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Round 9
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Joined:Jul 21, 2018
Post #1: 31st Aug 2018 5:41:03 PM 
My plan for this week... I want to make sure Chicken George is evicted.

My original plan was to evict Drew this round, but I have to send George. Mainly because it seems everyone is expecting me to take him to the end, but that's not my plan at all. I've already talked to Devin about it, and as long as he doesn't win HoH and either Devin or myself win the PoV, George is gone.

It's nothing against him, but I have to do this.

The guy's got f2's with everyone, but he's never promised me anything. I feel like he thinks he has me wrapped around his finger, but I can't wait to kick him out the door.

So after I see who's HoH, I'll go from there and figure out a true plan of action.
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Post #2: 2nd Sep 2018 3:21:01 PM 
If Drew really wanted to make sure Metta was safe last round, he should've used the veto. That's on him. Not me. He had the chance, and he didn't take it. It didn't matter how he thought it would make me feel. Wanna save your friends? Well take them off the block.

I'm over it. I'm tired of hearing about it. You fucked up Drew. Not me. So please go kick yourself in the ass and leave me alone. He just wants to put the blame somewhere, but he's not going to put it on me because I'm not the one who told him not to use it.

What was I supposed to do? Oh yeah Drew use the veto on Metta kick me out of the game. I hate fake people, and he's being real fake right now.

I get it I'm a evil emotional witch that manipulates by waving a magical wand and wrinkling my nose. I make people make stupid decisions. I'm some emotional monster that everyone doesn't want to piss off.

Please just stop bringing it up.

Such idiots. I can't wait until they find out I have a f2 with Devin.

Yay I'm on the block. No surprise there. Saw it coming a mile away. I don't care anymore. I just don't care. It comes down to the veto. And let's be real, I'm probably going to lose it because I can't win a damn competition.

Doesn't even matter that Drew won hoh. He's cocky and said that he's gonna win f3 and go to f2. I hate cocky people. I really do.
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Post #3: 3rd Sep 2018 6:17:23 PM 
Final 3 baby! Let's fucking go!

But my plan is in action, and I can cast the eviction vote.

Goodbye George. It's nothing personal man, but you really sketch me out. You keep telling me how I only got a chance against you, but you're telling Devin the exact same thing.

I've had a f2 with Devin since round 5 before the veto results were revealed. It's been the best kept secret of the game because nobody expects it. I keep telling people that I'm not close to him and that we don't talk game, but we've both been working together which is why he was all for the plan to evict Metta last round.

Also another reason for evicting George, drew would take him to f2 over me. Keeping him would almost guarantee myself 3rd place unless I won final HoH.

Plus let's just keep things interesting so the jurors have something to look forward to over a boring Danielle/George finale
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Offline Marker
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Joined:Jul 21, 2018
Post #4: 4th Sep 2018 1:07:24 AM 
George is threatening me. Telling me that he'd make sure I lost if I evicted him. - inserts rolling eye face -

He's telling me the only way I can win is by sitting next to him. He's telling me all these things and that I'm making a mistake. Maybe I am making a mistake. But I fully believe that Devin and drew deserve to be in the final 2 more than he does. And they both deserve it more than me.

Drew is basically saying "oh even though I wanted to evict you last round, we still have room to make a deal next round" are you serious? Oh let's not forget that he also told me that "you only have 1 guaranteed vote while George has 2."

I'm going to do what I want to do, and if that means I lose the game, I lose the game. The least I can do is give both who deserve this a chance to sit at the end.

Alright let's do this....
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