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Round Ten: Burning the Stigma
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Joined:Oct 5, 2018
Post #1: 1st Nov 2018 9:39:15 PM 
"No one gets away with sin. Eventually, everybody pays. Everybody suffers."

-Papa Legba, Loa God

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So just minutes before the voting deadline, Miami comes to me and says she told Santi about the vote and stuff, etc etc. And I'm like, bitch what? Why? So then she explains that she told him everything regarding the vote and how his Otra peeps were voting him and stuff. And then she says Santi is probably going to vote Dean with us. And I'm like, ahhhhh shit.

So she then decides to post in our group chat about it (with us + Lauren & Bobby) with like, 3 minutes left of voting. And Lauren's like, OH LMAO I VOTED SANTI HEHEHEHE. Like really bitch? I see you trying to push your own agenda. WELL BITCH THAT STOPS HERE.

I am SO fucking glad Miami took it upon herself to tell Santi everything, because then Santi voted with us and it went to fucking ROCKS. LIKE FUCK YEAH.

We just had to assure Bobby that going to rocks was the right thing to do, because there were three of them, and two of us as options to get the purple rock.

Aaaaaaaand luck was on our side because Ausenia got the purple rock!!!! YAS. Like she was a queen but I'm really happy it was her.

ALSO, during the re-vote period, I had a really great conversation with Dean, where we both pretty much spilled everything to each other. About Lauren, about him turning on Fab 5, everything. So then by the end of the conversation, we solidified a Final 2 deal, our reasoning being that no one would expect us working together. Which is true, since we've been on opposite sides of things.

Then UNFORTUNATELY Lauren won immunity. But actually it might be a good thing?

Okay so at first I wasn't really sure how to play this tribal. Like obviously people are going to want to get rid of Miami or myself because of Miami's idol. No one wants to go into the Final 6 with TWO fucking idols still in play.

My first order of business was to reassure Dean that we're still good and I meant everything I said to him, and I would keep the target off of him. So boom bop bam, that was done. I did that last night.

Then apparently Santi came to Miami and told her Bobby came to SANTI wanting to flip to the other side to vote out Miami or myself. So FUCK.

Then I started thinking, hmmmmm maybe I need to cut Miami here. I really don't WANT to because I pretty much pledged my loyalty to her and I really like playing loyal games. But at this point, it might be her or myself. Next round if both of us make it through this round, the remaining four will either split votes on us or pile all of their votes on one of us, depending on if Miami used her idol this round or not. So now I'm thinking I need to trick Miami into idoling me, and then vote her out.

BUUUUUUT then today Santi apparently went back to Miami and told her that Bobby now wanted to vote Max out. But I'm sitting here like, how do we know for sure Bobby is telling the truth? So then I'm like, you know what? I'm going to go to Bobby.

At first I was just going to tell him a little bit of information. Maybe contemplate voting out Miami with him, just to see what he would do with the information. Would he go right to Miami and tell her? Or would he keep it to himself?

But then it turned into this whole THING.

hailey. [2:46 PM]
tell me about it!
what are you thinking for this vote?

Bobby Hill [2:47 PM]
santi and miami are like
"but idols"
but realistically what can we even do lol

hailey. [2:50 PM]
i am also saying but idols tbh
i don't think we can let both idols into the top 6
that is just asking for a nightmare
especially if lauren and miami both lose immunity next round

Bobby Hill [2:51 PM]
unless we can trick lauren into playing her idol, there's nothing we can do
and theres a big chance lauren isn't even voting with max and dean this round
i doubt shes playing anything on them
miami is gonna talk about flushing her idol again and again but I don't think it will actually happen unless we straight up ask

hailey. [2:53 PM]
well my opinion tbh
if we can't get rid of her idol this round, why not miami's?

Bobby Hill [2:55 PM]
so we should just ask miami to play it on herself or one of us?
if she didn't she'd look really shady and I don't think she would want that reputation

hailey. [2:56 PM]
we need to somehow make her think that she has to play it i think
on herself or yeah, one of us

Bobby Hill [2:57 PM]
we can ask santiago to cover for us and tell miami that max dean and lauren slipped to him that they plan on idoling and voting one of us
but that depends on
1. santi not being an actual snake and
2. santi not having a close relationship with miami
because him flipping and voting with us just because she said so kind of rings alarms with me NGL

hailey. [2:58 PM]
honestly me too
she told me right after she did it
and obviously it worked out but like, fucking seriously?
she could have ruined the whole thing

Bobby Hill [2:59 PM]

hailey. [2:59 PM]
i don't like how sporadic she's being
she's all over the place and super inconsistent

Bobby Hill [3:00 PM]
and I didn't want to say anything because lauren has been talking up their relationship so much that it like
ooooooo second lauren incoming
but like.... eek

hailey. [3:00 PM]
maybe we could try to make it seem like santi is flipping?
or one of us could pretend to flip?

Bobby Hill [3:01 PM]
wouldnt we lose a ton of trust with her that way though

hailey. [3:01 PM]
yeah true
but how else is she going to play her idol?
she has to think we don't have the votes, right?

