's crazy numbers of alliances in this game the better. How DARE they try and force me to vote out kelly/dolly. Like wtf you guys that isn't right or fair to me.
Kmanda, Eric, Kim, stephen need to go go go go! Sierra is definitely down for this plan we just have to get Kelly/Dolly on board which I hope they will be since its apparently their ass on the line.
Unless they are gonna try and make a move on me/sierra lol.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #9: 21st Jul 2015 12:25:02 AM 
On our new tribes I was FREAKING out. I JUST bold face lied to Amanda and like voted out her best friends in the game. She picked these new tribes and I am feeling screwed. I know she will probably want vengeance for what happened. Luckily, I think Erik took the fall for it more than I did since they actually thought he was on their side and would do whatever they wanted.

So for the HoH Yul came up with a plan and told Mike "Keep me, amanda, and erik safe and Amanda will give you the Ace so you can win HoH" I was pretty pissed tbh because I don't want people to make plans FOR me. I told Yul "Don't EVER make deals for me." Like..it really pisses me off that he is acting like he controls me and is making deals with people saying "amanda will give you...etc... for etc.."

One thing that annoys me about Yul is he is so god damn dramatic. He over complicates everything and everything is a huge deal, its like RELAX once in awhile good fucking god. No wonder he has enemies, he probably annoys the fuck out of them with his over strategizing.

Anyways, I felt like that deal was the best deal since they might put extra cards on me because they think I am some wildcard. So I tell Yul to stop being the "man in the middle" playing telephone between me and Mike and I talk to Mike. We made a deal that if I gave him the ace he would give me the piņata, I felt like no one would really fuck with Mike and give him their cards so it felt like the safest move to just have him HoH.

On the OTHER side, I am really really pissed that Sierra is nominated. That is my girl she is probably even with Yul in regards to who I trust in the game, she might be slightly ahead though because she isn't as annoying.

So, we are trying to pool our candies together to get her an idol so she can dpov her ass off the block and get an asshole like Jerri up there on the block instead.
We shall see how this week plays out...more to come after the veto.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #10: 25th Jul 2015 2:42:49 PM 
I was debating on attempting the Endurance and then I saw how long Erik and Yul were going and knew that I would not be able to dedicate that time. So I just kinda rooted Yul on. I didn't want Erik to win because people don't like Erik and having him vulnerable this round lets me be able to survive another round in this cluster-fuck of a tribe.

Yul wins the immunity and a piņata. Unfortunately Kim comes back into the game and ON my tribe. This really sucks because even if we were somehow able to get rid of one of their numbers Monica, Eric, Kmanda, (potentially Mike?) then Kim would just come in and replace that person and have her sights set on me and Erik because we both did boot her ass out of the game.

I can try and talk to her about her boot, it was honestly the best move I could make for myself at the time because if we stayed in those tribes and we didn't have the numbers we were so screwed so I was setting myself up well for a future in the game. If she is a game player she will understand my reasoning, if she is a bitter bitch then she can go die.

All I know is, we really need to win immunity and not go to another TC. I literally am living on borrowed time in this tribe I think I have a couple shields Yul and Erik but once they are gone I know my number is probably up, there isn't really cracking into that alliance right now. All I can really do is be really nice to everyone in that alliance and hope that they decide not to go after me.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #11: 26th Jul 2015 12:07:53 AM 
So I talk to Michelle and I was like "girl! we were both co-hosts we need to work together! Gimme that idol and ill make a big move over here" so she passes me her idol and I give it to Erik and BAMF, we get out Fabio. I think it was extremely well orchestrated. They made it so obvious that they were targeting Erik and we just agreed and sorta acted defeated, Erik and Yul were also doing some crazy campaigning so they had NO idea we would be able to get an idol this round.

Awesome round! I am glad I was able to be a part of this blindside! We are slowly chopping away at that alliance! <3
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #12: 28th Jul 2015 7:45:33 PM 
This week has been a little nuts. I get in my new mini tribe with Shontayla. She said she picked me first because I was a floater just like her? Eek sorry but that isn't really totally true but if it gets her on my side I am all for that lol. Yul tells me his group is going to throw to me so we stay safe and he said he had a plan for whoever he ends up at tribal with.

Kim came to me last night and she knows practically EVERYTHING that happened in the game, including that I got michelle to give me the idol to give to Erik. She knew Yul was throwing the competition AND basically where everyone in the game generally stands. She is VERY observant. She said she liked me and did admit to trying to get me out instead of Erik in the round that Fabio went because she felt like she and I would never be on the same page.

Me and her could potentially get on the same page if she wasn't with that crazy mondo alliance. That alliance really does need to be slimmed down before I have any chance in working with her. I don't want to be number 9 in an alliance that doesn't work well for me.

