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Yul-fessionals; Too lazy to do episodes again. Sorry TedAbi
The Yul Kwon
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Post #16: 7th Jul 2015 6:27:56 PM 
FUCK! Jeremiah told Rafe that the vote is Eric. Now how long will it take for that news to reach Kim P. And then Kamanda. And then Eric. Who will run to Jeremiah first. And try to switch it on me. And I might be fucked. I am not liking this at all. And now I am even less sure about the whole Danni rogue vote. This is not good.
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Post #17: 7th Jul 2015 7:05:06 PM 
Working on Court. She is my last hope at ensuring this vote goes off without a hitch. I will say this though that even if this doesn't work, the thrill of trying to pull off this move is amazing. And I have no regrets about trying it even if I crash and burn my way to pre-jury with Danni. Tbh that is inevitable so might as well swing for the fences when I am here amirite?
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Post #18: 7th Jul 2015 11:49:06 PM 
If I survive long enough, there will be hell to pay. I solemnly swear.
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Post #19: 8th Jul 2015 1:07:46 PM 
So basically the reason Chef got voted out was because the all caps thing was too annoying. SMDH and FML.
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The Yul Kwon
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Post #20: 8th Jul 2015 1:09:52 PM 
This whole thing is my fault really. People are still settling in and are not ready to play the game and make "ZOMG BIG MOVEZ" yet. Can't expect everyone to be as charged up as I am. Oh well. But passive has never been my style. I should work on that. Someday I will try the whole UTR thing. ... some day.
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Post #21: 8th Jul 2015 1:41:29 PM 
Sierra Reed
Well I'll prove to you that my allegiance is with you.... You me jerimiah heather ED(?) and hopefully Julie?

We shall see where that leads us. I would like to say that even after being lied to and made to look like a fool, I still trust Sierra and wanna actually work with her. But Julie. NOPE. Dead to me.
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Post #22: 8th Jul 2015 4:21:52 PM 
How does Evel coming over affect your game?
The Yul Kwon
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Post #23: 8th Jul 2015 6:53:19 PM 
The thing I am really hating about this whole thing right now is that I am now not 100% sure where Danni stands. Now IK that it was MY idea to tell Danni to vote Chef and that no one else knows this. But, and this sounds abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous, could she have been subtly guiding me towards coming up with this cockamamie idea??? Like, is this inception??? I love the fact that this game can get me to question my own sanity like this. Its one of the many reasons I play. But back to the dilemma. IDK how much I can trust Danni anymore. Like, I don't think she is as cunning and devious to make me believe that I came up with something that she wanted to do all along. I say this because it is a skill I have seen in someone who is one of the best players I have ever played with. But I do not honestly think that Danni did that. So I THINK if I wanted to, I could turn the tide in my favor and not vote Heather if/when we lose. The question is, do I wanna do that?? Do I wanna, after just having failed at forcing a move, wanna try another one?? Like I said before, passive isn't really my style and at this point I trust Jeremiah 100%. He and ED both wanna try and push to keep Heather in. Heather is a huge liability but you know what, I have already started down this anti-epic path. And I don't wanna half-ass this.
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Post #24: 8th Jul 2015 6:53:59 PM 
abi @ 8/7/2015 13:21
How does Evel coming over affect your game?
Its a blessing. I have a lot more to say but will update later tonight
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Post #25: 8th Jul 2015 6:57:50 PM 
The Yul Kwon @ 8/7/2015 10:41
Sierra Reed
Well I'll prove to you that my allegiance is with you.... You me jerimiah heather ED(?) and hopefully Julie?

We shall see where that leads us. I would like to say that even after being lied to and made to look like a fool, I still trust Sierra and wanna actually work with her. But Julie. NOPE. Dead to me.
Talked to Julie. We all good. Not dead to me. Damn she is good.
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Post #26: 8th Jul 2015 8:56:09 PM 
This TC's gonna be a motherfucker
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Post #27: 8th Jul 2015 11:40:46 PM 
The Yul Kwon @ 8/7/2015 17:56
This TC's gonna be a motherfucker
Scratch that. This is HELLA fun
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Post #28: 9th Jul 2015 4:29:26 AM 
What a freaking circus man. Wow. I'd like to start by saying that I feel completely safe and in no danger of going home at all. Which is a heck of a lot more than I can say compared to last TC. And its for one of the silliest reasons. Apparently I am the challenge beast. LMFAO. That's rich. But ehhhh. I ain't gonna argue. W/e keeps me around. So without further ado, lets begin.

As soon as the results are announced I am crestfallen thinking it will be Heahter and Jeremiah. Heather IDRC about. But Jeremiah is my bro and as of now the guy I trust most. So the mad scramble starts. And my first sign of hope is good ol' Ronnie. He says he isn't gonna vote me or Jeremiah. He had already said to me that Heather was a good option for a boot. But the second name he mentions is Danni! :o Now I am not going to realistically vote Danni out. That's just not going to happen. As annoying as it can be to deal with her sometimes. Love her though. So I agree with him because it needs to look like Danni and I don't see eye to eye. But I ain't doing it. I ask him what about Court. She is a viable boot option. He says he feels Court is in good with too many people. But he will see what he can do.

Then Heather and I talk. And she lays a bomb on me. Apparently Court has brought up Ronnie's name. That was really surprising. I thought for sure Court and Ronnie would be tight. But nope. There is trouble in the Epic3-Twisted paradise. So at first I just brush this off as fake info. At this point I haven't talked to Court yet. But then it occurs to me that this could seal the deal on Jeremiah surviving. I take this info to Ronnie and NOW he seems to be fully on board the voting out Court train. I tell him if he is on board, we have 3 locked. Him me and Jeremiah. I feel like ED will be on board with me so I tell him we have 4 with ED. And we need one more. He says he can possibly get Sierra on board. I agree. But Sierra isn't going to be around till much later.