Bobby Hill [3:01 PM]
and I feel like she's more likely to play her idol on herself than any of us so it would have to be her feeling in immediate danger (edited)

hailey. [3:02 PM]
exactly my thoughts
we could think of some sort of cover story maybe
maybe it's not that one of us are actually flipping
maybe it's that one of us is considering it
that might be enough for her to play it
and then when the vote is revealed and none of us did flip, we don't completely lose trust

Bobby Hill [3:04 PM]
have you been paranoid with her?
because I offload a lot of crazy thoughts to her and I now she probably doesn't take me seriously enough to consider what I have to say when I'm like "you in danger, girl"
I could probably slip in some more things about santi but idk if she'd believe it
so maybe you could just say something about me? I know people think me and lauren are a thing so you could lead off that

hailey. [3:07 PM]
i have been a little distant with her since the rocks, but nothing to really make her think
i could do that.
i think if either of us did it, it would work in different ways
i think she would really feel betrayed by me if you told her something about me, but if i said something about you, it would be like "shit he and Lauren really are a pair"

Bobby Hill [3:09 PM]
I would have to say something really _off_ to make her consider you'd do something
otherwise it would just be "there goes bobby again...."

hailey. [3:10 PM]
that's fair
so if i say something to her
what do you think it should be?

Bobby Hill [3:12 PM]
I'm trying to think of something really heinous
oh wait
just tell her "lauren asked me if I planned to vote with her and bobby this round. She might be making something up, but I think you should play it"

hailey. [3:15 PM]
is it believable that Lauren would ask me though?
that's the only thing

Bobby Hill [3:17 PM]
I feel like its in the boundary of believable and unbelievable
like you can prelude it with "lauren started arguing with me"
and play it like she was taunting you (edited)

hailey. [3:19 PM]
yeah that could maybe work.
i'm going to try to catch her when she logs back on

Bobby Hill [3:21 PM]
if she doesn't play it I guess it means she intends on keeping it until F5 lol

hailey. [3:21 PM]
before i talk to her
and i want your honest opinion
do you think it would be better to just blindside her here? :grimacing:

Bobby Hill [3:22 PM]
max lauren and dean making F6 intact is a nightmare
I'm not saying they go to the end together, or even vote with each other that round
but it probably wouldn't turn out well for us

hailey. [3:23 PM]
okay, fair point.
actually yeah, i also don't think that there's ay way lauren idols one of max or dean this round

Bobby Hill [3:24 PM]
and tbh I thought about asking you it when I was half asleep last night but then I was like "oh, there goes my 2am thoughts running wild again"

hailey. [3:24 PM]
why would she? she has an automatic spot in the final 5, or final 4 depending on immunity next round
it's okay, i also thought about it last night and figured i would gather my thoughts before talking to you about it.

Bobby Hill [3:25 PM]
I feel like we can get lucy with maybe one challenge that doesnt cater to speed, and that's our window to get rid of lauren
but max dean and her? no, I think there are way too many challenges upcoming that will cater to their internet connection
maybe if my computer wasn't wrecked, I'd consider it thugh

hailey. [3:26 PM]
that's fair.
yeah we might not get another shot to take out the dean/max dynamic.
i'm glad we can talk this through because there were so many scenarios in my head last night after results that i just couldn't fully process alone

Bobby Hill [3:29 PM]
yeah, and knowing what I know now and how dean and max are just not going to turn on each other
I think that its best for everyone, laurne included but idk if she realizes, to make sure they don't squeak by again
and I'm glad we could talk this through too
I feel like on the outside everything is simple but when you really look at it this is all weirdly tangled up and strange

hailey. [3:31 PM]
it really is.
and i was thinking about it
max really hasn't gotten any attention thrown his way at all this whole merge. like he's just squeaking by, regardless of the dean thing
i know you and i haven't necessarily been in the spotlight either, but depending on how they vote this time, that could chage
but even then, you and i might not be super vocal about things but i feel like we've been pretty involved regarding the happenings of this merge. and that's why i think i trust you a lot. because we're kind of on the same page & wavelength here

Bobby Hill [3:39 PM]
I didn't want to say anything before because its kinda early and it would seem sketch, but I agree with you completely and its smartest for the both of us to stick together through the end of this
dean and max have the underdog thing, lauren has the "crazy but effective" thing, miami looks like our leader from the outside, and lauren was probably right, santi is dangerous to keep around at a certain point because everyone will eye him up as a goat as time goes on
I think the two of us have been in pretty much the same position and seen similarly so we both have a shot

hailey. [3:42 PM]
i'm so fucking happy we're on the same page here.
honestly lauren beats everyone, dean & max beat everyone other than lauren, miami beats us and santi, santi beats no one.
i honestly don't think miami wants you or myself with her in the end because we would probably put up a fight
if she was with santi, she would win easily.
and now that she pretty much single handedly saved santi
i feel like he's going to be completely loyal to her


Idk he seemed to shut me down when I asked if we should blindside Miami. And he helped me come up with this whole scheme to get Miami to flush her idol. So I feel like he's being honest?

I went to Miami after and filled her in on the situation and the "scheme" Bobby and I came up with. I also told her that no matter what, she NEEDS to play her idol on herself this round. Because if Bobby thinks he and I single handedly got Miami to flush her idol, the Miami/Hailey power duo stigma is GONE. And this will also make Bobby feel very comfortable with me.

Now, there is definitely a chance that Bobby is playing me right back. He could be wanting me to ensure Miami plays the idol on herself, so that he could vote with the other three and blindside MY ass. It's a real possibility that is worrisome. But is he really willing to go to Final 6 with Dean/Max/Lauren? Three people who are BEASTS at challenges?

I really want to believe Bobby is telling the truth. But with how this merge has gone, I just feel like SOMETHING will happen and I will be walking my happy ass to jury tonight.

Ah well. If that's the case, at least I tried something!

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