She also told me that a lot of people are looking at me as a target as a way to get to Yul. So I am basically Parvati to Yul's Russell in everyones eyes. I am kinda okay with that because Yul has definitely kept me safe so far soooo its like why wouldn't I be loyal to him?

However, I don't want to be the next target so I told her that I am really trying to self preserve myself in the game and I keep getting stuck in situations where I have to make a bold move in order to get the numbers on my side and not just be a lamb to the slaughter. It really has been my goal the entire game to just not be a lamb.

I am not the type of person that will just vote out my allies one by one until I am the only one left and then its dunzo for me, which is what could be a reality if its what I decided to do.

Kim also admitted to me that it was probably the correct decision for me NOT to vote out both Kelly and Dolly in that situation because if the tribes stayed the same I was probably on the chopping block so it was definitely a correct move on my part. I also believe the Fabio was the correct move on my part. We have to cut away at the alliance if I want any chance in making it in the game further

I just hope they aren't vengeful and take me out just to spite Yul. So I have to put on my smiley face and try and be everyones friend when in reality I want them all to die. I will pretend to put some distance between me and Yul and that is really all I can do at this point. Yul isn't really my only big ally in the game anyway Sierra and him are at equal level in my eyes as to who I trust the most in this game. I can't believe I love Sierra in this game considering Epic 2, lol.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #13: 30th Jul 2015 1:05:07 AM 
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Well, that round sucked. I got really lucky that I didn't get stuck with Eric's group though that is a total shit show. Yul thought he had the votes and a good plan in order to oust Eric but someone didn't go through with the plan. Yul pretty much out-strategized himself out of the game which is sad especially for me. Yul was a shield in this game for me because while he was in the game thats who everyone's attention was on. I really hate when people I don't like get things they want.

So in this new tribe I hear from Shontayla that Ronnie is targeting me if we lose the next challenge because I have never talked to him so I know I have to really bring it in the next challenge. The challenge is revealed and its a STORY TELLING CHALLENGE!! Which is what I am pretty much amazing at.

Once I figure out that we can actually write a full fledged story and not just an itinerary of a birthday party I think of a Murder Mystery theme with comedy. So I tell everyone to write up a little introduction to their character as they get ready to go to the party so we can get our participation points.

Then, I make a mockery of the personality traits that they gave me in their introductions. Once I start writing I just get involved in the story and I really busted my ass to make sure it formatted correctly and was presented very nicely. I even photoshopped an Artis head as a cake. The story was really my brainchild <3 so I am glad we won with it.

I also got to talk to Ronnie, mostly about the challenge, but that gets rid of his excuse that I have never talked to him. Ronnie did most of the heads on the people's bodies and did the main picture. I felt like our use of story and the pictures we implanted into the story would make up for our lackluster photo.

I don't know why I am so morbid, lmao. In warriors I also did a senseless murder scene haha. Oh well <3 who were your favorite characters?
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #14: 31st Jul 2015 1:25:17 AM 
So we have this BIG alliance of Mike, Ronnie, Kim, Jeremiah, Monica, Eric, Amanda K. that HAS TO HAS TO GO before merge at least one if the numbers of potentially me, jerri, shontayla, sierra, erik, heather, sundra want to be able to survive at merge. Jerri came to me with a plan to throw the challenge so that we can get rid of either Amanda K. or Ronnie. So...I say to myself "You know, we really shouldn't let them have a piņata" so I talk to Erik and we both plotted with each other to post the mariachi band and collaborate so we can both get the pinata's for our respective team.

Shontayla apparently has 3 candys, I have 4 and if I can get 1 from the piņata we have an idol which we could use going into merge. We make a deal with Sundra to give us a vote nullifier just in case Heather decides not to vote with us and we oust Kmanda or Ronnie so we can knock down one of their numbers come merge.
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #15: 1st Aug 2015 9:14:53 PM 
Well this round was stupid as hell. Shontayla and Jerri make this plan to take out Amanda K. So we make a chat with Heather (who also seemed willing to vote out ronnie/amandak) so we all agree. Then LATE that night I found out from Jerri that heather screenshotted the entire chat about the plan.

Apparently shontayla was trying to cause conflict between Mike and Ronnie so they would not trust each other, and she got caught because I think heather leaked it to Ronnie.

So basically, no one can keep their god damned mouths shut and for some reason those 3 people just couldn't seem to be able to work together. So Shontayla had to bite the bullet.

Also, since I know its a sinking ship and I have HAD it, I told Kim and Kmanda I would be loyal to them because fuck everyone else. I also tried to group in Sierra and wrangle her into some sort of alliance with them and me but idk if they really like her or not.

I really do like Kim and I think we have the same humor and she likes my racism so she is good for now with me lol. I know she is part of Eric's people and I know that side probably wants me out but I think the only thing I can do is cozy up to power and try and wrangle them away from Eric.

Who knows, congrats to me on making merge and jury lol something I didn't think I would be able to do, ESPECIALLY with my first week lol.
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