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Pre-Game Questions
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Post #1: 21st Jul 2018 9:24:57 PM 
1. hey, im devin out here in the big brother house but im from new york in the real world, huge fan of big brother and also survivor. dont really watch any other competition shows so if someone starts talking about the amazing race im gonna tune out. im working a lot these days but ive been interested in playing one for a while so hopefully this can spice up those boring days lol

2. in the real world im a hero, in the game, im gonna be a villain through and through. like i said in my app. were all fans here, were all gonna be players. if i try playing through this game like a hero im just gonna look like a dumbass. im gonna stay in the middle early on, and cuddle up to some more seasoned people, let them become my obi wan kenobi before i go darth vader on their ass. and this time it will be devin shepherd who has the high ground.

3. i didnt wanna have to live up to anything extreme. if i pick a awesome player like dan or will, people will see me as a awesome player which i dont want. if i pick a trainwreck like devin, swaggy, w/e, theyll think less of me and my game and underestimate me when i come to cut em out of the picture. and this way if i fail at least i didnt ruin somebody good. not gonna effect how i approach the game except im probably going to make as many devin jokes as i can think of because he's a meme generator

4. like i said, i plan on being middling at first. but once things heat up, i will too. if i have to cut throats, im gonna cut throats, i dont care man lol. im actually kind of excited for it. i dont get to do shady shit irl so im already excited thinking about my first blindside

5. doctor will 100000%. best blend of character and strategy any show has ever seen, i dont care what anybody else says. hes the fucking man

6. because i dont give up. you see people give up all the time on the show when they get nommed or w/e, not me. im gonna fight to my last breath to kick ass and make this game my bitch. in all seriousness it will probably make me its bitch but ill die trying to make it go the other way

7. there will be a bombsquad this season whether anyone else wants it or not
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Post #2: 21st Jul 2018 9:38:06 PM 
ok...just a quick thing i have to say.

nakomis needs to stop saying "giggles" every time they talk. 30 minutes in and theyve said it like 8 times. its like some dude trying really hard to be a chick. chicks dont type like that. stop. ur embarassing urself. every single time they talk it's "giggles". at this rate im expecting her to say "17 people died in a bombing earlier today" and top it off with a "giggles" at the end...
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Post #3: 21st Jul 2018 9:40:28 PM 
also noting. kaitlyn and rachelle instigated personal conversations immediately. this shows they are trying to play social as fuck. they will be threats. im not starting conversations right now. im waiting for them to come to me. keep on messaging everybody and showing how hard of a gamer u are. they also respond very slowly so i am assuming they are just talking to all of us at the same time. they think theyre sly but they arent
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Post #4: 21st Jul 2018 11:06:29 PM 
everybody is talking now and i think its going pretty alright with most guys. im trying to play up a jokester role, i dont wanna be taken seriously. i just crack jokes and talk about inviting everybody to the bombsquad. worked good with most people but danielle was all freaked out and thought i was talking game....like fuck no im not talking game two minutes in come on lol...so i think i sketched her out.. things got better between us though so TBA on how this turns out.
alex is my favorite. seems legit and might be the person im looking into hiding behind. good at conversation and pretty funny + spoke to me first. if he keeps that up with everyone hes gonna be perfect.
metta is cool as well.
rachele is boring and put no effort into the chat... why message me as soon as i log in if you are just gonna give me lame conversation topics. because she was too busy clicking with someone else i imagine. so i have to watch out for her potentially pairing with someone. its still early but you have to ask the "why" of why things are happening instead of just looking at the surface.
rachel i just realized has the same name as rachele which is going to be a headache since i dont even know who rachele is... anyway rachel is ok. shes trying a lot to talk to me which is a good sign however but shes probably doing that to everyone so i am taking it with a grain of salt.
kaitlyn is playing up her character choice. a lot. im playing along with it because im doing the same thing but its going to be hard to read her when i cant tell what is kaitlyn and what is her. im just making devin jokes. im not trying to literally be devin. which is what she is doing with kaitlyn. all we have to do is wait and see who she decides to stalk if she really wants to get into characterization.
everyone else i havent talked to yet. like i said im waiting for them to come to me. im turning the charm up when they do come to me but im not going to show myself as an aggressive player. i need to seem calm and chill so people dont get scared of me.
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Post #5: 22nd Jul 2018 3:49:31 AM 
ok so i already messed up what i wanted to do. i wanted to lay low and not message anyone but with everyone checking into the game so quickly, i knew i had to start talking to the people who didnt reach out to me. if the HOH comp goes down and i havent talked to one of them, im up on the block. i dont want that week one. so even though i wanted to be chill and wait, i guess other people are taking that much more literally and i dont want to be a week one target. shit im already turning into devin lmfaooooo fuck. devin started strong too and then he freaked out. but i like to think im self aware of my flaws and i know im playing a bit panicy but as long as i dial it back in the future i should be ok. i just need to make that first impression and make it good so i can chill for the next few weeks...

