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Episode 2 chats; My thoughts on game
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Post #1: 13th Nov 2015 3:52:11 PM 

honestly I do. Plus they give me the hard jigsaw puzzle lol. It makes sense as I'm horrible at puzzles so this will probably be the one that most people are just happy if it gets done. Not me as I'm going to be blown away by eveyrone else I imagine it took them about maybe 30 mins tops. And it's taking me 2 hours. I'm so frustrated with puzzles I'm ready to cry. I don't know what eelse I can do to stay in this game because I feel if we lose it's my ass on the way out. Frig a puzzle round. God and there goes my game because of fucking puzzles. I don't think any of us are doing exceedingly well on this challenge. We are just a weak tribe when it comes to challenges and I"m trully frustrated lol. God less then four hours of sleep to try this again sigh.

It's the relationships that I am taking away from this experience, and I loved it.
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Post #2: 13th Nov 2015 11:39:54 PM 
OMG that was embarrassing and I think I'm screwed. Even as weak as I was I think I'm stronger then Fishbach who did not even know where to post and took 30 mins on easy. at least I had half of his time for that. This blows though. I'm so depressed as I want to stay in the game and if I was on other tribes I could hide behind stronger players for the moment. However on this tiny tribe there are no immunity power players and puzzles are not my thing.
It's the relationships that I am taking away from this experience, and I loved it.
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Post #3: 14th Nov 2015 1:45:59 AM 
So I know I've taken a huge chance and pointed everyone at Stephen to vote out. As he is a well liked nice guy but truthfully I could not vote anyone else off. They have all pulled their weight in this tribe and if it ends up costing me the game because I wouldn't except this. Then that's what I have to except. It's so sad cause I loved the game and def did not want to go so early. I think my fate was sealed once we lost that challenge though.
It's the relationships that I am taking away from this experience, and I loved it.
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Post #4: 14th Nov 2015 3:34:31 AM 
I've been informed that I should skate through this week. I know it's close though. No one else will admit it but I already knew I was going to be in trouble as soon as the host said challenges have to do with puzzles. I hate them so much.

Yep Steve should be the one going this TC which I'm happy about but kind of sad at the same time. I know I have ragged on him about his character but it's his character and not him personally. He's a nice guy and I can tell he's young as well so I really don't want to hurt him. Sigh this is the Kathy guilty I'm going to cry side kicking in. I'm fighting to stay but I really feel bad doing it and right now I'm not in a strong game position. If I was on any other tribe I would be ruling it. There is so much Kathy love on those tribes.
It's the relationships that I am taking away from this experience, and I loved it.
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Post #5: 14th Nov 2015 7:26:38 AM 
Kathy Obrian
I'm a security dispatcher

Nov 11, 2015 1:25 AMKelly Goldsmith
Nov 11, 2015 1:25 AMKelly Goldsmith
Like with the police?

Nov 11, 2015 1:32 AMKathy Obrian
nope private security but we are getting some police contracts though and bylaw contracts

Nov 11, 2015 1:42 AMKelly Goldsmith
Wow that's pretty awesome

Nov 11, 2015 1:42 AMKelly Goldsmith
Not what I expected from an older woman :-P

Nov 11, 2015 1:52 AMKathy Obrian
LOL yeah

Nov 11, 2015 2:13 AMKelly Goldsmith
How did you get into that?

Nov 11, 2015 2:14 AMKathy Obrian
LOL I'm good over the radio and have call centre experience and a guard license so was the perfect fit for them.

Nov 11, 2015 2:16 AMKelly Goldsmith
That's really impressive! I promise to you I'm not shady...don't call security on me :-P

Nov 11, 2015 2:19 AMKathy Obrian
LOL no worries there. LOL I'm dealing with a haunted building tonight. Asked our mobile guard if they have their ghost busting uniform to wear.

Nov 11, 2015 2:23 AMKelly Goldsmith
Omg that sounds scary
Nov 11, 2015 2:24 AMKelly Goldsmith
But you're not actually in the building, right?

Nov 11, 2015 2:24 AMKathy Obrian
Nope I'm safe and sound in our office miles away lol. It's why I love being the dispatcher

Nov 11, 2015 2:49 AMKelly Goldsmith
Hahaha that doesn't sound too bad at all. You still get to feel like a part of the Ghostbusters team =P

Nov 11, 2015 2:50 AMKathy Obrian
LOL yep and it's not to bad of a job at all

Nov 11, 2015 3:30 AMKelly Goldsmith
I'm going to bed now Kathy! Hope the rest of your shift goes well =)

Nov 11, 2015 3:31 AMKathy Obrian
Thanks and you have a great night

Short little getting to know you thread. I do like Kelly she is smart and entertaining so Ihope we can be alies and really get to know eachother.