Then I talk to Danni. She is being a bi wishy washy. She says she heard the names Jeremiah and Heather. Which ... yeah. Thats what the expectation is. I don't probe too hard because I feel like Danni isn't going to want to side with me against the Epic3 gang. She did express that she wouldn't want to see me lose more of my allies aka Jeremiah after I lost Chef. But I let it be and let her vote as Epic3 expects her to. But then Ronnie asks me if Danni would be on board to vote Court. At this point I probe Danni more and tell her in all honesty that I want to save Jeremiah. And that voting Court is the way to do it. And she agrees. I do love this girl a lot. So I tell Ronnie this and it looks like it is set with 5 people on board (assuming ED would side with me which I think he would)

Then we have Julius. I did clear the air with her and I understand why she did what she did. Still not a fan of the being lied to part and I am gonna have to get over that soon. And I absolutely do not agree with the long term implications of letting Eric escape. But from Julie's point of view, I understand why she did it. The ED RR didn't help and there is apparently some cockamamie trust test that she setup with Jeremiah that he failed. IDK the specifics are hazy. Maybe Jeremiah confessed about it. Its really a mountain of a molehill I feel like and Julie is blowing this particular thing out of proportions. But w/e. Julius remains as vague and non committal as ever. I have to probe and prod REALLY hard to get her to admit to 2 names. And those would be Jeremiah and Ronnie/Court. She says the 3 names she isn't writing are Sierra, Danni and I. And she apparently made a deal with Heather to not vote against her. IDK. Julius is a HUGE question mark but Danni trusts her a lot and she will definitely be kept in the loop. I am worried that when she hears the votes going to Heather, she is gonna do what she can to switch that up and onto Jeremiah. And I am worried about that. But for now it looks like she doesn't know.

In the midst of all this, Mikey tells me he wants to come over. And that he has talked to Heather, Danni and I about it. Having Mikey here would be good for me because he is another ally on my side 100% I feel like. And I need more of those. Danni on hearing this wants to like setup a new alliance consisting of Mikey, Julius, her and I with 1 more person. I suggest ED but say that ED and Julius might have friction. At this point IDRC about a future alliance lol. I wanna ensure Jeremiah and I make it out of this shit show of a round. So I just nod along telling her what she wants to hear and what not. But she does agree to bringing Mikey over which is good for now.

At the end of the night Sierra talks to me and she tells me what I have been longing to hear all day. That she doesn't want to vote Jeremiah. PHEW! With Sierra on board I am breathing much easier. I also told her my worries about Julie trying to switch it when she finds out Heather is getting votes. She said she feels Julie would come to her first. So she will know. She also said that she is going to talk to others tomorrow and pretend like she hasn't heard from me so that she and I can compare notes. I hope she is being legit with me this time. I do trust her and want to move forward with her.

What I am hoping for this round is that Jeremiah and I survive. I don't think Danni is in danger. Even though her name was brought up by Ronnie at one point I believe Danni is safe. Those are my priorities. I mean tbh I like everyone here besides Heather so this vote is a particularly hard one. Much harder than last because while I like Eric, him getting voted out would have been 100% ideal. Not the case here because even if what I want to happen ends up happening, Court goes and that is sad. I adore Court quite a bit and its a shame to have to do this. But I gotta do it.

More will come tomorrow for sure when more madness ensues but for now I gotta sleep.
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Post #29: 9th Jul 2015 2:50:47 PM 
I didn't learn my lesson from the previous round. Overplaying the fuck out of this round and the game, once more time. When will I knock off this habit. SMH.
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Post #30: 10th Jul 2015 3:09:36 AM 
Today sucked. I did not enjoy voting off Court or Ronnie whatsoever. Like not at all. I love them both. And it was supposed to be Heather. Dear god is Heather annoying. I wanna vote her out next. I really do. Don't know if that's possible because I am juggling 17 different alliances. I have my boys Jeremiah and ED. I have my girl Danni. I have my bonds with Julius and Sierra. IDK I feel like I am nice and comfy here and I won't be voted out. Also for some odd reason these people think I am good at ICs LOL.

I don't feel like going into too much detail tbh. The vote would have been Court and Heather. But Sierra told me she wanted to take out Ronnie now. And Sierra is also the reason that Mikey isn't here right now. I didn't like doing either of those things because now I may have sentenced Mikey to pre-jury. And if not I have made him so pissed at me that he is probably going to spill a lot of my secrets to others. Which really sucks but my hands were tied. I couldn't do anything. Had I pissed off Sierra and Julie I could have lost Jeremiah. When Mikey asked me to just vote Julie and Sierra off I just couldn't do it because it doesn't make any sense long term. I am trying to find a way to combat the over-arching influence of the whole Kamanda-Eric-Kim-Fishbach-Fabio-Rafe bloc. And to that I need to be seen playing alongside people not from the whole perceived Epic3 gang. Besides that Sierra is one of the people who I feel will side by me long term. Maybe I am stupid for thinking that because she basically lied to me and kept me in the dark Round 1. But ehhhh. I think I can trust her for now. Michelle seems like a crafty one but I do enjoy talking to her. So gonna work on this bond as well. Once quick glance at the mem wall and I am actually pretty freaking terrified that the girls could just gang up on the guys and take out Jeremiah and ED in one fell swoop if we lose. How cocky of me to think I won't be the one voted out but I do genuinely believe that I am safe over here. Would HATE to lose Jeremiah and ED though. Was Mikey right? Is this tribe being run by Julie? Sge didn't budge on the Michelle kidnapping for a reason. Damn she is GOOD. We need to win this IC or I might just die tbh.
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