so. updates.

nakomis is the biggest thing thats happened. and boy o boy is it an awkward spot for me to be in. so basically we start talking. and immediately it turns into this like flirty thing. and im like ok ill play along with this whatever. and theyre like im a gay guy btw (saw that coming) and its like...shit. because im still flirting with this person and sending them fucking winky faces and letting them call me cutie.........IM STRAIGHT. like im basically catfishing this poor guy. like obviously its just some gamey flirty thing but damn it feels sketchy to do lol. but if ive gotta be like, hey im devin and im totally bi and make out with dudes all the time, fuck yea, then thats what ill do. i told you im gonna play the villain and do whatever it takes to win and thats what im going with. if ive gotta whisper sweet nothings into nakomis's ear all night....... then ill tell nakomis shes the hottest, sexiest, most beautiful girl in the cast. .....even though thats like the opposite of the truth but i like to think im a good liar

like i understand tyler and kaitlyn now. i understand how he feels. this nakomis chick is sending me shit like "rubs your back" and "hugs" and hearts n shit and im like... ok is she going to try moving in on cybersex or some shit in a few days because im willing to go far but not that fuckin far. like shit my tinder game is trash. i try flirting back and sometimes shes like "um wut"...this is not gonna be sustainable man. i can use her for now but in the long term this is gonna blow up big and baaaaaaad. im just gonna kiss up to her and tell her whatever but i need to find a parachute bc i dont want her to be my main alliance. shes gonna catch on that im a fake ass motherfucking snake soon enough

when it comes to my secret partner, im very glad it was lisa. shes one of the people i had a great conversation with i think, and weve promised to keep eachother off the block just as nakomis and I did. i think we're basically working together as much as one can at this point in the game. she seems like shell be good to work with.

others...drew and merron are nice but obviously distracted. seemed like they were too busy talking to other people the entire time and eventually the conversation just dropped. a shame because i think we can get along. ill work at them more later but im keeping an eye out for who they were clicking with since it doesnt appear to have been me...theyre talking in the group chat, checking the forum, not responding to me. bleh. but its fine. i dont wanna be everyones #1 but i do wanna be in their middle-zone.

fuck steve. i sent him a message, he waited 1 hour after chatting in the group chat with a bunch of others, replied, then i replied, then he disappeared the rest of the night all while nakomis is telling me shes having this conversation with him. like bruh ur just gonna leave me completely hanging? at least bullshit me and say ur busy. dont trust him and dont like him already lol...maybe itll change when we can actually talk but right now he irrationally annoys me.

aside from steve i have not spoken to nicole or chicken george at all and barely with rachele. gonna work on that since everythings happening so fast. i wanna avoid being the first nominee.

for this HOH, i told people i was gonna take it seriously before it was posted and i was lying...and after it was posted it makes me wanna take it less seriously. first HOH is good in real BB because you're physically around people and theyll be sucking up to you, bonding with you, but here i dont think it will be an advantage. people will be looking to take out big players in a few rounds and i dont want the first HOH thing on my head. gonna just put the names in a randomizer as lisa's idea. im sure many people will claim it was "random" when it was not and so im going to be looking at peoples lists carefully to see which ones stick out as manufactured. mine im leaving as random because i definitely dont want any other perceptive players to look into mine too hard, and if they do i want them to look into it wrong.
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Post #6: 22nd Jul 2018 2:15:31 PM 
writing more bc its the morning, its a sunday, im bored and no one is online.

last night i talked to drew some more, i actually like him a lot. i get the feeling he's doing a better job at being a middling player than i am at the moment but i think we click pretty well. would be interested in pursuing a strategic relationship when the time comes.

spoke to nicole for the first time and she seems pretty likable, however i also get the vibes she might be kinda parroting the stuff i say back at me. so im gonna keep an eye out to see if that continues. bc you cant trust people pleasers

still no response from steve even tho he continuously shows as online... just leaving him and chicken george, but i got a good feeling about chicken george based on what i saw in the chat.

