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Episode 8: Fallout
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Post #1: 26th Oct 2018 3:46:12 AM 
Miami [7:57 PM]
Hey Dean. I didn't want to have this big public blowout between you and Lauren or anything in front of other people and make shit awkward. But multiple people knew about my idol, I know that's why I was targeted, and people have let small comments slip that have helped me put stuff together.

I know alliances have changed, and that's fine. Strategic differences happen. I'm a big girl. I just really don't like bullshitting with people when everyone knows whats up
It is a little hard not taking certain things personal, and I wanted to be honest about that with you to at least make the rest of the game more genuine and fun for everyone, irregardless of sides. Contrary to what I'm sure some people believe here, I'm not fake. I love playing these ORG's, and the more difficult the struggle the more fun it is.
if it's personal, and I said or did something that rubbed you the wrong way, I'm sorry. You're a chill guy, you always make me laugh. I should've talked with you more one-on-one, that's something I should've done more with everyone. If it's personal beyond that, I'd like to at least not bullshit about it. But I like you a lot, regardless of how people vote

Dean [8:10 PM]
i don't have any personal problem with you, i've always really liked talking with you. i fully admit i told troy things i def shouldn't have but i trusted him a lot

Miami [8:22 PM]
I mean Maxwell, Santi, and Bobby also knew
and an Otra person told me they talked with you and Ausenia the most about the vote, which was the thing that initially peaked my interest considering you guys were immune lol
I'm savvy enough to connect the dots. It's fine if that's where the lines are, I wanted to make sure it wasn't anything personal though. I can deal with having strategic differences with people, I hate making things awkward or tense by having personal ones though. And if there are any, I don't begrudge you them, I just wanted to hash them out

Dean [8:28 PM]
that's wild because i had no idea what was going on with the vote
i found out who was getting votes when tribal results went up. barely anyone has wanted to talk to me today let alone about a vote i wasn't a part of

Miami [8:39 PM]
I know the Troy vote was a shock
And I hate feeling like I'm putting you on blast or in the hot seat
But also... I feel like I kind of have a right to lol
I don't want to drop the names of people who have told me things, (some of them were people who didn't even know not to tell me some stuff I feel like) but I've been able to piece together that you knew I was getting votes tonight
And if that's the case it's fine, I can move on, it's a game. Even if I had been blindsided with an idol in my pocket, I would have likely voted for you to win if I had been on jury lol.
But if it turns into an issue of "Oh no that's not the case", and it's REALLY not the case, I can turn into Nancy Drew and do some digging. But I'd prefer to just leave it in the past. I just didn't want to do the whole obvious bullshitting thing this round
and if I'm coming across as aggressive, bitchy, or confrontational please let me know. Tone is hard to convey over text. But I was typing something out to you earlier about "I can't believe we have five of the nine votes :heart_eyes:" and I just couldn't do it Dean. Not when I feel like we all know that's not the case anymore
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Post #2: 26th Oct 2018 4:07:12 AM 
Dean [8:46 PM]
sure i told troy stuff i shouldn’t have and i was aware max/santi were voting you but what am i supposed to say about a vote i’m not involved in that nobody is telling me anything upfront about
it feels like people already made up their minds not to trust me anymore

Miami [8:47 PM]
IDK, maybe "Hey Miami you're getting votes and you're relying on Bobby to not have to play your idol. Maybe play it?"
I don't want this to turn into an argument, and I'm fully aware I'm not giving you an easy social out right now

Dean [8:48 PM]
how am i supposed to know you were relying specifically on bobby
last i’d heard from troy it was 3 max 2 santi 2 you

Miami [8:50 PM]
I'm trying to phrase things in a way that's not going to be making you feel like I'm coming at you pissed off, angry, and confrontational. It's a fucking game haha. But I respect myself enough to not do the "Oh gee shucks" thing and let you blame Troy for spreading the information I know you spread personally to people.
And tbh it was brilliant
If Troy hadn't fucked it up with Bobby I probably would have been out of the game with an idol in my pocket
And to be fair, I don't know how much was you or if any of it specifically was Lauren
and I don't know the context, or if there was a chat, or how included Bobby or Santi or anyone specificlaly was with things
But this is the situation, I have no personal issues with you, I think you're smart and savvy and funny and good in challenges and honestly scare me a hell of a lot more when you're someone trying to get me out than as an ally. I don't need to know the personal details to know something shfited when merge happened. And I want to be able to message you funny drag race memes or joke with you in general chat without having to feel inauthentic

Dean [8:55 PM]
i would love to be able to continue having authentic chats which is hard to do when i
'm authentically telling you i didn't mastermind a vote you seem to be convinced i masterminded
i was on for like three hours today before deadline and talked with barely anyone about the vote and i wish i could somehow make you believe that because it's the truth

