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Julie Chen
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Joined:Mar 1, 2018
Post #1: 6th Aug 2018 7:50:17 PM 
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That was a crazy last two rounds. I honestly did not see this coming going into it, I know this is probably a rough way to go but you should keep your head held high. Watching that vote flip go down last round was very exciting. Ultimately it all fell on who won the HOH/Veto this round and some things just didn't fall your way there in the end. I hope you enjoyed playing and I definitely think you brought a lot to this season

Let's play some goodbye messages:

Posted Image I'm sorry I couldn't vote to keep you but the best thing for my personal game is to have Danielle in right now I hope you can understand and I wish you the best of luck

Posted Image if u went home uhhhhhh......really sorry i dont know WTF happened, you were the person i was closest to all game and im sorry to see you go and im guessing by the fact you got screwed i might be seeing you sooner than id like, glad i got to play with u

Posted Image you're clearly the biggest threat, and maybe you wouldn't want to target me assuming you were to win the next hoh , but I can't help but think that's just you saving yourself. I think you're a great person and had this stupid Nakomis leak never happened in the first place, I think you and I would have been great allies, it's just not in the cards atm, best of luck to you!

Posted Image omg i loved you so much i voted for you to stay and i hope you can buy your way back in somehow

Posted Image Nicole, you're a very strong player who seems to have a lot of solid connections in the house. If you end up going here, I think it's because people took notice of that and felt like this was the best time to take you out. Hold your head high, you played a great game

Posted Image Nicole, you were great to talk to on a personal level. However, you were the Shannon of the game. You had a tight bond with Chicken and could have rallied Kaitlyn, Devin, and Lisa. I had to take this opportunity to eliminate a threat and secure an ally in Danielle who was hated more than me. best of luck to you in life.

1. Are you surprised by the results? Did you think you had the votes to stay?
2. Why do you think 3 people voted against you?
3. Why do you think Drew ultimately chose to vote you out?
4. Did you campaign this week? Who did you campaign to and what was your plan?
5. Do you regret flipping the vote on Rachelle last round?
6. Any regrets? Anything you'd do differently?
7. Who are you rooting for/against? Who do you think is going to win?
8. Anything you'd like to add?
Nicole Franzel
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Joined:Jul 22, 2018
Post #2: 7th Aug 2018 3:04:42 AM 
1. Are you surprised by the results? Did you think you had the votes to stay?
Not really. I knew I had the votes to stay because I trusted those 4, but it wasn't about the votes in the end, it was about the powers/advantages, and none of those were on our side of the house. I'm sure others will get screwed over in the future by them which sucks.

2. Why do you think 3 people voted against you?
Because they are in a dry ass, boring alliance and Danielle loves to run her mouth and promise things to both sides of the house, so why would they keep me? They knew I was coming for their throats.

3. Why do you think Drew ultimately chose to vote you out?
Because he is an idiot and fell for Danielle's games. His bull shit about me being a challenge and social threat is just that, bull shit. Just because I didn't talk to his alliance that much doesn't mean I was more of a social threat than anyone else. And I played in one veto so you can't call me a challenge threat. But no one liked to hold a convo in this game and I always had to reach out to everyone and try to carry on boring conversations, so maybe I was trying to be more social than other people.

4. Did you campaign this week? Who did you campaign to and what was your plan?
Yeah obviously I did. I wouldn't go down without a fight. My plan was to get the 4 votes that I got and just hope that the powers weren't played. However, had George had a clue and listened to me and convinced Drew and them that he was voting to keep me, then Metta never would have played the null. So that is the one thing I am annoyed about because it was his stubborness and stupidity (no offense) that ultimately did me in.

5. Do you regret flipping the vote on Rachelle last round?
No. I was the one to actually make this game exciting and get the ball rolling. I took a shot at the other big alliance and they got mad, but so be it. I secured an ally in Lisa and it was a great game move on my part. Had I not saved Lisa, I still would not have been in the big alliance of people with no personality, and the same thing would have still happened and I would be here sooner rather than later. So I am glad that I gave Lisa another shot because she deserved it over Rachelle even if she was a little inactive in the beginning.

6. Any regrets? Anything you'd do differently?
No, I just played with some dry people and the Nakomis leak really did fuck up the game and screwed everyone in some way.

7. Who are you rooting for/against? Who do you think is going to win?
Rooting for Kaitlyn, Devin and Lisa. I think Drew will probably win though, or at least make it super far until he is taken out for being a huge threat. Unless someone in my old alliance can take him out before then, but he has already proven to be an insane competitor. Danielle could also make a pretty good run I think because Drew and others think she is just a goat who will always stay a target and won't be trusted by anyone, but this is the exact type of person who will go UTR and make it all the way.

8. Anything you'd like to add?
Nah, thanks for letting me play again. I just never have any luck in this series even though I don't think I really ever do anything wrong lol. People probably beg to differ but whatever.

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