nakomis and i are still on a ROLLERCOASTER. like shes very fun when the whole flirting thing aint going on and I probably enjoy speaking to her the most but when she starts bringing up some weird shit that i really do not wanna be talkin about with some person I dont know across the world in an online game..... its a little awkward. but ill live.

i think it might be put to an end tho. she asked how old i was and i actually said i was a bit older than i was and she still was like "damn too young 4 me" and she said she's 30. so ya maybe that'll put an ease on that thing if she feels weird about it and id be ok with it. i like our game talks and our other talks. well see how it plays out.

tho she did say something that sketched me out earlier

Devin - Today at 8:30 AM
o fuck i put it in a random.org list and u were my first cut
should i move it
nakomisdedmon - Today at 8:31 AM
U can do as u like
Devin - Today at 8:31 AM
ill put you a bit lower but not at the outright bottom cuz i dont want it to be obvious or whatever
nakomisdedmon - Today at 8:32 AM
Yeah should probably put your other team mates on bottom :wink:"

uh i dont have any other teammates nakomis. just u and lisa... im wondering if someone is actually taking my devin bombsquad shit seriously and is trying to spread rumors about me "making alliances"? i doubt it bc that would be so stupid but it was a bit weird... tho im probably just overthinking bc i would assume she would tell me as opposed to be passive aggressive. we've shared basically everything with eachother so far from the secret room and our partners so i dont know why she would stop because of some potential dumb rumor.

i wanna get that social game going with some of the others who i did not quite bond with yet yesterday, bc if i start kissing their ass after they win HOH, thats fake and transparent as fuck. if i do it now, i seem legit.

steve, george, rachele, then alex merron and rachel to a lesser extent are my focus of the day. getting it done this weekend will be important since my weekdays are crowded. gotta make that first impression count
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Post #7: 22nd Jul 2018 6:44:01 PM 
im going into the red room.

Chicken George

Post Edited by devin @ 22nd Jul 2018 8:16:57 PM
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Post #8: 22nd Jul 2018 9:38:42 PM 
i edited my list so that rachele is at the top. shes online 247. like she never signs off. my current running theory is that she is a robot because of that combined with the fact that she has no idea how to have a conversation. like i tried twice and it was so awkward and stilted and i just cant with this person. "then dont" says brett... but unfortunately i have to put in a token effort. if the opportunity comes to take her out tho im doing it. shes the only person here i would say is outright hard to talk to... like what is she doing online all day she doesnt say anything then just leaves me on read as soon as possible

i really like nicole. i imagine a lot of people are saying that but i think our conversation is really good and we've been slowly branching into game talk without it feeling abrupt like nakomis, who speaking of basically left me on read and one worded when i tried talking to her earlier. ya i was right not to put my faith in her cause i just cant read her. people like nicole, lisa, danielle, kaitlyn drew, metta are the people im looking at aligning with. george, alex and merron have potential but i havent talked to merron enough and alex seems like hes the least around of the bunch which is a shame after he left a great impression on me.

cant do much except wait for hoh now. i like to think ive made everyone like me enough not to be their #1 pick for nomination. once i survive the block ill be able to slow my role which will coincide well with me having to actually work and make money instead of sitting on here half my day
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Post #9: 23rd Jul 2018 12:58:50 AM 
i am talking with nakomis about the real housewives. i have never seen a second of the real housewives in my life... somebody help me
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Post #10: 23rd Jul 2018 1:05:17 AM 
no really im going to reddit and looking up "popular real housewives opinions" and shit just so it sounds like i know what im talking about. wtf am i doing
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Post #11: 23rd Jul 2018 5:58:34 AM 
o shit i won lol
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Post #12: 23rd Jul 2018 5:59:06 AM 
i like how im doing the exact opposite of what i meant to be doing when i signed up and im completely self aware of it yet i cant seem to stop.....i think i cursed myself by being devin
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Post #13: 24th Jul 2018 5:32:38 AM 
heads up i wrote a lot here but ive been working my ass off in this game. i didnt rly want hoh, but honestly i like it better than the second place thing. i wouldnt want to have to deal with ppl knowing i had that shit and then having to pick and choose who to tell. too much drama too much bullcrap. i know ive been fucking up my game and im waaaaay 2 out there right now but im just telling myself its fine. plenty of first HOHs have won this game. my plan after this episode is to just drop off. like im gonna log on a lot less and be a lot less initiative because otherwise i will seem way too big of a target and i aint one to be backdoored man I aint letting that happen. not gonna let that run in peoples heads. this first week was about making them like me. this second week is about making them forget me but remememember that they like me. if that makes sene.