Miami [8:56 PM]
Look Dean
if you flip on people
don't be surprised when they call you out on it
I respect myself too much to let you get away with something we both know isn't true
That's my vent
I can move on
That's just the situation, and now we're good
We both know what it is and I have no issues with you from here on forward

Dean [8:59 PM]
if i flipped it wouldn't have been on you!!! i have no issue with you and i don't know how i can say that any more clearly. was i a happy camper absolutely not but i have no issue with you. if i had any influence whatsoever in this vote you wouldn't have been the one otra voted for

Miami [9:00 PM]
Maybe I'll look back at this and go "Gee Miami you're a fucking idiot for piecing things together like this"
I can always lead an inquisition. Ask Santi, Ausenia, Maxwell, Bobby what they heard from Troy vs what they heard from you / Lauren. But if a single person answered something other than "troy" I'd have my answer. And tbh I feel like they would.
But, I mean, it was my first tribal and if I had three votes and everyone already knows about my idol, that's a sign that I fucked up
So trust me, I *know* I'm playing a sloppy ass game lol

Dean [9:04 PM]
i don't know what you want me to tell you here, if you're trying to ask if we're on different sides then from the way you and wendy have spoken to me tonight it's very safe to say we aren't on the same page anymore

Miami [9:04 PM]
No, I don't think we are

But it's not because of how we've spoken to you tonight lmao

Dean [9:05 PM]
i mean obviously it's not just that

Miami [9:05 PM]
There's other stuff that went on
and I think we can both acknowledge that
.... which tbh makes this WAY more interesting than the core alliance of the dominant tribe just frogmarching our way to the end
I'm having so much more fucking fun than if we had just split votes, even if it means I'm out a round or two from now
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Post #3: 26th Oct 2018 4:57:15 PM 
Um so a lot happened last round lmao

As you can see, I lit into Dean. I tried to be respectful, while also standing up for myself. It's cool that he wants to flip on us and work with Otra, it's Survivor, it's a game. But don't be a bitch-ass fuckboy about it, you know? If this is the situation, let's own it and move on. I have great conversations with people I'm not working with, in part because I'm not afraid to state the obvious and get that awkwardness out of the way. In a way, conversations with people like Maxwell or Santiago who I am not working with in any way are almost more freeing than other conversations, because there's no hidden paranoia about whether we can trust each other or not. We know we can't, so we can just joke around and have fun. But Dean's too used to being shady to own up to his strategic decisions.

Bobby saved my ass. I transferred my idol to Hailey right before the votes in case he was lying to us and I went home with one in my pocket. Now I just need that bitch to give it back to me lol. AND SHE GOT RANDOMIZED AS THE PERSON I CAN'T TALK TO. I mean I trust her to give it back to me lol. I just hope that she can still transfer it to me even though I can't initiate conversation with her.

I stopped at the "No Voting" part of the challenge. The votes are 5-4, there's no room for any alliance to lose a vote. Our alliance certainly has the advantage though. The way things stand now:

Miami / Hailey / Wendy / Lauren / Bobby + 2 Idols
Dean / Ausenia / Maxwell / Santiago + 1 Idol

We can't get cocky though. They still have an idol, plus we don't know what's going on with any twists this round, or the HBIC twist in general.
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Post #4: 26th Oct 2018 9:30:45 PM 
Also I feel like Wendy is now getting a LOT of shit in this game and I feel really bad for her.

Someone's social game is on them, and I recognize that, but I feel like people are piling on Wendy for strategically convienent reasons. Like, Wendy was 100% honest with everyone in Fab5 throughout the entire pre-merge, told Dean EVERYTHING, and then he flipped on her at merge and tried to get everyone else in the game against Her / Me / Hailey. The swing vote we needed was Bobby, who while active is not around sometimes, and who ignored Wendy for like the 24 hours leading up to the vote. The two names we heard as the big targets were either Myself or Wendy. So if you're the swing vote someone is relying on, and you don't feel like talking to them for the twenty four hours leading up to the vote, do you really have the right to be surprised when their messages towards you start getting more desperate?

Not that I'm trying to shit talk bobby here, he saved me. It just kind of feels like Wendy is being criticized for wanting to know where she stands strategically. Sure, her messages can be a bit blunt sometimes, but she's genuine and sweet.

The only person I have a legitimate social issue with in this game is Dean, who's actually a great guy and really funny. Just own your strategic actions man. Oh, and Ausenia I guess, but we just don't have a correspondance. I don't know what happened there, it's been like two rounds since we last talked. I would have messaged her immediately after last night like I did with Santiago and Maxwell, but I needed someone to willingly exclude in the challenge
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Post #5: 13th Nov 2018 2:54:27 AM 
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