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Episode 13
Chris O'Neill
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Post #1: 10th Dec 2018 12:45:14 AM 
IM STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Final 6 just feels like such a milestone. I'm really proud of having made it this far... BUT it's not over yet. I feel like if I make it to the end against Matt, Sarena, or Danny, I win. Small chance I could win against Jess. I don't think I beat Bryce. Though, maybe, because there's a small chance I get Anders/Naomi/Lexi... jk I don't beat Bryce haha. I'd have to swing two of Alex/Abby/Jess and I don't think I could do that. Against Jess I have Anders/Abby/Naomi and then maybe a chance of Sarena/Alex/Bryce. It'd be tough, and would have to do a lot with how Sarena and Bryce go out.

I can't get ahead of myself though. I feel like this round is super precarious; so much relies on who wins immunity. I'm hoping that regardless of who wins, Danny and Jess won't want me out this round. If Matt wins and pushes for me to go, I might be screwed.

My gut is telling me that I need Matt out this round. If I win immunity, I am confident I can make that happen. But I have to be super careful with what I say because Danny will be in desperation mode.

But god, I'm just glad to have finally voted in majority. And I'm glad Jess held onto her idol, I feel like that makes this a much more maneuverable situation. Makes it more risky, too, but hopefully it all works out.
Chris O'Neill
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Post #2: 10th Dec 2018 1:07:33 AM 
I just know that I promised you all in my interview that I would either be first boot or make endgame. I consider endgame to be final 5, so I just need one more round to make good on that.

edit: jk i think this was in my pregame confessional

Post Edited by Chris O'Neill @ 10th Dec 2018 10:32:19 AM
Chris O'Neill
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Post #3: 10th Dec 2018 9:24:16 PM 
need to write something out to see if it makes any sense

say the vote is splitting

me, matt: jess
sarena, bryce: danny
jess, danny: ???

Would it make any sense for me to pitch to Jess that if she gives me her idol, I swear to vote for Danny. Danny is given no hope, knows he is going home, so opts to give Jess dying wish. Jess and I are guaranteed f4.

But I would need to be voting for Jess to have this as an option.

I feel like this kind of makes sense but it's also risky af

I'd need to have the idol in advance to think of fucking up the split vote

edit: but if jess is getting dying wish anyway then what incentive does she have to do this :/

Post Edited by Chris O'Neill @ 10th Dec 2018 9:25:07 PM
Chris O'Neill
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Post #4: 10th Dec 2018 11:02:22 PM 
Chris O'Neill
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Post #5: 11th Dec 2018 1:20:33 AM 

not sure why i did a video confessional for this


Bryce or myself win immunity (otherwise this won't work)

Vote split is planned so that Bryce and I vote separately. Example:

Jess: Bryce, Matt
Danny: Chris, Sarena

Danny has claimed that he is definitely voting Jess. This assumes no other options are presented to him, and I don't think they're going to have much traction with Matt or Sarena.

If Bryce and I actually vote for Matt, then the vote is...

Jess: Danny, Matt
Danny: Sarena
Matt: Chris, Bryce

Jess wouldn't vote Danny if she's playing her idol because she knows dying wish won't come into effect, so she votes either Matt or me/Bryce. Jess plays her idol, and the vote is either 2(idoled)-2-1-1 Matt goes home or 2(idoled)-3-1.

Bryce and I would just be pretending to be splitting the vote the whole time.

I think this is more advantageous than the other situation where Jess has dying wish next round and there's no one to target. This at least gives me/Bryce/Sarena the opportunity to make final 3 together, if immunities go well. And I think that me/Bryce/Sarena is my ideal final 3? I'm not sure.

I haven't thought through yet whether or not this pitch makes any sense to Bryce. I think it creates a final 5 where he can't go home, so it seems like it'd be good for him. It's contingent on me and Bryce being able to do damage control with Sarena though.

we shall see friends we shall see, it all relies on immunity anyway and I'm not super confident in this one
Chris O'Neill
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Post #6: 11th Dec 2018 11:39:42 PM 
me being sad

me trying to be logical

me giving up on being logical and just wanting jess and danny to lose. i feel like my thought process is unclear because i get lost in my own head often, but here's a thing.
Chris O'Neill
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Post #7: 11th Dec 2018 11:47:07 PM 
I am glad that Lachesis 2.0 didn't go to tribal though so I had the opportunity to get to know Matt and Sarena better. Both are great and I really appreciate them.
Chris O'Neill
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Post #8: 12th Dec 2018 8:06:39 PM 

I don't know. I really think it's me but Bryce really thinks it's him. So I guess I should just do nothing instead of throwing shit at the wall...

I'm really upset. I hate being powerless, and I have been this whole fucking game. And even when I get in a majority it happens at the worst time. I should've stuck with my original gut instinct of it being better for me Sarena and Bryce to vote in a triangle last round, but no because then Danny still wins and they still auto eliminate one of us with the idol so IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER WHAT I DID ugh.

Chris O'Neill
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Post #9: 12th Dec 2018 9:54:03 PM 

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really wanted my #1 prophecy to be true hahaha


Post Edited by Chris O'Neill @ 12th Dec 2018 9:54:58 PM
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