steve was always my nomination target. i spoke to him the least and no one really cared. im not gonna make a giant wave week 1 when i only have 1 nomination and not 2 to fix the scales in my favor. helll no. i just went around making sure ppl will cool with it and like... no one stuck up for him so sorry steve but the name of steve arienta may be cursed. ironically after the ceremony we had a really good conversation and i like to think he didnt take my nomiation too personally....he seemed mad at first but after i explained myself and we talked a bit i think theres a good chance that if he stays he wont immediately come after me. thats all i can do is try my best to make sure i didnt burn this guy for good. the names circled around for nomination were him, chicken george, and lisa. metta wanted lisa. and i wasnt gonna push too hard to talk him out of it because shed basically disappeared from my pov after the first night and i dont want to make the secret partner thing my game. like yes its a nice bonus if u get to the point that it benefits u, but to play ur whole game trying to get it sounds way too reckless and crazy to go for. chicken george i like a lot so there was no chance i was putting him up.. hes not talking to a lot of people but he is talking to me. so what that means is hes an easy target for other people and also an easy number for me. if he wins he wont fuck me and if someone else wins they might go for him and not me.

i now have individual alliances with alex and metta, both of whom formed them with me so i feel pretty solid. alex shared with me his clues and i considered starting to work on bruteforcing the secret room but i also realized i dont want to catch carpal tunnel so ill wait for more information. im not gonna go running around begging for that shit because being pushy this early is what kills u. if im as out there as i am right now, winning HOH and start pushing for information? how fast do u think my ass would be out of here... FAST. i might be fucking up a bit but im not gonna let myself fuck up that bad

onto my red flags

rachelle. seriously do ppl like her? she was cut so late in the competition and i put her first so now shes gonna think i h8 her...fcck lol. she doesnt give me shit to work with. asks who im nomming and is like "ok" then leaves me on read. thats it. like am i supposed to sit here playing twenty questions to keep a conversation going? no fuck that. thats just desperate. if she doesnt wanna have an actual conversation cool whatever. ill just try again later i guess

kaitlyn. i talked to her about some shit and like shes cool most of the time but i got this one comment from her that REALLY tripped me up. she basically told me out right she thought i was here to troll and blow up on people or something.....and then she seemed disappointed in the fact that i wasnt....like wut. u want me to log onto this game, spend hours of my life talking to people………. and then intentionally get evicted pre jury? ya but no thanks id rather actually spend my time trying to play the game and win whether it be in a particularly smart fashion or not. she basically told me she plans on blowing up so she can be more like kaitlyn and she has this obsession with being a character and entertaining or something... like.... be urself. shit I don’t like watching people play for TV time on the show, like if ur naturally good tv ur natually good tv like the real iconic kaitlyn. not just playing it up. its even dumber to do when its not like theres any screentime to get… idk it rubbed me the wrong way and i get the feeling i cant trust her. if i can avoid working with her in a serious relationship i will because she is a loose cannon. basically seems like the kind of person to pee in ur pool.

and the big one…nakomis nakomis nakomis. this girl really needs to slow her role. starts telling me to nominate steve because of some thing and split up his pair with merron….and its like…wait hold up. his pair with merron? wtf? so here she is with all this information, and shes immediately telling it to me. so what does this show me? if shes willing to get this information from other people, and share it with me, how willing is she to share things that i tell her with others…. shes clearly playing very hard, very fast, and i intend on using that to my advantage. she wants steve gone so badly this week, so perfect. ill play into her hands, play my part as her little “boo bear” puppet…and ill let her campaign like hell and back to remove steve. if i could place a bet, id place it on her coming off aggessive shady and pushy as hell and its gonna piss people off and put a target on her. all at the same time of getting rid of my nominee and keeping my partner in the game. i don’t trust this girl worth a damn and im hoping soon other people wont either. nothing personal cause she aint that bad but in a game perspective, I cant have her here. one of us is gonna backstab the other eventually, and if i have any say in it, its gonna be me taking her out. giggles.
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Post #14: 24th Jul 2018 5:36:18 AM 
im literally so fake tho i think ive told 10 people something like i rlly like u ur so great im glad we have this connection and theyre like omg devin i love u too and its like im either the smoothest mofo in town or actually theyre all laughing at me behind my back and rdy to evict me next week
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Post #15: 24th Jul 2018 6:12:23 PM 
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