Nov 12, 2015 8:27 PMKelly Goldsmith
Hey Kathy!

Nov 12, 2015 8:27 PMKathy Obrian
hey there ms Kelly :)

Nov 12, 2015 8:27 PMKelly Goldsmith
How was your haunted house shift?

Nov 12, 2015 8:28 PMKathy Obrian
LOL it was alright. Was long but I survived it :) Now have to survive another one tonight

Nov 12, 2015 8:29 PMKelly Goldsmith
Is your coffee maker always on or are you just good at staying up? =P

Nov 12, 2015 8:29 PMKathy Obrian
I do have a coouple coffees during the night but yeah I'm fairly good at staying awake.

Nov 12, 2015 8:30 PMKelly Goldsmith
I'm jealous!
Nov 12, 2015 8:30 PMKelly Goldsmith
I would always fall asleep in physics class in high school
Nov 12, 2015 8:30 PMKelly Goldsmith

Nov 12, 2015 8:30 PMKathy Obrian
LOL :) yeah I was like that for psychology
Nov 12, 2015 8:32 PMKelly Goldsmith
what's the assignment tonight?

Nov 12, 2015 8:35 PMKathy Obrian
not to sure yet lol

Sher's perky and upbeat and I appreciate the fact that she remains looking on the positive side of life. I do have to admit it does change your mood and makes me way less cranky to be around her.

It's the relationships that I am taking away from this experience, and I loved it.
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Post #6: 14th Nov 2015 7:32:20 AM 
Kathy Obrian
we have another challenge tonight :)

Nov 12, 2015 8:44 PMJaclyn Misch
hey hey!
Nov 12, 2015 8:44 PMJaclyn Misch
bring it on haha

Nov 12, 2015 9:03 PMKathy Obrian
For sure were ready :)

Nov 12, 2015 9:07 PMJaclyn Misch
we are going to kill it!

Nov 12, 2015 9:07 PMKathy Obrian
oh yeah can't wait for it to really get started lol
Nov 12, 2015 9:31 PMJaclyn Misch

Well that optimism was short lived lol :) I wished we had done as well as we were saying we were going to do. I knew our ass was going to be handed to us. Not happening again :)

Nov 12, 2015 9:32 PMJaclyn Misch
How are you liking the game so far?

Nov 12, 2015 9:32 PMKathy Obrian
So far I've enjoyed it. Challenges have been fun and everyone seems so nice

Nov 12, 2015 9:33 PMJaclyn Misch
I agree!
Nov 12, 2015 9:33 PMJaclyn Misch
They picked a good cast!!

Nov 12, 2015 9:34 PMKathy Obrian
That they have.

Nov 13, 2015 8:50 PMKathy Obrian
which one did you submit?

Nov 13, 2015 9:01 PMJaclyn Misch
oh sorry

Nov 13, 2015 9:01 PMJaclyn Misch
i just saw this

Nov 13, 2015 9:07 PMKathy Obrian
no problem I didn't ready it coorectly

Nov 13, 2015 9:33 PMJaclyn Misch
what do you think kathy?

Nov 13, 2015 9:42 PMKathy Obrian
all your scores are really good. I think I should submit my hard score even though it's awful
Nov 13, 2015 9:42 PMKathy Obrian
Just cause there is no chance to improve yours. While you can on medium and easy

Random challenge talk but damn she was good in that challenge and just showed how epic bad I WAS hehehe. OH man I am so embarrassed by my showing.
It's the relationships that I am taking away from this experience, and I loved it.
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Post #7: 14th Nov 2015 7:36:49 AM 

Nov 13, 2015 10:40 PMRob Mariano
Hey Kathy
Nov 13, 2015 10:40 PMRob Mariano
How ya feeling about all of this?

Nov 13, 2015 10:41 PMKathy Obrian
I feel horrible.

Nov 13, 2015 10:41 PMRob Mariano
Yeah, I'm sure we all feel the same

Yeah I know my answer was obvious but god help me I'm actually starting to like Boston Rob. This could so be my undoing sigh. He is a nice guy though. At least for now.

Nov 13, 2015 10:41 PMKathy Obrian
I know my score blew and Knew it would. But honestly I can't see around voting Stephen. He had 30 mins for the easy one.
Nov 13, 2015 10:42 PMKathy Obrian
god help him if he had attempted the hard one.

Nov 13, 2015 10:42 PMRob Mariano
Nov 13, 2015 10:42 PMRob Mariano
One time thing, I dunno. Worth consideration

Nov 13, 2015 10:43 PMKathy Obrian
I don't know. I know mine blew but meh that's puzzles and me unfort. Not my strong suit.

