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Challenge 15: Fan Fiction
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Joined:May 24, 2015
Post #1: 12th Aug 2015 9:15:27 PM 
Challenge 15

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"I'm a story a teller, that's what I do"

Tonight, you're a story teller too!

In tonight's challenge you will be creating your own Fanfic. The basis of your fan fiction will be:

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Survivor Second Chances, Season 31! Your task is to write me a story of how this game plays out. The official tribes are online, but if you can remain spoiler free and make the tribes however you like. The story should include each episode/boot all the way to the winner, and give a rough idea of what happens in every episode. So you have enough time to do something more than just a very rudimentary summary, I will be giving you 48 hours for this challenge.

Please include:

-Tribes, alliances, fighting and drama that occurs, idols found, etc
- The challenge for each episode
- VOTES, keep me surprised, don't just summarize "so Abi got blindsided next episode" have the votes get read
- Pictures are optional, you can easily find images of the 20 second chance cast members online of course

Dialogue is not required but your welcome to include it. You can write it as either a story where you are the author and you know what the characters are thinking and feeling ("Abi was very upset at Monica for not telling her about the idol") or you can write as if summarizing an episode aired on TV, where as a viewer you can't know exactly what the characters are thinking ("in the next clip, Abi Kass and Spencer are shown talking by the water well"). Either style is acceptable. The Fanfics will be graded on:

Entertainment and overall enjoyment (50 points),
Grammar (25 points)
Detail/length (25 points).

The winner of the challenge will earn their spot in the Final 6.

This challenge is due Friday night at 9:30pm EST
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