Nov 13, 2015 10:43 PMRob Mariano
Yea, pretty much the stance with all of us
Nov 13, 2015 10:44 PMRob Mariano
If he gave us an endurance challenge, I'd shine bright with it
Nov 13, 2015 10:44 PMRob Mariano
I'm waiting for one of those

Nov 13, 2015 10:44 PMKathy Obrian
Same here actually lol

Nov 13, 2015 10:44 PMRob Mariano
Yea, Myers will pick it up

Nov 13, 2015 10:44 PMRob Mariano
No worries

Nov 13, 2015 10:45 PMKathy Obrian
We will. Were going to be fine and make a comeback.

I feel bad because I keep on bringing up Steven's name but dang a gal has to try and survive. It's just make it another round and keep finding a way to survive and maybe things will change.
It's the relationships that I am taking away from this experience, and I loved it.
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Post #8: 14th Nov 2015 7:49:23 AM 

Nov 13, 2015 10:50 PMCrystal Cox
Where's your head at?

Nov 13, 2015 10:55 PMKathy Obrian
I told rob the only one I could vote for is Stephen.
Nov 13, 2015 10:55 PMKathy Obrian
He's a sweet guy. Really nice but challenge wise. He didn't submit and his submission was going to be 30 mins for easy. I mean I took 2 hours on hard but even my easy submission I had was around 10mins
Nov 13, 2015 10:57 PMKathy Obrian
Plus the rest of you did really good and were working hard to improve scores. I mean yes I got 2 hours but the fact is I did that thing multiple times and kept at it for 2 freaking hours
Nov 13, 2015 10:57 PMKathy Obrian
each time lol

Nov 13, 2015 10:58 PMCrystal Cox
Nov 13, 2015 10:58 PMCrystal Cox
Stephen did flub the challenge

Nov 13, 2015 10:59 PMKathy Obrian
but I do hope someone steps up as a tribe leader though. We need it. Someone to organize us. I think that's where our tribe could really improve if someone organized us and took the reigns on challenges that way

Nov 13, 2015 10:59 PMCrystal Cox
I think Rob is trying to lead but not hard enough.
Nov 13, 2015 11:00 PMCrystal Cox
have you noticed that?

Nov 13, 2015 11:00 PMKathy Obrian
a bit
Nov 13, 2015 11:00 PMKathy Obrian
but he hasn't been sucessful.
Nov 13, 2015 11:00 PMKathy Obrian
I think Jacklyn tried last night but no one followed her plan.

Nov 13, 2015 11:01 PMCrystal Cox
What did Jaclyn say?

Nov 13, 2015 11:02 PMKathy Obrian
she was trying to organize who was doing what and putting it in a list.

Nov 13, 2015 11:02 PMCrystal Cox
Nov 13, 2015 11:02 PMCrystal Cox
I wonder if other tribes did that

Nov 13, 2015 11:03 PMKathy Obrian
No it was you sorry lol
Nov 13, 2015 11:03 PMKathy Obrian
I appreciated that. It's why I focussed on the hard

Nov 13, 2015 11:03 PMCrystal Cox
Yeah, I ws thinking that! lol
Nov 13, 2015 11:03 PMCrystal Cox

Nov 13, 2015 11:04 PMKathy Obrian
That's the other thing when stephen came on he started talking about doing other ones and that went all to hell
Nov 13, 2015 11:05 PMKathy Obrian
Anyways hate to do this but I'll talk to you when I get to work :) Wish me luck as I'll be dealing with some of the other fallout from today sigh.

Finally a real and honest chat on this tribe that I can talk about. I'm actually getting to discuss game here. My God Crystal when you read this I don't know how much I want to thank you for this. You are the first actual in depth conversation I had on this tribe. It felt so good!!!!

12:42 AMKathy Obrian
so I gotta ask am I leaving this TC?

12:49 AMCrystal Cox
I'm not sure, why?

12:50 AMKathy Obrian
LOL well because I feel so stupid for handing in a 2 hour puzzle.
12:51 AMCrystal Cox
True... LOL well I think you might be fine

I think I can at least swing Rob and Crystal to my side for this vote so I need one more for an insurance vote. I justd want to stay in this game so bad. I feel horrible campaigning against someone but I want to stay so it's what I gotta do. Stephen is a nice guy but he's what is standing between me and staying in this game. Here is hoping that I do enough.

12:51 AMKathy Obrian
relieved to hear that.
12:52 AMKathy Obrian
puzzles are my achilies heal. Well non logic ones anyways. I love me my soduku but other puzzles yipes

12:53 AMCrystal Cox
Yeah... Theyre pretty tough
12:54 AMCrystal Cox
Anything can happen though. You should always be on your toes, I guess.

12:54 AMKathy Obrian
LOL the puzzle pieces just start blending together for me.

12:55 AMCrystal Cox
I did a slider, but I can imagine :P

12:57 AMKathy Obrian
LOL yeah I would get to like 40 and 60 percent and be like yeay I'm making great time and then NOPE thei pieces aren't there that I want GRR LOL

12:58 AMCrystal Cox
Lol! :P
12:58 AMCrystal Cox
Yeah I'm glad I went with the easy slide, I would have sucked at anything else
12:58 AMCrystal Cox
Plus I'm good at easy slide puzzles

1:02 AMKathy Obrian
:) LOL not even good with those type of puzzles but I did complete it. but took me longer then you
1:03 AMKathy Obrian
figure this one out though for the easy the best time I could get was like 10 mins but for the moderate I got it down to 13 minutes. Yeesh lol
1:03 AMKathy Obrian
for me it was easier because of colours though. I found that helped me out big time.

1:06 AMCrystal Cox
Yeah. I NEVER do jigsaws so I wouldnt know hahaha

1:07 AMKathy Obrian
yeah the moderate had jet black pure white and light and dark greys. And I could figgure thouse out easier. Oh well :)
1:09 AMKathy Obrian
those * uggh clearly my mind is blown tonight. LOL probably from lack of sleep.

1:10 AMCrystal Cox
Oooh yeah huh.The easy slide was just a picture of the guys, and I just went by the numbers anyways haha

1:11 AMKathy Obrian
:) we are going to get them next time. As well if you want to pick up the reigns and take the leadership in challenge I will 100% support you.

1:12 AMKathy Obrian
We need to be organized and then we can get one of those immunities.

1:13 AMCrystal Cox
We'll win the next challenge.
1:14 AMCrystal Cox
I dont know if I can lead but I can definitely egg Rob on

1:21 AMKathy Obrian
Yeah I'm down with that as well. Letting Rob know we'll follow.

1:22 AMCrystal Cox

I'm thinking Crystal and Rob have an alliance. Honestly I'm fine if they do. Frankly I will use that alliance to get me further in this game. If playing survivor stupid will get me further then I will do it. I may be playing stupid and sweet to the other players but I'll start putting game plans on here. Then you can judge and decide if my plans actually worked or backfired on me. Right now I want to coast and be able to regain some footing in this game and Rob and Crystal appear to be my path to doing this.

1:22 AMKathy Obrian
He had a really good plan that first challenge. Just the hosts through a wrench in it

1:22 AMCrystal Cox
The guess who?
1:22 AMCrystal Cox
What was his plan again? Remind me.

1:22 AMKathy Obrian
Yes. We started out strong in that
1:23 AMKathy Obrian
He had Kelley create the google program to do our challenge with. we had the questions we were going to use to narrow it down and that we were going to do all the questions through him

1:24 AMCrystal Cox
With the flowchart?

1:25 AMKathy Obrian
well the flow chart was my idea but we didn't really get to that part but yes

1:25 AMCrystal Cox
Yeahhh I remember that. How did the hosts throw a wrench in it?

1:26 AMKathy Obrian
well he had the start time for us to be at 7pm eastern and we were all there and ready to go
1:26 AMKathy Obrian
but the host had exams and we started late and so Rob had to leave half way through the challenge and so did I.

1:27 AMCrystal Cox
Oooh thats what you mean
1:27 AMCrystal Cox
Yeah that suckd.
1:27 AMKathy Obrian
I don't know if having more heads could of cut down questions but it might have helped.
1:28 AMCrystal Cox
Yeah, it certainly would have helped.
1:28 AMKathy Obrian
And Rob was the one that set it up. for times

Buttering up to Crystal on the fact that I will follow wise and powerful Rob <YUCK> so that I can stay and am viewed as a non threat. If I have to praise him I will do it to keep myself in this game until a swap or a twist happens.
It's the relationships that I am taking away from this experience, and I loved it.
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Post #9: 15th Nov 2015 1:59:19 AM 
How are you holding up regarding what happened?
PW Erik
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Post #10: 15th Nov 2015 3:05:08 AM 
Malcolm @ 15/11/2015 1:59
How are you holding up regarding what happened?

im doin ok. kathy certainly wasn't the first person i wanted to see go here, but i'll power through
A.K.A. PW Salim Salabim
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Post #11: 15th Nov 2015 3:05:15 AM 
What's your favorite pizza?
PW Erik
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Post #12: 15th Nov 2015 3:25:40 AM 
Malcolm @ 15/11/2015 3:05
What's your favorite pizza?

A.K.A. PW Salim Salabim
PW Jonathan "Motherfucker" Penner
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The Motherfucker Himself
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Post #13: 16th Nov 2015 12:09:41 AM 
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